File tree
2,996 files changed
lines changed- mobile/android
- gradle/wrapper
- mobile-v3
- android
- app/src/main/java/io/flutter/plugins
- gradle/wrapper
- ios
- Flutter
- Runner
- platform/.vscode
- src
- Maintenance
- www
- imgs
- calibrate
- public
- src
- configs
- icons
- styles
- views
- apis
- components
- docs
- _media
- api
- calibration
- cypress
- e2e/tests
- fixtures
- support
- hardware
- mobile_app
- platform
- inventory
- Inventory
- assets
- admin
- css
- vendor/select2
- img
- gis
- js
- admin
- vendor
- jquery
- select2
- i18n
- xregexp
- dashboard
- migrations
- media/profile_image
- static
- images
- templates
- dashboard
- user
- user
- migrations
- mobile
- android
- app
- src
- airqo/res/values
- airqodev/res/values
- debug
- main
- kotlin/com/airqo/app
- res
- drawable
- drawable-hdpi
- drawable-mdpi
- drawable-night
- drawable-night-hdpi
- drawable-night-mdpi
- drawable-night-v21
- drawable-night-xhdpi
- drawable-night-xxhdpi
- drawable-night-xxxhdpi
- drawable-v21
- drawable-xhdpi
- drawable-xxhdpi
- drawable-xxxhdpi
- font
- layout
- mipmap-hdpi
- mipmap-mdpi
- mipmap-xhdpi
- mipmap-xxhdpi
- mipmap-xxxhdpi
- values
- values-night
- values-night-v31
- values-v21
- values-v31
- xml
- profile
- fastlane
- gradle/wrapper
- assets
- fonts
- icon
- images
- lottie
- ios
- Flutter
- Runner
- Assets.xcassets
- AppIcon.appiconset
- LaunchBackground.imageset
- LaunchImage.imageset
- Base.lproj
- Runner.xcodeproj
- project.xcworkspace
- Runner.xcworkspace
- config
- airqo
- airqodev
- lib
- blocs
- dashboard
- email_auth
- email_verification
- favourite_place
- feedback
- insights
- kya
- location_history
- map
- nearby_location
- notification
- phone_auth
- phone_verification
- profile
- search
- search_history
- settings
- constants
- l10n
- models
- screens
- analytics
- dashboard
- email_authentication
- favourite_places
- feedback
- insights
- kya
- map
- notification
- on_boarding
- phone_authentication
- profile
- quiz
- search
- settings
- services
- themes
- utils
- widgets
- resources
- test
- api
- cubics
- screens/insights
- utils
- extensions
- mobile-v3
- android
- app
- src
- debug
- main
- kotlin/com/example/airqo
- res
- drawable
- drawable-v21
- mipmap-hdpi
- mipmap-mdpi
- mipmap-xhdpi
- mipmap-xxhdpi
- mipmap-xxxhdpi
- values
- values-night
- profile
- fastlane
- gradle/wrapper
- assets
- data
- fonts
- icons
- images
- auth
- dashboard
- profile
- ios
- Flutter
- Runner
- Assets.xcassets
- AppIcon.appiconset
- LaunchBackground.imageset
- LaunchImage.imageset
- Base.lproj
- Runner.xcodeproj
- project.xcworkspace
- Runner.xcworkspace
- RunnerTests
- lib
- src
- app
- auth
- bloc
- models
- pages
- repository
- widgets
- dashboard
- bloc
- dashboard
- forecast
- models
- pages
- repository
- widgets
- learn
- bloc
- models
- pages
- repository
- widgets
- map
- bloc
- pages
- repository
- notifications/pages
- other
- places
- bloc
- models
- repository
- theme
- bloc
- repository
- profile
- bloc
- models
- pages
- widgets
- repository
- meta/utils
- netmanager
- public
- images
- avatars
- emojis
- logos
- src
- __tests__
- DataDisplay
- GridsCohorts
- Logs
- Pages
- Teams
- __snapshots__
- assets
- css
- d3
- img
- chart
- faces
- icons
- Facebook
- Google
- locations
- jss
- material-dashboard-react
- components
- layouts
- views
- material-kit-react
- components
- views
- componentsSections
- landingPageSections
- scss
- theme
- overrides
- config
- urls
- redux
- AccessControl
- ActivityLogs
- reducers
- AirQloud
- Analytics
- Dashboard
- reducers
- DefaultSitePreferences
- DeviceManagement
- reducers
- DeviceOverview
- DeviceRegistry
- reducers
- GooglePlaces
- HorizontalLoader
- Join
- reducers
- Logs
- MainAlert
- MapData
- Maps
- SiteRegistry
- reducers
- Urls
- UserPreference
- theme
- overrides
- utils
- customHooks
- hooks
- views
- ErrorBoundary
- apis
- charts
- components
- Activities
- Card
- Copy
- CustomSelects
- CustomTabs
- Dashboard
- DataDisplay
- DeviceManagement
- DeviceView
- DeviceOverview
- Dialogs
- Map
- Grid
- HorizontalLoader
- Hosts
- HowToApiModal
- Loader
- MaintenanceBanner
- Map
- MapIcons
- PrivateRoute
- SearchInput
- Sites
- Switch
- Table
- UserList
- components
- UsersTable
- UsersToolbar
- containers
- TutorialTooltip
- d3
- containers
- layouts
- common
- Sidebar
- components
- Profile
- pages
- Account
- components
- AccountDetails
- AccountProfile
- Analytics
- components
- CohortsRegistry
- DeployDevice
- ExportData
- components
- ForgotPassword
- GridsRegistry
- Logs
- BreadCrumb
- ServiceDropdown
- Map
- components
- NotFound
- Organisation
- components
- PermissionDenied
- Preferences
- ResetPassword
- Roles
- components
- Settings
- components
- GenerateToken
- Notifications
- Password
- SignUp
- Teams
- UserList
- components
- Breadcrumb
- UserEditForm
- UsersTable
- UsersToolbar
- UserStats
- clients
- stateConnectors
