Here is a listing of current CircuitPython Community Libraries. These libraries are supplied and supported by community members.
- Adafruit Soundboard An easy way to add sound to your maker project. (Docs)
- at24mac-eeprom I2C driver for the AT24MAC402 and AT24MAC602 devices.
- at42qt-acorn-python Driver library for the AT42QT1070 Acorn.
- Bluepad 32 Enables gamepad support for CircuitPython.
- CircuitPython_AD5245 A driver for the AD5245 digital potentiometer. (Docs)
- CircuitPython_AD5293 A driver for the AD5293 digital potentiometer. (Docs)
- CircuitPython_AD9833 A driver for the AD9833 Programmable Waveform Generator. (Docs)
- CircuitPython AS3935 Library for the Franklin AS3935 lightning detector. The driver supports connections via SPI and I2C. (Docs)
- CircuitPython AS5600 Driver for the AMS AS5600 12-bit on-axis magnetic rotary position sensor (Docs)
- CircuitPython AXP192 A driver for AXP192 power management IC. (Docs)
- CircuitPython AXP2101 A driver for AXP2101 power management IC. (Docs)
- CircuitPython BMA220 Driver for the Bosch BMA220 Sensor (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython DisplayIO ST7565 CircuitPython displayio driver for ST7565 and ST7567 displays (Docs)
- CircuitPython_DRV8830 A driver for the DRV8830 DC motor controller.
- CircuitPython FS3000 Driver for the Renesas FS3000 Air Velocity Sensor Module (Docs)
- CircuitPython GC9A01 Displayio driver for GC9A01 TFT LCD displays.
- CircuitPython GC9D01 Displayio driver for GC9D01 TFT LCD displays.
- CircuitPython gpio_expander I2C GPIO expander support for PCA9534, PCA9535, PCA9555, TCA9534, TCA9535 and TCA9555 chips. (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython_GT911 Driver for the Goodix GT911 touchscreen sensor. (Docs)
- CircuitPython HCSR04 Library for The HC-SR04 for measuring distances using microcontrollers (Docs)
- CircuitPython HX711 CircuitPython driver for the HX711 load cell amplifer and ADC (Docs)
- CircuitPython I2C Expanders Drivers for various i2C expanders. Current support for PCA9555, PCAL9555, PCA9554, PCAL9554, PCA9538, PCAL9538. (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython INA3221 CircuitPython driver for the Texas Instruments' INA3221 3 channels current sensor. (Docs)
- CircuitPython JLed Non-blocking LED effects. (Docs)
- CircuitPython Laser AT Driver for a cheap laser rangefinder (Docs)
- CircuitPython Laser Egismos Driver for the Egismos laser rangefinder module 2 (Docs)
- CircuitPython LILYGO T-Deck CircuitPython drivers for the LILYGO T-Deck peripherals. (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython M5Stack PbHub Driver for the M5Stack PbHub (Docs)
- CircuitPython MCP48XX Driver for the Microchip MCP4801, MCP4811, MCP4821, MCP4802, MCP4812, and MCP4822 digital to analog converters (PyPi )(Docs)
- CircuitPython MPU6886 Driver for the MPU6886 inertial measurement unit (Docs)
- CircuitPython_NAU7802 A driver for the NAU7802 24-bit ADC.
- CircuitPython PS2Controller (PyPi) (Docs) CircuitPython library to read Sony PS2 game controllers
- CircuitPython_paj7620 A driver for the PAJ7620 gesture sensor.
- CircuitPython PCA9674 Driver for the NXP PCA9674(A) 8 channel I2C I/O expander (PyPi)
- CircuitPython PCA9955b Driver for the NXP PCA9955b 16-Channel I2C-Bus Constant-Current LED Driver (Docs)
- CircuitPython qmi8658c Driver for the QMI8658C inertial measurement unit (Docs)
- CircuitPython Raspberry PI Build HAT Driver for Raspberry PI Build HAT (Docs)
- CircuitPython RDA5807 rda5807m FM radio chip CircuitPython library (Docs)
- CircuitPython RM3100 Driver for the RM3100 magnetometer (PyPI) (Docs)
- CircuitPython RuhRohRotaryIO CircuitPython library that pretents to be
for non-sequential pins (PyPi) (Docs) - CircuitPython SH1106 CircuitPython driver for SH1106 OLED displays.
