In the previous phase you implemented the board and pieces along with the rules for setting up the board and moving pieces. In this phase you will implement the ChessGame
so that you can play a game by making moves and determining check, stalemate, and checkmate.
class ChessGame {
ChessGame --> InvalidMoveException
class ChessBoard {
addPiece(ChessPosition, ChessPiece)
ChessGame "1" o-- ChessBoard
class ChessMove {
class ChessPosition {
ChessMove o-- "2" ChessPosition
class ChessPiece {
pieceMoves(ChessBoard, ChessPosition):Collection~ChessMove~
ChessBoard o-- "*" ChessPiece
You are not limited to this representation. However, you must not change the existing class names or method signatures since they are used by the pass off tests. You will likely need to add new classes and methods to complete the work required by this phase.
This class serves as the top-level management of the Chess Game. It is responsible for executing moves as well as reporting the game status.
By default, a new ChessGame
represents an immediately playable board with the pieces in their default locations and the starting player set to WHITE.
functionality will now implement the rules of Chess not handled by the ChessPiece
class. This will involve removing moves returned from ChessPiece.validMoves()
that violate game rules.
Key Methods:
- validMoves: Takes as input a position on the chessboard and returns all moves the piece there can legally make. If there is no piece at that location, this method returns
. A move is valid if it is a "piece move" for the piece at the input location and making that move would not leave the team’s king in danger of check. - makeMove: Receives a given move and executes it, provided it is a legal move. If the move is illegal, it throws an
. A move is illegal if it is not a "valid" move for the piece at the starting location, or if it’s not the corresponding team's turn. - isInCheck: Returns true if the specified team’s King could be captured by an opposing piece.
- isInCheckmate: Returns true if the given team has no way to protect their king from being captured.
- isInStalemate: Returns true if the given team has no legal moves but their king is not in immediate danger.
If you would like to fully implement the rules of chess you need to provide support for En Passant
and Castling
You do not have to implement these moves, but if you go the extra mile and successfully implement them, you’ll earn 5 extra credit points for each move (10 total) on this assignment.
This is a special move where the King and a Rook move simultaneously. The castling move can only be taken when 4 conditions are met:
- Neither the King nor Rook have moved since the game started
- There are no pieces between the King and the Rook
- The King is not in Check
- Both your Rook and King will be safe after making the move (cannot be captured by any enemy pieces).
To Castle, the King moves 2 spaces towards the Rook, and the Rook "jumps" the king moving to the position next to and on the other side of the King. This is represented in a ChessMove as the king moving 2 spaces to the side.
En Passant
This is a special move taken by a Pawn in response to your opponent double moving a Pawn. If your opponent double moves a pawn so it ends next to yours (skipping the position where your pawn could have captured their pawn), then on your immediately following turn your pawn may capture their pawn as if their pawn had only moved 1 square. This is as if your pawn is capturing their pawn mid motion, or In Passing
You want to write quality code that promotes consistency and readability for all team members. Code quality is discussed in a future instruction topic, and you will be graded on quality starting with phase 3. However, you can use the auto grader at any time to check your chess repositories quality. The rubric used to evaluate code quality is found here: Rubric.
The test cases for this assignment are in the passoff/chess/game
directory and represent the tests for the overall gameplay. You will need to pass all these tests to pass off this assignment.
Additionally, if you are implementing Castling
and En Passant
then include the tests from the starter code in the extracredit
package. Successfully passing these will earn you some extra credit on this assignment, but are not required for pass off.
To run the tests, you can click the play icon next to an individual test, or you can right click on a package or class and select Run
or Run Tests in …
All of the tests in your project must succeed in order to complete this phase. If you do not want to complete the extra credit moves then remove those tests from your project.
To pass off this assignment use the course auto-grading tool. If your code passes then your grade will automatically be entered in Canvas.
You are required to commit to GitHub with every minor milestone. For example, after you successfully pass a test. This should result in a commit history that clearly details your work on this phase. If your Git history does not demonstrate your efforts then your submission may be rejected.
Category | Criteria | Points |
GitHub History | At least 8 GitHub commits evenly spread over the assignment period that demonstrate proof of work | Prerequisite |
Functionality | All pass off test cases succeed | 125 |
Extra Credit | extracredit test cases succeed |
bonus +10 |
Total | 125 |