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Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos edited this page Oct 22, 2024 · 1 revision

Missing DB Tables

Some of the tables which are supposed to be created by the extension are not present in your database. The extension is very likely broken.

Why is it a problem?

Extensions which create database tables do so to store information they need to operate correctly. A missing database table means that the extension, or at least one of its features, will not work properly.

Suggested fix

First, try using Joomla's Database Fix page which should address this issue.

If this is not possible, you may have to consult the developer of the extension for the best way to uninstall and reinstall the extension without losing data.


Onthos determines the database tables belonging to the extension by analysing the installation and update SQL files it ships with. There are some caveats with that:

  1. It only works if the extension is using Joomla's built-in database schema handling code, with the appropriate <install> and <update> tags in the XML manifest.
  2. Only MySQL / MariaDB and PostgreSQL variants of SQL are supported. These are the only database servers supported by Joomla! 4 and 5, so that should be sufficient.
  3. Only CREATE TABLE queries are taken into account, just like Joomla's Database Fix page does (albeit Onthos uses a far better suited lexer / parser to analyze the files instead of Joomla's naive, inefficient, and sometimes problematic Regular Expressions). If the extension is using some exotic MySQL features to create tables the detection will fail.
  4. The existence of tables is determined by Joomla!, not Onthos. It does so by asking the database to list currently available tables. In some rare cases the database may report false or no information, making this problem appear even though the tables really do exist. If this happens to you, you will have to give the SHOW TABLES permission to your database user. If unsure, ask your host.