- #240 - Type in Business Hours library namespace - @matusstafura
- #219 - changelog automation - @norberttech
- #217 - Add PHP 8.4 support - @kristijonasb
- #187 - PSR-20 clock adapter - @mlebkowski
- #219 - Updated dependencies - @norberttech
- #117 - Bump supported Twig & Doctrine versions - @stloyd
- #118 - Cleanup
from non-existing packages & autoloader paths - @stloyd - #119 - Update GH Actions to supported v3 - @stloyd
- 134ba9 - LeapSeconds.php - @norberttech
- abdc13 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 4704b0 - dependencies and fixed leap seconds expiration date - @norberttech
- #219 - psalm - @norberttech
- #116 - Add support for PHP 8.3 - @stloyd
- #114 - validation of composer.json files in subrepos - @norberttech
- #115 - Bump supported Symfony versions - @stloyd
- #112 - Revert "Bump supported Symfony versions" - @norberttech
- #111 - Bump supported Symfony versions - @stloyd
- #115 - Adjust Symfony bundle code to work with newer versions - @stloyd
- #114 - composer.json files dependencies across monorepo - @norberttech
- #111 - Fix Symfony validator codebase - @stloyd
- 3a2ebf - readme - @norberttech
- #63 - The correct exception is thrown if multiple ones occur during execution - @maciejlebkowski
- #64 - retry waits needlessly after the last execution - @maciejlebkowski
- a13aac - dependencies and leap seconds expiration date - @norberttech
- d9c826 - README.md file for monorepo - @norberttech
- edf49a - magic
(#297) - @christian-kolb - 1c3e36 - compareTo method to DateTime, Time, Day, Month and Year (#295) - @christian-kolb
- b565aa -
utility methods toTime
(#292) - @christian-kolb - 4d84dd - return types to doctrine types to handle deprecations (#201) - @christian-kolb
- 50c9e9 - constraints for psr/cache 2.x & 3.x (#63) - @GwendolenLynch
- 8a3552 - new holidays dump and fixed countriesdb - @norberttech
- f02ed7 - php 8.1 to allowed versions - @norberttech
- 6d0f97 - resseting model transformers in aeon form types (#242) - @norberttech
- 52b297 - php8.1 in test suite (#61) - @norberttech
- cfd24c - method for getting holidays for a specific time period (#213) - @owsiakl
- 20021c - aeon_datetime_create filder (#68) - @norberttech
- 64ba65 - post install/update composer scripts (#112) - @norberttech
- 4f2270 - DateTime::timeZoneAbbreviation method (#105) - @norberttech
- 63b97d - possibility to display relative time units in months/year/calendarMonths (#104) - @norberttech
- f4bd0f - possibility to to get time milliseconds from time unit (#103) - @norberttech
- f14961 - current date to GregorianCalendarStub constructors (#99) - @norberttech
- e7a0aa - more features to time periods (#96) - @norberttech
- 4196c1 - aeon-php/automation integration (#25) - @norberttech
- f667b1 - aeon-php/automation integration (#117) - @norberttech
- 4c2335 - integration with aeon-php/automation (#29) - @norberttech
- 8dfc16 - integration with Automation (#44) - @norberttech
- f485f7 - integration with Automation (#37) - @norberttech
- cedd42 - support for doctrine dbal 3.0 (#40) - @norberttech
- ea9ba3 - fromString validation to most of the classes, simplified DateTime and TimeZone API (#84) - @norberttech
- ce6b49 - more details into RateLimitException (#4) - @norberttech
- 498bff - reset in and initial capacity to the rate limiter API (#3) - @norberttech
- 087589 - possibility to create TimeUnit from date string (#77) - @norberttech
- b1602e - method to get current capacity of rate limiter for given algorithm (#1) - @norberttech
- 43494c - link to forum - @norberttech
- bf05e6 - link to forum - @norberttech
- f03f34 - PSR Cache Storage implementation - @norberttech
- 2db27d - possibilit to validate if given day is not a holiday (#11) - @norberttech
- 7774e5 - YasumiHolidaysFactory that implements HolidaysFactory interface (#18) - @norberttech
- 5a636c - holidays factory (#83) - @norberttech
- 6f1e61 - Providers class to access specific country provider by country code (#17) - @norberttech
- fa4d94 - comparison validators (#8) - @norberttech
- a79976 - Aeon Form Types (#2) - @norberttech
- baefaa - __serialize and __unserialize methods to those value objects that might be serialized (#73) - @norberttech
- 1a874e - mutation score to README - @norberttech
- b2343a - possibility to format time, removed redundant default timezone (#25) - @norberttech
- 29ae0d - possibility to format Time (#70) - @norberttech
- 487f1f - more filters and functions (#18) - @norberttech
- fead2b - new twig functions to simplify access to current day,month,year (#17) - @norberttech
- 91848c - distance to method to Day/Month/Year/DateTime (#66) - @norberttech
- 90af75 - possibility to setTime on Day in order to create DateTime (#64) - @norberttech
- 1bae00 - possibility to merge overlapping time periods (#62) - @norberttech
- 97fc1e - possibility to check if one time period contains other (#61) - @norberttech
- 31d0b9 - possibility to iterate by relative time units like months/years (#60) - @norberttech
- c2dd2b - add/sub methods to Time (#59) - @norberttech
- 7c7a1b - Quarter (#58) - @norberttech
- 040b77 - toNegative toPositive method to TimeUnit (#57) - @norberttech
- 3d0c13 - possibility to define type of the interval when iterating over time periods (#56) - @norberttech
- 78fddd - DateTime::setTimeIn method (#53) - @norberttech
- 9c8b16 - psalm-pure for static factory methods (#11) - @tomaszhanc
- f0ab37 - psalm-pure for static factory methods (#9) - @tomaszhanc
- b521b9 - psalm-pure for static factory methods (#52) - @tomaszhanc
- 85ed06 - psalm-pure for static factory methods (#15) - @tomaszhanc
- f8e15e - DateTime setTime and setDay methods (#51) - @norberttech
- 781a50 - --trust-gpg-keys flag to phive install (#10) - @norberttech
- e86a8d - changelog, updated dependencies - @norberttech
- ac0dc0 - changelog, fixed gitattributes - @norberttech
- 48698a - GOOGLE_API_KEY env var - @norberttech
- 2f4299 - fetching holidays data from google calendar - @norberttech
- f4f328 - changelog - @norberttech
- b67ced - Changelog - @norberttech
- 82fa96 - missing tools - @norberttech
- 13a82a - mutation score badge - @norberttech
- 8c7c73 - mutation score badge - @norberttech
- 1bdc34 - infection badge configuration code - @norberttech
- 8d5e4c - CS fixer to benchmarks code, added new benchmark (#43) - @norberttech
- f4bb7e - Year/Month/Day manipulation and comparison methods (#37) - @norberttech
- fcc56b - refernce to docs into README - @norberttech
- da0770 - changlog file - @norberttech
- a3b8b6 - one missing test for extended iso8601 format - @norberttech
- c7bae9 - extra features to TimePeriod and TimePeriods (#29) - @norberttech
- 575504 - more precised php cs fixer rules (#27) - @norberttech
- f9de82 - possibility to multiply/divide TimeUnit (#24) - @norberttech
- 1698a2 - possibility to detect ambiguous local time (#21) - @norberttech
- 5cf8ba - psalm/phpstan cache, fixed DateTime timezone assertions - @norberttech
- cca032 - helper methods to Stopwatch class (#19) - @norberttech
- eaae29 - requires SQL comment hint to doctrine types - @norberttech
- c8cd7e - Stopwatch class built on top of php \hrtime function (#16) - @norberttech
- 21b540 - possibility to create DateTime from primitives and fixed related bug (#15) - @norberttech
- e6938e - DateTime::secondsSinceUnixEpochPrecise() : float method used later in TimePeriod::distance (#12) - @norberttech
- 72a0a0 - simple documentation - @norberttech
- 29c558 - branch aliast and minimum stability - @norberttech