- CircuitPython Seeed XIAO nRF52840 Provides access to onboard sensors and battery charge management circuitry (Docs)
- CircuitPython TCA9555 CircuitPython library for Texas Instruments TCA9555 Low-Voltage 16-Bit I2C and SMBus I/O Expander with Input / Output and Polarity Inversion. (PyPI) (Docs)
- CircuitPython TMP75 CircuitPython driver library for Texas Instruments' TMP75 I2C temperature sensor (Docs)
- CircuitPython TicStepper Driver for the TIC stepper motor drivers (Docs)
- CircuitPython WiiChuck CircuitPython driver for Nintendo WiiMote I2C Accessory Devices(PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython bteve CircuitPython_bteve
- CircuitPython NeoTrellisM4 extended (with Neotrellis seesaw boards) Use Adafruit TrellisM4 Express board as 2 Neotrellis board. (Docs)
- CircuitPython nRF24L01 Circuitpython driver library for the nRF24L01 transceiver. (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython-i2cEncoderLibV21 CircuitPython helper library for the i2c Encoder (Docs)
- CircuitPython-mitutoyo (Docs CircuitPython implementation of the Mitutoyo Digimatic SPC interface.
- creativecontrol LTC166X Driver for LTC166X 8 channel DACs (PyPi) (Docs)
- Electronutlabs CircuitPython ILI9163 Displayio driver for ILI9163 TFT-LCD displays. (Docs)
- Electronutlabs CircuitPython LIS2DH12 Circuitpython library for LIS2DH12 3-axis low power accelerometer. (Docs)
- Electronutlabs CircuitPython LTR329ALS01 Circuitpython library for reading data from light sensor LTR329ALS01. (Docs)
- Hierophect Circuitpython Dynamixel Circuitpython driver library for the Dynamixel series of servo motors from Robotis (Docs)
- M5Stack 8 Angle and 8 Encoder Unit Circuitpython driver library for the M5Stack 8Unit Angle and Encoder breakout boards (Docs)
- MH-Z19x Driver for the MH-Z19x CO2-sensors
- Mindwidgets CircuitPython DF1201S CircuitPython driver for DFRobot DFPlayer Pro MP3 player with onboard storage (Docs)
- Pimoroni CircuitPython LTR559 Library for the LTR559 Proximity/Presence/Light Sensor (Docs)
- Pimoroni CircuitPython MICS6814 Driver for the MICS6814 Gas sensor (Docs)
- Solder Party BBQ10KeyboardCircuitPython library for interfacing the BB Q10 and BB Q20 Keyboards over I2C (Docs)
- Sparkfun CircuitPython QwiicAS3935CircuitPython library for Sparkfun Qwiic Joystick. (PyPi) (Docs)
- Sparkfun CircuitPython QwiicJoystick (PyPi) (Docs)
- Sparkfun CircuitPython QwiicKeypad CircuitPython library for Sparkfun Qwiic 12 Button Keypad. (PyPi) (Docs)
- Sparkfun CircuitPython QwiicRelay CircuitPython library for Sparkfun Qwiic Single Relay (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython_Sparkfun_QwiicQuadSolidStateRelay (PyPi) (Docs)
- Sparkfun CircuitPython QwiicTwist CircuitPython library for Sparkfun Qwiic Twist RGB Rotary Encoder.(Docs)
- Sparkfun CircuitPython SerLCD CircuitPython library for the Sparkfun SerLCD displays. (PyPi) (Docs)
- slight CircuitPython TLC5957 CircuitPython library for TI TLC5957 48-channel 16bit LED-Driver (Docs)
- TM1637 7-Segment Display CircuitPython library for a TM1637 7-segment display board (Docs)
- Waveshare's I2C Character Display LCD1602 Drive for Waveshare's I2C character display LCD1602 (PyPi) (Docs)
- Woolsey Workshop CircuitPython 74HC165 CircuitPython driver for 74HC165 shift register. (PyPI) (Docs)
- Waveshare's I2C E-Ink Segment-Display CircuitPython driver for E-Ink Segment-Display
- Absolute Mouse An Absolute Position Mouse HID library and descriptor for adafruit_hid (Docs)
- Ansi Escape Codes Simple helper library for common ANSI escape codes (PyPI) (Docs)
- Biplane Minimal, fast, robust HTTP server library that uses non-blocking concurrent I/O even when asyncio isn't available (PyPI) (Docs)
- CIRCUITPYTHON ifttt A simple link to If This Then That (IFTTT) webhooks (Docs)
- CircuitPython_AirQualityTools Calculate PM2.5 and CO2 air quality levels (Docs)
- CircuitPython ArrowLine Utility function to draw arrow lines using vectorio and DisplayIO (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython_async Pure Python cooperative multitasking implementation for the async/await language syntax
- CircuitPython_async_button async implementation of a button - allows detection of single, double and triple clicks [Docs](
- CircuitPython_async_buzzer Utility to play simple tunes via pwmio asynchronously [Docs](
- CircuitPython AzureCustomVision Prediction CircuitPython prediction library for the Azure custom vision service (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython Base64 RFC 3548: Base16, Base32, Base64 Data Encodings (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython_BLE_Cycling_Power_Service Extracting power in watts from a bluetooth low energy cycling power meter.
