diff --git a/scripts/model_definitions_to_gv.js b/scripts/model_definitions_to_gv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bfec3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/model_definitions_to_gv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * model_definitions_to_gv.js
+ *
+ * utility node script to create a dot readable graphviz (.gv) file, representing a graph visual representation of models found in a data model definitions folder.
+ * The .gv output will be written to STDOUT
+ *
+ * node model_definitions_to_gv path_to_model_folder > out.gv
+ *
+ * argv[0] - path to folder
+ * argv[1] - set to "printFK" to print the foreignKeys. Everything else won't print the foreign keys.
+ * argv[2] - optional String representation of a desired order in the graph output. By default the order is depending on the folder itself.
+ * for example:
+ * node model_definitions_to_gv path_to_model_folder "model2,model1,model3,..."
+ *
+ * make sure to install graphviz (https://graphviz.org/download/)
+ *
+ * dot out.gv -Tpdf -o out.pdf
+ *
+ */
+const fs = require("fs");
+const path = require("path");
+const argv = process.argv.slice(2);
+ * Configuration of the graph
+ */
+const graphConfig =
+ "digraph hierarchy {\n \
+node[shape=record,style=filled,fillcolor=gray95, fontname=Courier, fontsize=15]\n \
+graph [splines=ortho]\n \
+edge[arrowsize=1.5, style=bold]\n \
+ranksep=0.5\n \
+nodesep=1\n \
+// globals
+let associations = {};
+let parsedAssociations = [];
+let attributes = {};
+let fKattributes = {};
+let idattributes = {};
+let longestAttribute = {};
+ * run
+ *
+ * main function
+ */
+function run() {
+ if (argv.length < 1) {
+ console.error(
+ "Please provide the path to your data model definitions folder"
+ );
+ process.exit(1);
+ }
+ const printFK = argv[1] === "printFK" ? true : false;
+ fs.readdirSync(argv[0])
+ .filter(function (file) {
+ return (
+ file.indexOf(".") !== 0 &&
+ file.slice(-5) === ".json" &&
+ !file.includes("_to_")
+ );
+ })
+ .forEach(function (file) {
+ let json = require(path.relative(__dirname, path.join(argv[0], file)));
+ parseModel(json, printFK);
+ });
+ process.stdout.write(graphConfig);
+ createNodes(attributes, printFK);
+ createEdges(parsedAssociations);
+ process.stdout.write("}");
+ // console.log(JSON.stringify(fKattributes,null,2));
+ * parse the json input of a model and write to the global variables
+ * @param {JSON} json the json input for a model definition
+ * @param {boolean} printFK
+ */
+function parseModel(json, printFK) {
+ attributes[json["model"]] = {};
+ associations[json["model"]] = {};
+ fKattributes[json["model"]] = [];
+ Object.assign(attributes[json["model"]], json["attributes"]);
+ Object.assign(associations[json["model"]], json["associations"]);
+ idattributes[json["model"]] = json["internalId"] ? json["internalId"] : "id";
+ longestAttribute[json["model"]] = json["model"].length;
+ if (!json["internalId"]) {
+ attributes[json["model"]].id = "Int";
+ }
+ if (json["associations"] !== undefined) {
+ Object.keys(json["associations"]).forEach((assocName) => {
+ let association = json["associations"][assocName];
+ if (association["keysIn"] === json["model"]) {
+ if (
+ association["type"] === "many_to_many" &&
+ association["implementation"] === "foreignkeys"
+ ) {
+ fKattributes[json["model"]].push(association["sourceKey"]);
+ } else {
+ fKattributes[json["model"]].push(association["targetKey"]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (
+ parsedAssociations.find(
+ (assoc) =>
+ association.reverseAssociation === assoc.name &&
