Thank you for your interest to contribute to appstore-connect-app-version Github Action!
You can help us with the following:
- New features
- Bug fixes
- Refactoring
- Unit tests
- Documentation improvements
- Bug reports
- Feature requests
To start you can check open issues and choose a preferred work. You can also start testing the action (more details on README) and then create your own bug reports or feature requests.
Ask repository owner to add you to contributors list.
Branches must be created from develop branch. Direct pushes to develop and master are not allowed.
Name conventions for branches:
Name conventions for commits:
[FIX] [#123] Action failure
[UPDATE] Private key is not present
[ADD] New functionality
[ADD] [#41] New feature
Before submitting pull request you should choose the reviewer.
The following checks should pass:
- Github Actions
- Reviewer check
Name conventions for pull request commits:
[PR] [GH-Associated_issue_number] Description
[PR] [GH-123] Fixed action failing