- CircuitPython Boxplot Helps calculate and graphs boxplots (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython_Button_Handler Simplifies the usage of buttons by handling different types of button presses.(PyPI) (Docs)
- Circuit Python Buzzer-Music Asyncio-Based Library for Buzzer-Music
- CircuitPython Candlesticks Graphical representation of the stock movement in candlestick form (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython_Chime A class for generating wind chime and bell sounds using synthio. (Docs)
- CircuitPython ColorPicker Color Picker for CircuitPython. Allows to pick a color directly from CircuitPython, giving you the color information (PyPi )(Docs)
- CircuitPython_ColorFader Brightness and gamma adjustment of an integer RGB color value (Docs)
- CircuitPython CSV CircuitPython helper library for working with CSV files (PyPI) (Docs)
- CircuitPython DiscordBot A very simple Discord API for CircuitPython
- CircuitPython_DisplayIO_ListSelect CircuitPython displayio widget to show a list and allow user to select an item from it.
- CircuitPython Display Frame CircuitPython displayio widget to create a rounded rectangle frame with text label at the top center (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython CaveBLE Communicate with cave surveying devices (Docs)
- CircuitPython DST_Adjuster Adjust struct time to North American Daylight Saving Time (DST) (Docs)
- CircuitPython Equalizer CircuitPython graphic equalizer with DisplayIO (PyPi (Docs)
- CircuitPython Example This is an example CircuitPython library used in an Adafruit Learn Guide (Docs)
- CircuitPython Functools A CircuitPython implementation of CPython's functools library (Docs)
- CircuitPython gauge Customizable Gauge widget for displayio (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython GameControls Abstraction API for video game controls. (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython HMAC HMAC (Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication) Python module. Implements the HMAC algorithm as described by RFC 2104 (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython Display_HT16K33 On display simulation for the HT16K33 driver. Works with 8x8 and 16x8 matrices, as well as 4x7 and 4x14 segments (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython I2C Button CircuitPython I2C Button à la Sparkfun Qwiic Button/Switch/Arcade (PyPI) (Docs)
- CircuitPython iperf CircuitPython port of the iperf3-utility
- CircuitPython KeyManager Helper library to manage notes in musical applications. Includes note priority, arpeggiation, and sequencing. (Docs)
- CircuitPython LeapYear Confirms whether a specified year is a leap year (Docs)
- CircuitPython Mag Cal Calibrate magnetic sensors (Docs)
- CircuitPython MicroOSC (PyPi) (Docs) Minimal OSC parser and server for CircuitPython and CPython
- CircuitPython_MIDI_Tools A collection of methods for processing MIDI notes and Control Change codes (Docs)
- CircuitPython MorseCode Circuitpython library to crete Morse code (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython Noise (PyPi) (Docs) Simplex (Perlin-like) noise generation
- CircuitPython_OhmsLaw Calculate an Ohm’s Law result from two input parameters (Docs)
- CircuitPython PaletteFader Color palette and list brightness setter and normalizer tool. (Docs)
- CircuitPython PaletteFilter Replace color index values in a displayio.Palette object (Docs)
- CircuitPython PaletteSlice Wrap a displayio.Palette object to permit list-like slicing (Docs)
- CircuitPython Parse Parse (absolute and relative) URLs (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython_PIO_I2S CircuitPython library to handle bidirectional I2S communication using PIO to be used with audio codecs and microphones (Docs)
- CircuitPython_PunkConsole Emulate the Atari Punk Console (Docs)
- CircuitPython_RangeSlicer Scale a range of input values into quantized range using hysteresis for noise reduction (Docs)
