- Improved compatibility with Entity Interaction Range attribute (
returns a value with weapon attributes range bonus applied)
- Improved compatibility with Entity Interaction Range attribute
- Better Combat weapon attribute range is now only applied when a weapon has no modifier for vanilla range
- Added function to reformat
Entity Interaction Range
toAttack Range
on weapon tooltips
- Knockback reduction for fast attacks is now stronger (configurable)
- Added block hit sound upon swinging at blocks
- Fix subzero attack range bonuses
Functional Changes:
- Fix Combat Roll not cancelling attack properly
- Increase attack range (slightly) on all built-in weapon attribute presets
- Improve idle animation handling with server side logic
- Add registry encoding compression to avoid transmission issues
- Add support
attribute, to serve as attack range - Add support for weapon attributes resolved from item data component. For example:
/give @p minecraft:wooden_sword[bettercombat:preset_id="bettercombat:claymore"]
API Changes:
- Added
attribute, to add to the base attack range - Deprecated
property specifying absolute attack range
- Rewrite support of first person camera mods #423
- Update russian translation, thanks to Heimdallr
- Fix hands while laddering with two-handed weapons
- Fix hands while Elytra flying with two-handed weapons
- Add Vietnamese translation, thanks to @godkyo98
- Fix enchantments on from offhand weapon strikes not being applied
- Fix offhand weapon strikes not reducing durability
- (NeoForge) Fix hand swapping two-handed items, causing offhand item deletion
- (NeoForge) Fix missing declaration to Cloth Config causing crash
- (NeoForge) Fix faulty inclusion of TinyConfig, crashing alongside Combat Roll mod
- (Fabric) Fix connection failure to dedicated servers
- Support for Minecraft 1.21 and 1.21.1
- Add support for
attribute, to scale attack range
API Changes:
- BREAKING! Asset directory for animations have been renamed from
- Welcome NeoForge support, goodbye legacy Forge!
- Rewritten networking stack to improve platform support
- Config and weapon attribute registry are now synced during connection (network configuration stage)
- Port to 1.20.4, thank you to @ellet0, #332
- Improve server side distance check, against cheats (configurable)
- Fix fallback compat causing some crashes
- Fix some sneaking related render glitches
- Add
keyword to fallback config #344 - Add italian translation, thanks to @mattiagre #347
- Improve spanish and mexican translations, thanks to @TheLegendofSaram #346
- Fix ReplayMod Compat, thanks to Smartin-b #317 #24
- Fix Pehkui Compatibility, thanks to Leximon #326
- Improve First Person Model compatibility #329
- Fix two-handed ranged weapons ignoring projectile held in the offhand slot
- Add soft compatibility with Spell Engine, disable idle animation while casting spells
- (1.20.2) Fix packet handling issues in multiplayer causing players to disconnect.
- (Forge) fix hand swap deleting offhand item, when holding two handed items.
- (Forge) Requires at least Forge 47.2.0
New features:
- Ranged weapons can now be attributed in a limited way (idle animation, is two-handed)
- Add
to fallback compatibility config, to specify attributes for ranged weapons - Add client side config for mine with weapons blacklist regex #284
Added new presets:
Other changes:
- Fix corrupted fallback config causing crash
- Keep order of
in server config - Add Japanese translation, thanks to SAGA23456 #289
- Update Russian translation, thanks to mpustovoi #288
- No longer ignore
field in MinecraftClient, for better compatibility with other mods - Fix server config
being reset on every launch
- Add configurable entity relations (by arbitrary entity id). Iron Golem and Guard Villagers included by default as neutral.
