diff --git a/app/.eslintrc b/app/.eslintrc
index cffc9a6..e9c276c 100644
--- a/app/.eslintrc
+++ b/app/.eslintrc
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
"extends": "algolia",
"rules": {
"no-var": 2,
- "algolia/relative-require": 2,
- "algolia/force-import-root": 2,
+ "algolia/relative-require": 1,
+ "algolia/force-import-root": 1,
"algolia/no-require": 1,
- "algolia/no-module-exports": 2
+ "algolia/no-module-exports": 1
diff --git a/docs/documentation.md b/docs/documentation.md
index 61a0a33..6f368d9 100644
--- a/docs/documentation.md
+++ b/docs/documentation.md
@@ -31,6 +31,16 @@ In most cases, this should be enough to have an up-to-date search.
However, if you'd rather have it updated right now, like when you add a lot of support articles, you can manually trigger a full reindex.
On this page, just click the "Reindex" button in the bottom right corner. A few minutes later, your search index will be updated.
+## Adding the Algolia Help Center Theme
+You can use the Algolia Help Center Theme. You can import the theme from the Zendesk Theme Marketplace.
+Also, you can download from here: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/algolia/algoliasearch-zendesk@new_theme/theme/Algolia-search/Algolia-search.zip
+This theme has an admin section where you update your index, keys and other settings
## Updating your Help Center theme
Once your data has been extracted to Algolia, you need to update your Help Center theme in order to replace the search feature by Algolia.
diff --git a/theme/Algolia-search/Algolia-search.zip b/theme/Algolia-search/Algolia-search.zip
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e29d17
Binary files /dev/null and b/theme/Algolia-search/Algolia-search.zip differ
diff --git a/theme/Algolia-search/assets/algoliaSearch.js b/theme/Algolia-search/assets/algoliaSearch.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b988c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theme/Algolia-search/assets/algoliaSearch.js
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+const setupSearch = function(appName, algoliaApiKey, index, useAutocomplete, querySuggestionIndex, useDebounce) {
+ const searchClient = algoliasearch(appName, algoliaApiKey);
+ // Initialize a Router
+ // See https://www.algolia.com/doc/api-reference/widgets/history-router/js/
+ const historyRouter = instantsearch.routers.history();
+ const search = instantsearch({
+ indexName: index,
+ searchClient,
+ routing: historyRouter,
+ });
+ const virtualSearchBox = instantsearch.connectors.connectSearchBox(() => {})({});
+ const realSearchBox = instantsearch.widgets.searchBox({
+ container: '#searchbox',
+ });
+ const searchBox = (useAutocomplete)? virtualSearchBox : realSearchBox;
+ const truncate = (input) => input.length > 50 ? `${input.substring(0, 50)}...` : input;
+ search.addWidgets([
+ searchBox,
+ instantsearch.widgets.hierarchicalMenu({
+ container: '#category-list',
+ attributes: ['category.title', 'section.full_path'],
+ }),
+ instantsearch.widgets.refinementList({
+ container: '#section-list',
+ attribute: 'section.title',
+ }),
+ instantsearch.widgets.hits({
+ container: '#hits',
+ templates: {
+ item(hit) {
+ let createdAt = moment(hit.created_at_iso).fromNow();
+ let lastComment = '';
+ const body = truncate(hit.body_safe);
+ const urlLabel = hit.title.replace(/[\s,\?, \!]/g,'-');
+ const url = '/hc/en-us/articles/' + hit.id + '-' + urlLabel;
+ console.log(url);
+ return `
diff --git a/theme/Algolia-search/thumbnail.png b/theme/Algolia-search/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ef0974
Binary files /dev/null and b/theme/Algolia-search/thumbnail.png differ
diff --git a/theme/Algolia-search/translations/ar.json b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/ar.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4dfaca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/ar.json
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ "colors_group_label": "الألوان",
+ "brand_color_description": "لون العلامة التجارية لعناصر التصفح الرئيسية",
+ "brand_color_label": "لون العلامة التجارية",
+ "brand_text_color_description": "لون العلامة التجارية للمرور الفوقي والحالات النشطة",
+ "brand_text_color_label": "لون نص العلامة التجارية",
+ "text_color_description": "لون نص عناصر المحتوى والعناوين",
+ "text_color_label": "لون النص",
+ "link_color_description": "لون النص لعناصر الروابط",
+ "link_color_label": "لون الروابط",
+ "visited_link_color_description": "لون النص لعناصر الروابط التي تمت زيارتها",
+ "visited_link_color_label": "لون الروابط التي تمت زيارتها",
+ "background_color_description": "لون خلفية مركز المساعدة",
+ "background_color_label": "لون الخلفية",
+ "fonts_group_label": "الخطوط",
+ "heading_font_description": "خط العناوين",
+ "heading_font_label": "خط العناوين",
+ "text_font_description": "خط نص المحتوى",
+ "text_font_label": "خط النص",
+ "brand_group_label": "العلامة التجارية",
+ "logo_description": "شعار الشركة",
+ "logo_label": "شعار",
+ "favicon_description": "أيقونة تظهر في شريط عناوين المتصفح",
+ "favicon_label": "أيقونة تفضيل",
+ "images_group_label": "صور",
+ "homepage_background_image_description": "صورة الخلفية الرئيسية للصفحة الرئيسية",
+ "homepage_background_image_label": "صورة الخلفية الرئيسية للصفحة الرئيسية",
+ "community_background_image_description": "صورة الخلفية الرئيسية لصفحة مواضيع المجتمع",
+ "community_background_image_label": "صورة الخلفية الرئيسية للمجتمع",
+ "community_image_description": "صورة لقسم المجتمع على الصفحة الرئيسية",
+ "community_image_label": "شريط المجتمع",
+ "search_group_label": "إعدادات البحث",
+ "instant_search_label": "البحث الفوري",
+ "instant_search_description": "إظهار المقالات المقترحة على البحث",
+ "scoped_knowledge_base_search_label": "البحث في إطار مجال في قاعدة المعرفة",
+ "scoped_knowledge_base_search_description": "تقتصر نتائج البحث على الفئة الحالية للمستخدم",
+ "scoped_community_search_label": "البحث في إطار مجال في المجتمع",
+ "scoped_community_search_description": "تقتصر نتائج البحث على الموضوع الحالي للمستخدم",
+ "home_page_group_label": "عناصر الصفحة الرئيسية",
+ "recent_activity_label": "النشاط الحديث",
+ "recent_activity_description": "إظهار النشاط الحديث على الصفحة الرئيسية",
+ "article_page_group_label": "عناصر صفحة المقال",
+ "articles_in_section_label": "مقالات في الجزء",
+ "articles_in_section_description": "إظهار العمود الجانبي للمقالات في الجزء",
+ "article_author_label": "الكاتب",
+ "article_author_description": "إظهار صورة الكاتب واسمه",
+ "article_comments_label": "تعليقات",
+ "article_comments_description": "إظهار التعليقات على المقالات",
+ "follow_article_label": "تابع",
+ "follow_article_description": "يمكن للمستخدمين متابعة مقال معين",
+ "recently_viewed_articles_label": "مقالات شوهدت حديثًا",
+ "recently_viewed_articles_description": "إظهار المقالات التي شوهدت حديثًا",
+ "related_articles_label": "مقالات ذات صلة",
+ "related_articles_description": "إظهار مقالات ذات صلة",
+ "article_sharing_label": "المشاركة الاجتماعية",
+ "article_sharing_description": "إظهار مشاركة وسائل التواصل الاجتماعية على المقال",
+ "section_page_group_label": "عناصر صفحة الجزء",
+ "follow_section_label": "تابع",
+ "follow_section_description": "يمكن للمستخدمين متابعة جزء معين",
+ "community_post_group_label": "عناصر منشورات المجتمع",
+ "follow_post_label": "تابع",
+ "follow_post_description": "يمكن للمستخدمين متابعة منشور معين",
+ "post_sharing_label": "المشاركة الاجتماعية",
+ "post_sharing_description": "إظهار مشاركة الوسائط الاجتماعية على منشور",
+ "community_topic_group_label": "عناصر مواضيع المجتمع",
+ "follow_topic_label": "تابع",
+ "follow_topic_description": "يمكن للمستخدمين متابعة موضوع معين",
+ "show_brand_name_label": "إظهار اسم مركز المساعدة",
+ "show_brand_name_description": "عرض اسم مركز المساعدة إلى جانب الشعار"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/theme/Algolia-search/translations/bg.json b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/bg.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bc25c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/bg.json
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ "colors_group_label": "Цветове",
+ "brand_color_description": "Брандов цвят за основните навигационни елементи",
+ "brand_color_label": "Брандов цвят",
+ "brand_text_color_description": "Брандов цвят при посочване и активни състояния",
+ "brand_text_color_label": "Брандов цвят за текст",
+ "text_color_description": "Цвят за елементите – основен текст и заглавки",
+ "text_color_label": "Цвят на текста",
+ "link_color_description": "Цвят на текста за елементите-линкове",
+ "link_color_label": "Цвят на линка",
+ "visited_link_color_description": "Цвят на текста за посетените линкове",
+ "visited_link_color_label": "Цвят на посетен линк",
+ "background_color_description": "Цвят на фона на вашия Помощен център",
