This is the syntax to run kubectl commands from console:
kubectl [command] [TYPE] [NAME] [flags]
where command, TYPE, NAME are:
command: Specifies the operation that you want to perform on one or more resources, for example create
, get
, describe
, delete
TYPE: Specifies the resource type, normally it's a noun in a plural form (but this is only in general)
NAME: Specifies the name of the resource. Names are case-sensitive. If the name is omitted, details for all resources are displayed (i.e. type is a noun in a plural form, kubectl get pods
kubectl apply - Apply or Update a resource from a file or stdin (Note the similarity with TF and IaaC-style of resources deployment)
# Create a service using the definition in example-service.yaml.
kubectl apply -f example-service.yaml
# Create a replication controller using the definition in example-controller.yaml.
kubectl apply -f example-controller.yaml
# Create the objects that are defined in any .yaml, .yml, or .json file within the <directory> directory.
kubectl apply -f <directory>
kubectl get - List one or more resources.
# List all pods in plain-text output format.
kubectl get pods
# List all pods in plain-text output format and include additional information (such as node name).
kubectl get pods -o wide
kubectl exec - Execute a command against a container in a pod (Note, some commands have resemblance with docker's ones) The double dash (--) in the command signals the end of command options for kubectl. Everything after the double dash is the command that should be executed inside the pod
# Get output from running linux-command 'date' from pod <pod-name>. By default, output is from the first container.
kubectl exec <pod-name> -- date
# Get output from running linux-command 'date' in container <container-name> of pod <pod-name>.
kubectl exec <pod-name> -c <container-name> -- date
# Get an interactive TTY and run /bin/bash from pod <pod-name>. By default, output is from the first container.
kubectl exec -ti <pod-name> -- /bin/bash
kubectl logs - Print the logs for a container in a pod.
# Return a snapshot of the logs from pod <pod-name>.
kubectl logs <pod-name>
# Start streaming the logs from pod <pod-name>. This is similar to the 'tail -f' Linux command or `logs --follow` of Docker.
kubectl logs -f <pod-name>
kubectl diff - View a diff of the proposed updates to a cluster. The single dash (-) in the command means the output from previous command in the pipe
# Diff resources included in "pod.json".
kubectl diff -f pod.json
# Diff file read from stdin.
cat service.yaml | kubectl diff -f -
One can extend K8s using the custom code written in executable files (normally bash-scripts) which names start with the prefix "kubectl-" You can think of plugins as a means to build more complex functionality on top of the existing kubectl commands. kubectl will detect such scripts automatically by name
Mapping between kubectl and docker commands
docker command | kubectl command |
docker run -d --restart=always -e DOMAIN=cluster --name nginx-app -p 80:80 nginx | kubectl create deployment --image=nginx nginx-app |
kubectl set env deployment/nginx-app DOMAIN=cluster | |
kubectl expose deployment nginx-app --port=80 --name=nginx-http | |
docker ps -a | kubectl get po |
docker attach 55c103fa1296 | kubectl attach -it nginx-app-5jyvm |
docker exec 55c103fa1296 cat /etc/hostname | kubectl exec nginx-app-5jyvm -- cat /etc/hostname |
docker logs --follow 55c103fa1296 | kubectl logs -f nginx-app-zibvs |
docker stop a9ec34d98787 | kubectl delete deployment nginx-app |
docker info | kubectl cluster-info |
some commands have a linux bash equivalent, such as ls
, cat
, etc
- acl - operations with default object ACLs
- bucketpolicyonly - is used to retrieve or configure the uniform bucket-level access setting of Cloud Storage buckets
- cat
- compose - creates a new object whose content is the concatenation of a given sequence of source objects under the same bucket
- config - the gsutil config command obtains access credentials for Cloud Storage and writes a boto/gsutil configuration file containing the obtained credentials along with a number of other configuration-controllable values.
- cors - gets or sets the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) configuration on one or more buckets.
- cp
- defacl - manipulations with default object ACLs for the specified buckets
- defstorageclass - operations with default storage class for the specified bucket(s)
- du - displays the amount of space in bytes used up by the objects in a bucket, subdirectory, or project.
