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First completed : July 05, 2024
Last updated : July 05, 2024
Related Topics : Array, Matrix
Acceptance Rate : 34.62 %
class Solution:
def validTicTacToe(self, board: List[str]) -> bool:
xes, oes = 0, 0
xWin, oWin = False, False
# checking rows and getting number of each move
for row in board :
if all(x == 'X' for x in row) :
xWin = True
elif all(x == 'O' for x in row) :
oWin = True
xes += row.count('X')
oes += row.count('O')
# checking columns
for i in range(len(board[0])) :
if all(board[x][i] == 'X' for x in range(len(board))) :
xWin = True
if all(board[x][i] == 'O' for x in range(len(board))) :
oWin = True
# checking diagonals
if all(board[x][x] == 'X' for x in range(len(board))) :
xWin = True
if all(board[x][x] == 'O' for x in range(len(board))) :
oWin = True
if all(board[x][len(board) - x - 1] == 'X' for x in range(len(board))) :
xWin = True
if all(board[x][len(board) - x - 1] == 'O' for x in range(len(board))) :
oWin = True
# only one can win
if (xWin == True and oWin == True) :
return False
# X goes first
if not (1 >= (xes - oes) >= 0) :
return False
# O can't place after X wins
if xes == oes and xWin :
return False
# X can't place after O wins
if oWin and xes > oes :
return False
# Valid board
return True