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Unreal SDK v5 migration guide

The Adjust Unreal SDK has been updated to v5. Follow this guide to migrate from v4 to the latest version.

Before you begin

The Adjust SDK v4 was compatible with Unreal Engine 4, but due to some breaking changes that were introduced, it is no longer compatible with Unreal Engine 5. Adjust SDK v5 is now compatible with Unreal Engine 5. Adjust SDK v5 is not compatible with Unreal Engine 4.

The minimum supported iOS and Android versions have been updated. If your app targets a lower version, update it first.

  • iOS: 12.0
  • Android: API 21

Update the initialization method

In Unreal SDK v5, the initialization method has changed from UAdjust::Initialize to UAdjust::InitSdk.


Android permissions

In Unreal SDK v5, all the Android permissions are added automatically via underlying native Android SDK v5. Those permissions are:

  • android.permission.INTERNET
  • for allowing access to Google advertising ID.

Depending on your app and preferences, the access to Google advertising ID might be something you would like to revoke. You can remove this permission with the following snippet to your AndroidManifest.xml file:

<uses-permission android:name="" tools:node="remove"/>

Learn more about Adjust's COPPA compliance.

Changes and removals

Below is the complete list of changed, renamed, and removed APIs in Unreal SDK v5.

Each section includes a reference to the previous and current API implementations, as well as a minimal code snippet that illustrates how to use the latest version.

Changed APIs

The following APIs have changed in Unreal SDK v5.

Disable and enable the SDK

The SetEnabled method has been renamed. Unreal SDK v5 introduces two separate methods, for clarity:

  • Call Adjust::Disable to disable the SDK.
  • Call Adjust::Enable to enable the SDK.
Adjust::Disable(); // disable SDK
Adjust::Enable(); // enable SDK

In addition to this, IsEnabled getter of the UAdjust class is no longer returning bool value, but is asynchronous instead. Before invoking Adjust::IsEnabled which no longer returns any value, you need to declare a callback to which the SDK enabled status will be reported.

DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam(FOnIsEnabledGetterDelegate, bool, IsEnabled);

// ...

UPROPERTY(BlueprintAssignable, BlueprintCallable, Category = Adjust)
FOnIsEnabledGetterDelegate OnIsEnabledGetterDelegate;

Offline mode

The SetOfflineMode method has been renamed. Unreal SDK v5 introduces two separate methods, for clarity:

  • Call UAdjust::SwitchToOfflineMode to set the SDK to offline mode.
  • Call UAdjust::SwitchBackToOnlineMode to set the SDK back to online mode.

Send from background

The SendInBackground field of the FAdjustConfig structure has been renamed to IsSendingInBackgroundEnabled.

Attribution structure

In Unreal SDK v5, Adid field has been removed from FAdjustAttribution structure.

Event deduplication

In Unreal SDK v5, event deduplication is decoupled from the TransactionId field of the FAdjustEvent structure. To prevent measuring duplicated events, use the DeduplicationId ID field.

Session callback parameters

In Unreal SDK v5, the session callback parameters have been renamed to global callback parameters together with corresponding methods.

UAdjust::AddGlobalCallbackParameter("user_id", "855");

Session partner parameters

In Unreal SDK v5, the session partner parameters have been renamed to global partner parameters together with corresponding methods.

UAdjust::AddGlobalPartnerParameter("user_id", "855");

Deep linking

Reattribution via deep links

In Unreal SDK v5, the AppWillOpenUrl method of the UAdjust class has been renamed to ProcessDeeplink.

To process a deep link, you now need to create a new FAdjustDeeplink structure, assign the deep link string to Deeplink field of the structure and pass the structure to the UAdjust::ProcessDeeplink method.

FAdjustDeeplink adjustDeeplink;
adjustDeeplink.Deeplink = "your-app-scheme://link-content";

Disable opening deferred deep links

In Unreal SDK v5, the OpenDeferredDeeplink field of the FAdjustConfig structure has been renamed to IsDeferredDeeplinkOpeningEnabled.

iOS only API

SKAdNetwork handling

In Unreal SDK v5, the HandleSkAdNetwork field from the FAdjustConfig structure has been renamed to IsSkanAttributionEnabled.