- 5a4621 - badges - @norberttech
- 69aaa0 - badges and github actions - @norberttech
- 1192e4 - badges to readme - @norberttech
- 1b938f - Calendar reference to README - @norberttech
- 61622b - FQCN of Yasumi provider to README - @norberttech
- 7e0e2c - Holidays Chain and improved project README (#1) - @norberttech
- bab8a6 - missing immutability annotation to Holidays interface - @norberttech
- b19db0 - missing immutable annotation to Calendar interface - @norberttech
- 836234 - empty holidays and updated dependencies - @norberttech
- 32116e - possibility to filter TimeIntervals (#9) - @norberttech
- 3d6094 - week of month number to Day class (#8) - @norberttech
- 99bd31 - possibility to compare Time objects (#7) - @norberttech
- 7f4021 - possibility to convert DateInterval into TimeUnit (#5) - @norberttech
- 85111e - DateTime::modify(string ) : DateTime method (#3) - @norberttech
- 8a70a7 - leap years test (#2) - @norberttech
- 5e79a2 - doctrine types extension to readme - @norberttech
- fccbb5 - extensions to README - @norberttech
- f35cba - examples to readme - @norberttech
- 17f167 - README file - @norberttech
- 39a6fc - script to generate regional holidays data - @norberttech
- 77e95b - github workflows - @norberttech
- 47f4b5 - php stricted dependency - @norberttech
- 51c10c - infection mutation testing framework - @norberttech
- 448d7d - missing README, License files, php cs fixer and gitattributes - @norberttech
- a1d444 - possibility to iterate/filter days and months - @norberttech
- e02f32 - Process abstraction with SystemProcess implementation that makes easier to sleep/usleep in the code - @norberttech
- 520bb2 - until method to DateTime - @norberttech
- 0606e7 - Holidays abstraction with GoogleCalendarRegionalHolidays implementation - @norberttech
- 1607e8 - functional tests - @norberttech
- 46a181 - more tests to day - @norberttech
- e00f6c - timezone abstraction - @norberttech
- 293ec0 - more descriptive debug info to each class - @norberttech
- 32469a - DateTime to string method - @norberttech
- 95c1ca - more tests and removed timezone from Time class - time is relative - @norberttech
- d01ad3 - add/sub methods to DateTime - @norberttech
- 8448b2 - basic concept of TimeUnit and Period - @norberttech
- 68263a - assertion - @norberttech
- c85dde - Allow failures of testts in lowest dependnecies - @norberttech
- f47a33 - allow-failure to continue-on-error - @norberttech
- 91d449 - github workflow - Temporarly allow for failures with lowest dependencies - @norberttech
- #11 - Updated dependencies - @norberttech
- 0a7a33 - Initial commit - @norberttech
- d23709 - Merge symfony-bundle/1.x - @[email protected]
- 31377d - Merge calendar-doctrine/1.x - @[email protected]
- 3ac99a - Merge collection/1.x - @[email protected]
- 15d0da - Merge rate-limiter/1.x - @[email protected]
- 820b8a - Merge sleep/1.x - @[email protected]
- 970001 - Merge business-hours/1.x - @[email protected]
- 032125 - Merge calendar-holidays-yasumi/1.x - @[email protected]
- 21b686 - Merge retry/1.x - @[email protected]
- 3c1280 - Merge calendar-holidays/1.x - @[email protected]
- cf4cdf - Merge calendar-twig/1.x - @[email protected]
- 4ba7c5 - Merge calendar/1.x - @[email protected]
- c1a0dd - Root commit for monorepo branch 1.x - @[email protected]
- 23ad0d - CS Fixes - @norberttech
- 5ca3ef - Reverted tiny BC break in Month class (#303) - @norberttech
- 06618c - Refactor internal structure to prevent breaking tests (#291) - @christian-kolb
- edd98d - Rename all isEqual methods to isEqualTo (#286) - @christian-kolb
- eba5a6 - Satisfy infection (#284) - @norberttech
- a85c6f - Rename plus and minus to add and sub (#282) - @christian-kolb
- 5f32e0 - Skip test failing at php 7.4 (#283) - @norberttech
- 82c22e - Google calendar ETL namespace - @norberttech
- 69222b - Symfony 6 support (#355) - @GwendolenLynch
- 8252f9 - Create fetch-holidays.yml (#233) - @norbertmwk
- fa87c7 - Accept DateTimeInterface as a entry value to aeon doctrine types (#149) - @norberttech
- 3b54bb - custom workflows into aeon-php reusable workflows - @norberttech
- 7acd33 - custom workflows into aeon-php reusable workflows - @norberttech
- 58e21d - custom workflows into aeon-php reusable workflows - @norberttech
- 49b8ec - custom workflows into aeon-php reusable workflows - @norberttech
- 16bbfc - custom workflows into aeon-php reusable workflows - @norberttech
- a8975e - custom workflows into aeon-php reusable workflows - @norberttech
- b95254 - custom workflows into aeon-php reusable workflows - @norberttech
- a524ad - custom workflows into aeon-php reusable workflows - @norberttech
- 141ce9 - custom workflows into aeon-php reusable workflows - @norberttech
- 237510 - Use reusable aeon automation workflows - @norberttech
- e123b8 - Use reusable workflows from aeon-php/actions repository - @norberttech
- 61222b - Merge test suite into single workflow file & use reusable workflow - @norberttech
- 8d6a6e - Huge performance improvement through extra lazy initialization of date & time objects (#199) - @norberttech
- 5d31ea - Allow php 8.1 tests to fail (#197) - @norberttech
- 32c28b - Extendend leap seconds expiration date - @norberttech
- 4b11c5 - Enabled testsuite at php 8.1 (#223) - @norberttech
- 92df0a - Launch test suite at php 8.1 (#29) - @norberttech
- 2e5d8f - Launch test suite at php 8.1 (#103) - @norberttech
- f0f4e8 - Launch test suite at php 8.1 (#220) - @norberttech
- fe8a78 - Launch test suite at php 8.1 (#185) - @norberttech
- 4fa92b - Launch test suite at php 8.1 (#107) - @norberttech
- 22c8bf - Locked calendar-holidays library - @norberttech
- 0bece3 - Udated dependencies - @norberttech
- 15f65f - Update/dependencies 2021 10 11 (#217) - @norberttech
- 38f8c4 - Merge pull request #74 from aeon-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.91 - @tomaszhanc
- 459cb2 - phive with another composer.json (#46) - @norberttech
- a1a7a7 - php required version constraint - @norberttech
- 79113d - Feature/upgrade (#78) - @norberttech
- ebc5f8 - Date Time Iterators (#121) - @norberttech
- 6ca5fe - array with Iterators in Months and Days collections (#117) - @norberttech
- af893b - Improved ETL sync (#136) - @norberttech
- 5aa917 - Bug/empty holidays es (#133) - @norberttech
- f3ae6c - bin/countriesdb into flow-php/etl (#123) - @norberttech
- 7bd72c - phive with separated composer.json for tools (#107) - @norberttech
- 970a0b - Turn UTC into valid abbreviation instead of identifier (#106) - @norberttech
- bc5e8b - Handle RateLimitException (#22) - @DawidSajdak
- 2432fa - Addedd possibility to get time hours from time unit (#102) - @norberttech
- df3314 - Initial commit - @norberttech
- e54881 - Merge abuts time period (#98) - @norberttech
- 351156 - Feature/aeon php automation (#42) - @norberttech
- cf98f3 - DX of GregorianCalendarStub (#91) - @norberttech
- b3449c - Bug/failing tests (#89) - @norberttech
- bbd4fe - Extended leap seconds list expiration date (#87) - @norberttech
- c7c422 - Small syntax fix in CHANGELOG.md file - @norberttech
- 31f451 - Reverted support for relative dates into toString methods (#85) - @norberttech
- 1f1de9 - Moved phpuint to tools, fixed integration with aeon-php/calendar (#39) - @norberttech
- 374cd3 - Business Hours namespace, moved phpunit to tools (#33) - @norberttech
- eb3941 - Moved phpunit to tools, updated tools (#21) - @norberttech
- 4bd0cd - Moved phpunit to tools, updated tools (#32) - @norberttech
- cdfdcb - Feature/tools (#36) - @norberttech