+ "background_color_label": "Цвят на фона",
+ "fonts_group_label": "Шрифтове",
+ "heading_font_description": "Шрифт за заглавки",
+ "heading_font_label": "Шрифт на заглавка",
+ "text_font_description": "Шрифт за основния текст",
+ "text_font_label": "Шрифт на текста",
+ "brand_group_label": "Бранд",
+ "logo_description": "Лого на компанията",
+ "logo_label": "Лого",
+ "favicon_description": "Икона в адресната лента на браузъра",
+ "favicon_label": "Уеб икона",
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+ "homepage_background_image_description": "Главно изображение на началната страница",
+ "homepage_background_image_label": "Главно изображение на начална страница",
+ "community_background_image_description": "Главно изображение на страницата с теми на общността",
+ "community_background_image_label": "Главно изображение на общността",
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+ "community_image_label": "Банер за общността",
+ "search_group_label": "Настройки за търсене",
+ "instant_search_label": "Незабавно търсене",
+ "instant_search_description": "Показване на предложения за статии при търсене",
+ "scoped_knowledge_base_search_label": "Филтрирано търсене в базата знания",
+ "scoped_knowledge_base_search_description": "Резултатите от търсенето са ограничени до категорията, в която е потребителят",
+ "scoped_community_search_label": "Филтрирано търсене в общността",
+ "scoped_community_search_description": "Резултатите от търсенето са ограничени до темата, в която е потребителят",
+ "home_page_group_label": "Елементи на началната страница",
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+ "recent_activity_description": "Показване на последната активност на началната страница",
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+ "articles_in_section_label": "Статии в раздела",
+ "articles_in_section_description": "Показване в страничен панел на статиите в раздела",
+ "article_author_label": "Автор",
+ "article_author_description": "Показване на снимка и име на автора",
+ "article_comments_label": "Коментари",
+ "article_comments_description": "Показване на коментарите към статиите",
+ "follow_article_label": "Следене",
+ "follow_article_description": "Потребителите могат да следят конкретна статия",
+ "recently_viewed_articles_label": "Последно разглеждани",
+ "recently_viewed_articles_description": "Показване на последно разглежданите статии",
+ "related_articles_label": "Сродни статии",
+ "related_articles_description": "Показване на сродни статии",
+ "article_sharing_label": "Социални мрежи",
+ "article_sharing_description": "Показване на икони за споделяне на статията в социални мрежи",
+ "section_page_group_label": "Елементи на страницата на раздел",
+ "follow_section_label": "Следене",
+ "follow_section_description": "Потребителите могат да следят конкретен раздел",
+ "community_post_group_label": "Елементи на постингите в общността",
+ "follow_post_label": "Следене",
+ "follow_post_description": "Потребителите могат да следят конкретен постинг",
+ "post_sharing_label": "Социални мрежи",
+ "post_sharing_description": "Показване на икони за споделяне на постинга в социални мрежи",
+ "community_topic_group_label": "Елементи на темите в общността",
+ "follow_topic_label": "Следене",
+ "follow_topic_description": "Потребителите могат да следят конкретна тема",
+ "show_brand_name_label": "Показване на името на помощния център",
+ "show_brand_name_description": "Показване на името на помощния център до логото"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/theme/Algolia-search/translations/bn.json b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/bn.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..026d4b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/bn.json
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ "colors_group_label": "Colors",
+ "brand_color_description": "Brand color for major navigational elements",
+ "brand_color_label": "Brand color",
+ "brand_text_color_description": "Brand color for hover and active states",
+ "brand_text_color_label": "Brand text color",
+ "text_color_description": "Text color for body and heading elements",
+ "text_color_label": "Text color",
+ "link_color_description": "Text color for link elements",
+ "link_color_label": "Link color",
+ "background_color_description": "Background color of your Help Center",
+ "background_color_label": "Background color",
+ "fonts_group_label": "Fonts",
+ "heading_font_description": "Font for headings",
+ "heading_font_label": "Heading Font",
+ "text_font_description": "Font for body text",
+ "text_font_label": "Text Font",
+ "brand_group_label": "Brand",
+ "logo_description": "Company logo",
+ "logo_label": "Logo",
+ "favicon_description": "Icon displayed in the address bar of your browser",
+ "favicon_label": "Favicon",
+ "images_group_label": "Images",
+ "homepage_background_image_description": "Hero image on the home page",
+ "homepage_background_image_label": "Home hero image",
+ "community_background_image_description": "Hero image on the community topics page",
+ "community_background_image_label": "Community hero image",
+ "community_image_description": "Image for the community section on the home page",
+ "community_image_label": "Community banner"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/theme/Algolia-search/translations/bs.json b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/bs.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..026d4b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/bs.json
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ "colors_group_label": "Colors",
+ "brand_color_description": "Brand color for major navigational elements",
+ "brand_color_label": "Brand color",
+ "brand_text_color_description": "Brand color for hover and active states",
+ "brand_text_color_label": "Brand text color",
+ "text_color_description": "Text color for body and heading elements",
+ "text_color_label": "Text color",
+ "link_color_description": "Text color for link elements",
+ "link_color_label": "Link color",
+ "background_color_description": "Background color of your Help Center",
+ "background_color_label": "Background color",
+ "fonts_group_label": "Fonts",
+ "heading_font_description": "Font for headings",
+ "heading_font_label": "Heading Font",
+ "text_font_description": "Font for body text",
+ "text_font_label": "Text Font",
+ "brand_group_label": "Brand",
+ "logo_description": "Company logo",
+ "logo_label": "Logo",
+ "favicon_description": "Icon displayed in the address bar of your browser",
+ "favicon_label": "Favicon",
+ "images_group_label": "Images",
+ "homepage_background_image_description": "Hero image on the home page",
+ "homepage_background_image_label": "Home hero image",
+ "community_background_image_description": "Hero image on the community topics page",
+ "community_background_image_label": "Community hero image",
+ "community_image_description": "Image for the community section on the home page",
+ "community_image_label": "Community banner"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/theme/Algolia-search/translations/ca.json b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/ca.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cb729b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/ca.json
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ "colors_group_label": "Colores",
+ "brand_color_description": "El color propio de la marca para los elementos importantes de navegación",
+ "brand_color_label": "Color de marca",
+ "brand_text_color_description": "El color de la marca cuando está activa y cuando se le pasa el cursor",
+ "brand_text_color_label": "Color de texto de la marca",
+ "text_color_description": "El color del texto para los elementos de cuerpo y encabezado",
+ "text_color_label": "Color de texto",
+ "link_color_description": "El color del texto para los elementos de vínculos",
+ "link_color_label": "Color de vínculos",
+ "background_color_description": "El color de fondo del Centro de ayuda",
+ "background_color_label": "Color de fondo",
+ "fonts_group_label": "Fuentes",
+ "heading_font_description": "La fuente para los encabezados",
+ "heading_font_label": "Fuente de encabezado",
+ "text_font_description": "La fuente para el texto del cuerpo",
+ "text_font_label": "Fuente de texto",
+ "brand_group_label": "Marca",
+ "logo_description": "El logotipo de la compañía",
+ "logo_label": "Logotipo",
+ "favicon_description": "Icono mostrado en la barra de dirección del navegador",
+ "favicon_label": "Favicon",
+ "images_group_label": "Imágenes",
+ "homepage_background_image_description": "La imagen hero de la página principal",
+ "homepage_background_image_label": "Imagen hero de página principal",
