All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Support Marko 4.14.0
- Breaking: Does not support Marko < 4.12.0
- Support Jest 24
- Breaking: Remove test sandbox
- Breaking: API simplification, added init function to init Marko component. Added render and cleanup function
- TypeScript definition
- Support Jest 23
- New feature: support shallow rendering with Marko
. Add module name to Jest globalsmarko-jest
. All components from that module/package will be shallow rendered
- Implement sandbox
to get all rendered nodes (including HTML and non-HTML element nodes). Marko component property el & els will be deprecated.
- Breaking change: Increase the minimum Marko version (min 4.9.x)
- Breaking change: Update Jest version
- Fix the issues with nested components rendering. This is breaking changes since it will break the tests result from the previous version.
works properly- All nested components are now rendered & instances are initiated properly.
- Remove child elements removal on sandbox reset. This could cause node issues on some component with nesting ones.
- MIT License ⚖️
- Update to Jest 22. No need to do JSDOM setup. Jest 22 comes with JSDOM.
- Tests run up to 30% faster.
- Initial release 🎊