Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | int | Unique identifier for the Task. | [optional] |
type | str | The task type | [optional] |
user_id | int | ID of the User who created the Task. | [optional] |
group_id | int | ID of the group that this task is being run in. | [optional] |
bourreau_id | int | ID of the Bourreau the Task was launched on. | [optional] |
tool_config_id | int | ID number that specifies which Tool Config to use. The Tool Config specifies environment variables and other system-specific scripts necessary for the Task to be run in the target environment. | [optional] |
batch_id | int | ID of the batch this task was launched as part of. Batches of tasks consist of the same task, with the same parameters, being run on many different input files. | [optional] |
params | object | Parameters used as inputs to the scientific calculation associated with the task. | [optional] |
status | str | Current status of the task. | [optional] |
created_at | str | Date created. | [optional] |
updated_at | str | Last updated. | [optional] |
run_number | int | The number of times that this task was run. | [optional] |
results_data_provider_id | int | ID of the Data Provider that contains the Userfile that represents the results of the task. | [optional] |
cluster_workdir_size | int | size of workdirectory | [optional] |
workdir_archived | str | Boolean variable that indicates whether the working directory of the task is available on the processing server or has been archived and is no longer accessible. | [optional] |
workdir_archive_userfile_id | int | ID of the userfile created as part of the archival process, if the working directory of the task has been archived. | [optional] |
description | str | Description of the Task. | [optional] |