+ "community_background_image_description": "Imagen hero en la página de temas de la comunidad",
+ "community_background_image_label": "Imagen hero de la comunidad",
+ "community_image_description": "Imagen para la sección de comunidad en la página principal",
+ "community_image_label": "Pancarta de la comunidad"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/theme/Algolia-search/translations/cs.json b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/cs.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b20616d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/cs.json
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ "colors_group_label": "Barvy",
+ "brand_color_description": "Barva značky pro hlavní prvky navigace",
+ "brand_color_label": "Barva značky",
+ "brand_text_color_description": "Barva značky pro stav při najetí myší a aktivní stav",
+ "brand_text_color_label": "Barva textu značky",
+ "text_color_description": "Barva textu pro elementy těla a nadpisu",
+ "text_color_label": "Barva textu",
+ "link_color_description": "Barva textu pro elementy odkazů",
+ "link_color_label": "Barva odkazu",
+ "visited_link_color_description": "Barva textu pro navštívené elementy odkazů",
+ "visited_link_color_label": "Barva navštíveného odkazu",
+ "background_color_description": "Barva pozadí vašeho Centra nápovědy",
+ "background_color_label": "Barva pozadí",
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+ "heading_font_description": "Písma pro nadpisy",
+ "heading_font_label": "Písmo nadpisu",
+ "text_font_description": "Písmo pro text těla",
+ "text_font_label": "Písmo textu",
+ "brand_group_label": "Značka",
+ "logo_description": "Logo společnosti",
+ "logo_label": "Logo",
+ "favicon_description": "Ikona zobrazená v řádku adresy prohlížeče",
+ "favicon_label": "Favikona",
+ "images_group_label": "Obrázky",
+ "homepage_background_image_description": "Obrázek na pozadí na domovské stránce",
+ "homepage_background_image_label": "Obrázek pozadí domovské stránky",
+ "community_background_image_description": "Obrázek na pozadí stránky témat komunity",
+ "community_background_image_label": "Obrázek pozadí komunity",
+ "community_image_description": "Obrázek pro oddíl komunity na domovské stránce",
+ "community_image_label": "Proužek komunity",
+ "search_group_label": "Nastavení hledání",
+ "instant_search_label": "Okamžité hledání",
+ "instant_search_description": "Při hledání zobrazit navrhované články",
+ "scoped_knowledge_base_search_label": "Cílené hledání ve znalostní bázi",
+ "scoped_knowledge_base_search_description": "Výsledky hledání omezit na kategorii, ve které uživatel právě je",
+ "scoped_community_search_label": "Cílené hledání v komunitě",
+ "scoped_community_search_description": "Výsledky hledání omezit na téma, ve kterém uživatel právě je",
+ "home_page_group_label": "Elementy domovské stránky",
+ "recent_activity_label": "Nedávná aktivita",
+ "recent_activity_description": "Zobrazit na domovské stránce nedávná aktivita",
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+ "post_sharing_description": "Zobrazit u příspěvku sdílení na sociálních sítích",
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+ "follow_topic_description": "Uživatelé mohou sledovat určité téma",
+ "show_brand_name_label": "Zobrazit název Centra nápovědy",
+ "show_brand_name_description": "Zobrazit název Centra nápovědy vedle loga"
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..026d4b0
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+ "brand_text_color_label": "Brand text color",
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+ "text_color_label": "Text color",
+ "link_color_description": "Text color for link elements",
+ "link_color_label": "Link color",
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+ "background_color_label": "Background color",
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+ "heading_font_label": "Heading Font",
+ "text_font_description": "Font for body text",
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+ "logo_description": "Company logo",
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+ "homepage_background_image_label": "Home hero image",
+ "community_background_image_description": "Hero image on the community topics page",
+ "community_background_image_label": "Community hero image",
+ "community_image_description": "Image for the community section on the home page",
+ "community_image_label": "Community banner"
\ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..7ab715b
--- /dev/null
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+ "colors_group_label": "Farver",
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+ "brand_color_label": "Brand-farve",
+ "brand_text_color_description": "Brand-farve, når der peges og ved aktive tilstande",
+ "brand_text_color_label": "Brand-tekstfarve",
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+ "community_background_image_label": "Baggrundsbillede for community",
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+ "community_image_label": "Community-banner",
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+ "instant_search_label": "Hurtig søgning",
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+ "scoped_knowledge_base_search_description": "Søgeresultater er begrænset til den kategori, som brugeren befinder sig i",
+ "scoped_community_search_label": "Filtreret søgning i community",
+ "scoped_community_search_description": "Søgeresultater er begrænset til det emne, som brugeren befinder sig i",
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+ "post_sharing_description": "Vis ikon til deling af opslag på social medier",
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+ "follow_topic_label": "Følg",
+ "follow_topic_description": "Brugere kan følge et specifikt emne",
+ "show_brand_name_label": "Vis navn på hjælpecenteret",
+ "show_brand_name_description": "Vis navnet på hjælpecenteret ved siden af logoet"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/theme/Algolia-search/translations/de.json b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/de.json
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index 0000000..607194b
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+ "visited_link_color_label": "Farbe für besuchte Links",
+ "background_color_description": "Hintergrundfarbe für Ihr Help Center",
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+ "heading_font_label": "Schriftart für Überschriften",
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+ "text_font_label": "Schriftart für Text",
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+ "community_background_image_label": "Hero-Bild für die Community",
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+ "search_group_label": "Sucheinstellungen",
+ "instant_search_label": "Sofortsuche",
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+ "scoped_knowledge_base_search_label": "Begrenzte Suche in Wissensdatenbank",
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+ "scoped_community_search_description": "Suchergebnisse sind auf das jeweilige Thema begrenzt",
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+ "article_author_description": "Bild und Namen des Autors anzeigen",
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+ "follow_topic_description": "Benutzer können einem bestimmten Thema folgen",
+ "show_brand_name_label": "Namen des Help Centers anzeigen",
+ "show_brand_name_description": "Namen des Help Centers neben dem Logo anzeigen"
\ No newline at end of file
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+ "brand_color_label": "Χρώμα επωνυμίας",
+ "brand_text_color_description": "Χρώμα επωνυμίας για μετακίνηση του δείκτη του ποντικιού και ενεργές καταστάσεις",
+ "brand_text_color_label": "Χρώμα κειμένου επωνυμίας",
+ "text_color_description": "Χρώμα κειμένου για στοιχεία κυρίως σώματος και επικεφαλίδων",
+ "text_color_label": "Χρώμα κειμένου",
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+ "visited_link_color_description": "Χρώμα κειμένου για στοιχεία συνδέσμων με επισκέψεις",
+ "visited_link_color_label": "Χρώμα συνδέσμων με επισκέψεις",
+ "background_color_description": "Χρώμα φόντου του Κέντρου βοήθειας",
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+ "community_background_image_description": "Εικόνα hero στη σελίδα θεμάτων κοινότητας",
+ "community_background_image_label": "Εικόνα hero κοινότητας",
+ "community_image_description": "Εικόνα για την ενότητα κοινότητας στην αρχική σελίδα",
+ "community_image_label": "Banner κοινότητας",
+ "search_group_label": "Ρυθμίσεις αναζήτησης",
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+ "scoped_knowledge_base_search_label": "Εστιασμένη αναζήτηση στη Γνωσιακή βάση",
