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New features in Analysis Workspace (undo actions, "Save As" in segmentation, project linking, new visualizations, and more). Cumulative Average Advanced function in Calculated Metrics (Analytics). Marketing Cloud SSO (Report Builder). Admin notifications for property publishes (DTM). Private, un-branded data feeds for Audience Marketplace (Audience Manager). General fixes and improvements in solutions.
release notes
New features in Analysis Workspace (undo actions, "Save As" in segmentation, project linking, new visualizations, and more). Cumulative Average Advanced function in Calculated Metrics (Analytics). Marketing Cloud SSO (Report Builder). Admin notifications for property publishes (DTM). Private, un-branded data feeds for Audience Marketplace (Audience Manager). General fixes and improvements in solutions.
Release Notes - January 2016
Experience Cloud,Release Notes
Release Notes - January 2016

Release Notes - January 2016

New features in Analysis Workspace (undo actions, "Save As" in segmentation, project linking, new visualizations, and more). Cumulative Average Advanced function in Calculated Metrics (Analytics). Marketing Cloud SSO (Report Builder). Admin notifications for property publishes (DTM). Private, un-branded data feeds for Audience Marketplace (Audience Manager). General fixes and improvements in solutions.


To receive release notes one week prior to the monthly product update, subscribe to the Adobe Priority Product Update. Release information in the Priority Product Update comes one week in advance of the release date and is subject to change. Please check back at release time for updates.

Release month: January 2016

Marketing Cloud 16.1 {#marketing_cloud_interface}

New features and fixes in the [!DNL Adobe Marketing Cloud] interface.

Feature Description
Audience Library messages We improved Audience Library to include helpful messages when building audiences or when a time-out occurs. For example, when adding more than five rules, a message displays indicating you exceeded maximum allowable rules. (MAC-27376, MAC-27375)


Microsoft isending support for Internet Explorer 8, 9, and 10. As such, we will not fix issues reported against these specific versions of Internet Explorer.

See Marketing Cloud Product Documentation for product help.

Adobe Mobile Services {#mobile}

Release date: January 21, 2016

Feature Description
Overview page The Overview page now displays each user's most recently viewed apps instead of every app for your Analytics company.
List variable support List variable management and reporting are now supported in Mobile Services .

See Adobe Mobile Services for product documentation. To see the release notes for previous releases, expand Previous Release Notes in the left pane.

Dynamic Tag Management {#dtm}

The January 14, 2016 dynamic tag management release includes the following changes:

New Features

Feature Description

Admin notifications for property publishes

Administrators can now receive an email notification when one of their web properties is published. The email contains the time and name of the property.

Relative hostnames

You can specify relative hostnames for staging and production library hosting.

Nielsen tool

You can enable Nielsen tracking using dynamic tag management by creating the Nielsen tool and configuring the page code either automatically or manually. The automatic method is recommended for most users.

**Fixes and Improvements: **

  • Fixed an issue when using multiple custom event rules that caused only the first rule to fire. (DTM-7026)
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the main library from loading for certain customers. (DTM-7130)
  • Fixed an issue with Internet Explorer 9 that caused the Nielsen time-spent-on-page counter to remained paused after the browser or browser tab loses and then regains focus. (DTM-7033)
  • In Internet Explorer 8, the non-human detection mechanism in forms malfunctions. Because IE8 is no longer supported this issue will not be fixed. Please upgrade your browser if this is an issue for you. (DTM-7101)

See What's New in Dynamic Tag Management for current and cumulative release notes, help, and documentation updates.

Marketing Cloud ID Service {#mcvid}

Not updated in this release.

See Marketing Cloud ID Services product documentation.


With the July 2016 Maintenance Release, Ad Hoc Analysis will no longer support Java 6.More...


New Features in Analytics {#features_analytics}

Release date: January 21, 2016

Reports & Analytics Features Description

Update to the prodView event

Update effective January 18

We updated the logic that sets the prodView event automatically, which happens when there is a product but no event . This update may cause an increase in prodView events. prodViews will increase only when:

  1. The events variable contains nothing but an unrecognized event, such as shoppingCart or cart , which are not valid events.
  2. The products variable is not empty.

