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 # C extensions
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 A repository showcasing examples of using [Hub](https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch)
- - [Examples go here](example)
+ - [Distributed processing with Ray](examples/ray)
 ## Getting Started with Hub 🚀 
diff --git a/examples/ray/README.md b/examples/ray/README.md
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+# Distributed Processing with Ray
+## Execute locally
+Install hub+ray and run the script locally to create a dataset of size `num_samples`
+pip3 install -r requirements.txt
+python3 transform.py --num_workers 2 --ds_out ./tmp/cars --num_samples 1000
+## Execute on a cluster
+#### 1. Start the cluster
+Requires AWS credentials. If you skip this step, it will start a ray cluster on your machine. You can further modify the cluster in cluster.yaml
+ray up ./cluster.yaml
+#### 2. Execute the code, dataset created on head node
+ray exec ./cluster.yaml "python3 ~/hub/transform.py --num_workers 2 --ds_out s3://bucket/dataset_name --num_samples 1000"
+Change number of workers to 6 once all workers are up.
+#### 4. Shut down the cluster
+ray down ./cluster.yaml
+* To monitor workers, utilization and jobs use this command
+ray dashboard ./cluster.yaml
+* Update locally the code and sync to the cluster
+ray rsync-up ./cluster.yaml
+* Attach and execute locally
+ray attach ./cluster.yaml
+> python3 ~/hub/transform.py --num_workers 2
diff --git a/examples/ray/cluster.yaml b/examples/ray/cluster.yaml
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+# An unique identifier for the head node and workers of this cluster.
+cluster_name: hub
+# The maximum number of workers nodes to launch in addition to the head
+# node.
+max_workers: 2
+# The autoscaler will scale up the cluster faster with higher upscaling speed.
+# E.g., if the task requires adding more nodes then autoscaler will gradually
+# scale up the cluster in chunks of upscaling_speed*currently_running_nodes.
+# This number should be > 0.
+upscaling_speed: 1.0
+# This executes all commands on all nodes in the docker container,
+# and opens all the necessary ports to support the Ray cluster.
+# Empty string means disabled.
+# docker:
+#    image: "rayproject/ray-ml:latest-gpu" # You can change this to latest-cpu if you don't need GPU support and want a faster startup
+    # image: rayproject/ray:latest-gpu   # use this one if you don't need ML dependencies, it's faster to pull
+#    container_name: "ray_container"
+    # If true, pulls latest version of image. Otherwise, `docker run` will only pull the image
+    # if no cached version is present.
+#    pull_before_run: True
+#    run_options:   # Extra options to pass into "docker run"
+#        - --ulimit nofile=65536:65536
+    # Example of running a GPU head with CPU workers
+    # head_image: "rayproject/ray-ml:latest-gpu"
+    # Allow Ray to automatically detect GPUs
+    # worker_image: "rayproject/ray-ml:latest-cpu"
+    # worker_run_options: []
+# If a node is idle for this many minutes, it will be removed.
+idle_timeout_minutes: 5
+# Cloud-provider specific configuration.
+    type: aws
+    region: us-west-2
+    # Availability zone(s), comma-separated, that nodes may be launched in.
+    # Nodes are currently spread between zones by a round-robin approach,
+    # however this implementation detail should not be relied upon.
+    # availability_zone: us-west-2a,us-west-2b
+    # Whether to allow node reuse. If set to False, nodes will be terminated
+    # instead of stopped.
+    cache_stopped_nodes: True # If not present, the default is True.
+# How Ray will authenticate with newly launched nodes.
+    ssh_user: ubuntu
+# If a node is idle for this many minutes, it will be removed.
+idle_timeout_minutes: 5
+# By default Ray creates a new private keypair, but you can also use your own.
+# If you do so, make sure to also set "KeyName" in the head and worker node
+# configurations below.
+#    ssh_private_key: /path/to/your/key.pem
+# Tell the autoscaler the allowed node types and the resources they provide.
+# The key is the name of the node type, which is just for debugging purposes.
+# The node config specifies the launch config and physical instance type.
+    ray.head.default:
+        # The node type's CPU and GPU resources are auto-detected based on AWS instance type.
+        # If desired, you can override the autodetected CPU and GPU resources advertised to the autoscaler.
+        # You can also set custom resources.
+        # For example, to mark a node type as having 1 CPU, 1 GPU, and 5 units of a resource called "custom", set
+        # resources: {"CPU": 1, "GPU": 1, "custom": 5}
+        resources: {}
+        # Provider-specific config for this node type, e.g. instance type. By default
+        # Ray will auto-configure unspecified fields such as SubnetId and KeyName.
+        # For more documentation on available fields, see:
+        # http://boto3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/services/ec2.html#EC2.ServiceResource.create_instances
+        node_config:
+            InstanceType: m5.large
+            ImageId: ami-0a2363a9cff180a64 # Deep Learning AMI (Ubuntu) Version 30
+            # You can provision additional disk space with a conf as follows
+            BlockDeviceMappings:
+                - DeviceName: /dev/sda1
+                  Ebs:
+                      VolumeSize: 100
+            # Additional options in the boto docs.
+    ray.worker.default:
+        # The minimum number of worker nodes of this type to launch.
+        # This number should be >= 0.
+        min_workers: 2
+        # The maximum number of worker nodes of this type to launch.
+        # This takes precedence over min_workers.
+        max_workers: 2
+        # The node type's CPU and GPU resources are auto-detected based on AWS instance type.