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+ "scoped_community_search_label": "Εστιασμένη αναζήτηση στην Κοινότητα",
+ "scoped_community_search_description": "Τα αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης περιορίζονται στο θέμα στο οποίο βρίσκεται ο χρήστης",
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+ "article_author_description": "Εμφάνιση εικόνας και ονόματος συντάκτη",
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+ "recently_viewed_articles_label": "Πρόσφατα προβεβλημένα",
+ "recently_viewed_articles_description": "Εμφάνιση άρθρων που προβλήθηκαν πρόσφατα",
+ "related_articles_label": "Σχετικά άρθρα",
+ "related_articles_description": "Εμφάνιση σχετικών άρθρων",
+ "article_sharing_label": "Κοινοποίηση σε μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης",
+ "article_sharing_description": "Εμφάνιση κοινοποίησης σε μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης σε άρθρα",
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+ "follow_post_label": "Παρακολούθηση",
+ "follow_post_description": "Οι χρήστες μπορούν να παρακολουθούν μια συγκεκριμένη ανάρτηση",
+ "post_sharing_label": "Κοινοποίηση σε μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης",
+ "post_sharing_description": "Εμφάνιση κοινοποίησης σε μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης σε αναρτήσεις",
+ "community_topic_group_label": "Στοιχεία θεμάτων κοινότητας",
+ "follow_topic_label": "Παρακολούθηση",
+ "follow_topic_description": "Οι χρήστες μπορούν να παρακολουθούν ένα συγκεκριμένο θέμα",
+ "show_brand_name_label": "Εμφάνιση ονόματος κέντρου βοήθειας",
+ "show_brand_name_description": "Εμφάνιση του ονόματος κέντρου βοήθειας δίπλα στο λογότυπο"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/theme/Algolia-search/translations/en-ca.json b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/en-ca.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e91ef06
--- /dev/null
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+ "brand_color_label": "Brand colour",
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+ "brand_text_color_label": "Brand text colour",
+ "text_color_description": "Text colour for body and heading elements",
+ "text_color_label": "Text colour",
+ "link_color_description": "Text colour for link elements",
+ "link_color_label": "Link colour",
+ "visited_link_color_description": "Text colour for visited link elements",
+ "visited_link_color_label": "Visited link colour",
+ "background_color_description": "Background colour of your Help Centre",
+ "background_color_label": "Background colour",
+ "fonts_group_label": "Fonts",
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+ "heading_font_label": "Heading Font",
+ "text_font_description": "Font for body text",
+ "text_font_label": "Text Font",
+ "brand_group_label": "Brand",
+ "logo_description": "Company logo",
+ "logo_label": "Logo",
+ "favicon_description": "Icon displayed in the address bar of your browser",
+ "favicon_label": "Favicon",
+ "images_group_label": "Images",
+ "homepage_background_image_description": "Hero image on the home page",
+ "homepage_background_image_label": "Home hero image",
+ "community_background_image_description": "Hero image on the community topics page",
+ "community_background_image_label": "Community hero image",
+ "community_image_description": "Image for the community section on the home page",
+ "community_image_label": "Community banner",
+ "search_group_label": "Search settings",
+ "instant_search_label": "Instant search",
+ "instant_search_description": "Show suggested articles on search",
+ "scoped_knowledge_base_search_label": "Scoped search in Knowledge Base",
+ "scoped_knowledge_base_search_description": "Search results are confined to the category the user is in",
+ "scoped_community_search_label": "Scoped search in Community",
+ "scoped_community_search_description": "Search results are confined to the topic the user is in",
+ "home_page_group_label": "Home page elements",
+ "recent_activity_label": "Recent activity",
+ "recent_activity_description": "Show recent activity on home page",
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+ "articles_in_section_description": "Show sidebar of articles in section",
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+ "article_author_description": "Show author image and name",
+ "article_comments_label": "Comments",
+ "article_comments_description": "Show comments on articles",
+ "follow_article_label": "Follow",
+ "follow_article_description": "Users can follow a specific article",
+ "recently_viewed_articles_label": "Recently viewed",
+ "recently_viewed_articles_description": "Show recently viewed articles",
+ "related_articles_label": "Related articles",
+ "related_articles_description": "Show related articles",
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+ "article_sharing_description": "Show social media sharing on article",
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+ "follow_section_description": "Users can follow a specific section",
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+ "follow_post_description": "Users can follow a specific post",
+ "post_sharing_label": "Social sharing",
+ "post_sharing_description": "Show social media sharing on post",
+ "community_topic_group_label": "Community topic elements",
+ "follow_topic_label": "Follow",
+ "follow_topic_description": "Users can follow a specific topic",
+ "show_brand_name_label": "Show Help Centre name",
+ "show_brand_name_description": "Display the Help Centre name next to the logo"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/theme/Algolia-search/translations/en-gb.json b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/en-gb.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e91ef06
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+ "colors_group_label": "Colours",
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+ "brand_text_color_label": "Brand text colour",
+ "text_color_description": "Text colour for body and heading elements",
+ "text_color_label": "Text colour",
+ "link_color_description": "Text colour for link elements",
+ "link_color_label": "Link colour",
+ "visited_link_color_description": "Text colour for visited link elements",
+ "visited_link_color_label": "Visited link colour",
+ "background_color_description": "Background colour of your Help Centre",
+ "background_color_label": "Background colour",
+ "fonts_group_label": "Fonts",
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+ "heading_font_label": "Heading Font",
+ "text_font_description": "Font for body text",
+ "text_font_label": "Text Font",
+ "brand_group_label": "Brand",
+ "logo_description": "Company logo",
+ "logo_label": "Logo",
+ "favicon_description": "Icon displayed in the address bar of your browser",
+ "favicon_label": "Favicon",
+ "images_group_label": "Images",
+ "homepage_background_image_description": "Hero image on the home page",
+ "homepage_background_image_label": "Home hero image",
+ "community_background_image_description": "Hero image on the community topics page",
+ "community_background_image_label": "Community hero image",
+ "community_image_description": "Image for the community section on the home page",
+ "community_image_label": "Community banner",
+ "search_group_label": "Search settings",
+ "instant_search_label": "Instant search",
+ "instant_search_description": "Show suggested articles on search",
+ "scoped_knowledge_base_search_label": "Scoped search in Knowledge Base",
+ "scoped_knowledge_base_search_description": "Search results are confined to the category the user is in",
+ "scoped_community_search_label": "Scoped search in Community",
+ "scoped_community_search_description": "Search results are confined to the topic the user is in",
+ "home_page_group_label": "Home page elements",
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+ "recent_activity_description": "Show recent activity on home page",
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+ "articles_in_section_description": "Show sidebar of articles in section",
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+ "article_author_description": "Show author image and name",
+ "article_comments_label": "Comments",
+ "article_comments_description": "Show comments on articles",
+ "follow_article_label": "Follow",
+ "follow_article_description": "Users can follow a specific article",
+ "recently_viewed_articles_label": "Recently viewed",
+ "recently_viewed_articles_description": "Show recently viewed articles",
+ "related_articles_label": "Related articles",
+ "related_articles_description": "Show related articles",
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+ "article_sharing_description": "Show social media sharing on article",
