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1001 lines (806 loc) · 25.7 KB

File metadata and controls

1001 lines (806 loc) · 25.7 KB

0.9.0 (2019-xx-xx)

Breaking changes

Drop Node 6 support

Due to Node 6 LTS end of life, the minimum Node version is 8.

Changed mappingPolicy default value

In the previous version the mappingPolicy default value was all which means, you can call any services via API Gateway which accepted by whitelist. This setting is not too secure. From this version, the default value is restrict if at least one alias is defined in route options. If there are not aliases & mappingPolicy defined, the behaviour will be the old one.

Use server property instead of middleware

We have removed the middleware service setting because it was not straightforward. Therefore, we have created a new server setting. If server: true (which is the default value), API Gateway will create a HTTP(s) server. If server: false, it won't create a HTTP server, so you can use API Gateway as an Express middleware.

Migration guide


const ApiGateway = require("moleculer-web");

module.exports = {
    mixins: [ApiGateway],
    settings: {
        middleware: true


const ApiGateway = require("moleculer-web");

module.exports = {
    mixins: [ApiGateway],
    settings: {
        server: false

Other low-level breaking changes

  • sendResponse signature is changed: this.sendResponse(req, res, data)


File upload aliases

API Gateway has implemented file uploads. You can upload files as a multipart form data (thanks for busboy library) or as a raw request body. In both cases, the file is transferred to an action as a Stream. In multipart form data mode you can upload multiple files, as well.

Please note, you have to disable other body parsers in order to accept files.


const ApiGateway = require("moleculer-web");

module.exports = {
    mixins: [ApiGateway],
    settings: {
        path: "/upload",

        routes: [
                path: "",

                // You should disable body parsers
                bodyParsers: {
                    json: false,
                    urlencoded: false

                aliases: {
                    // File upload from HTML multipart form
                    "POST /": "",
                    // File upload from AJAX or cURL
                    "PUT /": "",

                    // File upload from HTML form and overwrite busboy config
                    "POST /multi": {
                        type: "multipart",
                        // Action level busboy config
                        busboyConfig: {
                            limits: {
                                files: 3
                        action: ""

                // Route level busboy config.
                // More info:
                busboyConfig: {
                    limits: {
                        files: 1
					// Can be defined limit event handlers
					// `onPartsLimit`, `onFilesLimit` or `onFieldsLimit`

                mappingPolicy: "restrict"

HTTP2 server

HTTP2 experimental server has been implemented into API Gateway. You can turn it on with http2: true service setting.


const ApiGateway = require("moleculer-web");

module.exports = {
    mixins: [ApiGateway],
    settings: {
        port: 8443,

        // HTTPS server with certificate
        https: {
            key: fs.readFileSync("key.pem"),
            cert: fs.readFileSync("cert.pem")

        // Use HTTP2 server
        http2: true

Dynamic routing

The this.addRoute(opts, toBottom = true) new service method is added to add/replace routes. You can call it from your mixins to define new routes (e.g. swagger route, graphql route...etc). The function detects that the route is defined early. In this case, it will replace the previous route configuration with the new one.

To remove a route, use the this.removeRoute("/admin") method. It removes the route by path.

ETag supporting

Thank to tiaod for ETag implementation. PR: #92


const ApiGateway = require("moleculer-web");

module.exports = {
    mixins: [ApiGateway],
    settings: {
        // Service-level option
        etag: false,

        routes: [
                path: "/",

                // Route-level option.
                etag: true

The etag option value can be false, true, weak, strong, or a custom Function.

Custom ETag generator function

module.exports = {
    mixins: [ApiGateway],
    settings: {
        // Service-level option
        etag: (body) => generateHash(body)

Please note, it doesn't work with stream responses. In this case, you should generate the etag by yourself.


module.exports = {
    name: "export",
    actions: {
        // Download response as a file in the browser
        downloadCSV(ctx) {
            ctx.meta.$responseType = "text/csv";
            ctx.meta.$responseHeaders = {
                "Content-Disposition": `attachment; filename="data-${}.csv"`,
                "ETag": '<your etag here>'
            return csvFileStream;

Auto-aliasing feature

The auto-aliasing means you don't have to add all service aliases to the routes, the Gateway can generate it from service schema. If a new service is entered or leaved, Gateway regenerate aliases.

To configure which services are used in route use the whitelist.