- 94c1d3 - Moved phpunit to tools & updated tools (#24) - @norberttech
- 10631a - Moved phpunit to phars (#81) - @norberttech
- e486f7 - Moved phpunit to phars (#9) - @norberttech
- a1f20a - Remove function trailing commas (#79) - @norberttech
- f298ff - Make tests less fragile by increasing limit reset and using EqualsWithDelta (#16) - @norberttech
- b67e2a - Integration with rate limiter component (#15) - @norberttech
- ccb005 - Run tests against php8 (#21) - @norberttech
- c0bb93 - Run tests against php8 (#18) - @norberttech
- 09f8ee - Run tests against php8 (#33) - @norberttech
- c30924 - Run tests against php8 (#30) - @norberttech
- 9e511d - Run tests against php8 (#98) - @norberttech
- 35f834 - Run tests against php8 (#5) - @norberttech
- 15d18e - Run testsuite at php8 (#78) - @norberttech
- 3944b3 - mb-string extension with polyfill, added changelog - @norberttech
- 9d4acd - Increased tests coverage - @norberttech
- 7260ce - Limit aeon-php/calendar to >=0.11.0 - @norberttech
- 9ca925 - Initial commit - @norberttech
- 8b462b - Renamed options, added option to use different timezone in calendar and tiwg (#9) - @norberttech
- 55f157 - Create dependabot.yml - @norberttech
- 5d0cf2 - Pass TimeZone into GregorianCalendarStub instead of nullable DateTimeImmutable (#75) - @norberttech
- ce54ac - Restore default timezone in Calendar Extension (#30) - @norberttech
- 755701 - Take timezone from calendar instance when not provided to aeon_datetime_format (#29) - @norberttech
- 3e1076 - Create dependabot.yml - @norberttech
- 3da4e0 - Reduced MSI coverage requirements - @norberttech
- fd90cd - Excluded Resources/config from static analyze - @norberttech
- 4606da - Initial commit - @norberttech
- 028a87 - Make sure all DateTime constructors create the same instance (#72) - @norberttech
- 0b4725 - Unify YasumiHolidays provider constructor (#15) - @norberttech
- 9b3c0c - DateTime offset assertion with correction (#69) - @norberttech
- 485001 - DayValue Set collection (#68) - @norberttech
- bd0abc - resolves #20 (#21) - @unixslayer
- 7f26b2 - Unitifed Day/Month/Year and DateTime interval methods (#67) - @norberttech
- 532a12 - TimeUnit - modulo (#63) - @norberttech
- cf0c81 - Prepared changelog for 0.6.0 release & updated dependencies - @norberttech
- 11ca44 - Use pretty print for json dumped holiday data (#32) - @norberttech
- a44ced - Fixes regular business day is open & working hours next business day (#10) - @norberttech
- 29a1c3 - aeon-php dependency constraint from ^ into >= - @norberttech
- 4e16c5 - aeon-php dependency constraint from ^ into >= - @norberttech
- 923cbe - Create pull request when new holidays are fetched - @norberttech
- 8adc39 - Improved infection MSI score (#8) - @norberttech
- e3f60a - Moved tools to phive, updated dependencies, changed DateType to DayType - @norberttech
- 2542d3 - Moved tools to phive, added mutation score badge, updated dependencies - @norberttech
- 273d34 - Moved tools to phive, updated depndencies, added infection badge - @norberttech
- f9eabb - Moved tools to phive, update dependnecies, fixed failing tests - @norberttech
- 39d3c2 - Moved tools into phive (#48) - @norberttech
- d2caa8 - Create dependabot.yml - @norberttech
- cb5213 - Create dependabot.yml - @norberttech
- e2041c - Create dependabot.yml - @norberttech
- bb7bf1 - Create dependabot.yml - @norberttech
- 0a8b0c - Create dependabot.yml - @norberttech
- c3655a - Create dependabot.yml - @norberttech
- da647d - Create dependabot.yml - @norberttech
- ababd1 - error level to totallyTyped in psalm config - @norberttech
- bac7e8 - Increased required infection MSI % to 100% (#47) - @norberttech
- ca1ebf - Optimize datetime static constructor (#46) - @norberttech
- bd5bea - Implementation of static create method for Day and Month classes #41 (#45) - @eamirgh
- 991a06 - TimePeriod::overlaps performance improvements (#44) - @norberttech
- 85a80c - Performance optimizations (#42) - @norberttech
- aa821f - created difference betweenDays static method issue #34 (#40) - @eamirgh
- 0c8577 - Renamed equals to isEqual method fix issue #38 (#39) - @eamirgh
- ae4f8f - Locked aeon-php/calendar dependency to ^0.2.0 - @norberttech
- a4895c - Locked calendar dependency to ^0.2.0 - @norberttech
- 06300d - Replace process with sleep dependency - @norberttech
- 03b409 - Renamed library to sleep - @norberttech
- 10fcee - Lock aeon-php/process dependency to ^0.1.0 - @norberttech
- edb62e - Use stable aeon-php/calendar dependency - @norberttech
- cb77eb - Move everythig to Aeon/Doctrine namespace - @norberttech
- b95f40 - Adjusted twig extension to latest release of calendar - @norberttech
- 6c8af0 - Improved toISO8601 DateTime conversion (#31) - @norberttech
- a15f00 - Use bcmath to compare TimeUnits (#30) - @norberttech
- d2b0eb - Adjusted phpdoc_align CS rule - @norberttech
- cb95e5 - Make sure that DateTime methods endOfDay, noon and midnight dont reset the timezone (#25) - @norberttech
- 4db1f6 - Initial commit - @norberttech
- 827b79 - Resolve bug in datetime object creation (#22) - @norberttech
- b68f3c - Bypass new lines issue by removing new lines - @norberttech
- 34677b - Try different type of assertion for twig tests - @norberttech
- 408917 - Initial commit - @norberttech
- 3188b6 - dev-master with dev-latest branch alias - @norberttech
- 9a52a0 - dev-master with dev-latest branch alias - @norberttech
- 76369d - dev-master with dev-latest branch alias - @norberttech
- 925bb4 - dev-master with dev-latest branch alias - @norberttech
- 0a4ff0 - dev-master with dev-latest branch alias - @norberttech
- 242ef8 - dev-master with dev-latest branch alias - @norberttech
- 427df1 - Reduced webmozart/assert dependency to ^1.3 - @norberttech
- 85f9d9 - Leap seconds support (#17) - @norberttech
- cf4544 - Schedule github actions - @norberttech
- a819be - Schedule github actions and updated readme - @norberttech
- 7e13b5 - Schedule tests with github actions - @norberttech
- e0d1db - Reset time when converging Year, Month and Day to DateTimeImmutable (#14) - @norberttech
- e8b51a - Introduced WorkingHours interface and added ShiftsWorking Hours - added simple readme (#2) - @norberttech
- 3ccd3c - Fixes bc break introduced in Calendar (#1) - @norberttech
- 510c5b - Remove minimum stability dev (#10) - @norberttech
- 78d0c6 - Initial commit - @norberttech
- 801598 - Initial commit - @norberttech
- 2c346a - Marked few more constructors as pure - @norberttech
- 6c313b - Allow to use DateTimeInterface to create Aeon objects (#6) - @norberttech
- f84998 - Initial commit - @norberttech
- 63baad - Extracted week day to standalone class (#1) - @norberttech
- 76c65a - Extracted process to standalone repository - @norberttech
- 8f8e25 - Extracted process to aeon-php/process repostory - @norberttech
- bd8b1f - Extracted Holidays to standalone repository - @norberttech
- 95b2e3 - Extracted calendar holidays to standalone repository - @norberttech
- f7012d - Dont execute mutation tests and static analze tests at windows - @norberttech
- ccf7ab - Configured php cs fixer and added it to composer test script - @norberttech
- e2b39d - Increased threads and min coverage for infection - @norberttech
- c3c1f7 - Reduced timeout for infection tests - @norberttech
- b279f5 - Moved to Aeon namespace - @norberttech
- c78baf - Set code coverage to 100% - @norberttech
- e98306 - Increase test coverage - @norberttech
- 8bec05 - Moved Holiday namespace under Gregorian Calendar - @norberttech
- 0cfd6e - Introduced TimeOffset to DateTime - @norberttech