- hash
- help
- hmac
- iam - is used to get, set, or change bucket and/or object IAM permissions
- kms - is used to configure Cloud Storage and Cloud KMS resources to support encryption of Cloud Storage objects with Cloud KMS keys
- label - to do label configuration (also called the tagging configuration by other storage providers) of one or more buckets
- lifecycle - to get or set lifecycle management policies for a given bucket.
- logging - Usage/Storage logs provide information for all of the requests made on a specified bucket and are created hourly/daily.
- ls
- mb
- mv
- notification - to configure Pub/Sub notifications for Cloud Storage and Object change notification channels (OBJECT_FINALIZE - An object has been created, OBJECT_METADATA_UPDATE - The metadata of an object has changed, OBJECT_DELETE - An object has been permanently deleted, OBJECT_ARCHIVE - A live version of an object has become a noncurrent version.)
- pap - is used to retrieve or configure the public access prevention setting of Cloud Storage buckets.
- perfdiag
- rb
- requesterpays
- retention - configures a data retention policy for a Cloud Storage bucket that governs how long objects in the bucket must be retained.
- rewrite - rewrites cloud objects, applying the specified transformations to them (add, rotate, or remove encryption keys on objects, to specify a new storage class for objects.)
- rm
- rpo
- rsync - makes the contents under dst_url the same as the contents under src_url, by copying any missing files/objects (or those whose data has changed), and (if the -d option is specified) deleting any extra files/objects.
- setmeta
- signurl - generates a signed URL that embeds authentication data so the URL can be used by someone who does not have a Google account
- stat
- test
- ubla
- update
- version
- versioning
- web - allows to configure a bucket to behave like a static website when the bucket is accessed through a custom domain.
gsutil signurl -d 10m <private-key-file> gs://<bucket>/<object>
gsutil -i <service account email> signurl -d 10m -u gs://<bucket>/<object>
gsutil web set [-m <main_page_suffix>] [-e <error_page>] gs://<bucket_name>
If an object is shared publicly, you can also view that object with the URL:
For example, the URL for an index.html object would be:
General commands
gcloud init: Initialize, authorize, and configure the gcloud CLI.
gcloud version: Display version and installed components.
gcloud components install: Install specific components.
gcloud components update: Update your gcloud CLI to the latest version.
gcloud config set project: Set a default Google Cloud project to work on.
gcloud info: Display current gcloud CLI environment details.
gcloud config set: Define a property (like compute/zone) for the current configuration.
gcloud config get-value: Fetch the value of a gcloud CLI property.
gcloud config list: Display all the properties for the current configuration.
gcloud config configurations create: Create a new named configuration.
gcloud config configurations list: Display a list of all available configurations.
gcloud config configurations activate: Switch to an existing named configuration.
Credentials: grant and revoke authorization to the gcloud CLI.
gcloud auth login: Authorize Google Cloud access for the gcloud CLI with Google Cloud user credentials and set the current account as active.
gcloud auth activate-service-account: Like gcloud auth login but with service account credentials.
gcloud auth list: List all credentialed accounts.
gcloud auth print-access-token: Display the current account's access token.
gcloud auth revoke: Remove access credentials for an account.
Projects Manage project access policies.
gcloud projects describe: Display metadata for a project (including its ID).
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding: Add an IAM policy binding to a specified project.
IAM Configuring Identity and Access Management (IAM) preferences and service accounts.
gcloud iam list-grantable-roles: List IAM grantable roles for a resource.
gcloud iam roles create: Create a custom role for a project or org.
gcloud iam service-accounts create: Create a service account for a project.
gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding: Add an IAM policy binding to a service account.
gcloud iam service-accounts set-iam-policy-binding: Replace existing IAM policy binding.
gcloud iam service-accounts keys list: List a service account's keys.
