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LTS specific configuration and tooling for testing


  • deploy-lts-prow.yaml
    • Automates to set up or update the AKS LTS instance of Prow
    • Requires an Azure subscription with
      • an existing resource group, e.g. aks-lts-prow, use for AZURE_RG below
      • a service principal (run az ad sp create-for-rbac --role Contributor --sdk-auth --scope /subscriptions/$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION/resourceGroups/$AZURE_RG and use output for AZURE_CREDENTIALS below)
      • registration of the Microsoft.Cdn resource provider (run az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Cdn)
    • Requires variables:
      • APP_ID (GitHub AppId, e.g. 12345- see GitHub App)
      • ORG (GitHub org, e.g. aks-lts)
      • REPO (GitHub repo, e.g. kubernetes)
      • AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION (Azure subscription associated with Azure credentials below)
      • AZURE_RG (Existing Azure resource group to use for deployment, e.g. aks-lts-prow)
    • Required secrets:
      • AZURE_CREDENTIALS (output of az ad sp create-for-rbac --role Contributor --sdk-auth --scope /subscriptions/$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION/resourceGroups/$AZURE_RG)
      • APP_PRIVATE_KEY (private key for GitHub App- see GitHub App; make sure to use the private key and not the client secret)
      • HMAC_TOKEN (generate randomly via openssl rand -hex 20 and also set in GitHub App, see Create the GitHub secrets)
    • Prow jobs for each K8S release need to be added manually:
      • For an example, see #9
      • Create a new config file config/prow/release-branch-jobs/<version>.yaml
      • Add a new line to the Create job configs step in .github/workflows/deploy-lts-prow.yaml (follow the existing pattern, i.e. envsubst < config/prow/release-branch-jobs/<version>.yaml >> cm.yaml)
      • Go to the kubernetes/test-infra repo and find the config file they use for that version under config/jobs/kubernetes/sig-release/release-branch-jobs. It might have been deleted already (when that version went out of support), so inspect the history of that folder and find the last version right before deletion.
      • Copy only the presubmits: section of that file to the new config file you created (config/prow/release-branch-jobs/<version>.yaml)
      • Remove all tests for a repo other than kubernetes/kubernetes, for example kubernetes/perf-tests
      • Replace kubernetes/kubernetes with $GITHUB_ORG/$GITHUB_REPO
      • Remove all the cluster: ... rows (sed -i '' '/cluster: /d' <version>.yaml)
      • Remove all tests with --provider=gce
      • In the branches: sections of the remaining jobs, make sure they contain the name of the LTS branch you want tests to run on (typically release-<version>-lts)
      • Push these changes to a branch and run the Deploy AKS LTS Prow workflow for that branch (click "Run workflow" and select your branch). Make sure it succeeds.
      • Create a test PR on the aks-lts/kubernetes repo. Make sure it targets the desired branch (release-<version>-lts). Check if the tests run and succeed.
      • If tests don't run or fail, check Some of them might need additional tweaking, e.g. request less CPU/memory
      • Once all is looking good, remember to merge the PR on this repo.

Updating image tags


Image repo:

Reference the version used in upstream by looking up or verions.