Python client that help you to talk with TooGoodToGo API.
Python version: 3.9+
- create an account (
) - login (
) - refresh token (
) - list stores (
) - get a store (
) - get favorites (
) - set favorite (
) - create an order (
) - abort an order (
) - get the status of an order (
) - get active orders (
) - get inactive orders (
pip install tgtg
Build the client with your email
from tgtg import TgtgClient
client = TgtgClient(email="<your_email>")
credentials = client.get_credentials()
You should receive an email from tgtg. The client will wait until you validate the login by clicking the link inside the email.
Once you clicked the link, you will get credentials and be able to use them
'access_token': '<your_access_token>',
'refresh_token': '<your_refresh_token>',
'cookie': '<cookie>',
from tgtg import TgtgClient
client = TgtgClient(access_token="<access_token>", refresh_token="<refresh_token>", cookie="<cookie>")
# You can then get some items, by default it will *only* get your favorites
items = client.get_items()
# To get items (not only your favorites) you need to provide location informations
items = client.get_items(
Example response
"item": {
"item_id": "64346",
"item_price": {"code": "EUR", "minor_units": 499, "decimals": 2},
"sales_taxes": [],
"tax_amount": {"code": "EUR", "minor_units": 0, "decimals": 2},
"price_excluding_taxes": {"code": "EUR", "minor_units": 499, "decimals": 2},
"price_including_taxes": {"code": "EUR", "minor_units": 499, "decimals": 2},
"value_excluding_taxes": {
"code": "EUR",
"minor_units": 1500,
"decimals": 2,
"value_including_taxes": {
"code": "EUR",
"minor_units": 1500,
"decimals": 2,
"taxation_policy": "PRICE_INCLUDES_TAXES",
"show_sales_taxes": False,
"value": {"code": "EUR", "minor_units": 1500, "decimals": 2},
"cover_picture": {
"picture_id": "110628",
"current_url": "",
"logo_picture": {
"picture_id": "110618",
"current_url": "",
"name": "",
"description": "Salva comida en Ecofamily Bufé y tu pack podrá contener: comidas caseras.",
"can_user_supply_packaging": False,
"packaging_option": "MUST_BRING_BAG",
"collection_info": "",
"diet_categories": [],
"item_category": "MEAL",
"badges": [
"badge_type": "SERVICE_RATING_SCORE",
"rating_group": "LIKED",
"percentage": 93,
"user_count": 178,
"month_count": 5,
"favorite_count": 0,
"buffet": False,
"store": {
"store_id": "59949s",
"store_name": "Ecofamily Bufé - Centro",
"branch": "",
"description": "",
"tax_identifier": "",
"website": "",
"store_location": {
"address": {
"country": {"iso_code": "ES", "name": "Spain"},
"address_line": "Av. de los Piconeros, S/N, 14001 Córdoba, España",
"city": "",
"postal_code": "",
"location": {"longitude": -4.776045, "latitude": 37.894249},
"logo_picture": {
"picture_id": "110618",
"current_url": "",
"store_time_zone": "Europe/Madrid",
"hidden": False,
"favorite_count": 0,
"we_care": False,
"display_name": "Ecofamily Bufé - Centro",
"pickup_location": {
"address": {
"country": {"iso_code": "ES", "name": "Spain"},
"address_line": "Av. de los Piconeros, S/N, 14001 Córdoba, España",
"city": "",
"postal_code": "",
"location": {"longitude": -4.776045, "latitude": 37.894249},
"items_available": 0,
"distance": 4241.995584076078,
"favorite": True,
"in_sales_window": False,
"new_item": False,
(Using item_id from get_items response)
item = client.get_item(item_id=614318)
Example response
"item": {
"item_id": "614318",
"sales_taxes": [{"tax_description": "TVA", "tax_percentage": 5.5}],
"tax_amount": {"code": "EUR", "minor_units": 13, "decimals": 2},
"price_excluding_taxes": {"code": "EUR", "minor_units": 236, "decimals": 2},
"price_including_taxes": {"code": "EUR", "minor_units": 249, "decimals": 2},
"value_excluding_taxes": {"code": "EUR", "minor_units": 0, "decimals": 2},
"value_including_taxes": {"code": "EUR", "minor_units": 0, "decimals": 2},
"taxation_policy": "PRICE_INCLUDES_TAXES",
"show_sales_taxes": False,
"cover_picture": {
"picture_id": "620171",
"current_url": "",
"is_automatically_created": False,
"logo_picture": {
