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realHannes committed Feb 24, 2025
1 parent 74b7d75 commit 623bc59
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Showing 8 changed files with 155 additions and 98 deletions.
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions src/engine/sparqlExpressions/NaryExpressionImpl.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,8 +41,7 @@ class NaryExpression : public SparqlExpression {
const VariableToColumnMap& varColMap) const override;

// _________________________________________________________________________
std::optional<SparqlExpression*> getChildAtIndex(
size_t childIndex) const override {
std::optional<SparqlExpression*> getChildAtIndex(size_t childIndex) const {
return childIndex < N ? std::make_optional(children_[childIndex].get())
: std::nullopt;
Expand Down
78 changes: 55 additions & 23 deletions src/engine/sparqlExpressions/PrefilterExpressionIndex.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -156,7 +156,8 @@ static std::string getRelationalOpStr(const CompOp relOp) {
case GT:
return "GT(>)";
return absl::StrCat("Undefined CompOp value: ", static_cast<int>(relOp),

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -501,11 +502,15 @@ void checkPropertiesForPrefilterConstruction(

template <CompOp comparison>
static std::unique_ptr<PrefilterExpression> makePrefilterExpressionYearImpl(
const int year) {
std::unique_ptr<PrefilterExpression> makePrefilterExpressionYearImpl(
CompOp comparison, const int year) {
using GeExpr = GreaterEqualExpression;
using LtExpr = LessThanExpression;

// `getDateId` returns an `Id` containing the smallest possible `Date`
// (`xsd::date`) for which `YEAR(Id) == adjustedYear` is valid. This `Id` acts
// as a reference bound for the actual `DateYearOrDuration` prefiltering
// procedure.
const auto getDateId = [](const int adjustedYear) {
return Id::makeFromDate(DateYearOrDuration(Date(adjustedYear, 0, 0)));
Expand All @@ -526,42 +531,69 @@ static std::unique_ptr<PrefilterExpression> makePrefilterExpressionYearImpl(
return make<OrExpression>(make<LtExpr>(getDateId(year)),
make<GeExpr>(getDateId(year + 1)));
throw std::runtime_error(
absl::StrCat("Set unkown (relational) comparison operator for "

Check failure on line 535 in src/engine/sparqlExpressions/PrefilterExpressionIndex.cpp

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GitHub Actions / Check for spelling errors

unkown ==> unknown
"the creation of PrefilterExpression on date-values: ",

template <CompOp comparison>
static std::unique_ptr<PrefilterExpression> makePrefilterExpressionVecImpl(
const IdOrLocalVocabEntry& referenceValue, bool prefilterDate) {
const IdOrLocalVocabEntry& referenceValue, bool prefilterDateByYear) {
using enum Datatype;
// Standard pre-filtering procedure.
if (!prefilterDate) {
if (!prefilterDateByYear) {
return make<RelationalExpression<comparison>>(referenceValue);

// Helper to savely retrieve `ValueId/Id` values from the provided

Check failure on line 550 in src/engine/sparqlExpressions/PrefilterExpressionIndex.cpp

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savely ==> safely
// `IdOrLocalVocabEntry referenceValue` if contained. Given no `ValueId` is
// contained, a explanatory message per `std::runtime_error` is thrown.
const auto retrieveValueIdOrThrowErr =
[](const IdOrLocalVocabEntry& referenceValue) {
return std::visit(
[]<typename T>(const T& value) -> ValueId {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<T>, ValueId>) {
return value;
} else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<T>,
LocalVocabEntry>) {
throw std::runtime_error(absl::StrCat(
"Provided Literal or Iri with value: ",
". This is an invalid reference value for filtering date "
"values over expression YEAR. Please provide an integer "
"value as reference year."));
throw std::runtime_error(
"Reference value IdOrLocalVocabEntry contains unknown type.");
// Handle year extraction and return a date-value adjusted
// `PrefilterExpression` if possible. Given an unsuitable reference value was
// provided, throw a std::runtime_error with an explanatory message.
const auto retrieveYearIntOrThrowRuntimerErr =
[](const IdOrLocalVocabEntry& referenceValue) {
using enum Datatype;
if (auto* valueId = std::get_if<ValueId>(&referenceValue);
valueId && valueId->getDatatype() == Int) {
return valueId->getInt();
const auto retrieveYearIntOrThrowErr =
[&retrieveValueIdOrThrowErr](const IdOrLocalVocabEntry& referenceValue) {
const ValueId& valueId = retrieveValueIdOrThrowErr(referenceValue);
if (valueId.getDatatype() == Int) {
return valueId.getInt();
throw std::runtime_error(
"Pre-filtering DATETIME/DATE values over YEAR failed: requires "
"INTEGER reference value.");
throw std::runtime_error(absl::StrCat(
"Reference value for filtering date values over "
"expression YEAR is of invalid datatype: ",
".\nPlease provide an integer value as reference year."));
return makePrefilterExpressionYearImpl<comparison>(
return makePrefilterExpressionYearImpl(
comparison, retrieveYearIntOrThrowErr(referenceValue));

