diff --git a/src/website2/README.md b/src/website2/README.md
index 2cf1206548..62bb2376aa 100644
--- a/src/website2/README.md
+++ b/src/website2/README.md
@@ -1,38 +1,184 @@
-This is a [Next.js](https://nextjs.org) project bootstrapped with [`create-next-app`](https://nextjs.org/docs/app/api-reference/cli/create-next-app).
+# Website
+Welcome to the Website repository, part of the AirQo Frontend project. This website is built with [Next.js](https://nextjs.org) and was bootstrapped using [`create-next-app`](https://nextjs.org/docs/app/api-reference/cli/create-next-app). The live website can be found at [airqo.net](https://airqo.net).
+> **Note:** This repository only contains the frontend portion of the project. The backend has been built with Django and is maintained in the [airqo-api](https://github.com/airqo-platform/airqo-api) repository. If you wish to use the database for the website, please contact the project admin to obtain the necessary database URL for the frontend configuration.
+This guide provides clear, step-by-step instructions to help you set up your local development environment, run the website, and contribute effectively. Additionally, it explains how to handle environment variables and update CI/CD workflows.
+## Table of Contents
+- [Website](#website)
+ - [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
+ - [Getting Started](#getting-started)
+ - [1. Clone the Repository](#1-clone-the-repository)
+ - [2. Navigate to the Website Folder](#2-navigate-to-the-website-folder)
+ - [3. Install Dependencies](#3-install-dependencies)
+ - [4. Run the Development Server](#4-run-the-development-server)
+ - [Environment Variables \& Workflow Updates](#environment-variables--workflow-updates)
+ - [Backend \& Database Integration](#backend--database-integration)
+ - [Contributing](#contributing)
+ - [Learn More](#learn-more)
+ - [Deployment](#deployment)
## Getting Started
-First, run the development server:
+Follow these steps to set up your local development environment for the website. These instructions are applicable on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
+### 1. Clone the Repository
+Clone the AirQo Frontend repository using the following command:
+git clone https://github.com/airqo-platform/AirQo-frontend.git
+_Tip for Mac/Linux:_
+If you encounter any permission issues with Git, ensure that Git is correctly installed on your system. You can install Git via [Homebrew](https://brew.sh) on Mac (`brew install git`) or use your package manager on Linux (e.g., `sudo apt-get install git` on Debian/Ubuntu).
+### 2. Navigate to the Website Folder
+After cloning the repository, navigate to the folder that contains the website application:
+cd AirQo-frontend/src/website2
+The folder structure is consistent across all operating systems. Use your terminal (Mac/Linux) or Command Prompt/PowerShell (Windows) to run this command.
+### 3. Install Dependencies
+This project requires **Node.js version 18 or above**. Ensure you have Node.js and npm installed on your system by running:
+node -v
+npm -v
+If you need to install or update Node.js, download it from [nodejs.org](https://nodejs.org/) or use a version manager like [nvm](https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm) (especially useful for Mac/Linux).
+To install the required dependencies using **npm**, run:
+npm install
+_For Mac/Linux Users:_
+If you experience permission issues while installing packages globally, consider using a Node version manager like [nvm](https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm).
+### 4. Run the Development Server
+Launch the development server with the following command:
npm run dev
-# or
-yarn dev
-# or
-pnpm dev
-# or
-bun dev
+Once the server starts, open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) in your browser to view the website. The page will automatically reload as you make changes.
+_Alternate Tips for Mac/Linux:_
+- Use your terminal’s tab completion to quickly navigate directories.
+- If you’re using a firewall or proxy, ensure your local ports are accessible.
+## Environment Variables & Workflow Updates
+When adding new environment variables to the project, ensure that the CI/CD workflows remain consistent across staging, production, and preview environments.
+For example, if you add new variables, update your workflow YAML files as follows:
+echo " NEXT_PUBLIC_API_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.WEBSITE_PROD_NEXT_PUBLIC_API_TOKEN }}" >> .env.yaml
+**Important Notes:**
+- Verify that the secret names used in your workflows match those defined in your repository.
+- If you add new environment variables, please contact the project admin to have them added to the GitHub secrets.