App Tracking Transparency authorization wrapper

In Unreal SDK v5, the RequestTrackingAuthorizationWithCompletionHandler method of the UAdjust class has been renamed to RequestAppTrackingAuthorization for clarity.

AdServices handling

In unreal SDK v5, the AllowAdServicesInfoReading field from the FAdjustConfig structure has been renamed to IsAdServicesEnabled.

Get device information

Adjust ID

Obtaining of the Adjust ID is now asynchronous. GetAdid method of the UAdjust class no longer returns FString, but void instead. In order to obtain Adjust ID, you need to declare a callback method on the UAdjustDelegates object where the results will be returned and invoke UAdjust::GetAdid afterwards.

DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam(FOnAdidGetterDelegate, const FString&, Adid);

// ...

UPROPERTY(BlueprintAssignable, BlueprintCallable, Category = Adjust)
FOnAdidGetterDelegate OnAdidGetterDelegate;


Getter for IDFA has been changed in the same way as Adjust ID getter. Before invoking UAdjust::GetIdfa (which returns no value in Unreal SDK v5), you need to declare a callback method on the UAdjustDelegates object where the IDFA value will be returned.

DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam(FOnIdfaGetterDelegate, const FString&, Idfa);

// ...

UPROPERTY(BlueprintAssignable, BlueprintCallable, Category = Adjust)
FOnIdfaGetterDelegate OnIdfaGetterDelegate;

Amazon advertising ID

Getter for Amazon advertising ID has been changed in the same way as IDFA getter. Before invoking UAdjust::GetAmazonAdId (which returns no value in Unreal SDK v5), you need to declare a callback method on the UAdjustDelegates object where the Amazon advertising ID value will be returned.

DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam(FOnAmazonAdIdGetterDelegate, const FString&, AmazonAdId);

// ...

UPROPERTY(BlueprintAssignable, BlueprintCallable, Category = Adjust)
FOnAmazonAdIdGetterDelegate OnAmazonAdIdGetterDelegate;

Get attribution information

Similar to getters above, attribution getter is also asynchronous in Unreal SDK v5. Before invoking UAdjust::GetAttribution, you should set your callback method on UAdjustDelegates object.

DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam(FOnAttributionGetterDelegate, const FAdjustAttribution&, Attribution);

// ...

UPROPERTY(BlueprintAssignable, BlueprintCallable, Category = Adjust)
FOnAttributionGetterDelegate OnAttributionGetterDelegate;

Removed APIs

The following APIs have been removed from Unreal SDK v5.

  • The DelayStart field of the FAdjustConfig structure has been removed.
  • The SendFirstPackages method of the UAdjust class has been removed.
  • The EventBuffering field of the FAdjustConfig structure has been removed.
  • The IsDeviceKnown field of the FAdjustConfig structure has been removed.
  • The PreinstallTracking field of the FAdjustConfig structure has been removed.
  • The AllowiAdInfoReading field of the FAdjustConfig structure has been removed.
  • The UserAgent field of the FAdjustConfig structure has been removed.
  • The UrlStrategy field of the FAdjustConfig structure has been removed (temporarily).

Disable third party sharing globally

The DisableThirdPartySharing method of the UAdjust class has been removed.

To disable all third-party sharing in Unreal SDK v5, use the TrackThirdPartySharing method of the UAdjust class.

FAdjustThirdPartySharing adjustThirdPartySharing;
adjustThirdPartySharing.Sharing = EAdjustThirdPartySharingState::Disable;


Set an app secret

The SecretId, Info1, Info2, Info3 and Info4 fields of the FAdjustConfig structure have been removed.

The SDK signature library is bundled in Adjust SDKs v5 and enabled by default. To configure the anti-spoofing solution in the Adjust Dashboard, follow the integration guide for your platform.

Huawei referrer API

This feature has been removed. If your Unreal app uses the Huawei referrer API, contact your Adjust representative or email [email protected] before you upgrade.