- netmanager-app
- app
- (authenticated)
- analytics
- data-export
- devices/overview
- sites
- [id]
- fonts
- forgot-password
- login
- types
- components
- Analytics
- Charts
- export-data
- ui
- core
- apis
- hooks
- redux
- slices
- lib
- platform
- cypress
- component
- e2e
- collocation
- pages
- fixtures
- plugins
- support
- public
- icons
- Account
- Actions
- Alerts
- Analytics
- Charts
- Collocation
- Common
- Errors
- Home
- Settings
- SideBar
- Topbar
- map
- images
- Account
- EventHandling
- Home
- carousel
- map
- src
- common
- components
- AQNumberCard
- components
- Account
- AlertBox
- Button
- Calendar
- components
- Charts
- components
- constants
- utils
- Collocation
- AddMonitor
- Calendar
- Overview
- Skeletion
- Table
- BatchReport
- Collocate
- DeviceStatus
- ReportDetailPopup
- ResetThreshold
- Table
- Overview
- Report
- Charts
- MonitorReport
- DataCompletenessTable
- InterCorrelation
- IntraCorrelation
- PollutantDropdown
- Dropdowns
- Layout
- Loader
- MaintenanceBanner
- Map
- components
- sidebar
- components
- data
- functions
- Modal
- dataDownload
- components
- constants
- modules
- videoModals
- Settings
- Teams
- SideBar
- Spinner
- Table
- Tabs
- TextInputField
- Toast
- Tooltip
- TopBar
- carousels
- search
- skeletons
- steppers
- styles
- core
- apis
- hooks
- urls
- utils
- lib
- store
- services
- account
- apiClient
- charts
- checklists
- collocation
- deviceRegistry
- downloadModal
- groups
- map
- search
- sideBar
- sitesSummarySlice
- pages
- Home
- account
- creation
- individual
- interest/[id]
- organisation
- verify/[id]
- create-org
- forgotPwd
- reset
- login
- analytics
- _components
- api
- proxy
- collocation
- reports
- monitor_report
- map
- settings
- Tabs
- reports
- public
- images
- src
- app
- api
- auth/[...nextauth]
- generateChart
- home
- [reportID]
- _sections
- login
- settings
- assets/styles
- components
- datePicker
- forms
- auth
- report
- header
- reportTemplates
- graphs
- template1
- sidebar
- ui
- hooks
- layout
- lib
- reduxSlices
- services/api
- website
- __mocks__
- backend
- migrations
- africancities
- migrations
- board
- migrations
- career
- migrations
- cleanair
- migrations
- event
- migrations
- test_images
- highlights
- migrations
- impact
- migrations
- partners
- migrations
- test_images
- press
- migrations
- publications
- migrations
- team
- migrations
- utils
- frontend
- apis
- assets
- config
- locales
- en
- fr
- migrations
- reduxStore
- AfricanCities
- AirQlouds
- Board
- Careers
- CleanAirNetwork
- ContactUs
- Events
- ExploreData
- GetInvolved
- Highlights
- ImpactNumbers
- Newsletter
- Partners
- Press
- Publications
- Team
- src
- __tests__
- CleanAirTests
- HomepageTests
- Locale
- configTests
- locationtracker
- assets
- img
- OurProducts
- Analytics
- Api
- Calibration
- MobileApp
- Monitor
- cleanAir
- community
- explore
- highlights
- svg
- ImpactNumbers
- errors
- explore
- components
- AirQuality
- AnalyticsSection
- ApiSection
- CleanAir
- CTAs
- Hightlights
- Sections
- cards
- loaders
- pagination
- profile
- HighlightsSection
- ImpactNumbers
- LoadSpinner
- LoctionTracker
- MapSection
- Modal
- NewsletterSection
- OurProducts
- get-app
- icons
- africanCities
- countries
- careers
- contactUs
- homepage/partners
- loading
- press
- research
- pages
- CleanAir
- ForumEventsPages
- ContactUs
- ErrorPages
- Events
- ExploreData
- Legal
- OurProducts
- OurSolutions
- Partners
- Press
- Publications
- styles
- templates
- utilities
- locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES
- tasks
- website2
- public
- assets
- icons
- images
- partners
- success
- svgs
- ImpactNumbers
- fonts
- src
- app
- (about)
- about-us
- careers
- [id]
- events
- [id]
- press
- resources
- api/proxy
- clean-air-forum
- glossary
- logistics
- partners
- program-committee
- resources
- schedule
- speakers
- clean-air-network
- events
- [id]
- membership
- resources
- contact
- form
- success
- explore-data
- mobile-app
- home
- legal
- airqo-data
- payment-refund-policy
- privacy-policy
- terms-of-service
- partners
- [id]
- products
- analytics
- api
- calibrate
- mobile-app
- monitor
- solutions
- african-cities
- communities
- research
- components
- dialogs
- layouts
- sections
- solutions
- ui
- context
- hooks
- lib
- services
- apiService
- externalService
- store
- slices
- types
- utils
- views
- Forum
- about
- careers
- cleanairforum
- events
- membership
- resources
- events
- home
- legal
- press
- publications
- solutions
- AfricanCities
- communities
- research
- website
- backend/assets
- cleanair/resources
- events
- publications
- frontend/styles/lib
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
2,996 files changed
lines changedThis file was deleted.
Binary file not shown.
This file was deleted.
This file was deleted.
This file was deleted.
0 commit comments