// api.service.js
module.exports = {
    mixins: [ApiGateway],

    settings: {
        routes: [
                path: "/api",

                whitelist: [

                aliases: {
                    "GET /hi": "test.hello"

                autoAliases: true
// posts.service.js
module.exports = {
    name: "posts",
	version: 2,

    settings: {
        // Base path
        rest: "posts/"

    actions: {
        list: {
            // Expose as "/v2/posts/"
            rest: "GET /",
            handler(ctx) {}

        get: {
            // Expose as "/v2/posts/:id"
            rest: "GET /:id",
            handler(ctx) {}

        create: {
            rest: "POST /",
            handler(ctx) {}

        update: {
            rest: "PUT /:id",
            handler(ctx) {}

        remove: {
            rest: "DELETE /:id",
            handler(ctx) {}

The generated aliases

   GET /api/hi          	=> test.hello
   GET /api/v2/posts       => v2.posts.list
   GET /api/v2/posts/:id   => v2.posts.get
  POST /api/v2/posts       => v2.posts.create
   PUT /api/v2/posts/:id   => v2.posts.update
DELETE /api/v2/posts/:id   => v2.posts.remove

If rest: true in service settings, API Gateway will use the service name (with version) as base path.

If rest: true in action definition, API Gateway will use action name in path.


  • new optimizeOrder: true setting in order to optimize route paths (deeper first). Defaults: true.
  • tilde (~) replace issue fixed. #98
  • throw 503 - ServiceUnavailableError when a service defined in aliases but not available. Ref: #27
  • new internalServiceSpecialChar service setting to override special char for internal services (~)

0.8.5 (2018-11-28)


  • allow multiple whitespaces between method & path in aliases.

0.8.4 (2018-11-18)


  • fix req.url, add req.originalUrl and req.baseUrl for better middleware support (e.g. support static serving in subpath).
  • update deps

0.8.3 (2018-11-11)


  • use Promise in started & stopped handlers.
  • disable 4xx errors with log4XXResponses setting.

0.8.2 (2018-10-04)

New authenticate method.

This authenticate method is similar to authorize. You have access to req, res and route objects and you can authenticate the user from the request. The returned data is saved to the ctx.meta.user. To enable this logic set authentication: true in route options.


module.exports = {
    name: "api",
    mixins: [ApiGatewayService],

    settings: {
        routes: [
                // Enable authentication
                authentication: true

    methods: {
        authenticate(ctx, route, req, res) {
            let accessToken = req.query["access_token"];
            if (accessToken) {
                if (accessToken === "12345") {
                    return Promise.resolve({ id: 1, username: "john.doe", name: "John Doe" });
                } else {
                    return Promise.reject();
            } else {
                return Promise.resolve(null);


  • update dependencies.
  • added .npmignore

0.8.1 (2018-08-04)


  • fix missing dependency.
  • fix middleware array promise-chaining bug
  • handle terminated requests in middlewares
  • update webpack-vue example to be up-to-date.

0.8.0 (2018-07-08)

Breaking changes

The onAfterCall hook has changed

In previous versions of Moleculer Web, you couldn't manipulate the data in onAfterCall. Now you can, but you must always return the new or original data.

Modify only headers

broker.createService(ApiGatewayService, {
    settings: {
        routes: [{
            onAfterCall(ctx, route, req, res, data) {
                res.setHeader("X-Custom-Header", "123456");

                // Must return the original `data`
                return data;

Modify (wrap) the original data

broker.createService(ApiGatewayService, {
    settings: {
        routes: [{
            onAfterCall(ctx, route, req, res, data) {
                // Wrap the original data to a new object
                return {
                    other: "things",
                    data: data

Custom alias hooks

The onBeforeCall and authorize hooks are called before custom alias functions too. And you have access to Context as req.$ctx or res.$ctx

Whitelist string matcher changed

In early versions the * match string is enabled to call all services & actions. The matcher changed, in new versions use the ** (double star) match string for the same function.


Response header data from ctx.meta

Since Moleculer v0.12, you can use ctx.meta to send back response headers to the Moleculer Web.

The old method is deprecated but works.

Available meta fields:

  • ctx.meta.$statusCode - set res.statusCode.
  • ctx.meta.$statusMessage - set res.statusMessage.
  • ctx.meta.$responseType - set Content-Type in header.
  • ctx.meta.$responseHeaders - set all keys in header.
  • ctx.meta.$location - set Location key in header for redirects.