template <CompOp comparison>
std::vector<PrefilterExprVariablePair> makePrefilterExpressionVec(
const IdOrLocalVocabEntry& referenceValue, const Variable& variable,
bool mirrored, bool prefilterDate) {
bool mirrored, bool prefilterDateByYear) {
using enum CompOp;
std::vector<PrefilterExprVariablePair> resVec{};
if (mirrored) {
Expand All @@ -573,12 +605,12 @@ std::vector<PrefilterExprVariablePair> makePrefilterExpressionVec(
constexpr ad_utility::ConstexprMap<CompOp, CompOp, 6> mirrorMap(
{P{LT, GT}, P{LE, GE}, P{GE, LE}, P{GT, LT}, P{EQ, EQ}, P{NE, NE}});
referenceValue, prefilterDateByYear),
} else {
referenceValue, prefilterDate),
referenceValue, prefilterDateByYear),
return resVec;
Expand Down
27 changes: 21 additions & 6 deletions src/engine/sparqlExpressions/PrefilterExpressionIndex.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -252,19 +252,34 @@ using PrefilterExprVariablePair =
void checkPropertiesForPrefilterConstruction(
const std::vector<PrefilterExprVariablePair>& vec);

// Use for testing only. The definition here is necessary to call
// `makePrefilterYearImpl` with an invalid `CompOp` argument given that it is
// internally in use over the `CompOp` save template instantiated
// `makePrefilterExpressionVec`. Use `makePrefilterExpressionVec` to retrieve
// the actual `PrefilterExpression` (with corresponding `Variable`).
std::unique_ptr<PrefilterExpression> makePrefilterExpressionYearImpl(
CompOp comparison, const int year);

// Creates a `RelationalExpression<comparison>` prefilter expression based on
// the templated `CompOp` comparison operation and the reference
// the specified `CompOp` comparison operation and the reference
// `IdOrLocalVocabEntry` value. With the next step, the corresponding
// `<RelationalExpression<comparison>, Variable>` pair is created, and finally
// returned in a vector. The `mirrored` flag indicates if the given
// `RelationalExpression<comparison>` should be mirrored. The mirroring
// procedure changes the (asymmetrical) comparison operations:
// e.g. `5 < ?x` is changed to `?x > 5`.
// returned in a vector.
// The `mirrored` flag indicates if the given `RelationalExpression<comparison>`
// should be mirrored. The mirroring procedure changes the (asymmetrical)
// comparison operations: e.g. `5 < ?x` is changed to `?x > 5`.
// The `prefilterDateByYear` flag indicates that the constructed
// `PrefilterExpression<comp>` needs to consider `Date`/`DateYearOrDuration`
// value ranges for the `BlockMetadata` pre-selection (w.r.t. the year provided
// as an Int-`ValueId` over `referenceValue`). This requires a slightly
// different logic when constructing the expression, hence set
// `prefilterDateByYear` as an indicator.
template <CompOp comparison>
std::vector<PrefilterExprVariablePair> makePrefilterExpressionVec(
const IdOrLocalVocabEntry& referenceValue, const Variable& variable,
bool mirrored, bool prefilterDate = false);
bool mirrored, bool prefilterDateByYear = false);

} // namespace detail
} // namespace prefilterExpressions
74 changes: 37 additions & 37 deletions src/engine/sparqlExpressions/RelationalExpressions.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -425,6 +425,33 @@ ExpressionResult InExpression::evaluate(
return result;

// _____________________________________________________________________________
// (1) the provided `SparqlExpression* child` is a direct `Variable` expression
// (e.g. `?x`), return `<Variable, false>`.
// (2) the provided `SparqlExpression* child` is an expression `YEAR` which
// referes to a `Variable` value (e.g. `YEAR(?x)`), return `<Variable, true>`.