- 5cc1af - Don't enforce en as default locale - @norberttech
- 31ac5c - Intervals in iterating backward should have negative time unit - @norberttech
- 820d26 - Move namespace of Gregorian calendar - @norberttech
- a3c4d7 - TimeIntervals and TimePeriod iterate and iterateBackward - @norberttech
- 684144 - Renamed TZ offset method - @norberttech
- 09da4c - Renamed Period to TimePeriod - @norberttech
- 6609ef - Initial commit - @norberttech
- #9 - tests failing when another test set default timezone - @norberttech
- e8eac3 - links to labels in readme - @norberttech
- ca1c7f - readme links - @norberttech
- 8bec1f - typo - @norberttech
- 5cf55c - leap seconds expiration date - @norberttech
- 22454a - fetch holidays github actions - @norberttech
- d57f9f - loading countriesdb etl - @norberttech
- f81a7d - mutation tests score (#304) - @norberttech
- d885bd - bug that was doing add instead of sub in Day class (#287) - @norberttech
- 028464 - failing tests - @norberttech
- 0d7bf3 - wrong base type for aeon day type (#150) - @norberttech
- 6f8c54 - isAmbiguous bug at PHP 8.1 (#214) - @norberttech
- f85300 - PHP versions scope - @norberttech
- fa2ff0 - PHP versions scope - @norberttech
- db6019 - PHP versions scope - @norberttech
- ba1413 - PHP versions scope - @norberttech
- 4a8746 - PHP versions scope - @norberttech
- 2d941a - PHP versions scope - @norberttech
- 25f053 - PHP versions scope - @norberttech
- e69135 - PHP versions scope - @norberttech
- 89e007 - PHP versions scope - @norberttech
- 4c38c8 - PHP versions scope - @norberttech
- f88c47 - PHP versions scope - @norberttech
- 7a7cd8 - PHP versions scope - @norberttech
- ff1618 - PHP versions scope - @norberttech
- d02108 - infection.json badge setup - @norberttech
- 3c593e - yasumi holidays factory registration (#241) - @norberttech
- f1c00a - failing tests - @norberttech
- 210ae3 - calendar-holiday dependency constraint (#31) - @norberttech
- 32123e - failign static analysis - @norberttech
- f46605 - static analysis - @norberttech
- 755940 - possible null value exception in TimePeriods (#141) - @norberttech
- cf4d43 - symfony deprecated methods usage - @norberttech
- 6602f9 - tools composer install scripts - @norberttech
- 36669b - transformation when data provided as string to datetime form types (#90) - @norberttech
- d52b6c - add/sub methods when working with relative time unit month (#110) - @norberttech
- 6ca6a2 - LeakyBucketAlgorithm (#23) - @DawidSajdak
- 794dcb - aeon form data transformers empty value handling (#52) - @norberttech
- 48ab9c - failing time tests (#100) - @norberttech
- 5e088d - bug with finding TimePeriods gaps (#97) - @norberttech
- 05d24d - breaking time from string test (#95) - @norberttech
- 84b455 - bug in TimePeriod iterating forward/backward (#90) - @norberttech
- 4b6461 - Year::fromString method (#88) - @norberttech
- 208437 - possibility to crete DateTime from relative format string with timezon (#86) - @norberttech
- 2d99a3 - holidays namespace and moved phpunit to tools (#24) - @norberttech
- 7085bf - holidays namespace, moved phpunit to tools, updated tools (#109) - @norberttech
- 4b9a41 - functional tests execution (#28) - @norberttech
- 221133 - FormTypes block prefixes (#12) - @norberttech
- 78cf87 - failing tests - @norberttech
- c12773 - failing tests and updated aeon calendar dependency - @norberttech
- c01b08 - phive dependnecies (#50) - @norberttech
- 99d87b - yaml syntax - @norberttech
- fdc760 - tests at CI - @norberttech
- 7a2d94 - InvalidArgumentException parent class - @norberttech
- 0732be - issue where for certain Day class methods timezone was implicitly set to UTC (#28) - @norberttech
- 080471 - phpdoc align CS rule - @norberttech
- 839709 - failing tests - @norberttech
- b92f11 - tests failing on lower vrsion of twig - @norberttech
- c41896 - distance since/until functions at DateTime (#20) - @norberttech
- a3bc9f - github workflows - @norberttech
- fe190a - github workflows - @norberttech
- b9b111 - github workflows - @norberttech
- 12d0b0 - github workflows - @norberttech
- af621a - github workflows - @norberttech
- aea12e - github workflows - @norberttech
- ddee69 - github workflows - @norberttech
- 3cda86 - broken codding standards - @norberttech
- 93c52c - failing tests in lowest dependencieS - @norberttech
- 56e238 - tests broken at lowest dependencies - @norberttech
- 0dee61 - composer lock broken during rebase - @norberttech
- dc5bd6 - broken tests - @norberttech
- b4eb3c - RAEDME code example - @norberttech
- b0351e - README - @norberttech
- 01987a - precision in DateTime::sub DateTime::add methods (#4) - @norberttech
- 6f40f9 - distance backward in time period - @norberttech
- 280bb6 - calculating distance with microseconds precision - @norberttech
- ba80b6 - TimeUnit comparision - @norberttech
- fb3764 - precision calculation and made GregorianCalendar dependent on timezone - @norberttech
- 1807ec - folder - @norberttech
- 3f9b64 - Namespace - @norberttech
- 926761 - calendar stub - @norberttech
- 95539b - usage of psalm immutable - @norberttech
- 5648a4 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 02a3bd - dependencies - @norberttech
- 6c5f4a - monorepo-split.yml - @norberttech
- 1475d4 - monorepo-split.yml - @norberttech
- e93ff0 - github workflows configuration - @norberttech
- 50a83c - Google Calendar regional holidays (#286) - @github-actions[bot]
- 80397c - Google Calendar regional holidays (#285) - @github-actions[bot]
- 5afd42 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#284) - @github-actions[bot]
- 521904 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#283) - @github-actions[bot]
- 05f614 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#282) - @github-actions[bot]
- bec600 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#281) - @github-actions[bot]
- 194349 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#280) - @github-actions[bot]
- 3fb838 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#279) - @github-actions[bot]
- 487d05 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#278) - @github-actions[bot]
- 19454c - Google Calendar regional holidays (#277) - @github-actions[bot]
- df0205 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#276) - @github-actions[bot]
- bcca74 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 4ef806 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#275) - @github-actions[bot]
- f996da - Google Calendar regional holidays (#274) - @github-actions[bot]
- d175f8 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#273) - @github-actions[bot]
- ca628a - Google Calendar regional holidays (#272) - @github-actions[bot]
- cbe7d4 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#271) - @github-actions[bot]
- 9797b5 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#270) - @github-actions[bot]
- 39e8ca - Google Calendar regional holidays (#269) - @github-actions[bot]
- 8e9254 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#268) - @github-actions[bot]
- 428083 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#267) - @github-actions[bot]
- 151063 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#266) - @github-actions[bot]
- 3fb756 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#265) - @github-actions[bot]
- 30f910 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#264) - @github-actions[bot]
- 4d2dfb - Google Calendar regional holidays (#262) - @github-actions[bot]
- 069131 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#261) - @github-actions[bot]
