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130 lines (107 loc) · 3.08 KB

_919. Complete Binary Tree

File metadata and controls

130 lines (107 loc) · 3.08 KB

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First completed : July 05, 2024

Last updated : July 05, 2024

Related Topics : Tree, Breadth-First Search, Design, Binary Tree

Acceptance Rate : 66.23 %

     __/ \__
    2       3
   / \     / \
  4   5   6   7

$$\left \lfloor{\log_{2}(1)}\right \rfloor = lvl = 0$$

$$\left \lfloor{\log_{2}(2)}\right \rfloor = lvl = 1$$

$$\left \lfloor{\log_{2}(3)}\right \rfloor = lvl = 1$$

$$\left \lfloor{\log_{2}(4)}\right \rfloor = lvl = 2$$

$$\left \lfloor{\log_{2}(5)}\right \rfloor = lvl = 2$$

$$\left \lfloor{\log_{2}(6)}\right \rfloor = lvl = 2$$

$$\left \lfloor{\log_{2}(7)}\right \rfloor = lvl = 2$$

Their remainders go as follows:

$$Remainder(1) = 0 = 0b0$$

$$Remainder(2) = 0 = 0b0$$

$$Remainder(3) = 1 = 0b1$$

$$Remainder(4) = 0 = 0b00$$

$$Remainder(5) = 1 = 0b01$$

$$Remainder(6) = 2 = 0b10$$

$$Remainder(7) = 3 = 0b11$$

Ignoring the root, if we take the binary string and read it from left to right (not including the 0b binary indicator), we can find the path to the proper index of the new node where 0 indicates taking the left edge and 1 indicates taking the right edge.

Remainders of $0, 1, 2, 3, \ldots$ indicate indices $0, 1, 2, 3, \ldots$.



# Definition for a binary tree node.
# class TreeNode:
#     def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None):
#         self.val = val
#         self.left = left
#         self.right = right
class CBTInserter:

    def __init__(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]):
        self.root = root

        def getNodeCount(curr: Optional[TreeNode]) :
            if not curr :
            self.size += 1

        self.size = 0

    def insert(self, val: int) -> int:
        self.size += 1
        lvl = int(log(self.size, 2))
        indx = self.size - 2 ** lvl

        path = bin(indx)
        path = (lvl - len(path) + 2) * '0' + path
        curr = self.root
        for direction in path[2:-1] :
            if direction == '1' :
                curr = curr.right
            else :
                curr = curr.left
        if path[-1] == '1' :
            curr.right = TreeNode(val=val)
        else :
            curr.left = TreeNode(val=val)
        return curr.val

    def get_root(self) -> Optional[TreeNode]:
        return self.root

# Your CBTInserter object will be instantiated and called as such:
# obj = CBTInserter(root)
# param_1 = obj.insert(val)
# param_2 = obj.get_root()