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zhgchgli0718 committed Sep 21, 2024
1 parent 71e52f8 commit 0410064
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title: "iOS ≥ 18 NSAttributedString attributes Range 合併的一個行為改變"
author: "ZhgChgLi"
date: 2024-09-20T13:03:42.359+0000
last_modified_at: 2024-09-20T13:03:42.359+0000
categories: "ZRealm Dev."
tags: ["ios-app-development","nsattributedstring","ios-18","ios","swift"]
description: "iOS ≥ 18 開始 NSAttributedString attributes Range 合併會參考 Equatable"
path: /assets/9e43897d99fc/1*PJ_qm75Yz_7y0UUBk8X6bg.jpeg
render_with_liquid: false

### iOS ≥ 18 NSAttributedString attributes Range 合併的一個行為改變

iOS ≥ 18 開始 NSAttributedString attributes Range 合併會參考 Equatable

![Photo by [C M]({:target="_blank"}](/assets/9e43897d99fc/1*PJ_qm75Yz_7y0UUBk8X6bg.jpeg)

Photo by [C M]({:target="_blank"}
#### 問題起因


iOS 18 2024/9/17 上線後,之前做的開源專案 [ZMarkupParser]({:target="_blank"} 就有開發者回報 iOS 18 在解析部分 HTML 時會發生閃退。

看到這個 Issue 有點困惑,因為程式在以前都沒問題,iOS 18 開始才會閃退,不符合常理,應該是 iOS 18 底層 Foundation 有什麼調整導致。
#### Crash Trace

Trace Code 後定位到閃退問題點是遍歷 `.breaklinePlaceholder` Attributes 並針對 Range 進行刪除操作時會發生閃退:
mutableAttributedString.enumerateAttribute(.breaklinePlaceholder, in: NSMakeRange(0, NSMakeRange(0, mutableAttributedString.string.utf16.count))) { value, range, _ in
// ...if condition...
// mutableAttributedString.deleteCharacters(in: preRange)
// ...if condition...
// mutableAttributedString.deleteCharacters(in: range)

`.breaklinePlaceholder` 是我自行擴充的一個 NSAttributedString\.Key,用來標記 HTML 標籤資訊,優化換行符號使用:
struct BreaklinePlaceholder: OptionSet {
let rawValue: Int

static let tagBoundaryPrefix = BreaklinePlaceholder(rawValue: 1)
static let tagBoundarySuffix = BreaklinePlaceholder(rawValue: 2)
static let breaklineTag = BreaklinePlaceholder(rawValue: 3)

extension NSAttributedString.Key {
static let breaklinePlaceholder: NSAttributedString.Key = .init("breaklinePlaceholder")

> **_但核心問題不是這裡_** _,因為在 iOS 17 以前,輸入的 `mutableAttributedString` 在執行以上操作時不會有問題;代表輸入的資料內容在 iOS 18 有所變動。_

#### NSAttributedString attributes: \[NSAttributedString\.Key: Any?\]

在深入挖掘問題之前先介紹一下 NSAttributedString attributes 的 **合併機制**

NSAttributedString attributes 會 **自動比較 \.key 相同的相鄰 Range Attributes 物件是否相同,相同則合併成同個 Attribute** 例如:
let mutableAttributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: "", attributes: nil)
mutableAttributedString.append(NSAttributedString(string: "<div>", attributes: [.font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 14)]))
mutableAttributedString.append(NSAttributedString(string: "<div>", attributes: [.font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 14)]))
mutableAttributedString.append(NSAttributedString(string: "<p>", attributes: [.font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 14)]))
mutableAttributedString.append(NSAttributedString(string: "Test", attributes: [.font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 12)]))

**最終 Attributes 合併結果:**
NSFont = "<UICTFont: 0x101d13400> font-family: \".SFUI-Regular\"; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; font-size: 14.00pt";
NSFont = "<UICTFont: 0x101d13860> font-family: \".SFUI-Regular\"; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; font-size: 12.00pt";

`enumerateAttribute(.breaklinePlaceholder...)` 時會得到以下結果:
NSRange {0, 13}: <UICTFont: 0x101d13400> font-family: ".SFUI-Regular"; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; font-size: 14.00pt
NSRange {13, 4}: <UICTFont: 0x101d13860> font-family: ".SFUI-Regular"; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; font-size: 12.00pt
#### NSAttributedString attributes 合併 — 底層實踐方式推測