- b7e790 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#260) - @github-actions[bot]
- b317ab - Google Calendar regional holidays (#259) - @github-actions[bot]
- 8503bc - Google Calendar regional holidays (#258) - @github-actions[bot]
- 7edc04 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#257) - @github-actions[bot]
- bbff51 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#256) - @github-actions[bot]
- 74574c - Google Calendar regional holidays (#255) - @github-actions[bot]
- 9421de - Google Calendar regional holidays (#254) - @github-actions[bot]
- 5abcf4 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#253) - @github-actions[bot]
- 8d0eed - Google Calendar regional holidays (#252) - @github-actions[bot]
- 077e75 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#251) - @github-actions[bot]
- 60d35f - Google Calendar regional holidays (#250) - @github-actions[bot]
- 2d3a49 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#249) - @github-actions[bot]
- dd7ae9 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#248) - @github-actions[bot]
- 2d4361 - dependabot-auto-merge.yaml - @norberttech
- ddc897 - dependabot-auto-merge.yaml - @norberttech
- 4e6470 - dependabot-auto-merge.yaml - @norberttech
- 07b126 - dependabot-auto-merge.yaml - @norberttech
- 4f34c5 - dependabot-auto-merge.yaml - @norberttech
- 9a0611 - dependabot-auto-merge.yaml - @norberttech
- 621f5f - dependabot-auto-merge.yaml - @norberttech
- a67ae5 - dependabot-auto-merge.yaml - @norberttech
- 6b39d9 - dependabot-auto-merge.yaml - @norberttech
- 33798d - dependabot-auto-merge.yaml - @norberttech
- 07a290 - dependabot-auto-merge.yaml - @norberttech
- 737d9b - Google Calendar regional holidays (#247) - @github-actions[bot]
- 53c10e - Google Calendar regional holidays (#246) - @github-actions[bot]
- e8f7d8 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#245) - @github-actions[bot]
- d76e2e - Google Calendar regional holidays (#244) - @github-actions[bot]
- 35cb44 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#243) - @github-actions[bot]
- 7006c1 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#242) - @github-actions[bot]
- 559407 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#241) - @github-actions[bot]
- 7f00e9 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#240) - @github-actions[bot]
- b4528a - Google Calendar regional holidays (#239) - @github-actions[bot]
- caae4a - Google Calendar regional holidays (#238) - @github-actions[bot]
- 443a06 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#237) - @github-actions[bot]
- a3e3cb - projects dependnecies - @norberttech
- d85352 - project dependencies - @norberttech
- 3e939a - project dependencies - @norberttech
- 6eae3f - aeon-php/calendar dependency - @norberttech
- 463fda - min php required version (#69) - @norberttech
- 085641 - dependencies - @norberttech
- b2baa8 - README.md - @norberttech
- fe2252 - README.md - @norberttech
- 92d4c7 - README.md - @norberttech
- b9315b - README.md - @norberttech
- b33a1a - README.md - @norberttech
- f7292f - README.md - @norberttech
- 68c523 - README.md - @norberttech
- d582d6 - README.md - @norberttech
- f7e175 - README.md - @norberttech
- 8d7084 - README.md - @norberttech
- 361a94 - readme - @norberttech
- 0880ac - dependencies - @norberttech
- ba6428 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 71f6a3 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 916427 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 463e1b - dependencies - @norberttech
- 11803f - dependencies - @norberttech
- 3b1a3a - dependencies - @norberttech
- 5f825b - dependencies - @norberttech
- 46c279 - leap seconds, fixed tools plugins setting - @norberttech
- 5b7667 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 943dfa - composer.json - @norberttech
- 00f51a - dependencies - @norberttech
- 96daa6 - infction - @norberttech
- 50726f - infection - @norberttech
- 545e0d - infection - @norberttech
- c53a05 - infection - @norberttech
- 627d72 - infection - @norberttech
- cf2009 - infection - @norberttech
- 5c4e60 - infection - @norberttech
- abef27 - infection - @norberttech
- 13f5cb - infection to ^0.26.1 - @norberttech
- f6d861 - dependencies - @norberttech
- fd1060 - tools dependencies - @norberttech
- 15f40f - dependencies - @norberttech
- 511369 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 1c7a45 - dependencies - @norberttech
- dcaccb - dependencies - @norberttech
- 4a656a - dependencies - @norberttech
- 5c73de - dependencies - @norberttech
- 7ac5b2 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 3344f8 - dependencies and fixed some static analysis errors (#180) - @norberttech
- 518a63 - dependabot.yml - @norberttech
- 75689f - dependencies - @norberttech
- 62d123 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 588f6b - dependencies - @norberttech
- 7a6b52 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 0e5d04 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 713ba1 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 2fbb15 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 2ee524 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 57b17f - dependencies, added dependabot auto merge workflow - @norberttech
- 4895ce - tools (#162) - @norberttech
- 7a9991 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#216) - @github-actions[bot]
- 75882a - Google Calendar regional holidays (#215) - @github-actions[bot]
- b411d7 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#214) - @github-actions[bot]
- dbe604 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#212) - @github-actions[bot]
- 833f08 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#211) - @github-actions[bot]
- d400ee - Google Calendar regional holidays (#210) - @github-actions[bot]
- 459131 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#209) - @github-actions[bot]
- ce145c - Google Calendar regional holidays (#208) - @github-actions[bot]
- ed05b0 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#207) - @github-actions[bot]
- 1146ca - Google Calendar regional holidays (#206) - @github-actions[bot]
- 05c829 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#205) - @github-actions[bot]
- 9a219e - Google Calendar regional holidays (#204) - @github-actions[bot]
- 6aa866 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#203) - @github-actions[bot]
- 348332 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#202) - @github-actions[bot]
- 320385 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#201) - @github-actions[bot]
- bf965c - Google Calendar regional holidays (#200) - @github-actions[bot]
- 1e1000 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#199) - @github-actions[bot]
- fce288 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#198) - @github-actions[bot]
- 588760 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#197) - @github-actions[bot]
- 6d81a7 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#196) - @github-actions[bot]
- baa4af - Google Calendar regional holidays (#195) - @github-actions[bot]
- 3073ed - Google Calendar regional holidays (#194) - @github-actions[bot]
- aa66e6 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#193) - @github-actions[bot]
- ff120c - Google Calendar regional holidays (#192) - @github-actions[bot]
- dd912b - Google Calendar regional holidays (#191) - @github-actions[bot]
- 47f7e3 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#190) - @github-actions[bot]
