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367 lines (292 loc) · 13 KB

face.json Document


Kicooya UserFace allows you to create a playback screen with face.json.

You can create a UserFace using only face.json, but for more detailed rendering use the Kicooya UserFace API.

face.json structure

+- face
    +- title
    +- author
    +- debug
    +- lua
    +- fonts
    |   |
    |   +- [font ...]
    +- patterns
    |   |
    |   +- [pattern ...]
    +- textStyles
    |   |
    |   +- [textStyle ...]
    +- background
    |   |
    |   +- texts
    |   |   |
    |   |   +- [text ...]
    |   |
    |   +- images
    |       |
    |       +- [image ...]
    +- foreground
        +- texts
        |   |
        |   +- [text ...]
        +- images
        |   |
        |   +- [image ...]
        +- playerButtons
        +- seekBar
        +- audioSpectrum

face.json Data type

face object

The root object of face.

Property name Type Description
title string Title of Face.
author string Autohr of Face.
debug boolean Debug mode. true: A rectangle of the text drawing area is drawn.
lua lua object Draw face with a user-defined Lua Script.
fonts fonts object Loads the fonts to be used for text drawing.
patterns patterns object Load the pattern for the fill from an image.
textStyles textStyles object Defines the text drawing style.
background background object Background objects are drawn only once at the timing when the currently playing song changes.
foreground foreground object Foreground objects are drawn frame by frame during song playback.

lua object

Draw face with a user-defined Lua Script.

Property name Type Description
path string Lua Script file path (without extension).
arg string Argument. Set as an argument during Lua Script initialization(initializeFace).
zOrder zOrder object Specifies the stack order of drawings.

zOrder object

Specifies the stack order of drawing by user-defined Lua Script.

Property name Type Description
background integer Specifies the stack order of background drawings. Larger values are drawn higher.
foreground integer Specifies the stack order of foreground drawings. Larger values are drawn higher.
audioVisualizer integer Specifies the stack order of audioVisualizer drawings.Larger values are drawn higher. AudioVisualizer is included in the foreground drawing.

fonts object

Loads the fonts to be used for text drawing.

Property name Type Description
id string Font UID.
path string Font file path.

patterns object

Load the pattern for the fill from an image.

Property name Type Description
path string Pattern image file path (without extension). The filename is used as the pattern UID.

textStyles object

Defines the text drawing style.

Property name Type Description
id string Text style UID.
font string Font UID (fonts object / Kicooya built-in fonts)
drawMode enumeration Drawing mode.
* See in the Playdate documentation for details.
hAlign enumeration Horizontal position.
left / center/ right
vAlign enumeration Vertical position.
top / middle / bottom

background object

Background objects are drawn only once at the timing when the currently playing song changes.

Property name Type Description
texts texts object Draws a text.
images images object Draws an image.

foreground object

Foreground objects are drawn frame by frame during song playback.

Property name Type Description
texts texts object Draws a text.
images images object Draws an image.
playerButtons playerButtons object Load the buttons for player operation from the image.
seekBar seekBar object Draws a seek bar.
audioSpectrum audioSpectrum object Draws an audio spectrum.
  • Lua Script function: drawAudioVisualizer() is called at the same time as the foreground object.

texts object

Draws a text.

Property name Type Description
style string Text style UID
rect rectangle Rectangle that bounds the drawing area for the text.
text string Text to be drawn.
The Placeholder can be used to draw information as the currently playing.
zOrder Integer Specifies the stack order of drawings. Larger values are drawn higher.

images object

Draws an image. Either pos or rect can be specified to determine the drawing position.

Property name Type Description
path Filepath or
Specifies the file path of the pattern image or the art image of the the currently playing.
song.artImageSmall : Art Image Small (Max 80x80)
song.artImageLarge : Art Image Large (Max 180x180)
pos point Point that the upper-left corner of the destination position at which to draw the image.
rect rectangle Rectangle that bounds the drawing area for the image. The image is drawn in the center of the rectangle.
border border object Border of the image.
zOrder Integer Specifies the stack order of drawings. Larger values are drawn higher.

playerButtons object

Load the buttons for player operation from the image.

Property name Type Description
path string File path of Image for playerButtons.
pos point Point that the upper-left corner of the destination position at which to display the buttons.
zOrder Integer Specifies the stack order of drawings. Larger values are drawn higher.

Image for playerButtons

Define the buttons in a 7x2 matrix image table. * See the Playdate documentation Image table > Matrix image tables for matrix image tables.


Upper row: Unselected image

Lower column: Selected image

  1. Play
  2. Pause
  3. Repeat off
  4. Repeat on
  5. Repeat one file
  6. Shuffle off
  7. Shuffle on

seekBar object

Draws a seek bar.