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+ "follow_section_description": "Users can follow a specific section",
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+ "follow_post_label": "Follow",
+ "follow_post_description": "Users can follow a specific post",
+ "post_sharing_label": "Social sharing",
+ "post_sharing_description": "Show social media sharing on post",
+ "community_topic_group_label": "Community topic elements",
+ "follow_topic_label": "Follow",
+ "follow_topic_description": "Users can follow a specific topic",
+ "show_brand_name_label": "Show Help Centre name",
+ "show_brand_name_description": "Display the Help Centre name next to the logo"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/theme/Algolia-search/translations/en-us.json b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/en-us.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e70d206
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/en-us.json
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ "colors_group_label": "Colors",
+ "brand_color_description": "Brand color for major navigational elements",
+ "brand_color_label": "Brand color",
+ "brand_text_color_description": "Brand color for hover and active states",
+ "brand_text_color_label": "Brand text color",
+ "text_color_description": "Text color for body and heading elements",
+ "text_color_label": "Text color",
+ "link_color_description": "Text color for link elements",
+ "link_color_label": "Link color",
+ "visited_link_color_description": "Text color for visited link elements",
+ "visited_link_color_label": "Visited link color",
+ "background_color_description": "Background color of your Help Center",
+ "background_color_label": "Background color",
+ "fonts_group_label": "Fonts",
+ "heading_font_description": "Font for headings",
+ "heading_font_label": "Heading Font",
+ "text_font_description": "Font for body text",
+ "text_font_label": "Text Font",
+ "brand_group_label": "Brand",
+ "logo_description": "Company logo",
+ "logo_label": "Logo",
+ "favicon_description": "Icon displayed in the address bar of your browser",
+ "favicon_label": "Favicon",
+ "images_group_label": "Images",
+ "homepage_background_image_description": "Hero image on the home page",
+ "homepage_background_image_label": "Home hero image",
+ "community_background_image_description": "Hero image on the community topics page",
+ "community_background_image_label": "Community hero image",
+ "community_image_description": "Image for the community section on the home page",
+ "community_image_label": "Community banner",
+ "search_group_label": "Search settings",
+ "instant_search_label": "Instant search",
+ "instant_search_description": "Show suggested articles on search",
+ "scoped_knowledge_base_search_label": "Scoped search in Knowledge Base",
+ "scoped_knowledge_base_search_description": "Search results are confined to the category the user is in",
+ "scoped_community_search_label": "Scoped search in Community",
+ "scoped_community_search_description": "Search results are confined to the topic the user is in",
+ "home_page_group_label": "Home page elements",
+ "recent_activity_label": "Recent activity",
+ "recent_activity_description": "Show recent activity on home page",
+ "article_page_group_label": "Article page elements",
+ "articles_in_section_label": "Articles in section",
+ "articles_in_section_description": "Show sidebar of articles in section",
+ "article_author_label": "Author",
+ "article_author_description": "Show author image and name",
+ "article_comments_label": "Comments",
+ "article_comments_description": "Show comments on articles",
+ "follow_article_label": "Follow",
+ "follow_article_description": "Users can follow a specific article",
+ "recently_viewed_articles_label": "Recently viewed",
+ "recently_viewed_articles_description": "Show recently viewed articles",
+ "related_articles_label": "Related articles",
+ "related_articles_description": "Show related articles",
+ "article_sharing_label": "Social sharing",
+ "article_sharing_description": "Show social media sharing on article",
+ "section_page_group_label": "Section page elements",
+ "follow_section_label": "Follow",
+ "follow_section_description": "Users can follow a specific section",
+ "community_post_group_label": "Community post elements",
+ "follow_post_label": "Follow",
+ "follow_post_description": "Users can follow a specific post",
+ "post_sharing_label": "Social sharing",
+ "post_sharing_description": "Show social media sharing on post",
+ "community_topic_group_label": "Community topic elements",
+ "follow_topic_label": "Follow",
+ "follow_topic_description": "Users can follow a specific topic",
+ "show_brand_name_label": "Show Help Center name",
+ "show_brand_name_description": "Display the Help Center name next to the logo",
+ "algolia_search_settings": "Algolia Search Settings",
+ "application_id_description": "The Application Id in Algolia",
+ "application_id_label": "Application Id",
+ "search_api_key_description": "Search API Key in Algolia",
+ "search_api_key_label": "Search API Key",
+ "index_name_description": "Search Index",
+ "index_name_label": "The name of the Algolia Search Index",
+ "query_suggestion_index_label":"Query Suggestion Index",
+ "query_suggestion_index_description": " The index that's used for autocomplete query suggestions",
+ "use_autocomplete_description": " Whether or not to use the Autocomplete feature",
+ "use_autocomplete_label": "Use Auto-complete",
+ "use_debounce_description": "Autocomplete can have multiple queries, due to its nature. Debouncing can help",
+ "use_debounce_label": "Use Debounce for Auto-complete"
diff --git a/theme/Algolia-search/translations/en-x-keys.json b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/en-x-keys.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..affecb0
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ "colors_group_label": "txt.help_center_copenhagen_theme.colors_group_label",
+ "brand_color_description": "txt.help_center_copenhagen_theme.brand_color_description",
+ "brand_color_label": "txt.help_center_copenhagen_theme.brand_color_label",
+ "brand_text_color_description": "txt.help_center_copenhagen_theme.brand_text_color_description",
+ "brand_text_color_label": "txt.help_center_copenhagen_theme.brand_text_color_label",
+ "text_color_description": "txt.help_center_copenhagen_theme.text_color_description",
+ "text_color_label": "txt.help_center_copenhagen_theme.text_color_label",
+ "link_color_description": "txt.help_center_copenhagen_theme.link_color_description",
+ "link_color_label": "txt.help_center_copenhagen_theme.link_color_label",
+ "background_color_description": "txt.help_center_copenhagen_theme.background_color_description",
+ "background_color_label": "txt.help_center_copenhagen_theme.background_color_label",
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+ "heading_font_label": "txt.help_center_copenhagen_theme.heading_font_label",
+ "text_font_description": "txt.help_center_copenhagen_theme.text_font_description",
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+ "brand_group_label": "txt.help_center_copenhagen_theme.brand_group_label",
+ "logo_description": "txt.help_center_copenhagen_theme.logo_description",
+ "logo_label": "txt.help_center_copenhagen_theme.logo_label",
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+ "homepage_background_image_label": "txt.help_center_copenhagen_theme.homepage_background_image_label",
+ "community_background_image_description": "txt.help_center_copenhagen_theme.community_background_image_description",
+ "community_background_image_label": "txt.help_center_copenhagen_theme.community_background_image_label",
+ "community_image_description": "txt.help_center_copenhagen_theme.community_image_description",
+ "community_image_label": "txt.help_center_copenhagen_theme.community_image_label"
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c02a5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/en-x-pseu.json
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ "colors_group_label": "[日本Colorséñđ]",
+ "brand_color_description": "[日本Brand color for major navigational elementséñđ]",
+ "brand_color_label": "[日本Brand coloréñđ]",
+ "brand_text_color_description": "[日本Brand color for hover and active stateséñđ]",
+ "brand_text_color_label": "[日本Brand text coloréñđ]",
+ "text_color_description": "[日本Text color for body and heading elementséñđ]",
+ "text_color_label": "[日本Text coloréñđ]",
+ "link_color_description": "[日本Text color for link elementséñđ]",
+ "link_color_label": "[日本Link coloréñđ]",
+ "background_color_description": "[日本Background color of your Help Centeréñđ]",
+ "background_color_label": "[日本Background coloréñđ]",
+ "fonts_group_label": "[日本Fontséñđ]",
+ "heading_font_description": "[日本Font for headingséñđ]",