- 548720 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#189) - @github-actions[bot]
- a1b7a8 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#188) - @github-actions[bot]
- 852e74 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#187) - @github-actions[bot]
- 6dcb16 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#186) - @github-actions[bot]
- 0eed5b - Google Calendar regional holidays (#185) - @github-actions[bot]
- b67eab - Google Calendar regional holidays (#184) - @github-actions[bot]
- a3f537 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#183) - @github-actions[bot]
- 0eed2d - Google Calendar regional holidays (#180) - @github-actions[bot]
- 5e06f3 - leap seconds list expiration date (#137) - @norberttech
- 378fb2 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#179) - @github-actions[bot]
- dabc84 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#178) - @github-actions[bot]
- 1d09d0 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#176) - @github-actions[bot]
- 6ede7a - Google Calendar regional holidays (#175) - @github-actions[bot]
- b0c2e7 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#174) - @github-actions[bot]
- 3fdb90 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#173) - @github-actions[bot]
- 301b84 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#172) - @github-actions[bot]
- 2314e1 - documentation - @norberttech
- afb969 - dependencies - @norberttech
- e244e6 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#169) - @github-actions[bot]
- cb8b95 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#168) - @github-actions[bot]
- 60aed4 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#167) - @github-actions[bot]
- bc32a7 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#166) - @github-actions[bot]
- 67e872 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#165) - @github-actions[bot]
- 6acdc9 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#164) - @github-actions[bot]
- 210dda - Google Calendar regional holidays (#163) - @github-actions[bot]
- 2ed2ce - Google Calendar regional holidays (#162) - @github-actions[bot]
- da0109 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#161) - @github-actions[bot]
- c28a90 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#160) - @github-actions[bot]
- 3a417d - Google Calendar regional holidays (#159) - @github-actions[bot]
- 0cbb49 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#158) - @github-actions[bot]
- b1cf29 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#157) - @github-actions[bot]
- 504067 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#156) - @github-actions[bot]
- db476b - Google Calendar regional holidays (#155) - @github-actions[bot]
- 5572cf - Google Calendar regional holidays (#153) - @github-actions[bot]
- d74b72 - dependencies and remove phive (#47) - @norberttech
- 595429 - dependencies, removed phive (#53) - @norberttech
- b78259 - dependencies, removed phive (#51) - @norberttech
- 75dd43 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#151) - @github-actions[bot]
- 43a116 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#150) - @github-actions[bot]
- 10b71e - github actions schedule - @norberttech
- 206595 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#148) - @github-actions[bot]
- 9e29f1 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#147) - @github-actions[bot]
- 2021cc - Google Calendar regional holidays (#146) - @github-actions[bot]
- bc9c35 - tools (#116) - @norberttech
- df1314 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#145) - @github-actions[bot]
- 91195d - Google Calendar regional holidays (#144) - @github-actions[bot]
- 636a72 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#143) - @github-actions[bot]
- 1dd0c3 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#141) - @github-actions[bot]
- 732d0c - Google Calendar regional holidays (#140) - @github-actions[bot]
- 14355a - Google Calendar regional holidays (#139) - @github-actions[bot]
- c35580 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#138) - @github-actions[bot]
- 931f41 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#137) - @github-actions[bot]
- d36cb3 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#135) - @github-actions[bot]
- 72c1b0 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#134) - @github-actions[bot]
- 355540 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#132) - @github-actions[bot]
- 31789e - Google Calendar regional holidays (#131) - @github-actions[bot]
- 6d99b2 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#130) - @github-actions[bot]
- 76b68d - Google Calendar regional holidays (#129) - @github-actions[bot]
- d74225 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#128) - @github-actions[bot]
- 9f5a55 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#127) - @github-actions[bot]
- 496e3c - Google Calendar regional holidays (#125) - @github-actions[bot]
- cc54c1 - dependencies, fixed broken tests (#69) - @norberttech
- 62c357 - aeon-php/rate-limiter (#53) - @DawidSajdak
- 9a0822 - aeon-php/rate-limiter (#51) - @DawidSajdak
- 20c332 - dependencies (#31) - @norberttech
- c3551c - dependencies (#38) - @norberttech
- 7d4af0 - dependencies, added aeon-php/automation integration (#15) - @norberttech
- 684e43 - dependencies, added aeon-php/automation integration (#25) - @norberttech
- 095a92 - sleep library namespace & added automation integration (#36) - @norberttech
- 338bc0 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- e4b3ff - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 11b528 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- d3b9ad - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- fddc36 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- d2bbbb - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- b3ee84 - changelog - @norberttech
- beb931 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- aae10a - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- c15399 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#112) - @github-actions[bot]
- c7f72c - Google Calendar regional holidays (#111) - @github-actions[bot]
- ee80b6 - version 0.1.0 changelog - @norberttech
- 3f9aac - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- ba7996 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 5e96ca - dependencies, fixed aeon-php/calendar BC breaks (#25) - @norberttech
- b2d2e6 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 47b160 - tools, moved phpunit to tools (#10) - @norberttech
- 1822bf - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 29aebd - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 6fd1b1 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- b05f52 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 5294cb - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 22d80c - aeon-php/calendar dependency - @norberttech
- 1dafd8 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#108) - @github-actions[bot]
- bb6bc9 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 7f81ab - Google Calendar regional holidays (#107) - @github-actions[bot]
- ff79f8 - tools (#83) - @norberttech
- 626280 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#106) - @github-actions[bot]
- 65b998 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#105) - @github-actions[bot]
- a53eec - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- dfe6a7 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#104) - @github-actions[bot]