- Add barebone attack range modification API
- Disable idle animations while swimming
- Fix default configs for Farmer's Delight items (delete
folder to reset your configs) - Fix displaying idle animations while using item #267
- Fix arm visibility in first person view for left handed players #272
- Fix mod version requirements
- Add
attack condition - Add
preset with mount friendly animation - Fix glitching shoulders while sneaking with 2 handed weapons
- Lift
on Inventorio
- Reworked support for Sweeping Edge
- Reduce multipliers spread for maces
- Update claymore pose
- Update Forge mods.toml
- Add Ukrainian translation, thanks to un_roman
- Fix First Person Model integration
- First Person animations are now performed by PlayerAnimator library
- Combo reset time is now server configurable
- Fix Forge launch crash when PlayerAnimator is missing (now a proper error screen is shown)
- Fix over filtering particle effects #198
- Fix players shadows missing in first person (when using shaders)
- Improve attack animation vertical rotation adjustment
API Changes:
- Add MinecraftClient extension
#194 - Add new client events:
- Remove first person animation package, this functionality is now served by PlayerAnimator
- Add attack speed cap
- Add knockback reduction for fast attacks (configurable)
- Improve back to back animation overlapping
- Fix offhand arm invisible while 2H animations
- Rework feinting
- Update
- Fix attacking hostile mounts/vehicles (Thanks to Emily Darrow)
- Fix cleaving for decoration items (such as Item Frames)
- (Fabric) Figura
flag lifted
- Fix offhand attack attribute race condition causing random crashes #174
- Weapon collision detection no longer ignores
- Duct tape for faulty Forge
- Support 1.19.3
- Reduced upswing (aka windup) from 50% to 25% of attack cooldown (server configurable), attacks are faster to initiate
- Reduced attack cooldown after cancelling mining
- Improved several bundled animations
- Allow sweeping server config, when set to false disables Sweeping Edge enchantment
- Added
️Attack instead of mining
feature (client side configurable). When an enemy is in reach, even if aiming at a near mineable block - Reduced friendly fire from big weapon swings (So nearby players and villagers won't be hit accidentally, server side configurable)
- Added Swing through grass blacklist (Mod menu > Better Combat > Settings), partial or full item IDs can be entered as a regex to disable this feature for matching items
- Added client side config to hide the debug weapon hitbox renderer
- Fix clientside attack logic (Compatibility with Visuality mod) #156
- Add fallback compatibility for weapon types:
- Add Farmers Delight knives to default blacklist
- Improve obstacle detection
- Fix wrong arm shown when left arm set as main #132
- Fix rare special cases of weapon collision detection #131
- Fix sometimes not hitting target straight ahead
- Fix some missing events on Forge versions (fixes some issues with Botania)
- Fix off hand item breaking main hand item #126
- Remix all weapon sounds into mono, so they work with directional audio correctly
- Fix mod enabled on vanilla servers after playing single player #117
- Fix attacking while hand is busy (no longer able to attack while rowing boat, compatibility for PlayerRevive mod) #112
- Improve the positioning of attack range attribute line on item tooltip
- Fully disable the mod on when no server side installation
- Updated project licence
- Feint keybind not bound by default
- Added raycasting into target finder logic, so attacks are no longer possible thru solid obstacles (server side configurable)
- Improved interaction with other mods in general by weapon swings adjusting itemUseCooldown and miningCooldown (client side)
- Improved localisations, thanks to @Chronos_Sacaria#0001 and @Fleyzi#7111
- Fixed malformed weapon attributes resolved from ItemStack NBT causing performance issues
API Changes - @Partner :
- Added new attack conditions
- Added
package, for accessing combo state while hitting - Added
package, for accessing client-side information about weapon swing related data - Maven version numbers now include
tag - TinyConfig now correctly embedded, so third party dev environment no longer crashes, thanks to @KosmX#7620
- Movement speed while attacking on a mount is no longer reduced by default
- Improve walk pose transition
- Added movement speed reduction while attacking (server configurable), default setting: 50% speed
(Can be set between 0% - 100%, can be configured to be applied instantly or smoothly)
- Fixed launch crash when trying to use outdated dependencies
- Fixed backpedaling and strafing not considered for pose-walk transitions
- Added selected item slot for server network error logs
- Added reading WeaponAttributes from ItemStack NBT (paving the way to support modular items)
- Added client side setting to hide inactive hand while attacking in first person
- Added support for full body weapon poses