Property name Type Description
rect rectangle Rectangle that bounds the drawing area for the seek bar.
radius integer Radius of corners.
foreground string Pattern UID to fill seek bar (patterns object / Kicooya built-in patterns).
background string Pattern UID to fill background (patterns object / Kicooya built-in patterns).
border border object Border of seek bar
zOrder Integer Specifies the stack order of drawings. Larger values are drawn higher.

audioSpectrum object

Draws an audio spectrum. The properties that can be specified differ for each type.

Property name Type Description
type enumeration Types of Audio Spectrum.
stereo / mono / wave
rect rectangle Rectangle that bounds the drawing area for the audio spectrum.
zOrder Integer Specifies the stack order of drawings. Larger values are drawn higher.

audioSpectrum (type=stereo)

Property name Type Description
foreground string Pattern UID to fill audio spectrum (patterns object / Kicooya built-in patterns).
background string Pattern UID to fill background (patterns object / Kicooya built-in patterns).
peek string Pattern UID to draw peek (patterns object / Kicooya built-in patterns).
blockMarginWidth integer Margin width of the left and right blocks of the audio spectrum.
itemWidth integer Item width.
itemHeight integer Item height.
itemMarginWidth integer Margin width between items.
peekHeight integer Peek height.

audioSpectrum (type=mono)

Property name Type Description
foreground string Pattern UID to fill audio spectrum (patterns object / Kicooya built-in patterns).
background string Pattern UID to fill background (patterns object / Kicooya built-in patterns).
border border object Border of audio spectrum.

audioSpectrum (type=wave)

Property name Type Description
foreground string Pattern UID to fill audio spectrum (patterns object / Kicooya built-in patterns).
background string Pattern UID to fill background (patterns object / Kicooya built-in patterns).
border border object Border of audio spectrum.

border object

Draws a border.

Property name Type Description
size integer (1 - 255) Border size.
pattern string Pattern UID to fill border (patterns object / Kicooya built-in patterns).


The text property of a texts object can use a placeholder to draw information such as the currently playing.

Currently playing song information

Key Description
${song.title} Title
${song.album} Album
${song.artist} Artist
${song.composer} Composer
${song.genre} Genre
${song.year} Year
${song.track} Track
${song.trackNumber} Track number
${song.numberOfTracks} Number of tracks
${song.disc} Disc
${song.discNumber} Disc number
${song.numberOfDiscs} Number of discs
${song.fileFormat} File format
${song.fileSize} File size
${song.fileSizeReadable} Human readable file size
${song.bitrate} Bitrate
${song.samplingRate} Sampling rate
${song.encodedBy} Name of person or group that encoded
${song.lastModified} Last Modified

Player information

Key Description
${player.currentPlaybackPosition} Current playback position
${player.currentPlaybackTimeRemaining} Current playback time remaining
${player.currentPlaybackDuration} Current playback duration

Playlist information

Key Description
${playlist.currentIndex} Current index of playlist
${playlist.length} Number of songs in playlist

Kicooya built-in resource UID

List of resource UID Kicooya built-in.


Font Unique ID Font Path
AshevilleSans14Light assets/fonts/Asheville/Asheville Sans 14 Light/Asheville-Sans-14-Light
AshevilleSans14Bold assets/fonts/Asheville/Asheville Sans 14 Bold/Asheville-Sans-14-Bold
CuberickBold assets/fonts/Cuberick/font-Cuberick-Bold
FullCircle assets/fonts/Full Circle/font-full-circle
NontendoLight assets/fonts/Nontendo/Nontendo-Light
NontendoBold assets/fonts/Nontendo/Nontendo-Bold
Roobert10Bold assets/fonts/Roobert/Roobert-10-Bold
Roobert11Medium assets/fonts/Roobert/Roobert-11-Medium
Roobert20Medium assets/fonts/Roobert/Roobert-20-Medium
NotoSansJP16Medium assets/fonts/NotoSansJP/NotoSansJP-Medium16
NotoSansJP20Medium assets/fonts/NotoSansJP/NotoSansJP-Medium20
font.title Returns the font for drawing the title according to the OPTION -> FONTS setting
font.description Returns the font for drawing the description according to the OPTION -> FONTS setting


Pattern Unique ID Pattern Image
backslash backslash
bigchecker bigchecker
birds birds
black black
boxchecker boxchecker
cross cross
crosshatch crosshatch
dbandcheck dbandcheck
densechecker densechecker
denseslash denseslash
double double
forwardslash forwardslash
invertboxchecker invertboxchecker
longcheckerhor longcheckerhor
longcheckervert longcheckervert
pinwheel pinwheel
sparsechecker sparsechecker
spot spot
swave swave
swirl swirl
target target
vertical target
wave wave
weave_a weave_a
weave_b weave_b
weave_c weave_c
weave_d weave_d
weave_e weave_e
white white
wisp wisp
zag zag
zig zig