- [Lab 1](./Lab01 (VIM)) ([report](./Lab01 (VIM)/EECS678_Lab01.pdf)): Text Editor - Using VIM
- [Lab 2](./Lab02 (gdb)) ([report](./Lab02 (gdb)/EECS678_Lab02.pdf)): Using debugger - gdb
- [Lab 3](./Lab03 (IPC)) ([report](./Lab03 (IPC)/EECS678_Lab03.pdf)): The Shell, system calls and basic IPC
- [Lab 4](./Lab04 (Sockets)) ([report](./Lab04 (Sockets)/EECS678_Lab04.pdf)): The Unix Socket Protocol
- [Lab 5](./Lab05 (pthreads)) ([report](./Lab05 (pthreads)/EECS678_Lab05__pthreads_.pdf)): Introduction to PThreads
- [Lab 6](./Lab06 (ProduceConsume)) ([report](./Lab06 (ProduceConsume)/EECS678_Lab06__ProduceConsume_.pdf)): The Producer Consumer Problem with PThreads
- [Lab 7](./Lab07 (DiningPhilosopher)) ([report](./Lab07 (DiningPhilosopher)/EECS678_Lab07__DiningPhilosopher_.pdf)): The Dining Philosophers Problem with PThreads
- Lab: Setting up Your KVM Environment
- [Lab 8](./Lab08 (POSIXSignals)) ([report](./Lab08 (POSIXSignals)/EECS678_Lab08__POSIXsignals_.pdf)): POSIX Signals
- Lab: Using GDB in Kernel
- [Lab 9](./Lab09 (procFilesystem)) ([report](./Lab09 (procFilesystem)/EECS678_Lab09__ProcFS_.pdf)): The /PROC File System
- [Lab 10](./Lab10 (MemMapIO)) ([report](./Lab10 (MemMapIO)/EECS678_Lab10__MemMapIO_.pdf)): Memory Mapped I/O