- Fixed corrupted fallback compatibility configuration file causing crash on launch #86
- Fixed invisible body when sleeping #67
- PlayerAnimator dependency no longer being embedded
- Removed smooth animation transition client config
- Added weapon swing sound volume slider
- Improved First-person Model compatibility #59
- Improved weapon collision detection (should work better against large targets)
- Lowered volume of rapier sound effects
- Fix compatibility with Utility Belt mod #78
- Improved stability
New things:
- Added protection for pets (pets can only be hit by their owners if faced directly, not from cleaving)
- Added smooth reversing animation for feinting
- Added
preset with unique uppercut animation - Added
preset with unique blade swapping animations - Added integration with Pehkui mod (player attack range now scales with player size)
- Improved smooth crossfade between attack animations (dual wielding slow weapons no longer oppress the animation of fast weapons)
- Improved client stability by adding some safeguards
- Restored vanilla Minecraft Sweeping Edge mechanic
- Fixed skin customization being overridden
- Fixed incompatibility with The Box Trot #52
- Fixed attack animations incorrectly played while sneaking #47
- Fixed attack range of some weapon presets
- Fixed (some) enchantments while dual wielding incorrectly fetched from the wrong hand
- Fixed
attack animation not adjusted vertically
API Changes:
- Improved inheritance of
field (now doesn't default to false when unspecified) - Added
field that can be specified alongsidepose
, so one handed poses can now be applied selectively to any hand - Added new attack condition
- Added claw preset with swipe animation, and fallback config
- Added machete keyword to default fallback config
- Added item model predicate for integrating mods
- Renamed staff preset to battlestaff (staff is still available but deprecated)
- Improve stability of server side attack request handling (added null check)
- Added
- new weapon attribute property called: category
- Added new attack conditions: DUAL_WIELDING_SAME_CATEGORY
- Added new presets: soul_knife, heavy_axe, cutlass
- Removed two handed pose from the following presets to be more true to MCD: anchor, double_axe
- Added harvest lock (No keybind needed, it just works. Mining with any tool should act much closer to Vanilla Minecraft, harvesting is not interrupted by targeting air)
- Added client side configuration to enable/disable the playback of weapon sounds (Maybe its too much diversion from Vanilla for some people)
- Added blacklist to fallback compatibility (So items can now be easily excluded)
- Fallback compatibility only applied to items with attack damage attribute (So nonsense items like armor, blocks etc... will not be automatically given weapon behaviour)
- Fixed shield blocking state being stuck
- Removed dedicated compatibility for vanilla axe items, using fallback compatibility, so players can easily disable them
- Support Minecraft versions 1.19.X
- Replace CompleteConfig dependency with ClothConfig
- Fix fallback compatibility applying axe presets to pickaxes
- Added smooth transition between attack animations
- Slightly improved first person attack animations
- Added fallback compatibility - weapons without attribute file, will be automatically assigned a matching weapon preset, based on guessing by item id. Most mods become automatically compatible (Server-side configurable)
- Added new presets: trident, rapier, anchor, sickle, wand (some of these come with fresh animations and sounds)
- Attack animations are vertically adjusted to the player's look orientation
- Add halberd preset
- Add german, spanish, chinse translations. Thanks to @Chronos_Sacaria !
- Update russian translations. Thanks to @Fleyzi !
- Fix player not rotating upon attacking in mutliplayer #11
- Fix claymore pose obscuring view in first person view
- Add keybind to toggle mine with weapons client-side config
- Replace all weapon sound effects
- Fine tune trident attributes
- Improve dual wield speed modifier coding
- Add Russian Translation, thanks to @Fleyzi
- Fix immersive portals compatibility #21
- Fix Ender Dragon parts can not be hit #26
- Add Two-Handed line to weapon tooltip
- Improve compatibility in general
- Fix compatibility with LevelZ #17
- Fix compatibility with Universal Enchants #8
- Fix sounds sometimes not available #16
- Fix shadow appearing under player in first person
- Fix two-handed weapons in off-hand slot #7
- Fix rendering sleeve in first person #14
- Fix body auto rotation upon attacking #11
- Fix first person render issues #5 #10
- Added attack range attribute to weapon tooltips (client side configurable)
- Fix right click item usage while attacking
- Fix compatibility with Custom Crosshair mod (however not recommended for use)
- Fix compatibility with FirstPersonModel mod
- Fix several first person rendering issues (cape, elytra, pumpkin, arrows etc...)