Kicooya UserFace allows you to create a playback screen with face.json.
You can create a UserFace using only face.json, but for more detailed rendering use the Kicooya UserFace API.
+- face
+- title
+- author
+- debug
+- lua
+- fonts
| |
| +- [font ...]
+- patterns
| |
| +- [pattern ...]
+- textStyles
| |
| +- [textStyle ...]
+- background
| |
| +- texts
| | |
| | +- [text ...]
| |
| +- images
| |
| +- [image ...]
+- foreground
+- texts
| |
| +- [text ...]
+- images
| |
| +- [image ...]
+- playerButtons
+- seekBar
+- audioSpectrum
The root object of face.
Property name | Type | Description |
title | string | Title of Face. |
author | string | Autohr of Face. |
debug | boolean | Debug mode. true: A rectangle of the text drawing area is drawn. |
lua | lua object | Draw face with a user-defined Lua Script. |
fonts | fonts object | Loads the fonts to be used for text drawing. |
patterns | patterns object | Load the pattern for the fill from an image. |
textStyles | textStyles object | Defines the text drawing style. |
background | background object | Background objects are drawn only once at the timing when the currently playing song changes. |
foreground | foreground object | Foreground objects are drawn frame by frame during song playback. |
Draw face with a user-defined Lua Script.
Property name | Type | Description |
path | string | Lua Script file path (without extension). |
arg | string | Argument. Set as an argument during Lua Script initialization(initializeFace ). |
zOrder | zOrder object | Specifies the stack order of drawings. |
Specifies the stack order of drawing by user-defined Lua Script.
Property name | Type | Description |
background | integer | Specifies the stack order of background drawings. Larger values are drawn higher. |
foreground | integer | Specifies the stack order of foreground drawings. Larger values are drawn higher. |
audioVisualizer | integer | Specifies the stack order of audioVisualizer drawings.Larger values are drawn higher. AudioVisualizer is included in the foreground drawing. |
Loads the fonts to be used for text drawing.
Property name | Type | Description |
id | string | Font UID. |
path | string | Font file path. |
Load the pattern for the fill from an image.
Property name | Type | Description |
path | string | Pattern image file path (without extension). The filename is used as the pattern UID. |
Defines the text drawing style.
Property name | Type | Description |
id | string | Text style UID. |
font | string | Font UID (fonts object / Kicooya built-in fonts) |
drawMode | enumeration | Drawing mode. copy whiteTransparent blackTransparent fillWhite fillBlack xor nxor inverted * See in the Playdate documentation for details. |
hAlign | enumeration | Horizontal position. left / center/ right |
vAlign | enumeration | Vertical position. top / middle / bottom |
Background objects are drawn only once at the timing when the currently playing song changes.
Property name | Type | Description |
texts | texts object | Draws a text. |
images | images object | Draws an image. |
Foreground objects are drawn frame by frame during song playback.
Property name | Type | Description |
texts | texts object | Draws a text. |
images | images object | Draws an image. |
playerButtons | playerButtons object | Load the buttons for player operation from the image. |
seekBar | seekBar object | Draws a seek bar. |
audioSpectrum | audioSpectrum object | Draws an audio spectrum. |
- Lua Script function: drawAudioVisualizer() is called at the same time as the foreground object.
Draws a text.
Property name | Type | Description |
style | string | Text style UID。 |
rect | rectangle | Rectangle that bounds the drawing area for the text. |
text | string | Text to be drawn. The Placeholder can be used to draw information as the currently playing. |
zOrder | Integer | Specifies the stack order of drawings. Larger values are drawn higher. |
Draws an image. Either pos or rect can be specified to determine the drawing position.
Property name | Type | Description |
path | Filepath or enumeration |
Specifies the file path of the pattern image or the art image of the the currently : Art Image Small (Max 80x80)song.artImageLarge : Art Image Large (Max 180x180) |
pos | point | Point that the upper-left corner of the destination position at which to draw the image. |
rect | rectangle | Rectangle that bounds the drawing area for the image. The image is drawn in the center of the rectangle. |
border | border object | Border of the image. |
zOrder | Integer | Specifies the stack order of drawings. Larger values are drawn higher. |
Load the buttons for player operation from the image.
Property name | Type | Description |
path | string | File path of Image for playerButtons. |
pos | point | Point that the upper-left corner of the destination position at which to display the buttons. |
zOrder | Integer | Specifies the stack order of drawings. Larger values are drawn higher. |
Define the buttons in a 7x2 matrix image table.
* See the Playdate documentation Image table > Matrix image tables
for matrix image tables.