A possible side effect is that merchandising eVars triggered by prodView events could be associated with an empty product , but only if the product list contains only an invalid product (such as a semicolon with no product listed). (AN-114143)

Report Suite ID Prefixes Report Suite ID prefixes are no longer changeable. Customer Care or Account Managers can no longer change prefixes or create report suites without prefixes. More...
Calculated Metric Builder The Cumulative Average Advanced Function is now available in the Calculated Metric Builder. More...
Create Segment/Create Metric Permissions If a user does not have Create Segment or Create Metric permissions, they can no longer access the Segment Builder or the Calculated Metric Builder. More...
Estimate server calls and schedule spikes Lets you get last year's daily server call average during a specific time frame, plus an expected increase in server call volume for this year. You can then schedule a traffic spike based on this multiplication factor. More...
Analysis Workspace Features Description
Undo Actions

You can now undo most actions you take in Analysis Workspace . More...

Link to This Project

In a project, click More > Link to This Project to email a saved project's URL to other users. (Some exceptions apply.) More...

New Visualizations

New visualizations include:

  • Bullet Graph
  • Scatterplot
  • Treemap


Save As option in Analysis Workspace segments, metrics, and dates.

When editing an existing (saved) segment the Analysis Workspace Segment Builder , click Save As to make a copy. The new segment displays in the Segments group in the Components panel. More...

Conditional Formatting

In Column Settings , the new Conditional Formatting option applies colors to cells, based on data values:

  • Green: high values
  • Yellow: midpoint values
  • Red: low values


Dimension Preview

In the Dimensions component panel, you can hover over the information icon next to a dimension and see a top-five dimensions preview. More...

Legend Visible

Added the Legend Visible option in Visualization Settings , which shows or hides a visualization's legend. More...

Anchor Y Axis at Zero

Depending on what the numbers are for Line and Area charts, the bottom of the Y-axis might not be zero. Enabling Anchor Y Axis at Zero in Visualization Settings forces the Y-axis to zero, for a more accurate view of trends. More...

Project Name on tab title

When saving a project, the title on the browser tab will be displayed as "<Project Name> - Analysis Workspace". This enhancement is helpful if you open multiple projects in multiple browser tabs.

Add New Segment

The Add New Segment button has been added to the location where you drag-and-drop segments onto a project. This enhancement is helpful if you prefer to directly create segments when working in a project, rather than using the Segment panel to create segments.

Transfer projects in Admin Tools

Administrators can transfer Analysis Workspace projects from one user to another.

Navigate to Admin Tools > User Management > Transfer to transfer projects.

For more information about these features, see New Features in Analysis Workspace - January 2016.

For Analysis Workspace fixes, see Analytics Fixes.

Report Builder Feature Description
Single-Sign On Added support for Marketing Cloud Single Sign-On. More...

[!DNL Analytics] Fixes {#analyticsfixes}

Fixes were applied to the following products and services:

Product Fixes
Reports & Analytics

  • Referrer Instances was changed so that the system uses the first hit of a visit instead of visit_page_num . visit_page_num does not change across month boundaries when new months are merged. (AN-89779)
  • (AN-116415) Changed the way Microsoft Edge browser versions display in reports, so that they follow the releases for the underlying EdgeHTML engine rather than the Edge application. For example, reports will display the expected naming of Edge 12 and 13 rather than Edge 20 or 25.
  • (AN-114795) Fixed issues that occurred when the "My Recommended Reports" page pulls up widgets items that come from the same classification.
  • (AN-114982) Fixed a time-zone-related issue in Real-Time reports.
  • (AN-114146) Fixed an issue with non-Admin permissions in the reporting UI.
  • (AN-114745 +AN-116383) Fixed an issue with classifications setup that resulted in not being able to access certain Analytics for Target reports.
  • (AN-114920) Fixed an issue where the "last week" line on the Rea-Time reports Details page was the same in all views, even when clicking down to an individual page.
  • (AN-115519) Fixed an issue in Analytics for Target that caused the confidence metric to always show "0" for every test in the Target Activities report.
  • (AN-113792) Fixed an issue with graphs not aligning with selected date ranges.
  • (AN-112854) Fixed an issue with inconsistent segment previews that was related to time zone differences.
  • (AN-114796) Fixed an issue with unreadable charts in dashboards.
  • (AN-103917) Fixed an issue that prevented the Delete button from showing up on the Marketing Channels edit page for processing rules.
  • (AN-116951 + AN-113917) Fixed an issue that prevented access to Mobile App data.
  • (AN-115159) Fixed an issue that limited the Next Page report to displaying only 10 pages.
  • (AN-102095) Fixed an issue where processing rules could not be saved with multi-byte character sets.
  • (AN-116040) Fixed issues with search, columns and date ranges in the report log.
  • (AN-93186) Fixed an issue with breakdowns by Browser Type or Operating System Type.
  • (AN-115887) Fixed an issue with shared segment settings getting overwritten when trying to share to a new person.
  • (AN-113559) Fixed an issue with reverse sorting in reportlets.
  • (AN-101851) Fixed an issue where, in trended and overtime reports, only the first segment of multiple segments was applied to the data.
  • (AN-114643) Fixed an issue that prevented the reordering of new processing rules.
  • (AN-114158) Fixed an issue where any alerts for the Browser Type Report were actually run against the Browser Report .
  • (AN-115952) Fixed an issue where unique event recording settings for Success Events were not retained.
  • (AN-107567) Fixed an issue with the color coding of calculated metrics. The color of the change column on comparison reports in Reports & Analytics is now colored (green or red) based on the polarity setting for the given metric.
  • (AN-116521) Fixed an issue where the user interface response time was slowed down when editing a lot of report suites.
  • (AN-113889) Known Issue: You cannot use report linking (URLs) if your company uses legacy single sign-on or logs in via the Marketing Cloud. Also applies to Analysis Workspace projects.

Analysis Workspace Fixes
  • (AN-113537) Improved the interface to allow for 1/3 and 2/3 sized widths for panels and visualizations (previously, the interface allowed 1/4 and 1/2 widths).
  • (AN-115625) Improved the Manage Data Source menu by adding tool tips, names, and hiding auto-created data sources.
  • (AN-114881) Improved project load timing and added the ability to open more panels and visualizations without a performance reduction. Visualizations that depend on panel data do not display before the project data finishes loading.
  • (AN-114551) Improved the curation experience by adding custom date ranges and metrics to the right-click breakdown menu.
  • (AN-108368) Custom date ranges now display with preset dates.
  • (AN-116852) Fixed an issue that enabled the Add New Segment button for users without permission to create segments.
  • (AN-116269; 116261) Fixed an issue that enabled the Normalization option (in Visualization Settings ) to display even if normalization was not available.
  • (AN-116022) Fixed an issue causing the list of recipients to be blank when opening a shared project and clicking Share .
  • (AN-116890; AN-116888; AN-116269) Fixed various chart rendering errors caused when selecting rows in a freeform table.
  • (AN-115757) Fixed a scroll issue occurring in a visualization's Manage Data Source menu. This issue prevented you from selecting an available data source.
  • (AN115624) Fixed an issue in the Cohort Analysis panel, which prevented segment criteria from being included in a segment created using the Create Segment from Selection method.
  • (AN-115592) Fixed a visualization rendering issue preventing custom date ranges from displaying in line charts, similar to how preset time dimensions display. Previously, an error was issued in the visualization for custom date ranges.
  • (AN-115672) Fixed an issue preventing some shared projects from displaying on the Project Manager page.
  • (AN-116082) Fixed an issue causing the wrong currency symbol to display in some graphs.
  • (AN-115951) Fixed an issue causing an unexpected error to display when a project is open and a timeout occurs.
  • (AN-115493) Fixed an issue preventing sparklines from displaying after saving and reloading a project.
  • (AN-115029) Fixed an issue in the Safari browser that prevented you from changing a visualization title.
  • (AN-114970) Fixed an issue preventing some shared projects from displaying in the project list.
  • (AN-114957) Fixed the Curation coach mark tips so that they display for the correct interface element and for properly permissioned users.
  • (AN-114312) Fixed an issue preventing you from resizing a data table after un-hiding it from the Managed Data Sources menu.
  • (AN-114253) Fixed an issue causing bar graphs in multiple static rows to disappear if you delete a row.
  • (AN-107079) Fixed an issue where no data returned caused an unexpected error to occur when creating a project.
Report Builder

  • (AN-116875) The location of the Test & Target report menu and that of the Target report menu were switched. (“Test and Target” contains legacy Target reports from an earlier integration with Adobe Analytics , whereas Target contains current Analytics for Target reports.)