- CircuitPython_RGB_SpectrumTools Methods and classes for converting a normalized spectral index to RGB color values (Docs) c* CircuitPython_RotarySelect CircuitPython displayio widget with circle icons laid out around a circle with a selection indicator (PyPi (Docs)
- CircuitPython scales Displayio widget to draw graphical scales. Scales can be animated, having the ability to represent realtime data (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython_Schedule Reduced version of the schedule library for CircuitPython (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython_ShadowWatcher Detects a shadow cast over an analog light sensor (Docs)
- CircuitPython simple_dial Simple dial to graph Gyros, dial or simple clocks (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython Slider Simpleslider for Touchscreens (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython SoftKeyboard Soft Keyboard for Touchscreens (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython Styles Library helper to add styles to CircuitPython display functions CircuitPython widgets (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython_SynthVoice Helper library to generate complex synthio voices. (Docs)
- CircuitPython_TemperatureTools A collection of Dew Point, Heat Index, and temperature unit helpers (Docs)
- CircuitPython_TMIDI Alternate CircuitPython MIDI library, inherits from Winterbloom_SmolMIDI (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython_TOML A subset of CPython's built-in module for working with TOML data. Useful for complex data on
is not enough. - CircuitPython_TouchCalibrator A resistive touchscreen calibrator for Adafruit built-in and TFT FeatherWing displays
- CircuitPython TZDB IANA timezones for adafruit_datetime (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython uplot Plot library for CircuitPython (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython_WaveBuilder A CircuitPython class to construct a composite synthio wave table from a collection of oscillators. (Docs)
- CircuitPython_Waveform Helper library to generate simple and composite waveforms for use with synthio. (Docs)
- CircuitPython_WaveViz A CircuitPython class to create a positionable displayio.Group graphics widget from a synthio wave table. (Docs)
- Gamblor21 CircuitPython AHRS This library contains right now one algorithm for AHRS - Attitude and Heading Reference System (Docs)
- Jepler CircuitPython udecimal Reduced version of the decimal library for CircuitPython (PyPi) (Docs)
- PiperBlocklyLibrary CircuitPython Library to support block-coding using the RP Pico microcontroller
- circuitPython dotstar featherwing A higher level library for working with the DotStar FeatherWing, build on top of the CircuitPython DotStar driver (Docs)
- MCP23017 Scanner A keypad-like module to scan keys or a key matrix connected to a MCP23017 GPIO expander (Docs)
- Multi Keypad A helper library to use multiple instances from the keypad library or compatible as a single event queue (Docs)
- nonblocking timer nonblockingtimer is a class to simplify the use of time.monotonic() when working with CircuitPython (Docs)
- nonblocking Serial Input CircuitPython helper library to handle serial user input in a nonblocking way (Docs)
- NVM Helper Easy interface to store and retrieve objects persisted via NVM (Docs)
- Oak Dev Tech CircuitPython IcePython Helper for programming Lattice iCE40 FPGA
- UUIDv4 This is a CircuitPython library to generate a UUID version 4
- P1AM A CircuitPython driver library for the P1AM product family.
- p1am_200_helpers A CircuitPython helper library for the features of the P1AM-200.
- PCF85063A A CircuitPython library for the PCF85063A RTC
- RS485-Wrapper A CircuitPython helper library to convert a UART object into an RS485 object.
- Cirque Pinnacle A driver library to use circular trackpads (as seen in the Steam controller and HTC Vive VR controllers) empowered with Cirque's 1CA027 ASIC (surnamed "Pinnacle"). More information can be found in the documentation.
- Embedded HTTPServer An efficient and slim HTTP-server (fork of biplane)