In this example we're using Metamask wallet to interact with ethereum blockchain.
What we have done in this example:
- Configure RaribleSDK
- Create Lazy mint NFT item
- Create sell order
- Purchase (buy item) an order
- Get your own NFT from your current wallet
Lets start new react ts project and add dependencies
npx create-react-app protocol-example --template typescript
yarn add @rarible/[email protected] @ethereumjs/common@^2.4.0 @ethereumjs/tx@^3.3.0 @rarible/[email protected] @rarible/[email protected] ethereumjs-util@^7.1.0 tslib@^2.3.1 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] @rarible/[email protected]
- creates blank react app project. Learn more about command options on their
github CRA repo
For this example we use simple non styled .tsx template and local state management. full example of app you can find
in src/
folder in root of repository in App.tsx and Dashboard.tsx components.
Let's create a new function in the App.tsx file named handleInit
. Which serves to check the presence of the Metamask
provider in the browser and create an instance of the SDK.
function handleInit() {
const { ethereum } = window as any;
if (ethereum && ethereum.isMetaMask) {
console.log('Ethereum successfully detected!');
// set thereum provider into state to connet to wallet in next steps
// add listener on accountsChanged event to render actual address
ethereum.on('accountsChanged', function (accounts: string[]) {
// configure web3
const web3 = new Web3(ethereum)
// configure raribleSdk
const raribleSdk = createRaribleSdk(new Web3Ethereum({ web3 }), network)
// set created Rarible SDK into state
// set current account if already connected
web3.eth.getAccounts().then(e => {
} else {
console.log('Please install MetaMask!');
Now we will create a hook that will be launched when the App component is mounted, and add to it a simple check for the
presence of the provider object in the browser and run the previously created handleInit
function if it exists.
useEffect(() => {
if ((window as any).ethereum) {
} else {
window.addEventListener('ethereum#initialized', handleInit, {
once: true,
setTimeout(handleInit, 3000);
}, [])
We can mint ERC721 or ERC1155 nft items through Rarible SDK, and both of it can be minted "on chain" of "off chain"( lazy).
The code below shows how you can mint nft token using SDK. Full component code example located in src/Dashboard.tsx
type MintForm = {
id: string,
type: NftCollection_Type,
isLazySupported: boolean,
isLazy: boolean,
loading: boolean
const mintFormInitial: MintForm = {
id: "0x6ede7f3c26975aad32a475e1021d8f6f39c89d82", // default collection on "rinkeby" that supports lazy minting
type: "ERC721",
isLazy: true,
isLazySupported: true,
loading: false,
const Dashboard: React.FC<DashboardProps> = ({ provider, sdk, accounts }) => {
const [collection, setCollection] = useState<MintForm>(mintFormInitial)
const mint = async () => {
let tokenId: string
const prepareCollection = {
id: toAddress(,
type: collection.type,
supportsLazyMint: collection.isLazySupported,
if (isLazyErc721Collection(prepareCollection)) {
tokenId = await{
collection: prepareCollection,
uri: "/ipfs/QmWLsBu6nS4ovaHbGAXprD1qEssJu4r5taQfB74sCG51tp",
creators: [{ account: toAddress(accounts[0]), value: 10000 }],
royalties: [],
lazy: collection.isLazy,
} else if (isLazyErc1155Collection(prepareCollection)) {
tokenId = await{
collection: prepareCollection,
uri: "/ipfs/QmWLsBu6nS4ovaHbGAXprD1qEssJu4r5taQfB74sCG51tp",
creators: [{ account: toAddress(accounts[0]), value: 10000 }],
royalties: [],
supply: toBigNumber('1'),
lazy: collection.isLazy,
} else if (isLegacyErc721Collection(prepareCollection)) {
tokenId = await{
collection: prepareCollection,
uri: "/ipfs/QmWLsBu6nS4ovaHbGAXprD1qEssJu4r5taQfB74sCG51tp",
royalties: [],
} else if (isLegacyErc1155Collection(prepareCollection)) {
tokenId = await{
collection: prepareCollection,
uri: "/ipfs/QmWLsBu6nS4ovaHbGAXprD1qEssJu4r5taQfB74sCG51tp",
royalties: [],
supply: 1,
} else {
tokenId = ""
console.log("Wrong collection")
if (tokenId) {
* Get minted nft through SDK
if (collection.isLazySupported && !collection.isLazy) {
await retry(30, async () => { // wait when indexer aggregate an onChain nft
await getTokenById(tokenId)
} else {
await getTokenById(tokenId)
Function below creates a order for sale.
const createSellOrder = async () => {
if (createOrderForm.contract && createOrderForm.tokenId && createOrderForm.price) {
// Create an order
const resultOrder = await sdk?.order.sell(
makeAssetType: {
assetClass: "ERC721",
contract: toAddress(createOrderForm.contract),
tokenId: toBigNumber(createOrderForm.tokenId),
}, // asset type, must includes contract address and tokenId
amount: 1, // amount to sell, in our case for ERC721 always will be 1
maker: toAddress(accounts[0]), // who sell an item
originFees: [], // fees description
payouts: [], // payouts
price: toBigNumber(createOrderForm.price),
takeAssetType: { assetClass: "ETH" }, // for what currency
).then(a => a.runAll())
if (resultOrder) {
setPurchaseOrderForm({ ...purchaseOrderForm, hash: resultOrder.hash })
const handlePurchaseOrder = async () => {
if (order) {
await sdk?.order.fill(order, { amount: parseInt(purchaseOrderForm.amount) }).then(a => a.runAll())
takes the order
object (which we got in the previous step) and the amount
to buy as arguments, and
returns hash of transaction
const handleGetMyNfts = async () => {
const items = await sdk?.apis.nftItem.getNftItemsByOwner({ owner: accounts[0] })