Check failure on line 432 in src/engine/sparqlExpressions/RelationalExpressions.cpp

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referes ==> refers, referees
// (3) None of the previous expression cases, return default `std::nullopt`.
// The `bool` flag is relevant later on to differentiate w.r.t. the logic that
// needs to be applied for the creation of `PrefilterExpression`.
static std::optional<std::pair<Variable, bool>> getOptVariableAndIsYear(
const SparqlExpression* child) {
// (1) The direct child already contains the Variable.
if (auto optVariable = child->getVariableOrNullopt(); optVariable) {
return std::make_pair(optVariable.value(), false);
if (!child->isYearExpression()) return std::nullopt;
// (2) The direct child is an expression YEAR();
// If possible retrieve the Variable related to YEAR().
const auto& grandChild = child->children();
// The expression YEAR() should by definition hold a single child.
AD_CORRECTNESS_CHECK(grandChild.size() == 1);
if (auto optVariable = grandChild[0]->getVariableOrNullopt(); optVariable) {
return std::make_pair(optVariable.value(), true);
// No Variable for pre-filtering available.
return std::nullopt;

// _____________________________________________________________________________
template <Comparison comp>
Expand All @@ -434,44 +461,17 @@ RelationalExpression<comp>::getPrefilterExpressionForMetadata(
const SparqlExpression* child0 =;
const SparqlExpression* child1 =;

const auto getOptVariableAndIsYear = [](const SparqlExpression* child)
-> std::optional<std::pair<Variable, bool>> {
// (1) The direct child already contains the Variable.
if (auto optVariable = child->getVariableOrNullopt(); optVariable) {
return std::make_pair(optVariable.value(), false);
// (2) The direct child is an expression YEAR();
// If possible retrieve the Variable related to YEAR().
if (child->isYearExpression()) {
std::optional<SparqlExpression*> optGrandChild =
// The expression YEAR() should by definition hold a child.
if (auto optVariable = optGrandChild.value()->getVariableOrNullopt();
optVariable) {
return std::make_pair(optVariable.value(), true);
// No Variable for pre-filtering available.
return std::nullopt;

const auto tryGetPrefilterExprVariablePairVec =
const SparqlExpression* child0, const SparqlExpression* child1,
bool reversed) -> std::vector<PrefilterExprVariablePair> {
if (auto optVariableIsYearPair = getOptVariableAndIsYear(child0);
optVariableIsYearPair) {
const auto& [variable, prefilterDate] = optVariableIsYearPair.value();
const auto& optReferenceValue =
if (!optReferenceValue.has_value()) {
return {};
return prefilterExpressions::detail::makePrefilterExpressionVec<comp>(
optReferenceValue.value(), variable, reversed, prefilterDate);
return {};
[](const SparqlExpression* child0, const SparqlExpression* child1,
bool reversed) -> std::vector<PrefilterExprVariablePair> {
const auto& optVariableIsYearPair = getOptVariableAndIsYear(child0);
if (!optVariableIsYearPair.has_value()) return {};
const auto& [variable, prefilterDate] = optVariableIsYearPair.value();
const auto& optReferenceValue =
if (!optReferenceValue.has_value()) return {};
return prefilterExpressions::detail::makePrefilterExpressionVec<comp>(
optReferenceValue.value(), variable, reversed, prefilterDate);
// Option 1:
// RelationalExpression containing a VariableExpression as the first child
Expand Down
6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions src/engine/sparqlExpressions/SparqlExpression.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -65,12 +65,6 @@ std::unique_ptr<SparqlExpression> SparqlExpression::replaceChild(
return std::exchange(children()[childIndex], std::move(newExpression));

// _____________________________________________________________________________
std::optional<SparqlExpression*> SparqlExpression::getChildAtIndex(
[[maybe_unused]] size_t childIndex) const {
return std::nullopt;

// _____________________________________________________________________________
const string& SparqlExpression::descriptor() const { return _descriptor; }

Expand Down
7 changes: 0 additions & 7 deletions src/engine/sparqlExpressions/SparqlExpression.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,13 +60,6 @@ class SparqlExpression {
virtual std::unique_ptr<SparqlExpression> replaceChild(
size_t childIndex, std::unique_ptr<SparqlExpression> newExpression);