"picture_id": "622046",
"current_url": "",
"is_automatically_created": False,
"name": "Panier petit déjeuner",
"description": "Sauvez un panier-surprise réalisé à partir des délicieux articles d'un buffet petit déjeuner.",
"food_handling_instructions": "",
"can_user_supply_packaging": False,
"packaging_option": "BAG_ALLOWED",
"collection_info": "",
"diet_categories": [],
"item_category": "BAKED_GOODS",
"buffet": True,
"badges": [
"badge_type": "SERVICE_RATING_SCORE",
"rating_group": "LOVED",
"percentage": 96,
"user_count": 131,
"month_count": 6,
"rating_group": "LOVED",
"percentage": 90,
"user_count": 131,
"month_count": 6,
"positive_rating_reasons": [
"average_overall_rating": {
"average_overall_rating": 4.520325203252033,
"rating_count": 123,
"month_count": 6,
"allergens_info": {"shown_on_checkout": False},
"favorite_count": 0,
"store": {
"store_id": "624740",
"store_name": "Hôtel Les Matins de Paris & Spa",
"branch": "",
"description": "Vous y êtes. Où ? À South Pigalle (Sopi pour les adeptes), au coeur d’une décontraction trendy.\nVous en êtes : de ceux qui ont déniché un lieu joliment habité, là où se fredonne depuis tant de décennies des airs vivement enjoués. Parce que, pour la petite histoire, notre adresse fut dans les années 50' 60' le repaire des plus arty.\nPile ici, le premier restaurant américain parisien créé par le fantaisiste Leroy Haynes attirait un heureux tohu-bohu, une kyrielle de musiciens, de Ray Charles à Marianne Faithfull…\nAujourd'hui, à vous d'improviser ici un rendez-vous amical, à vous de composer là avec la paresse la plus joyeuse. Se mettre au voluptueux diapason du spa, suivre le rythme des conseils spontanés d’une équipe concernée sont aussi des moments pour vous écouter.\nEntendez-vous la petite musique du lieu ? L'âme des Matins de Paris donne assurément le bon tempo pour prendre ses quartiers, les plus inspirés. ",
"tax_identifier": "FR43552132029",
"website": "",
"store_location": {
"address": {
"country": {"iso_code": "FR", "name": "France"},
"address_line": "3 Rue Clauzel, 75009 Paris, France",
"city": "",
"postal_code": "",
"location": {"longitude": 2.3393925, "latitude": 48.8788434},
"logo_picture": {
"picture_id": "622046",
"current_url": "",
"is_automatically_created": False,
"store_time_zone": "Europe/Paris",
"hidden": False,
"favorite_count": 0,
"items": [
"item": {
"item_id": "614318",
"sales_taxes": [{"tax_description": "TVA", "tax_percentage": 5.5}],
"tax_amount": {"code": "EUR", "minor_units": 13, "decimals": 2},
"price_excluding_taxes": {
"code": "EUR",
"minor_units": 236,
"decimals": 2,
"price_including_taxes": {
"code": "EUR",
"minor_units": 249,
"decimals": 2,
"value_excluding_taxes": {
"code": "EUR",
"minor_units": 0,
"decimals": 2,
"value_including_taxes": {
"code": "EUR",
"minor_units": 0,
"decimals": 2,
"taxation_policy": "PRICE_INCLUDES_TAXES",
"show_sales_taxes": False,
"cover_picture": {
"picture_id": "620171",
"current_url": "",
"is_automatically_created": False,
"logo_picture": {
"picture_id": "622046",
"current_url": "",
"is_automatically_created": False,
"name": "Panier petit déjeuner",
"description": "Sauvez un panier-surprise réalisé à partir des délicieux articles d'un buffet petit déjeuner.",
"food_handling_instructions": "",
"can_user_supply_packaging": False,
"packaging_option": "BAG_ALLOWED",
"collection_info": "",
"diet_categories": [],
"item_category": "BAKED_GOODS",
"buffet": True,
"badges": [
"badge_type": "SERVICE_RATING_SCORE",
"rating_group": "LOVED",
"percentage": 96,
"user_count": 131,
"month_count": 6,
"rating_group": "LOVED",
"percentage": 90,
"user_count": 131,
"month_count": 6,
"positive_rating_reasons": [
"average_overall_rating": {
"average_overall_rating": 4.520325203252033,
"rating_count": 123,
"month_count": 6,
"favorite_count": 0,
"display_name": "Hôtel Les Matins de Paris & Spa (Panier petit déjeuner)",
"pickup_interval": {
"start": "2022-11-04T11:00:00Z",
"end": "2022-11-04T15:00:00Z",
"pickup_location": {
"address": {
"country": {"iso_code": "FR", "name": "France"},