Docker & Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Manage containerized applications on Kubernetes.
gcloud auth configure-docker: Register the gcloud CLI as a Docker credential helper.
gcloud container clusters create: Create a cluster to run GKE containers.
gcloud container clusters list: List clusters for running GKE containers.
gcloud container clusters get-credentials: Update kubeconfig to get kubectl to use a GKE cluster.
gcloud container clusters resize: change the size of cluster (can do also using `--enable-autoscaling` flag)
gcloud container images list-tags: List tag and digest metadata for a container image.
Virtual Machines & Compute Engine Create, run, and manage VMs on Google Cloud infrastructure.
gcloud compute zones list: List Compute Engine zones.
gcloud compute instances create: Create a VM instance.
gcloud compute instances describe: Display a VM instance's details.
gcloud compute instances list: List all VM instances in a project.
gcloud compute instance-groups managed resize: resize the MIG
gcloud compute instances simulate-maintenance-event
gcloud compute disks snapshot: Create snapshot of persistent disks.
gcloud compute snapshots describe: Display a snapshot's details.
gcloud compute snapshots delete: Delete a snapshot.
gcloud compute ssh: Connect to a VM instance by using SSH.
gcloud compute sole-tenancy node-templates create: the same as templates but for sole-tenancy use-case
gcloud compute sole-tenancy node-groups create: the same as templates but for sole-tenancy use-case
Serverless & App Engine Build highly scalable applications on a fully managed serverless platform
gcloud app deploy: Deploy your app's code and configuration to the App Engine server.
gcloud app versions list: List all versions of all services deployed to the App Engine server.
gcloud app browse: Open the current app in a web browser.
gcloud app create: Create an App Engine app within your current project.
gcloud app logs read: Display the latest App Engine app logs.
Miscellaneous Commands that might be useful
gcloud kms decrypt: Decrypt ciphertext (to a plaintext file) using a Cloud Key Management Service key.
gcloud logging logs list: List your project's logs.
gcloud sql backups describe: Display info about a Cloud SQL instance backup.
gcloud sql export sql: Export data from a Cloud SQL instance to a SQL file.
Flags: Set after positional args; order of flags doesn’t matter.
A flag can be either a:
- Name-value pair (--foo=bar)
- Boolean (--force/no-force)
Additionally, flags can either be:
- Required
- Optional: If an optional flag is not defined, the default value is used
Global flags
Some flags are available throughout the gcloud CLI experience, like:
--help: For when in doubt; display detailed help for a command.
--project: If using a project other than the current one.
--quiet: Disabling interactive prompting (and applying default values for inputs).
--verbosity: Can set verbosity levels at debug, info, warning, error, critical, and none.
--version: Display gcloud version information.
--format: Set output format as config, csv, default, diff, disable, flattened, get, json, list, multi, none, object, table, text, value, or yaml.
cbt [-<option> <option-argument>] <command> <required-argument> [optional-argument]
The commands are:
count Count rows in a table
createinstance Create an instance with an initial cluster
createcluster Create a cluster in the configured instance
createfamily Create a column family
createtable Create a table
updatecluster Update a cluster in the configured instance
deleteinstance Delete an instance
deletecluster Delete a cluster from the configured instance
deletecolumn Delete all cells in a column
deletefamily Delete a column family
deleterow Delete a row
deleteallrows Delete all rows
deletetable Delete a table
doc Print godoc-suitable documentation for cbt
help Print help text
import Batch write many rows based on the input file
listinstances List instances in a project
listclusters List clusters in an instance
lookup Read from a single row
ls List tables and column families
mddoc Print documentation for cbt in Markdown format
read Read rows
set Set value of a cell (write)
setgcpolicy Set the garbage-collection policy (age, versions) for a column family
waitforreplication Block until all the completed writes have been replicated to all the clusters
version Print the current cbt version
createappprofile Create app profile for an instance
getappprofile Read app profile for an instance
listappprofile Lists app profile for an instance
updateappprofile Update app profile for an instance
deleteappprofile Delete app profile for an instance
The options are:
-project string project ID. If unset uses gcloud configured project
-instance string Cloud Bigtable instance
-creds string Path to the credentials file. If set, uses the application credentials in this file