+- Always update the workflow files whenever you introduce or modify environment variables.
+- You can find the workflow files for the different environments in the `.github/workflows` folder.
+## Backend & Database Integration
+The backend for this project is built with Django and is maintained in the [airqo-api](https://github.com/airqo-platform/airqo-api) repository. If you wish to connect the website to a live database:
+- **Database Access:**
+ You will need the database URL which is not publicly available.
+ **Action Required:** Contact the project admin to obtain the database URL for frontend integration.
+- **Environment Variables:**
+ Once you receive the database URL, update your environment variables accordingly in the `.env.yaml` file and any other relevant configuration files.
+## Contributing
+We welcome contributions from the open source community. To help you get started, please follow these steps:
+1. **Fork and Clone:**
+ - Fork the repository on GitHub.
+ - Clone your fork to your local machine:
+ ```bash
+ git clone https://github.com/your-username/AirQo-frontend.git
+ ```
+2. **Create a Branch:**
+ - Create a feature or bug-fix branch:
+ ```bash
+ git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name
+ ```
+3. **Make Your Changes:**
+ - Follow the coding standards and guidelines established in the project.
+ - Update documentation as needed.
+ - Test your changes locally to ensure everything works as expected.
+4. **Commit and Push:**
+ - Commit your changes with a clear commit message:
+ ```bash
+ git commit -m "Description of your changes"
+ ```
+ - Push your branch to your fork:
+ ```bash
+ git push origin feature/your-feature-name
+ ```
+5. **Open a Pull Request:**
+ - Navigate to the main repository on GitHub and open a Pull Request against the `main` branch.
+ - Provide a detailed description of your changes and reference any related issues.
-Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) with your browser to see the result.
-You can start editing the page by modifying `app/page.tsx`. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.
+## Learn More
-This project uses [`next/font`](https://nextjs.org/docs/app/building-your-application/optimizing/fonts) to automatically optimize and load [Geist](https://vercel.com/font), a new font family for Vercel.
+To expand your knowledge about Next.js and modern web development, consider exploring these resources:
-## Learn More.
+- **[Next.js Documentation](https://nextjs.org/docs)** – Learn about Next.js features and APIs.
+- **[Learn Next.js](https://nextjs.org/learn)** – An interactive tutorial for building Next.js applications.
+- **[Next.js GitHub Repository](https://github.com/vercel/next.js)** – Explore and contribute to the core Next.js codebase.
-To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:
-- [Next.js Documentation](https://nextjs.org/docs) - learn about Next.js features and API.
-- [Learn Next.js](https://nextjs.org/learn) - an interactive Next.js tutorial.
+## Deployment
-You can check out [the Next.js GitHub repository](https://github.com/vercel/next.js) - your feedback and contributions are welcome!
+The simplest way to deploy the website is via the [Vercel Platform](https://vercel.com/new?utm_medium=default-template&filter=next.js&utm_source=create-next-app&utm_campaign=create-next-app-readme). For more detailed deployment instructions, refer to the [Next.js deployment documentation](https://nextjs.org/docs/app/building-your-application/deploying).
-## Deploy on Vercel
-The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the [Vercel Platform](https://vercel.com/new?utm_medium=default-template&filter=next.js&utm_source=create-next-app&utm_campaign=create-next-app-readme) from the creators of Next.js.
+Thank you for your interest in contributing to our website. Your support and contributions are vital to the ongoing success and improvement of the project!
-Check out our [Next.js deployment documentation](https://nextjs.org/docs/app/building-your-application/deploying) for more details.
diff --git a/src/website2/src/app/layout.tsx b/src/website2/src/app/layout.tsx
index 32a9726c13..2f8b995d6f 100644
--- a/src/website2/src/app/layout.tsx
+++ b/src/website2/src/app/layout.tsx
@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ export default async function RootLayout({
children: ReactNode;
}) {
const maintenance = await checkMaintenance();
return (
@@ -47,6 +48,9 @@ export default async function RootLayout({
+ {/* Initialize & Track Google Analytics only on the client */}
{maintenance.isActive ? (
) : (
@@ -58,11 +62,6 @@ export default async function RootLayout({
- {/* Initialize & Track Google Analytics only on the client */}
- )}