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Setup |
/setup/ |
The exercises in this lesson will be carried out on the virtual cluster we have
been using the rest of the course,
. If you have a
Compute Canada account, you should be able to follow along equally well on any
of the Compute Canada general-purpose clusters
(Béluga, Cedar, Graham).
You should obtain the example programs and exercise templates by logging in to the cluster and then cloning the following repository from GitHub:
$ git clone
$ cd mpi-tutorial
{: .language-bash}
Ensure you have suitable environment modules loaded so you'll
be able to run mpirun, mpicc
or mpif90
, and use pgplot
If you run which mpicc
it should respond with the path to a file.
If it responds with /usr/bin/which: no mpicc in ...
a great
long list of directories, then load the following environment
modules and try again:
$ module --force purge all
$ module load StdEnv/2020
$ module load arch/avx2
$ module load gcc/11.3.0 openmpi/4.1.4
$ module load pgplot
{: .language-bash}
Later on the instructor may ask you to start an interactive shell using the job scheduler, like so:
$ salloc --ntasks=4 --time=2:00:00 --x11
{: .language-bash}
The --x11
flag may be required to allow some visualizations to work
in the last exercise of the workshop.