A web application powered by the Google Maps API to locate 5000+ petrol stations in Australia and locate the petrol station nearest to you whenever, wherever. You'll never run out of petrol ever again with this amount of accessbility, unless you run out of money.
We are a group consisting of 4 members (Mun Hin, Aiman, Liyana & Cecilia) all based in Malaysia with our own individual strengths and a knack for programming. After being assigned into a group, we formed Wasted Potential and set out on a mission to create this app and poured our heart and soul into it.
- Get nearest 5 petrol stations wherever map is clicked
- Marker cluster when map is zoomed out
- Single Page Application
- See all petrol stations within 30 kilometre radius
- Display latitude, longtitude and address where user is
- View information of individual petrol stations
Day One:
We spent most of day 1 planning, setting up our app and building the skeleton before moving on to small tasks, all as a group to make sure we were on the same page avoiding unnecessary conflicts -
Day Two:
Day 2 is when we got the most done, exceeding our peers in terms of the completion of the app and burning through most of our tasks, leaving only the complex problems for day 3.
Mun Hin: improved markers performance, integrated markerClusterer API, petrol station database script, etc..
Special shoutout to Mun Hin who carried more than enough of his weight in this group project
Aiman: tracked 5 nearest petrol stations depending on location, added extra features, categorized owners and number of gas stations owned
Liyana: responsible for most of the CSS/styling, sourced marker icons, created Wasted Potential logo
Cecilia: improved User Experience for marker info boxes, set up database and files, wrote readme