"address_line": "3 Rue Clauzel, 75009 Paris, France",
"city": "",
"postal_code": "",
"location": {"longitude": 2.3393925, "latitude": 48.8788434},
"purchase_end": "2022-11-04T15:00:00Z",
"items_available": 0,
"sold_out_at": "2022-11-03T17:11:32Z",
"distance": 0.0,
"favorite": True,
"in_sales_window": True,
"new_item": False,
"milestones": [
{"type": "MEALS_SAVED", "value": "250"},
{"type": "MONTHS_ON_PLATFORM", "value": "6"},
"we_care": False,
"distance": 0.0,
"cover_picture": {
"picture_id": "620171",
"current_url": "",
"is_automatically_created": False,
"is_manufacturer": False,
"display_name": "Hôtel Les Matins de Paris & Spa (Panier petit déjeuner)",
"pickup_interval": {"start": "2022-11-04T11:00:00Z", "end": "2022-11-04T15:00:00Z"},
"pickup_location": {
"address": {
"country": {"iso_code": "FR", "name": "France"},
"address_line": "3 Rue Clauzel, 75009 Paris, France",
"city": "",
"postal_code": "",
"location": {"longitude": 2.3393925, "latitude": 48.8788434},
"purchase_end": "2022-11-04T15:00:00Z",
"items_available": 0,
"sold_out_at": "2022-11-03T17:11:32Z",
"distance": 0.0,
"favorite": True,
"in_sales_window": True,
"new_item": False,
"sharing_url": "",
"next_sales_window_purchase_start": "2022-11-04T15:17:00Z",
order = client.create_order(item_id, number_of_items_to_order)
Example response
"id": "<order_id>",
"item_id": "<item_id_that_was_ordered>",
"state": "RESERVED",
"order_line": {
"quantity": 1,
"item_price_including_taxes": {
"code": "EUR",
"minor_units": 600,
"decimals": 2
"item_price_excluding_taxes": {
"code": "EUR",
"minor_units": 550,
"decimals": 2
"total_price_including_taxes": {
"code": "EUR",
"minor_units": 600,
"decimals": 2
"total_price_excluding_taxes": {
"code": "EUR",
"minor_units": 550,
"decimals": 2
"reserved_at": "2023-01-01T10:30:32.331280392",
"order_type": "MAGICBAG"
Please note that payment of an order is currently not implemented. In other words: you can create an order via this client, but you can not pay for it.
order_status = client.get_order_status(order_id)
Example response
"id": "<order_id>",
"item_id": "<item_id_that_was_ordered>",
"state": "RESERVED"
When successful, this call will not return a value.
The app uses this call when the user aborts an order before paying for it. When the order has been payed, the app uses a different call.
active = client.get_active()
client.get_inactive(page=0, page_size=20)
# returned object has `has_more` property if more results are available
To e.g. sum up all orders you have ever made:
orders = []
page = 0
while inactive := client.get_inactive(page=page, page_size=200):
orders += inactive["orders"]
if not inactive["has_more"]:
redeemed_orders = [x for x in orders if x["state"] == "REDEEMED"]
redeemed_items = sum([x["quantity"] for x in redeemed_orders])
# if you bought in multiple currencies this will need improvements
money_spend = sum(
/ (10 ** x["price_including_taxes"]["decimals"])
for x in redeemed_orders
print(f"Total numbers of orders: {len(orders)}")
print(f"Total numbers of picked up orders: {len(redeemed_orders)}")
print(f"Total numbers of items picked up: {redeemed_items}")
f"Total money spend: ~{money_spend:.2f}{redeemed_orders[0]['price_including_taxes']['code']}"
This will list all the currently set favorite stores.
favorites = client.get_favorites()
The behavior of get_favorites
is more or less the same as get_items()
, but better mimics the official application.
(Using item_id from get_items response)
# add favorite
client.set_favorite(item_id=64346, is_favorite=True)
# remove favorite
client.set_favorite(item_id=64346, is_favorite=False)
from tgtg import TgtgClient
client = TgtgClient()
# client is now ready to be used
This project uses poetry so you will need to install poetry locally to use following commands.
pipx install poetry
poetry install
This project uses pre-commit to format/check all the code before each commit automatically.
pipx install pre-commit
pre-commit install
Run this command to run all tests:
make test