// Returns the child at index `childIndex` for this expression.
// By default the implementation of this method returns `std::nullopt`.
// If the given `childIndex` is out of bounds for the respective expression,
// `std::nullopt` will be returned as well.
virtual std::optional<SparqlExpression*> getChildAtIndex(
size_t childIndex) const;

// Get a unique identifier for this expression, used as cache key.
virtual string getCacheKey(const VariableToColumnMap& varColMap) const = 0;

Expand Down
43 changes: 28 additions & 15 deletions test/GetPrefilterExpressionFromSparqlExpressionTest.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -523,24 +523,37 @@ TEST(GetPrefilterExpressionFromSparqlExpression, tryGetPrefilterExprForDate) {
eqSprql(yearSprqlExpr(ltSprql(var, IntId(2025))), IntId(2025)));

auto assertThrowsError = [](std::unique_ptr<SparqlExpression> expr) {
try {
FAIL() << "Expected std::runtime_error";
} catch (const std::runtime_error& err) {
"Pre-filtering DATETIME/DATE values over YEAR failed: "
"requires INTEGER reference value.");
} catch (...) {
FAIL() << "Different error to std::runtime_error was thrown.";
auto assertThrowsError = [](std::unique_ptr<SparqlExpression> expr,
const std::string& runtimeErrorMessage) {
// Test SparqlExpressions for which we expect that the reference value-type
// error is thrown.
assertThrowsError(eqSprql(yearSprqlExpr(var), I("<iri>")));
assertThrowsError(gtSprql(yearSprqlExpr(var), I("<iri>")));
assertThrowsError(ltSprql(yearSprqlExpr(var), Id::makeFromBool(false)));
assertThrowsError(neqSprql(yearSprqlExpr(var), Id::makeUndefined()));
eqSprql(yearSprqlExpr(var), I("<iri>")),
"Provided Literal or Iri with value: <iri>. This is an invalid reference "
"value for filtering date values over expression YEAR. Please provide an "
"integer value as reference year.");
gtSprql(yearSprqlExpr(var), I("<iri>")),
"Provided Literal or Iri with value: <iri>. This is an invalid reference "
"value for filtering date values over expression YEAR. Please provide an "
"integer value as reference year.");
neqSprql(yearSprqlExpr(var), L("\"lit value\"")),
"Provided Literal or Iri with value: \"lit value\". This is an invalid "
"reference "
"value for filtering date values over expression YEAR. Please provide an "
"integer value as reference year.");
assertThrowsError(ltSprql(yearSprqlExpr(var), Id::makeFromBool(false)),
"Reference value for filtering date values over expression "
"YEAR is of invalid datatype: Bool.\nPlease provide an "
"integer value as reference year.");
assertThrowsError(neqSprql(yearSprqlExpr(var), Id::makeUndefined()),
"Reference value for filtering date values over expression "
"YEAR is of invalid datatype: Undefined.\nPlease provide "
"an integer value as reference year.");

// Test that the conditions required for a correct merge of child
Expand Down
15 changes: 13 additions & 2 deletions test/PrefilterExpressionIndexTest.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -765,10 +765,9 @@ TEST_F(PrefilterExpressionOnMetadataTest, testEqualityOperator) {
// Test PrefilterExpression content formatting for debugging.
checkPrintFormattedPrefilterExpression) {
auto exprToString = [](const PrefilterExpression& expr) {
auto exprToString = [](const auto& expr) {
return (std::stringstream{} << expr).str();

auto matcher = [&exprToString](const std::string& substring) {
return ::testing::ResultOf(exprToString, ::testing::Eq(substring));
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -827,3 +826,15 @@ TEST(PrefilterExpressionExpressionOnMetadataTest,
".\n}child2 {Prefilter RelationalExpression<NE(!=)>\nreferenceValue_ "
": <iri/custom/v66> .\n}\n.\n"));

// Test PrefilterExpression unkown `CompOp comparison` value detection.

Check failure on line 831 in test/PrefilterExpressionIndexTest.cpp

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unkown ==> unknown
checkMakePrefilterVecDetectsAndThrowsForInvalidComparisonOp) {
using namespace prefilterExpressions::detail;
makePrefilterExpressionYearImpl(static_cast<CompOp>(10), 0),
"Set unkown (relational) comparison operator for the creation of "

Check failure on line 838 in test/PrefilterExpressionIndexTest.cpp

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unkown ==> unknown
"PrefilterExpression on date-values: Undefined CompOp value: 10."));

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