+ "heading_font_label": "[日本Heading Fontéñđ]",
+ "text_font_description": "[日本Font for body textéñđ]",
+ "text_font_label": "[日本Text Fontéñđ]",
+ "brand_group_label": "[日本Brandéñđ]",
+ "logo_description": "[日本Company logoéñđ]",
+ "logo_label": "[日本Logoéñđ]",
+ "favicon_description": "[日本Icon displayed in the address bar of your browseréñđ]",
+ "favicon_label": "[日本Faviconéñđ]",
+ "images_group_label": "[日本Imageséñđ]",
+ "homepage_background_image_description": "[日本Hero image on the home pageéñđ]",
+ "homepage_background_image_label": "[日本Home hero imageéñđ]",
+ "community_background_image_description": "[日本Hero image on the community topics pageéñđ]",
+ "community_background_image_label": "[日本Community hero imageéñđ]",
+ "community_image_description": "[日本Image for the community section on the home pageéñđ]",
+ "community_image_label": "[日本Community banneréñđ]"
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..230deef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/es-419.json
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ "colors_group_label": "Colores",
+ "brand_color_description": "El color propio de la marca para los elementos importantes de navegación",
+ "brand_color_label": "Color de marca",
+ "brand_text_color_description": "El color de la marca cuando está activa y cuando se le pasa el cursor",
+ "brand_text_color_label": "Color de texto de la marca",
+ "text_color_description": "El color del texto para los elementos de cuerpo y encabezado",
+ "text_color_label": "Color de texto",
+ "link_color_description": "El color del texto para los elementos de vínculos",
+ "link_color_label": "Color de vínculos",
+ "visited_link_color_description": "El color del texto para los elementos de los vínculos visitados",
+ "visited_link_color_label": "Color de vínculo visitado",
+ "background_color_description": "El color de fondo del Centro de ayuda",
+ "background_color_label": "Color de fondo",
+ "fonts_group_label": "Fuentes",
+ "heading_font_description": "La fuente para los encabezados",
+ "heading_font_label": "Fuente de encabezado",
+ "text_font_description": "La fuente para el texto del cuerpo",
+ "text_font_label": "Fuente de texto",
+ "brand_group_label": "Marca",
+ "logo_description": "El logotipo de la compañía",
+ "logo_label": "Logotipo",
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+ "homepage_background_image_label": "Imagen hero de página principal",
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+ "community_background_image_label": "Imagen hero de la comunidad",
+ "community_image_description": "Imagen para la sección de comunidad en la página principal",
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+ "instant_search_label": "Búsqueda inmediata",
+ "instant_search_description": "Mostrar artículos recomendados en la búsqueda",
+ "scoped_knowledge_base_search_label": "Búsqueda filtrada en la base de conocimientos",
+ "scoped_knowledge_base_search_description": "Los resultados de la búsqueda se limitan a la categoría en la que se encuentra el usuario",
+ "scoped_community_search_label": "Búsqueda filtrada en la comunidad",
+ "scoped_community_search_description": "Los resultados de la búsqueda se limitan al tema en el que se encuentra el usuario",
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+ "articles_in_section_description": "Mostrar barra lateral de artículos en la sección",
+ "article_author_label": "Autor",
+ "article_author_description": "Mostrar imagen y nombre del autor",
+ "article_comments_label": "Comentarios",
+ "article_comments_description": "Mostrar comentarios en artículos",
+ "follow_article_label": "Seguir",
+ "follow_article_description": "Los usuarios pueden seguir un artículo específico",
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+ "recently_viewed_articles_description": "Mostrar artículos vistos recientemente",
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+ "related_articles_description": "Mostrar artículos relacionados",
+ "article_sharing_label": "Compartir en redes sociales",
+ "article_sharing_description": "Mostrar opción para compartir en redes sociales en el artículo",
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+ "follow_section_description": "Los usuarios pueden seguir una sección específica",
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+ "follow_post_label": "Seguir",
+ "follow_post_description": "Los usuarios pueden seguir una publicación específica",
+ "post_sharing_label": "Compartir en redes sociales",
+ "post_sharing_description": "Mostrar opción para compartir en redes sociales en la publicación",
+ "community_topic_group_label": "Elementos de tema de la comunidad",
+ "follow_topic_label": "Seguir",
+ "follow_topic_description": "Los usuarios pueden seguir un tema específico",
+ "show_brand_name_label": "Mostrar nombre del Centro de ayuda",
+ "show_brand_name_description": "Muestre el nombre del Centro de ayuda junto al logotipo"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/theme/Algolia-search/translations/es-es.json b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/es-es.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..230deef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/es-es.json
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ "colors_group_label": "Colores",
+ "brand_color_description": "El color propio de la marca para los elementos importantes de navegación",
+ "brand_color_label": "Color de marca",
+ "brand_text_color_description": "El color de la marca cuando está activa y cuando se le pasa el cursor",
+ "brand_text_color_label": "Color de texto de la marca",
+ "text_color_description": "El color del texto para los elementos de cuerpo y encabezado",
+ "text_color_label": "Color de texto",
+ "link_color_description": "El color del texto para los elementos de vínculos",
+ "link_color_label": "Color de vínculos",
+ "visited_link_color_description": "El color del texto para los elementos de los vínculos visitados",
+ "visited_link_color_label": "Color de vínculo visitado",
+ "background_color_description": "El color de fondo del Centro de ayuda",
+ "background_color_label": "Color de fondo",
+ "fonts_group_label": "Fuentes",
+ "heading_font_description": "La fuente para los encabezados",
+ "heading_font_label": "Fuente de encabezado",
+ "text_font_description": "La fuente para el texto del cuerpo",
+ "text_font_label": "Fuente de texto",
+ "brand_group_label": "Marca",
+ "logo_description": "El logotipo de la compañía",
+ "logo_label": "Logotipo",
+ "favicon_description": "Icono mostrado en la barra de dirección del navegador",
+ "favicon_label": "Favicon",
+ "images_group_label": "Imágenes",
+ "homepage_background_image_description": "La imagen hero de la página principal",
+ "homepage_background_image_label": "Imagen hero de página principal",
+ "community_background_image_description": "Imagen hero en la página de temas de la comunidad",
+ "community_background_image_label": "Imagen hero de la comunidad",
+ "community_image_description": "Imagen para la sección de comunidad en la página principal",
+ "community_image_label": "Pancarta de la comunidad",
+ "search_group_label": "Configuración de la búsqueda",
+ "instant_search_label": "Búsqueda inmediata",
+ "instant_search_description": "Mostrar artículos recomendados en la búsqueda",
+ "scoped_knowledge_base_search_label": "Búsqueda filtrada en la base de conocimientos",
+ "scoped_knowledge_base_search_description": "Los resultados de la búsqueda se limitan a la categoría en la que se encuentra el usuario",
+ "scoped_community_search_label": "Búsqueda filtrada en la comunidad",
+ "scoped_community_search_description": "Los resultados de la búsqueda se limitan al tema en el que se encuentra el usuario",
+ "home_page_group_label": "Elementos de página principal",
+ "recent_activity_label": "Actividad reciente",
+ "recent_activity_description": "Mostrar actividad reciente en la página principal",
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+ "articles_in_section_description": "Mostrar barra lateral de artículos en la sección",
+ "article_author_label": "Autor",
+ "article_author_description": "Mostrar imagen y nombre del autor",
+ "article_comments_label": "Comentarios",
+ "article_comments_description": "Mostrar comentarios en artículos",
+ "follow_article_label": "Seguir",
+ "follow_article_description": "Los usuarios pueden seguir un artículo específico",
+ "recently_viewed_articles_label": "Vistos recientemente",
+ "recently_viewed_articles_description": "Mostrar artículos vistos recientemente",
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+ "related_articles_description": "Mostrar artículos relacionados",
+ "article_sharing_label": "Compartir en redes sociales",
