⭐ Implement a Linkedin clone, using React, Node.js, and MongoDB:
Users and Companies shall be able to Signup / Signin.
Users shall be able to edit profile.
Users shall be able to search for job offerings.
Users shall be able to “easy apply” for jobs - their profiles are automatically then shared with the companies.
Users shall be able to follow companies and receive notifications when new job offering is posted.
Companies shall be to post job openings.
Companies shall be able to review applicants.
- Fullstack developer & Designer:
Abdallah Moubarak
Stage 1: Creating ER diagram for the project
Sketching a first version of ER diagram
Stage 2: Creating the project ui/ux design
Stage 3: Creating list of API's needed for the project
Stage 4: Creating main branch, and master branch for the project
repo link : https://github.com/abdallahmoubarak/simple-linkedin-clone
Substage 1 : developing frontend pages using (Reactjs)
Substage 2 : implementing (Nodejs)
Substage 3 : listing APIs
Substage 4 : fitting API's in frontend (React-query)
Stage 5: Presenting the project