+ association.target === assoc.model
+ )
+ ) {
+ return;
+ } else {
+ parsedAssociations.push({
+ model: json["model"],
+ name: assocName,
+ target: association["target"],
+ type: association["type"],
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ Object.keys(attributes[json["model"]]).forEach((attr) => {
+ const validAttr = printFK
+ ? true
+ : !fKattributes[json["model"]].includes(attr);
+ if (
+ validAttr &&
+ attr.length + attributes[json["model"]][attr].length >
+ longestAttribute[json["model"]]
+ ) {
+ longestAttribute[json["model"]] =
+ attr.length + attributes[json["model"]][attr].length;
+ }
+ });
+ * create the .gv Nodes for the output graph
+ * @param {object} attributes
+ * @param {boolean} printFK
+ */
+function createNodes(attributes, printFK) {
+ const order = argv[2]
+ ? argv[2].split(",").reduce((a, c) => ((a[c] = ""), a), {})
+ : attributes;
+ Object.keys(order).forEach((model) => {
+ let sortedAttributes = [idattributes[model]];
+ process.stdout.write(
+ ` ${model} [label = < {${model[0].toUpperCase()}${model.slice(1)}|`
+ );
+ Object.keys(attributes[model]).forEach((attr) => {
+ if (idattributes[model] !== attr && !fKattributes[model].includes(attr)) {
+ sortedAttributes.push(attr);
+ }
+ });
+ sortedAttributes.forEach((attr) => {
+ const typeLength = attributes[model][attr].length;
+ let spaces = calculateSpaces(
+ attr.length + typeLength,
+ longestAttribute[model]
+ );
+ if (idattributes[model] === attr) {
+ process.stdout.write(`${attr}`);
+ process.stdout.write(`${" ".repeat(spaces)}`);
+ process.stdout.write(
+ `${attributes[model][attr]}
+ );
+ } else {
+ process.stdout.write(`${attr}`);
+ process.stdout.write(`${" ".repeat(spaces)}`);
+ process.stdout.write(
+ `${attributes[model][attr]}
+ );
+ }
+ });
+ if (printFK) {
+ fKattributes[model].forEach((fK) => {
+ let spaces = calculateSpaces(
+ fK.length + attributes[model][fK].length,
+ longestAttribute[model]
+ );
+ process.stdout.write(`${fK}`);
+ process.stdout.write(`${" ".repeat(spaces)}`);
+ process.stdout.write(
+ `${attributes[model][fK]}
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ process.stdout.write(`}>]\n`);
+ });
+ * create the .gv edges for the output graph
+ * @param {object} associations
+ */
+function createEdges(parsedAssociations) {
+ parsedAssociations.forEach((assoc) => {
+ const relation = translateRelation(assoc);
+ process.stdout.write(
+ ` ${assoc.model} -> ${assoc.target} [minlen=2 color=navy headlabel=${relation[1]} taillabel=${relation[0]} labeldistance=2 arrowhead=none lp=5]\n`
+ // ` ${assoc.model} -> ${assoc.target} [dir=both minlen=2 color=navy arrowhead=${relation[1]} arrowtail=${relation[0]}]\n`
+ );
+ });
+function translateRelation(relation) {
+ switch (relation.type) {
+ case "one_to_one":
+ return ["1", "1"];
+ case "one_to_many":
+ return ["1", "n"];
+ case "many_to_one":
+ return ["n", "1"];
+ case "many_to_many":
+ return ["n", "m"];
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+function translateRelation2(relation) {
+ switch (relation.type) {
+ case "one_to_one":
+ return ["dot", "dot"];
+ case "one_to_many":
+ return ["dot", "inv"];
+ case "many_to_one":
+ return ["inv", "dot"];
+ case "many_to_many":
+ return ["inv", "inv"];
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ * calculate the number of spaces needed for each attribute + type to be lined up correctly in the graph
+ * @param {int} length
+ * @param {int} maxLength
+ */
+function calculateSpaces(length, maxLength) {
+ let longestSpace = maxLength + 4;
+ return longestSpace - length;