+ "article_sharing_description": "Mostrar opción para compartir en redes sociales en el artículo",
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+ "follow_post_label": "Seguir",
+ "follow_post_description": "Los usuarios pueden seguir una publicación específica",
+ "post_sharing_label": "Compartir en redes sociales",
+ "post_sharing_description": "Mostrar opción para compartir en redes sociales en la publicación",
+ "community_topic_group_label": "Elementos de tema de la comunidad",
+ "follow_topic_label": "Seguir",
+ "follow_topic_description": "Los usuarios pueden seguir un tema específico",
+ "show_brand_name_label": "Mostrar nombre del Centro de ayuda",
+ "show_brand_name_description": "Muestre el nombre del Centro de ayuda junto al logotipo"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/theme/Algolia-search/translations/es.json b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/es.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..230deef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/es.json
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ "colors_group_label": "Colores",
+ "brand_color_description": "El color propio de la marca para los elementos importantes de navegación",
+ "brand_color_label": "Color de marca",
+ "brand_text_color_description": "El color de la marca cuando está activa y cuando se le pasa el cursor",
+ "brand_text_color_label": "Color de texto de la marca",
+ "text_color_description": "El color del texto para los elementos de cuerpo y encabezado",
+ "text_color_label": "Color de texto",
+ "link_color_description": "El color del texto para los elementos de vínculos",
+ "link_color_label": "Color de vínculos",
+ "visited_link_color_description": "El color del texto para los elementos de los vínculos visitados",
+ "visited_link_color_label": "Color de vínculo visitado",
+ "background_color_description": "El color de fondo del Centro de ayuda",
+ "background_color_label": "Color de fondo",
+ "fonts_group_label": "Fuentes",
+ "heading_font_description": "La fuente para los encabezados",
+ "heading_font_label": "Fuente de encabezado",
+ "text_font_description": "La fuente para el texto del cuerpo",
+ "text_font_label": "Fuente de texto",
+ "brand_group_label": "Marca",
+ "logo_description": "El logotipo de la compañía",
+ "logo_label": "Logotipo",
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+ "favicon_label": "Favicon",
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+ "homepage_background_image_label": "Imagen hero de página principal",
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+ "community_background_image_label": "Imagen hero de la comunidad",
+ "community_image_description": "Imagen para la sección de comunidad en la página principal",
+ "community_image_label": "Pancarta de la comunidad",
+ "search_group_label": "Configuración de la búsqueda",
+ "instant_search_label": "Búsqueda inmediata",
+ "instant_search_description": "Mostrar artículos recomendados en la búsqueda",
+ "scoped_knowledge_base_search_label": "Búsqueda filtrada en la base de conocimientos",
+ "scoped_knowledge_base_search_description": "Los resultados de la búsqueda se limitan a la categoría en la que se encuentra el usuario",
+ "scoped_community_search_label": "Búsqueda filtrada en la comunidad",
+ "scoped_community_search_description": "Los resultados de la búsqueda se limitan al tema en el que se encuentra el usuario",
+ "home_page_group_label": "Elementos de página principal",
+ "recent_activity_label": "Actividad reciente",
+ "recent_activity_description": "Mostrar actividad reciente en la página principal",
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+ "articles_in_section_description": "Mostrar barra lateral de artículos en la sección",
+ "article_author_label": "Autor",
+ "article_author_description": "Mostrar imagen y nombre del autor",
+ "article_comments_label": "Comentarios",
+ "article_comments_description": "Mostrar comentarios en artículos",
+ "follow_article_label": "Seguir",
+ "follow_article_description": "Los usuarios pueden seguir un artículo específico",
+ "recently_viewed_articles_label": "Vistos recientemente",
+ "recently_viewed_articles_description": "Mostrar artículos vistos recientemente",
+ "related_articles_label": "Artículos relacionados",
+ "related_articles_description": "Mostrar artículos relacionados",
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+ "article_sharing_description": "Mostrar opción para compartir en redes sociales en el artículo",
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+ "follow_section_label": "Seguir",
+ "follow_section_description": "Los usuarios pueden seguir una sección específica",
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+ "follow_post_label": "Seguir",
+ "follow_post_description": "Los usuarios pueden seguir una publicación específica",
+ "post_sharing_label": "Compartir en redes sociales",
+ "post_sharing_description": "Mostrar opción para compartir en redes sociales en la publicación",
+ "community_topic_group_label": "Elementos de tema de la comunidad",
+ "follow_topic_label": "Seguir",
+ "follow_topic_description": "Los usuarios pueden seguir un tema específico",
+ "show_brand_name_label": "Mostrar nombre del Centro de ayuda",
+ "show_brand_name_description": "Muestre el nombre del Centro de ayuda junto al logotipo"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/theme/Algolia-search/translations/et.json b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/et.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..026d4b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/et.json
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ "colors_group_label": "Colors",
+ "brand_color_description": "Brand color for major navigational elements",
+ "brand_color_label": "Brand color",
+ "brand_text_color_description": "Brand color for hover and active states",
+ "brand_text_color_label": "Brand text color",
+ "text_color_description": "Text color for body and heading elements",
+ "text_color_label": "Text color",
+ "link_color_description": "Text color for link elements",
+ "link_color_label": "Link color",
+ "background_color_description": "Background color of your Help Center",
+ "background_color_label": "Background color",
+ "fonts_group_label": "Fonts",
+ "heading_font_description": "Font for headings",
+ "heading_font_label": "Heading Font",
+ "text_font_description": "Font for body text",
+ "text_font_label": "Text Font",
+ "brand_group_label": "Brand",
+ "logo_description": "Company logo",
+ "logo_label": "Logo",
+ "favicon_description": "Icon displayed in the address bar of your browser",
+ "favicon_label": "Favicon",
+ "images_group_label": "Images",
+ "homepage_background_image_description": "Hero image on the home page",
+ "homepage_background_image_label": "Home hero image",
+ "community_background_image_description": "Hero image on the community topics page",
+ "community_background_image_label": "Community hero image",
+ "community_image_description": "Image for the community section on the home page",
+ "community_image_label": "Community banner"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/theme/Algolia-search/translations/fa.json b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/fa.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..026d4b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/fa.json
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ "colors_group_label": "Colors",
+ "brand_color_description": "Brand color for major navigational elements",
+ "brand_color_label": "Brand color",
+ "brand_text_color_description": "Brand color for hover and active states",
+ "brand_text_color_label": "Brand text color",
+ "text_color_description": "Text color for body and heading elements",
+ "text_color_label": "Text color",
+ "link_color_description": "Text color for link elements",
+ "link_color_label": "Link color",
+ "background_color_description": "Background color of your Help Center",
+ "background_color_label": "Background color",
+ "fonts_group_label": "Fonts",
+ "heading_font_description": "Font for headings",
+ "heading_font_label": "Heading Font",
+ "text_font_description": "Font for body text",
+ "text_font_label": "Text Font",
+ "brand_group_label": "Brand",
+ "logo_description": "Company logo",
+ "logo_label": "Logo",
+ "favicon_description": "Icon displayed in the address bar of your browser",
+ "favicon_label": "Favicon",
+ "images_group_label": "Images",
+ "homepage_background_image_description": "Hero image on the home page",
+ "homepage_background_image_label": "Home hero image",
+ "community_background_image_description": "Hero image on the community topics page",
+ "community_background_image_label": "Community hero image",