- ca1dc1 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#101) - @github-actions[bot]
- ae153b - Google Calendar regional holidays (#100) - @github-actions[bot]
- afbb3d - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 22f19f - Google Calendar regional holidays (#96) - @github-actions[bot]
- 034bc8 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 1c7fa4 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#95) - @github-actions[bot]
- d2f05e - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- f12282 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 600f8f - README.md - @norberttech
- 82a94d - README.md - @norberttech
- 318559 - README.md - @norberttech
- a272db - README.md - @norberttech
- fbf912 - README.md - @norberttech
- 8c724d - README.md - @norberttech
- 86a08b - README.md - @norberttech
- e5c5aa - README.md - @norberttech
- 298839 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#93) - @github-actions[bot]
- 2f1be6 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#91) - @github-actions[bot]
- f7e70e - Google Calendar regional holidays (#89) - @github-actions[bot]
- f4db9a - Google Calendar regional holidays (#88) - @github-actions[bot]
- ff5ada - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 8577f7 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#85) - @github-actions[bot]
- b65daf - Google Calendar regional holidays (#84) - @github-actions[bot]
- fe57a0 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 02abfa - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 16aab0 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#82) - @github-actions[bot]
- 072b0f - Google Calendar regional holidays (#81) - @github-actions[bot]
- 14d881 - README.md - @norberttech
- 2eaa44 - aeon-php/calendar-holidays to >=0.4.0 - @norberttech
- 379108 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- f95b0c - aeon-php/calendar to >= 0.11.0 - @norberttech
- d59a37 - calendar holidays - @norberttech
- 9c7fa2 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 1b9473 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 1fce59 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 8e22c2 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#79) - @github-actions[bot]
- b134c5 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 46b35f - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- bc4eed - dependencies (#31) - @norberttech
- c93e22 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 16c885 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 3fc5d4 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#78) - @github-actions[bot]
- a3bbb7 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#77) - @github-actions[bot]
- 4ab81e - Google Calendar regional holidays (#76) - @github-actions[bot]
- 61ffe4 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#75) - @github-actions[bot]
- acbc9d - Google Calendar regional holidays (#72) - @github-actions[bot]
- e8c2f1 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#71) - @github-actions[bot]
- 356aef - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- c20eee - Google Calendar regional holidays (#69) - @github-actions[bot]
- da9c5a - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 2c0ca7 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- f10b82 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 533de0 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 002f84 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 0a6bcf - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 17677d - Google Calendar regional holidays (#67) - @github-actions[bot]
- ab34eb - dependencies & fixed failing tests - @norberttech
- df694a - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 1ad646 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 3cf332 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 90d3af - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 996853 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 232d11 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#64) - @github-actions[bot]
- 13163b - countriesdb script to not remove old holidys and sort holidays by dates (#60) - @norberttech
- da2959 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#57) - @github-actions[bot]
- 78ba6f - Google Calendar regional holidays (#56) - @github-actions[bot]
- 564f73 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#55) - @github-actions[bot]
- dcac20 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#54) - @github-actions[bot]
- 75c0fc - Google Calendar regional holidays (#52) - @github-actions[bot]
- 4d6c0c - Google Calendar regional holidays (#51) - @github-actions[bot]
- 0062ca - Google Calendar regional holidays (#48) - @github-actions[bot]
- 834a33 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#47) - @github-actions[bot]
- 9b682d - Google Calendar regional holidays (#46) - @github-actions[bot]
- 8a2d26 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- e3add2 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- a5a938 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 231e86 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- cb280f - Google Calendar regional holidays (#41) - @github-actions[bot]
- e5952e - Google Calendar regional holidays (#40) - @github-actions[bot]
- 632d3d - Google Calendar regional holidays (#39) - @github-actions[bot]
- a541a4 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#37) - @github-actions[bot]
- 07dee2 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#36) - @github-actions[bot]
- 049279 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 048761 - dependencies (#13) - @norberttech
- 2bd135 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 7ee017 - dependencies - @norberttech
- c88ffb - dependencies - @norberttech
- 3c6291 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 3703da - dependencies - @norberttech
- 0dd185 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 3cd667 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#35) - @github-actions[bot]
- b4901b - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- e999da - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- ce9eba - Google Calendar regional holidays (#34) - @github-actions[bot]
- 8d6ff0 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#31) - @github-actions[bot]
- 59fcea - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- a1f8f5 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 19fbab - Google Calendar regional holidays (#30) - @github-actions[bot]
- 31e7a9 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#27) - @github-actions[bot]
- ba7056 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#26) - @github-actions[bot]
- a1caea - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- ccf733 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 8d5cc7 - phive tools (#55) - @norberttech
- 2ae0f7 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 147db5 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#24) - @github-actions[bot]
- 71c767 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#23) - @github-actions[bot]
- 2309b7 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#21) - @github-actions[bot]
- c79fc2 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- cfaeea - dependencies - @norberttech