Old method

module.exports = {
    name: "export",
    actions: {
            responseType: "text/csv",
            responseHeaders: {
                "Content-Disposition": "attachment; filename=\"data.csv\"",
            handler() {
                return "...";

New method

module.exports = {
    name: "export",
    actions: {
        // Download a file in the browser
        downloadCSV(ctx) {
            ctx.meta.$responseType = "text/csv";
            ctx.meta.$responseHeaders = {
                "Content-Disposition": `attachment; filename="data-${}.csv"`
            return "...";

        // Redirect the request
        redirectSample(ctx) {
            ctx.meta.$statusCode = 302;
            ctx.meta.$location = "/test/hello";

Support array & nested objects in query

Thanks for @hwuethrich, Moleculer Web supports arrays & nested objects in querystring.

GET /api/opt-test?a=1&a=2

a: ["1", "2"]

GET /api/opt-test?foo[bar]=a&foo[bar]=b&foo[baz]=c

foo: { 
    bar: ["a", "b"], 
    baz: "c" 

Support error-handler middlewares

There is support to use error-handler middlewares in the API Gateway. So if you pass an Error to the next(err) function, it will call error handler middlewares which have signature as (err, req, res, next).

    mixins: [ApiService],
    settings: {
        // Global middlewares. Applied to all routes.
        use: [

        routes: [
                path: "/",

                // Route-level middlewares.
                use: [

                    function(err, req, res, next) {
                        this.logger.error("Error is occured in middlewares!");
                        this.sendError(req, res, err);


  • preValidate has been removed.
  • fix multiple CORS origin handling. Thanks for @felipegcampos
  • if X-Correlation-Id is in the request header, it is used as requestID in Context.
  • types in errors have been changed (removed ERR_ prefix)
  • path-to-regexp is updated to v2.x.x

0.6.4 (2018-03-04)


  • update dependencies.

0.6.3 (2018-02-25)


  • fix Bluebird cancellation error UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: cannot enable cancellation after promises are in use#202 -update dependencies

0.6.2 (2018-01-15)


  • turnable pre-validation with preValidate setting. Default to true in order to backward compatibility.
        mixins: [ApiService],
        settings: {
            // Disable pre-validation at action calls
            preValidate: false

0.6.1 (2018-01-07)


  • fix CORS OPTIONS handling. #30

0.6.0 (2018-01-04)

Breaking changes

Alias custom function arguments is changed

The route first argument is removed. The new signature of function is function(req, res) {}. To access to route use the req.$route property. However you can use an array of Function for aliases. With it you can call middlewares. In this case the third argument is next. I.e.: function(req, res, next) {}.

Other changes

  • better error handling. Always returns with JSON error response.
  • The charset is UTF-8 for application/json responses.
  • logRequestParams setting to log the request parameters. Use log level value i.e. "debug", "info" or null to disable.
  • logResponseData setting to log the response data. Use log level value i.e. "debug", "info" or null to disable.
  • req.$service & res.$service is pointed to the service instance.
  • req.$route & res.$route is pointed to the route definition.
  • req.$params is pointed to the resolved parameters (from query string & post body)
  • req.$alias is pointed to the alias definition.
  • req.$endpoint is pointed to the resolved action endpoint. It contains action and nodeID.


Support middlewares in global, routes & aliases.

    mixins: [ApiService],
    settings: {
        // Global middlewares. Applied to all routes.
        use: [

        routes: [
                path: "/",

                // Route-level middlewares.
                use: [

                    serveStatic(path.join(__dirname, "public"))
                aliases: {
                    "GET /secret": [
                        // Alias-level middlewares.
                        "top.secret" // Call the `top.secret` action

Custom response headers

It supports custom response headers to define in action definition.

module.exports = {
    name: "export",
    actions: {
            responseHeaders: {
                "Content-Disposition": "attachment; filename=\"data.csv\"",
                "Content-Type": "text/csv"
            handler() {
                return "...";

Error handlers

You can add route & global custom error handlers.

    mixins: [ApiService],
    settings: {

        routes: [{
            path: "/api",

            // Route error handler
            onError(req, res, err) {
                res.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");

        // Global error handler
        onError(req, res, err) {
            res.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
            res.end("Global error: " + err.message);

New examples to serve client-side developing with Webpack

0.5.2 (2017-10-24)


  • add mappingPolicy route option

0.5.1 (2017-10-07)


  • add CORS headers
  • add Rate limiter

0.5.0 (2017-09-12)

Breaking changes

  • compatibility with Moleculer >= v0.11.x

0.4.4 (2017-08-20)


  • update Moleculer to v0.10

0.4.1 (2017-07-24)