+        # If desired, you can override the autodetected CPU and GPU resources advertised to the autoscaler.
+        # You can also set custom resources.
+        # For example, to mark a node type as having 1 CPU, 1 GPU, and 5 units of a resource called "custom", set
+        # resources: {"CPU": 1, "GPU": 1, "custom": 5}
+        resources: {}
+        # Provider-specific config for this node type, e.g. instance type. By default
+        # Ray will auto-configure unspecified fields such as SubnetId and KeyName.
+        # For more documentation on available fields, see:
+        # http://boto3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/services/ec2.html#EC2.ServiceResource.create_instances
+        node_config:
+            InstanceType: m5.large
+            ImageId: ami-0a2363a9cff180a64 # Deep Learning AMI (Ubuntu) Version 30
+            # Run workers on spot by default. Comment this out to use on-demand.
+            #InstanceMarketOptions:
+                # MarketType: spot
+                # Additional options can be found in the boto docs, e.g.
+                #   SpotOptions:
+                #       MaxPrice: MAX_HOURLY_PRICE
+            # Additional options in the boto docs.
+# Specify the node type of the head node (as configured above).
+head_node_type: ray.head.default
+# Files or directories to copy to the head and worker nodes. The format is a
+# dictionary from REMOTE_PATH: LOCAL_PATH, e.g.
+file_mounts: {
+   "~/hub": ".",
+# Files or directories to copy from the head node to the worker nodes. The format is a
+# list of paths. The same path on the head node will be copied to the worker node.
+# This behavior is a subset of the file_mounts behavior. In the vast majority of cases
+# you should just use file_mounts. Only use this if you know what you're doing!
+cluster_synced_files: []
+# Whether changes to directories in file_mounts or cluster_synced_files in the head node
+# should sync to the worker node continuously
+file_mounts_sync_continuously: True
+# Patterns for files to exclude when running rsync up or rsync down
+     - "**/.git"
+     - "**/.git/**"
+# Pattern files to use for filtering out files when running rsync up or rsync down. The file is searched for
+# in the source directory and recursively through all subdirectories. For example, if .gitignore is provided
+# as a value, the behavior will match git's behavior for finding and using .gitignore files.
+     - ".gitignore"
+# List of commands that will be run before `setup_commands`. If docker is
+# enabled, these commands will run outside the container and before docker
+# is setup.
+initialization_commands: []
+# List of shell commands to run to set up nodes.
+    - cd ~/hub && pip3 install -r requirements.txt
+# Custom commands that will be run on the head node after common setup.
+head_setup_commands: []
+# Custom commands that will be run on worker nodes after common setup.
+worker_setup_commands: []
+# Command to start ray on the head node. You don't need to change this.
+    - ray stop
+    - ray start --head --port=6379 --object-manager-port=8076 --autoscaling-config=~/ray_bootstrap_config.yaml
+# Command to start ray on worker nodes. You don't need to change this.
+    - ray stop
+    - ray start --address=$RAY_HEAD_IP:6379 --object-manager-port=8076
+head_node: {}
+worker_nodes: {}
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+import time
+import argparse
+import tqdm
+import numpy as np
+from PIL import Image
+import hub
+DS_OUT_PATH = "~/data/cars_out"  # "s3://bucket/dataset_name"
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="PyTorch RPC Batch RL example")
+    "--num_samples",
+    type=int,
+    default=NUM_SAMPLES,
+    metavar="S",
+    help="how many samples dataset should have",
+    "--ds_out",
+    type=str,
+    default=DS_OUT_PATH,
+    metavar="O",
+    help="dataset path to be transformed into",
+    "--num_workers",
+    type=int,
+    default=NUM_WORKERS,
+    metavar="O",
+    help="number of workers to allocate",
+args = parser.parse_args()
+def define_dataset(path: str) -> hub.Dataset:
+    """Define the dataset"""
+    ds = hub.empty(path, overwrite=True)
+    ds.create_tensor("labels", htype="class_label")
+    ds.create_tensor("images", htype="image", sample_compression="jpeg")
+    ds.create_tensor("images_downsampled")
+    # Define tensor with customized htype, compression and chunk_size
+    ds["images_downsampled"].meta.htype = ds["images"].meta.htype
+    ds["images_downsampled"].meta.sample_compression = ds[
+        "images"
+    ].meta.sample_compression
+    ds["images_downsampled"].meta.max_chunk_size = 1 * 1024 * 1024
+    return ds
+# Define the remote compute
+def downsample(index, samples_out):
+    """Takes image from a sample_in, downsamples it and pushes to a new tensor"""
+    array = (255 * np.random.random((100, 100, 3))).astype(np.uint8)
+    img = Image.fromarray(array)
+    max_d = max(img.size[0], img.size[1])
+    min_s = min(100, max_d)
+    ratio = max_d // min_s
+    img_downsampled = img.resize((img.size[0] // ratio, img.size[1] // ratio))
+    array_downsampled = np.array(img_downsampled)
+    samples_out.images.append(array)
+    samples_out.images_downsampled.append(array_downsampled)
+    samples_out.labels.append(index)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    # Define a dataset and fill in random images
+    ds_out = define_dataset(args.ds_out)
+    # Run the distributed computation
+    t1 = time.time()
+    downsample().eval(
+        list(range(args.num_samples)),
+        ds_out,
+        num_workers=args.num_workers,
+        scheduler="ray",
+    )
+    t2 = time.time()
+    print(f"The processing took {t2-t1}")