# 2751. [Robot Collisions](<https://leetcode.com/problems/robot-collisions>)

*All prompts are owned by LeetCode. To view the prompt, click the title link above.*

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> *First completed : July 13, 2024*
> *Last updated : July 13, 2024*


> **Related Topics** : **[Array](<by_topic/Array.md>), [Stack](<by_topic/Stack.md>), [Sorting](<by_topic/Sorting.md>), [Simulation](<by_topic/Simulation.md>)**
> **Acceptance Rate** : **56.74 %**


> #### Version 1
> ```
>     Notes
>     Conditions
>     - Collide = if occupy same spot
>         - Same HP = both die
>         - Else = lower dies other health -= 1
>     - No more collisions: if all are going same direction 
>                           or if none going towards each other
> ```
> Note: this looks and feels very similar to 735 Asteroid Collisions (did it a today, the next day, and realized lol).


## Solutions

- [h2751 Daily.py](<../my-submissions/h2751 Daily.py>)
### Python
#### [h2751 Daily.py](<../my-submissions/h2751 Daily.py>)
# By far not optimized but I wanted to see if it would pass and 
# I was aiming for speed. Managed to get an AC with this code in 14m:48s :)

class Solution:
    def survivedRobotsHealths(self, positions: List[int], healths: List[int], directions: str) -> List[int]:
        # (position, direction, health, origIndx)
        posDir = sorted([(pd[0], pd[1], pd[2], origIndx) for origIndx, pd in enumerate(zip(positions, directions, healths))], key=lambda x: x[0])

        popped = []
        escaped = []
        while posDir :
            if posDir[-1][1] == 'L' :
            elif not popped : # R and no L to the right
            else :
                if posDir[-1][2] > popped[-1][2] :
                    posDir[-1] = (posDir[-1][0], posDir[-1][1], posDir[-1][2] - 1, posDir[-1][3])
                elif posDir[-1][2] < popped[-1][2] :
                    popped[-1] = (popped[-1][0], popped[-1][1], popped[-1][2] - 1, popped[-1][3])
                else :

        return [x[2] for x in sorted(popped + escaped, key=lambda x: x[3])]