Prohibited action with publish: false action properties

module.exports = {
    name: "test",
    actions: {
        dangerZone: {
            publish: false,
            handler(ctx) {
                return "You cannot call this action via API Gateway!";

Calling options in routes

The route has a callOptions property which is passed to So you can set timeout, retryCount or fallbackResponse options for routes.

broker.createService(ApiGatewayService, {
    settings: {
        routes: [{
            callOptions: {
                timeout: 1000, // 1 sec
                retryCount: 0,
                //fallbackResponse: { ... },
                // or 
                //fallbackResponse(ctx, err) { ... }


0.4.0 (2017-07-07)

Breaking changes

  • in the REST shorthand, the GET / calls the list action instead of find. The reason is list action in moleculer-db is support pagination


  • changed order of param handling ctx.params = Object.assign({}, body, query, params).
  • moved onBeforeCall before authorize in request flow. So you can also reach unauthorized requests in onBeforeCall handler.
  • the sendResponse method has new arguments: sendResponse(ctx, route, req, res, data, responseType)

0.3.3 (2017-06-07)


Functions in aliases

There is available to use custom function in aliases. In this case you got req & res and you should return with the response. Use it for example file uploads. You can find example in the full example.


        aliases: {
            "add/:a/:b": "math.add",
            "GET sub": "math.sub",
            "POST upload"(route, req, res) {
                //Do something and call res.end()

New camelCaseNames route setting

There is a new camelCaseNames option in route setting. If it is true, the service will convert the received action name to camelCase name.


broker.createService(ApiGatewayService, {
    settings: {
        routes: [{
            camelCaseNames: true

    name: "test",
    actions: {
        sayHi(ctx) {
            return "Hi!"

// Start server

In the above example the sayHi action can be called with http://localhost:3000/test/say-hi as well.

0.3.2 (2017-06-02)


Exposed error classes

Available errors:

Class Params Description
UnAuthorizedError type, data Unauthorized HTTP error (401)
ForbiddenError type, data Forbidden HTTP error (403)
BadRequestError type, data Bad Request HTTP error (400)

Type contants:



const { UnAuthorizedError, ERR_NO_TOKEN } = require("moleculer-web").Errors;
    actions: {
        update(ctx) {
                return Promise.reject(new UnAuthorizedError(ERR_NO_TOKEN));

0.3.1 (2017-06-02)


RESTful routes

It is possible to use RESTful aliases which routed to CRUD service actions.


broker.createService(ApiGatewayService, {
    settings: {
        routes: [{
            // RESTful aliases
            aliases: {
                "REST posts": "posts"

// Start server

The "REST posts": "posts" will be extracted to these aliases:

"GET posts":        "posts.find",
"GET posts/:id":    "posts.get",
"POST posts":       "posts.create",
"PUT posts/:id":    "posts.update",
"DELETE posts/:id": "posts.remove"				

Example: examples/rest

0.3.0 (2017-06-01)


Named parameters in aliases

It is possible to use named parameters in aliases. Named paramters are defined by prefixing a colon to the parameter name (:name)


broker.createService(ApiGatewayService, {
    settings: {
        routes: [{
            path: "/api",

            aliases: {
                "GET greeter/:name": "test.greeter",
                "optinal-param/:name?": "test.echo",
                "repeat-param/:args*": "test.echo",
                "GET /": "test.hello"                

// Start server

Example: examples/full

0.2.2 (2017-06-01)


Before & after call hooks

The route of service has onBeforeCall and onAfterCall hooks. It can be asynchronous if return with Promise. In methods the this is pointed to Service instance. So you can access the service methods & broker.


broker.createService(ApiGatewayService, {
    settings: {
        routes: [{
            // Call before ``
            onBeforeCall(ctx, route, req, res) {
                // Save request headers to context meta
                ctx.meta.userAgent = req.headers["user-agent"];

            // Call after `` and before send back the response
            onAfterCall(ctx, route, req, res, data) {
                res.setHeader("X-Custom-Header", "123456");

// Start server

Example: examples/full

0.2.1 (2017-05-23)


ExpressJS middleware usage

You can use Moleculer-Web as a middleware for ExpressJS.


const svc = broker.createService(ApiGatewayService, {
    settings: {
        middleware: true

// Create Express application
const app = express();

// Use ApiGateway as middleware

// Listening

// Start server

Example: examples/express

0.2.0 (2017-05-09)


Support custom authorization

For more information check the full or authorization examples or readme

0.1.0 (2017-05-08)

First release.