Upper row: Unselected image
Lower column: Selected image
- Play
- Pause
- Repeat off
- Repeat on
- Repeat one file
- Shuffle off
- Shuffle on
Draws a seek bar.
Property name | Type | Description |
rect | rectangle | Rectangle that bounds the drawing area for the seek bar. |
radius | integer | Radius of corners. |
foreground | string | Pattern UID to fill seek bar (patterns object / Kicooya built-in patterns). |
background | string | Pattern UID to fill background (patterns object / Kicooya built-in patterns). |
border | border object | Border of seek bar |
zOrder | Integer | Specifies the stack order of drawings. Larger values are drawn higher. |
Draws an audio spectrum. The properties that can be specified differ for each type.
Property name | Type | Description |
type | enumeration | Types of Audio Spectrum. stereo / mono / wave |
rect | rectangle | Rectangle that bounds the drawing area for the audio spectrum. |
zOrder | Integer | Specifies the stack order of drawings. Larger values are drawn higher. |
Property name | Type | Description |
foreground | string | Pattern UID to fill audio spectrum (patterns object / Kicooya built-in patterns). |
background | string | Pattern UID to fill background (patterns object / Kicooya built-in patterns). |
peek | string | Pattern UID to draw peek (patterns object / Kicooya built-in patterns). |
blockMarginWidth | integer | Margin width of the left and right blocks of the audio spectrum. |
itemWidth | integer | Item width. |
itemHeight | integer | Item height. |
itemMarginWidth | integer | Margin width between items. |
peekHeight | integer | Peek height. |
Property name | Type | Description |
foreground | string | Pattern UID to fill audio spectrum (patterns object / Kicooya built-in patterns). |
background | string | Pattern UID to fill background (patterns object / Kicooya built-in patterns). |
border | border object | Border of audio spectrum. |
Property name | Type | Description |
foreground | string | Pattern UID to fill audio spectrum (patterns object / Kicooya built-in patterns). |
background | string | Pattern UID to fill background (patterns object / Kicooya built-in patterns). |
border | border object | Border of audio spectrum. |
Draws a border.
Property name | Type | Description |
size | integer (1 - 255) | Border size. |
pattern | string | Pattern UID to fill border (patterns object / Kicooya built-in patterns). |
The text property of a texts object can use a placeholder to draw information such as the currently playing.
Key | Description |
${song.title} | Title |
${song.album} | Album |
${song.artist} | Artist |
${song.composer} | Composer |
${song.genre} | Genre |
${song.year} | Year |
${song.track} | Track |
${song.trackNumber} | Track number |
${song.numberOfTracks} | Number of tracks |
${song.disc} | Disc |
${song.discNumber} | Disc number |
${song.numberOfDiscs} | Number of discs |
${song.fileFormat} | File format |
${song.fileSize} | File size |
${song.fileSizeReadable} | Human readable file size |
${song.bitrate} | Bitrate |
${song.samplingRate} | Sampling rate |
${song.encodedBy} | Name of person or group that encoded |
${song.lastModified} | Last Modified |
Key | Description |
${player.currentPlaybackPosition} | Current playback position |
${player.currentPlaybackTimeRemaining} | Current playback time remaining |
${player.currentPlaybackDuration} | Current playback duration |
Key | Description |
${playlist.currentIndex} | Current index of playlist |
${playlist.length} | Number of songs in playlist |
List of resource UID Kicooya built-in.
Font Unique ID | Font Path |
AshevilleSans14Light | assets/fonts/Asheville/Asheville Sans 14 Light/Asheville-Sans-14-Light |
AshevilleSans14Bold | assets/fonts/Asheville/Asheville Sans 14 Bold/Asheville-Sans-14-Bold |
CuberickBold | assets/fonts/Cuberick/font-Cuberick-Bold |
FullCircle | assets/fonts/Full Circle/font-full-circle |
NontendoLight | assets/fonts/Nontendo/Nontendo-Light |
NontendoBold | assets/fonts/Nontendo/Nontendo-Bold |
Roobert10Bold | assets/fonts/Roobert/Roobert-10-Bold |
Roobert11Medium | assets/fonts/Roobert/Roobert-11-Medium |
Roobert20Medium | assets/fonts/Roobert/Roobert-20-Medium |
NotoSansJP16Medium | assets/fonts/NotoSansJP/NotoSansJP-Medium16 |
NotoSansJP20Medium | assets/fonts/NotoSansJP/NotoSansJP-Medium20 |
font.title | Returns the font for drawing the title according to the OPTION -> FONTS setting |
font.description | Returns the font for drawing the description according to the OPTION -> FONTS setting |