Ad Hoc Analysis Fixes

  • (AN-114365) Fixed an issue with Count Repeat Instances.
  • (AN-114802) Fixed a permissions issue that prevented dimensions from being visible.
  • (AN-115127) Fixed an issue with duplicate months in Ad Hoc Analysis graphs.
  • (AN-92628) Fixed an issue with Ad Hoc Analysis not working properly with Java 8.

Data Warehouse

  • Fixed an issue with Total Seconds Spent values. They will no longer be reported as negative when time-stamped hits are received out of order.

AppMeasurement (Legacy and Mobile SDKs)

AppMeasurement for JavaScript

Version 1.5.3

  • (AN-115381) Fixed handling of Audience Manager module when POSTs are used for tracking calls.
  • (AN-114647) Moved the rest of the page URL ("-g") to the end of the tracking request query string.
  • (AN-117104) Fixed handling of HREF and ClickMap data tracking for manually tagged links using the "" method.

AppMeasurement for Other Platforms

See AppMeasurement Release History the following for a release history of AppMeasurement on the following platforms:

  • JavaScript
  • iOS
  • Android
  • Flash-Flex
  • OSX
  • Windows Phone, XBOX, Silverlight, and .NET
  • BlackBerry
  • Java
  • PHP
  • Symbian

See Also: Marketing Cloud ID Service (formerly visitor ID service )

[!DNL Audience Manager]

Feature Description

Private, un-branded data feeds for Audience Marketplace

A private, un-branded data feed allows a data provider to hide the name of the seller and number of traits from buyers who have not been approved to view the feed or have not subscribed to the feed.

See Private Data Feeds for more information.

Data feed discounts for Audience Marketplace

Data providers can discount the price of a data feed for selected buyers.

See Discounts for Data Providers for more information.

Fixes, Enhancements, and Deprecations

  • Fixed a rule validation error in [!UICONTROL Trait Builder]. (AAM-21372)
  • Fixed an issue in [!UICONTROL Destination Builder] that prevented you from editing the segments sent to a destination. (AAM-21845)
  • Fixed an issue in [!UICONTROL Audience Marketplace] that prevented it from using the latest impression data to determine fees in the billing report. (AAM-22342)
  • Fixed an issue in [!UICONTROL Audience Marketplace] that generated an unexpected error message window in the [!UICONTROL My Shared Data] section. (AAM-22545)
  • Fixed an issue in the DIL API (v6.3) that prevented some values from being encoded in an event call.

New and Revised Documentation



[!DNL Social]


The fixes highlighted below describe resolutions for the more important customer-reported issues.

  • Fixed an issue that prevent posts from updating properly in the [!UICONTROL Social Buzz] and [!UICONTROL Posts by Display Name] reports. (AS-35600)
  • Fixed an issue that caused incorrect data for new posts to display in the [!UICONTROL Competitor Analytics] report. (AS-35396)
  • Fixed an issue that prevented campaign and tag information from displaying in the downloaded [!UICONTROL Posts] report if the post contained shortened links. (AS-35150)
  • Fixed an issue that caused tags to disappear from the [!UICONTROL Posts Details] report for some YouTube videos. (AS-35110)
  • Enhanced the search function for tags to allow "fuzzy" searches. For example, to find a tag named "Adobe Social," a user could type "Adobe" or "Social." (AS-35219)
  • Fixed an issue that prevented users from editing misspelled tag names by pressing Backspace while moving a tag from one group to another group. (AS-35788)
  • Fixed an issue that prevented users from moving or merging tags. (AS-35753, AS-35712)
  • Fixed an issue that prevented users from moving a large number of tags from one group to another group. (AS-35724)
  • Fixed an issue with the exported [!UICONTROL Moderation Overview] report that caused tag IDs to display instead of tag names. (AS-35454)
  • Fixed an issue that caused an erroneous email notification to be sent to a user indicating that the user had approved a post. (AS-35783)
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused an error when geo-targeting Facebook posts by city. (AS-35711)
  • Fixed an issue that caused [!DNL Social] to repeatedly prompt users to re-authorize an inactive LinkedIn account. (AS-35661)
  • Fixed an issue that caused users to receive an erroneous email message indicating that campaign tracking failed. (AS-35655)
  • Fixed an issue that caused missing post content in moderation feeds. (AS-35648)
  • Fixed an issue that caused the wrong auto-notification email message to be sent for Facebook private messages. (AS-34376)

[!DNL Target]

Refer to the Adobe Target Release Notes for the latest release information about the following products:

  • Target Standard and Premium
  • Target Classic
  • Recommendations Classic

[!DNL Advertising Cloud]

Advertising Management help is available in the product at [!UICONTROL Help > Help Contents].