推測底層是使用 `Set<Hashable>` 做為 Attributes 容器,會自動排除相同的 Attriubte 物件。

但是為了使用方便, `NSAttributedString attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key: Any?]` Value 物件是宣告成 `Any?` Type,沒有限制 Hashable。

也因此推測系統在底層會在 Conform `as? Hashable` 然後使用 Set 合併管理物件。

> **_這次的 iOS ≥ 18 調整差異推測就是這邊底層的實現問題。_**

以下是以我們自訂的 `.breaklinePlaceholder` Attributes 為例:
struct BreaklinePlaceholder: Equatable {
let rawValue: Int

static let tagBoundaryPrefix = BreaklinePlaceholder(rawValue: 1)
static let tagBoundarySuffix = BreaklinePlaceholder(rawValue: 2)
static let breaklineTag = BreaklinePlaceholder(rawValue: 3)

extension NSAttributedString.Key {
static let breaklinePlaceholder: NSAttributedString.Key = .init("breaklinePlaceholder")


let mutableAttributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: "", attributes: nil)
mutableAttributedString.append(NSAttributedString(string: "<div>", attributes: [.breaklinePlaceholder: NSAttributedString.Key.BreaklinePlaceholder.tagBoundaryPrefix]))
mutableAttributedString.append(NSAttributedString(string: "<div>", attributes: [.breaklinePlaceholder: NSAttributedString.Key.BreaklinePlaceholder.tagBoundaryPrefix]))
mutableAttributedString.append(NSAttributedString(string: "<p>", attributes: [.breaklinePlaceholder: NSAttributedString.Key.BreaklinePlaceholder.tagBoundaryPrefix]))
mutableAttributedString.append(NSAttributedString(string: "Test", attributes: nil))
#### iOS ≤ 17 前會得到以下 **Attributes 合併結果:**
breaklinePlaceholder = "NSAttributedStringCrash.BreaklinePlaceholder(rawValue: 1)";
breaklinePlaceholder = "NSAttributedStringCrash.BreaklinePlaceholder(rawValue: 1)";
breaklinePlaceholder = "NSAttributedStringCrash.BreaklinePlaceholder(rawValue: 1)";
#### iOS ≥ 18 會得到以下 Attributes 合併結果:
breaklinePlaceholder = "NSAttributedStringCrash.BreaklinePlaceholder(rawValue: 1)";

> **_可以看到同樣的程式在不同版本的 iOS 有不同的結果,這最終導致了後續的 `enumerateAttribute(.breaklinePlaceholder..)` 中的處理邏輯不合預期造成閃退。_**

#### ⭐️ iOS ≥ 18 NSAttributedString attributes: \[NSAttributedString\.Key: Any?\] 會多參考 Equatable ==⭐️

![比較 iOS 17/18 有無實現 Equatable/Hashable 的結果](/assets/9e43897d99fc/1*0TKpBawJoLZUbUKwovRUJQ.png)

比較 iOS 17/18 有無實現 Equatable/Hashable 的結果

> **_⭐️⭐️ iOS ≥ 18 會多參考 `Equatable` ,iOS ≤ 17 則不會。⭐️⭐️_**

結合前述, `NSAttributedString attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key: Any?]` Value 物件是宣告成 `Any?` Type, **就觀測結果, iOS ≥ 18 會先參考 `Equatable` 判斷是否相同,然後再使用 `Hashable` Set 合併管理物件。**
### 結論

> NSAttributedString attributes: \[NSAttributedString\.Key: Any?\] 在合併 Range Attribute 時,iOS ≥ 18 會多參考 Equatable,這點與以往不同。

另外在 iOS 18 開始如果只宣告 `Equatable` XCode Console 也會輸出 Warning:

> **_Obj\-C \` \-hash\` invoked on a Swift value of type \`BreaklinePlaceholder\` that is Equatable but not Hashable; this can lead to severe performance problems\._**

有任何問題及指教歡迎 [與我聯絡]({:target="_blank"} 。

_[Post]({:target="_blank"} converted from Medium by [ZMediumToMarkdown]({:target="_blank"}._
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