- 248ea6 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 153ace - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 8dd66a - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- f9fd2e - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- c262f6 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#17) - @github-actions[bot]
- c6d0da - Google Calendar regional holidays (#16) - @github-actions[bot]
- b22a8e - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 95cec7 - changelog - @norberttech
- 94557b - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 4d0666 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 74cca6 - aeon-php/calendar dependency to >=0.4.0 - @norberttech
- 2cee8a - aeon-php/calendar dependency to >=0.4.0 - @norberttech
- 02fe69 - aeon-php/calendar dependency to >=0.4.0 - @norberttech
- b1ca93 - aeon-php/calendar dependency to >=0.4.0 - @norberttech
- 18cee1 - aeon-php/calendar dependency to >=0.4.0 - @norberttech
- bfe0da - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- e481b6 - calendar dependency - @norberttech
- 8e0b12 - aeon-php/calendar dependency - @norberttech
- c082cc - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 9a92a3 - Google Calendar regional holidays (#13) - @github-actions[bot]
- 75fba8 - dependenies - @norberttech
- 574020 - dependencies, removed phive tools from repo - @norberttech
- 179a1c - dependencies, added changelog - @norberttech
- 9a4bce - Google Calendar regional holidays (#9) - @github-actions[bot]
- af5f7a - google calendar source holidays - @norberttech
- c920ee - link to the documentation - @norberttech
- 1a2de1 - dependencies and MSI score - @norberttech
- af7958 - dependencies - @norberttech
- dd70e8 - phpunit version to ^9.3 - @norberttech
- 800302 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 769f91 - phpunit dependency to ^9.3 (#49) - @norberttech
- 1f8f36 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- f68db2 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 7f17b5 - phpunit to ^9.3 (#6) - @norberttech
- a1ac94 - phpunit to version ^9.3 (#5) - @norberttech
- 59b14a - dependencies, moved tools to phive - @norberttech
- 69eda4 - README.md - @norberttech
- 2e4483 - documentation - @norberttech
- bb13fb - README.md - @norberttech
- 05e10e - infection.json - @norberttech
- b3d9e4 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 156fc9 - changelog - @norberttech
- f1744a - dependencies, moved tools to phive, added mutation badge - @norberttech
- f0b425 - dependnecies, added phive, added infection badge - @norberttech
- d93c04 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- a36260 - dependencies, added MSI badge integration - @norberttech
- 2c6c6a - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- ee0d4a - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 13f334 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 85592f - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- d0b29c - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 68068b - README.md - @norberttech
- 7d9eac - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- c834fd - aeon-php/calendar to version ^0.2.0 (#1) - @norberttech
- 4b44dd - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 438357 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- 0b0558 - README.md - @norberttech
- dbb89f - README.md - @norberttech
- 406d7d - README.md (#35) - @norberttech
- e39bc7 - README.md - @norberttech
- bc583a - README.md - @norberttech
- fb8454 - dev dependencies - @norberttech
- ee7697 - calendar dependency - @norberttech
- 9b909f - phpdoc_align CS rule - @norberttech
- 3afeee - phpdoc_align CS rule - @norberttech
- 39c802 - CS rules - @norberttech
- f36824 - CS rules - @norberttech
- 17fd2e - CS rules - @norberttech
- 95995c - CS rules - @norberttech
- 594d07 - CS rules - @norberttech
- 35f093 - CS rules - @norberttech
- a4fb06 - CS rules - @norberttech
- 95902f - CS rules - @norberttech
- e23e57 - dependencies, added retry library - @norberttech
- be4646 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 34200b - dependencies - @norberttech
- 844f6f - dependencies - @norberttech
- 137c3e - dependencies - @norberttech
- 52186e - dependencies - @norberttech
- 509f59 - Stopwatch class API (#18) - @norberttech
- e97ceb - dependencies - @norberttech
- 150369 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 553958 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 3e8928 - dependencies - @norberttech
- b267b5 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 712922 - dependencies - @norberttech
- f565da - dependencies - @norberttech
- dace12 - dependencies - @norberttech
- a39d0c - dependencies - @norberttech
- 0b4122 - dependencies and fixed missing exception - @norberttech
- 90f07e - dependencies - @norberttech
- a12e2b - dependencies - @norberttech
- cea16d - dependencies & readme (#3) - @norberttech
- 96f13e - readme & scheduled github actions - @norberttech
- c5267a - dependencies & readme (#3) - @norberttech
- f74e11 - dependencies (#1) - @norberttech
- 246306 - dependencies, fixed tests, added minimum stability (#1) - @norberttech
- 759ac7 - dependencies, added minimum stability and config (#1) - @norberttech
- d905a0 - dependencies and set minimum stability to dev (#2) - @norberttech
- 06dc87 - dependencies - @norberttech
- e9d40b - dependencies and added badges - @norberttech
- edc048 - dependencis and added badges - @norberttech
- 0d846b - dependencies - @norberttech
- 94e4d0 - README.md - @norberttech
- 9ecd64 - php dependency - @norberttech
- e1d17c - dependency - @norberttech
- 362f45 - php dependency - @norberttech
- 4b469d - php dependency - @norberttech
- d028a2 - composer.json tags - @norberttech
- b83909 - tools from all repos - @norberttech
- 0074d7 - legacy flow-php components - @norberttech
- d854d2 - phive, updated dependencies - @norberttech
- 9cd859 - Collections from Calendar library (#101) - @norberttech
- 85363c - dependabot mentions from changelog - @norberttech
- 70e932 - redundant |^5.1 constraint from symfony dependencies - @norberttech
- 30a14d - not used dependency - @norberttech
- 581ad9 - unnecessary docblocks - @norberttech
- 834fdf - phive tools from repository - @norberttech
- 95dd6d - tools from repository - @norberttech
- 393d7d - phive tools from repository - @norberttech
- d380dc - phive tools from repository - @norberttech
- 58cd27 - phive tools from repository - @norberttech
- 2f8926 - phive tools from repository - @norberttech
- ba4193 - tools from repository, updated phpunit - @norberttech
- 2219e2 - webmozart/assert library - @norberttech
- 5e46a7 - webmozart/assert library - @norberttech
- 0cd8f5 - webmozart/assert library - @norberttech
- 82f03b - webmozart/assert library - @norberttech
- 70d8fa - webmozart/assert library - @norberttech
- 6df393 - webmozart/assert library - @norberttech
- 1996c1 - webmozart/assert dependnecy (#26) - @norberttech
- e0734c - branch alias - @norberttech
- b9dd3c - dependency of dependency - @norberttech
- 53feef - useless interfaces - @norberttech
- fb843d - redundant TimeInterval and renamed TimeIntervals into TimePeriods (#11) - @norberttech
- 39bd2d - unused use statements - @norberttech
- c4ac79 - unsued use statements - @norberttech
- 527669 - composer lock from gitignore, added psalm immutable annotation to calendar interface - @norberttech
- @christian-kolb
- @DawidSajdak
- @eamirgh
- @github-actions[bot]
- @GwendolenLynch
- @kristijonasb
- @maciejlebkowski
- @matusstafura
- @mlebkowski
- @[email protected]
- @norbertmwk
- @norberttech
- @owsiakl
- @stloyd
- @tomaszhanc
- @unixslayer
Generated by Automation