[!DNL Campaign]

[!DNL Adobe Campaign] provides an intuitive, automated way to deliver one-to-one messages across online and offline marketing channels. You can now anticipate what your clients want using experiences determined by their habits and preferences.

For product documentation, see:

[!DNL Experience Manager]

[!DNL Adobe Experience Manager] is an enterprise web content management system that lets you author, manage, develop, and publish your web sites.

For product documentation, see:

Key Documentation Updates

Noteworthy documentation additions and updates in the Adobe Marketing Cloud.

Item Description Date Published

Analysis Workspace features

Added documentation for new features in Analysis Workspace.

January 21, 2016

(Updated) Users and Groups

Analytics Administrators: If you are an administrator in the Marketing Cloud, see Users and Groups for updated information about mapping Analytics groups to broader Adobe groups, and adding or bulk-adding users via the Enterprise Dashboard .

September 17, 2015

Analysis Workspace

Updated Analysis Workspace product documentation with feature descriptions, tasks for creating projects, videos, and use cases.

September 17, 2015

Timestamps Optional

Added product documentation and best practices for Timestamps Optional. This feature lets you integrate both timestamped and non-timestamped data in a report suite. All new report suites will be Timestamps Optional by default.

September 17, 2015

Data Workbench 6.5 Update See Data Workbench 6.5 release notes for instructions to upgrade and a list of new features and bug fixes, including a new Associations table and chord diagram and updates to visualizations, user interface, algorithms, and export features. September 17, 2015

Select Report Suites and Variables

Updated the Classification Rule Builder so that you add report suites and variables to a rule set when editing an existing rule set (after creating the rule set). Previously, you specified the variable and report suite while creating the rule set. This change prevents reported issues occurring with classification variables.

August 20, 2015

Profile Link

Profile Link works with cross-device data sources to identify and collect traits for authenticated site visitors. It includes the Profile Merge Rules feature, which lets you segment and target users accurately across multiple devices.

August 20, 2015

New Calculated Metric Builder and Calculated Metric Manager

Calculated Metrics now allow for segmented metrics, more advanced math and the ability to organize and share metrics.

June 18, 2015

Freeform Analysis (public beta)

A feature in Analysis Workspace, freeform analysis lets you built data tables and drag-and-drop metrics, dimensions, segments, and multiple visualizations to a project panel.

June 18, 2015

Data Workbench 6.4

Data Workbench 6.4 release includes several new features described here .

June 18, 2015

Adobe Managed Certificate Program

Added Adobe Managed Certificate Program to the revamped First-Party Cookies product documentation.

The managed certificate program lets you implement a new first-party SSL certificate for first-party cookies at no additional cost.

May 22, 2015


Revamped the Adobe Mobile product documentation.

May 22, 2015

Enabling Your Solutions for Core Services

A high-level round-up what you need to do to modernize your solution implementations for core services.

March 19, 2015

Customer Attributes

If you capture enterprise customer data in a customer relationship management (CRM) database, you can upload that data into the Marketing Cloud.

March 19, 2015

Analytics Spring Release

See the New Features section in Analytics for a round-up of new documentation for the Spring 2015 Analytics release.

March 19, 2015

Analytics Classification Rules - overwrite existing values

In Admin Tools > Classification Rule Builder > <rule set name> , two new options enable you to select an overwrite mode:

  • Rules overwrite any existing values: (Default setting) Always overwrite existing classification keys, including classifications uploaded via the importer (SAINT).
  • Rules overwrite only unset values: Only fill in blank (unset) cells. Existing classifications will not be changed.

Previously, if a key was already classified in any column or cell, the rule would not run on that key, and the row in the table was skipped.

February 19, 2015