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Debug options

Zeioth edited this page Feb 16, 2024 · 22 revisions

99% of the time you won't need these advanced options. This is only for people who want more flexibility.

-- doxygen specific settings
doxygen_filetypes = { 'c', 'cpp', 'cs', 'python', 'd', 'fortran', 'java', 'perl', 'vhdl', 'objc', 'php' } -- for this filetypes use doxygen
doxygen_docs_dir = "doxygen"                                                     -- the doxigen dir.
doxygen_html_file = "html/index.html"                                            -- html file to open with :DookuOpen. This path starts in doxygen_docs_dir, instead of the root directory.
doxygen_clone_config_repo = "" -- repo to clone if auto_setup.
doxygen_clone_to_dir = "doxygen"                                                 -- clone into this dir.
doxygen_clone_cmd_post = ""                                                      -- runs a command after cloning.
doxygen_cmd = { "doxygen Doxyfile" }                                             -- command to run doxygen.

-- typedoc specific settings
typedoc_filetypes = { "typescript" }                                             -- for this filetypes use typedoc
typedoc_docs_dir = "docs"                                                        -- the typedoc dir.
typedoc_html_file = "index.html"                                                 -- html file to open with :DookuOpen. This path starts in typedoc_docs_dir, instead of the root directory.
typedoc_clone_config_repo = "" -- repo to clone if auto_setup.
typedoc_clone_to_dir = "vim-typedoc-template"                                    -- clone into this dir.
typedoc_clone_cmd_post = ""                                                      -- runs a command after cloning. If you set this option manually, make sure you copy 'typedoc.json' from 'typedoc_clone_to_dir', into the root directory here.
typedoc_cmd = "typedoc"                                                          -- command to run typedoc.

-- jsdoc specific settings
jsdoc_filetypes = { "javascript" }                                               -- for this filetypes use jsdoc
jsdoc_docs_dir = "docs"                                                          -- the typedoc dir.
jsdoc_html_file = "index.html"                                                   -- html file to open with :DookuOpen. This path starts in jsdoc_docs_dir, instead of the root directory.
jsdoc_clone_config_repo = ""     -- repo to clone if auto_setup.
jsdoc_clone_to_dir = "vim-typedoc-template"                                      -- clone into this dir.
jsdoc_clone_cmd_post = ""                                                        -- runs a command after cloning. If you set this option manually, make sure you copy 'jsdoc.json' from 'jsdoc_clone_to_dir', into the root directory here.
jsdoc_cmd = "jsdoc -c jsdoc.json --readme"                             -- command to run jsdoc.

-- rustdoc specific settings
rustdoc_filetypes = { "rust" }                                                   -- for this filetypes use rustdoc
rustdoc_docs_dir = "target/doc"                                                  -- the rustdoc dir. for rust, this options is only for opening the docs. If you want to change the location where the target directory is created, use the option cargo_rustdoc_args.
rustdoc_html_file = "index.html"                                                 -- html file to open with :DookuOpen. This path starts in rustdoc_docs_dir/crate_name, instead of the root directory. crate_name value will be the name of the project root.
rustdoc_cmd = "cargo rustdoc"                                                    -- command to run rustdoc. Because the options offered by "cargo rustdoc" are a bit limited, you might want to pass -- at the end and pass any of the options you have in "rustdoc --help". But if you do so, be aware some of them may not work with "cargo rustdoc". If this is your care, run the command manually on the terminal first to ensure it works correctly.

-- godoc specific settings
godoc_filetypes = { "go" }                                                       -- for this filetypes use godoc.
godoc_html_url = "localhost:6060"                                                -- url of the godoc server to open with :DookuOpen. When you use :DookuGenerate at least once, the godoc server will keep running until neovin is closed (unless you manually kill the godoc process first).
godoc_cmd = "godoc -index"                                                       -- command to run godoc.


  • Explain :DookuAutoSetup to me in detail: All this command do is to clone a repo clone_config_repo into a dir clone_to_dir inside your project root, and then run a command clone_cmd_post to copy the files from the cloned repo to another location, if needed. Normally you don't need to touch any of these options.
  • Dooku.nvim doesn't do anything if I use doxygen_args or any other option to pass args: It will fail silently if you try to pass a empty string as any of its values. Also, it might be tricky to find the right format, as every generator might get parameters in a different way, but normally it's something like: { "--arg1", "value", "--arg2" }, { "arg1=value", "arg2", } or just { "arg1", "arg2", }.
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