+ "community_image_description": "Image for the community section on the home page",
+ "community_image_label": "Community banner"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/theme/Algolia-search/translations/fi.json b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/fi.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90b7988
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ "colors_group_label": "Värit",
+ "brand_color_description": "Tärkeiden navigointielementtien brändin väri",
+ "brand_color_label": "Brändin väri",
+ "brand_text_color_description": "Yllä leijumisen ja aktiivisen tilan brändin väri",
+ "brand_text_color_label": "Brändin tekstin väri",
+ "text_color_description": "Runkotekstin ja otsikkoelementtien tekstin väri",
+ "text_color_label": "Tekstin väri",
+ "link_color_description": "Linkkielementtien tekstin väri",
+ "link_color_label": "Linkin väri",
+ "visited_link_color_description": "Vierailtujen linkkielementtien tekstin väri",
+ "visited_link_color_label": "Vierailtujen linkkien väri",
+ "background_color_description": "Tukiportaalin taustaväri",
+ "background_color_label": "Taustaväri",
+ "fonts_group_label": "Fontit",
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+ "heading_font_label": "Otsikon fontti",
+ "text_font_description": "Runkotekstin fontti",
+ "text_font_label": "Tekstin fontti",
+ "brand_group_label": "Brändi",
+ "logo_description": "Yrityksen logo",
+ "logo_label": "Logo",
+ "favicon_description": "Selaimen osoitepalkissa esitetty kuvake",
+ "favicon_label": "Favicon",
+ "images_group_label": "Kuvat",
+ "homepage_background_image_description": "Taustakuva kotisivulla",
+ "homepage_background_image_label": "Kotisivun taustakuva",
+ "community_background_image_description": "Yhteisön aihesivun taustakuva",
+ "community_background_image_label": "Yhteisön taustakuva",
+ "community_image_description": "Kotisivun yhteisöosan kuva",
+ "community_image_label": "Yhteisön mainospalkki",
+ "search_group_label": "Hakutulokset",
+ "instant_search_label": "Pikahaku",
+ "instant_search_description": "Näytä ehdotetut artikkelit haussa",
+ "scoped_knowledge_base_search_label": "Suodatettu haku ratkaisutietokannasta",
+ "scoped_knowledge_base_search_description": "Hakutulokset rajoitetaan kategoriaan, jossa käyttäjä on",
+ "scoped_community_search_label": "Suodatettu haku yhteisössä",
+ "scoped_community_search_description": "Hakutulokset rajoitetaan aiheeseen, jossa käyttäjä on",
+ "home_page_group_label": "Kotisivun elementit",
+ "recent_activity_label": "Viimeisin aktiviteetti",
+ "recent_activity_description": "Näytä viimeisin aktiviteetti kotisivulla",
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+ "articles_in_section_description": "Näytä artikkelien sivupalkki osiossa",
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+ "article_author_description": "Näytä tekijän kuva ja nimi",
+ "article_comments_label": "Kommentit",
+ "article_comments_description": "Näytä kommentit artikkeleihin",
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+ "follow_article_description": "Käyttäjät voivat seurata tiettyä artikkelia",
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+ "recently_viewed_articles_description": "Näytä viimeksi katsotut artikkelit",
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+ "related_articles_description": "Näytä aiheeseen liittyvät artikkelit",
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+ "article_sharing_description": "Näytä artikkelin jakaminen sosiaalisessa mediassa",
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+ "follow_section_description": "Käyttäjät voivat seurata tiettyä osiota",
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+ "follow_post_label": "Seuraa",
+ "follow_post_description": "Käyttäjät voivat seurata tiettyä viestiä",
+ "post_sharing_label": "Sosiaalinen jakaminen",
+ "post_sharing_description": "Näytä viestin jakaminen sosiaalisessa mediassa",
+ "community_topic_group_label": "Yhteisöaihe-elementit",
+ "follow_topic_label": "Seuraa",
+ "follow_topic_description": "Käyttäjät voivat seurata tiettyä aihetta",
+ "show_brand_name_label": "Näytä Tukiportaalin nimi",
+ "show_brand_name_description": "Näytä Tukiportaalin nimi logon vieressä"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/theme/Algolia-search/translations/fil.json b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/fil.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..026d4b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/fil.json
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ "colors_group_label": "Colors",
+ "brand_color_description": "Brand color for major navigational elements",
+ "brand_color_label": "Brand color",
+ "brand_text_color_description": "Brand color for hover and active states",
+ "brand_text_color_label": "Brand text color",
+ "text_color_description": "Text color for body and heading elements",
+ "text_color_label": "Text color",
+ "link_color_description": "Text color for link elements",
+ "link_color_label": "Link color",
+ "background_color_description": "Background color of your Help Center",
+ "background_color_label": "Background color",
+ "fonts_group_label": "Fonts",
+ "heading_font_description": "Font for headings",
+ "heading_font_label": "Heading Font",
+ "text_font_description": "Font for body text",
+ "text_font_label": "Text Font",
+ "brand_group_label": "Brand",
+ "logo_description": "Company logo",
+ "logo_label": "Logo",
+ "favicon_description": "Icon displayed in the address bar of your browser",
+ "favicon_label": "Favicon",
+ "images_group_label": "Images",
+ "homepage_background_image_description": "Hero image on the home page",
+ "homepage_background_image_label": "Home hero image",
+ "community_background_image_description": "Hero image on the community topics page",
+ "community_background_image_label": "Community hero image",
+ "community_image_description": "Image for the community section on the home page",
+ "community_image_label": "Community banner"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/theme/Algolia-search/translations/fr-ca.json b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/fr-ca.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0099f65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/fr-ca.json
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ "colors_group_label": "Couleurs",
+ "brand_color_description": "Couleur de la marque pour les principaux éléments de navigation",
+ "brand_color_label": "Couleur de la marque",
+ "brand_text_color_description": "Couleur de la marque pour les états Survol et Actif",
+ "brand_text_color_label": "Couleur du texte de la marque",
+ "text_color_description": "Couleur du texte pour les éléments du titre et du corps",
+ "text_color_label": "Couleur du texte",
+ "link_color_description": "Couleur du texte pour les liens",
+ "link_color_label": "Couleur des liens",
+ "visited_link_color_description": "Couleur du texte pour les éléments de liens consultés",
+ "visited_link_color_label": "Couleur des liens consultés",
+ "background_color_description": "Couleur d’arrière-plan de votre Centre d’aide",
+ "background_color_label": "Couleur d’arrière-plan",
+ "fonts_group_label": "Polices",
+ "heading_font_description": "Police pour les titres",
+ "heading_font_label": "Police des titres",
+ "text_font_description": "Police pour le texte du corps",
+ "text_font_label": "Police du texte",
+ "brand_group_label": "Marque",
+ "logo_description": "Logo de l’entreprise",
+ "logo_label": "Logo",
+ "favicon_description": "Icône affichée dans la barre d’adresse de votre navigateur",
+ "favicon_label": "Favoricône",
+ "images_group_label": "Images",
+ "homepage_background_image_description": "Image de premier plan sur la page d’accueil",
+ "homepage_background_image_label": "Image de premier plan de la page d’accueil",
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+ "community_background_image_label": "Image de premier plan pour la communauté",
+ "community_image_description": "Image pour la section Communauté de la page d’accueil",
+ "community_image_label": "Bannière Communauté",
+ "search_group_label": "Paramètres de recherche",
+ "instant_search_label": "Recherche instantanée",
+ "instant_search_description": "Afficher les articles suggérés dans la recherche",
+ "scoped_knowledge_base_search_label": "Recherche limitée dans la base de connaissances",
+ "scoped_knowledge_base_search_description": "Les résultats de la recherche sont limités à la catégorie dans laquelle se trouve l’utilisateur",
+ "scoped_community_search_label": "Recherche limitée dans la communauté",
+ "scoped_community_search_description": "Les résultats de la recherche sont limités au sujet dans lequel se trouve l’utilisateur",
+ "home_page_group_label": "Éléments de la page d’accueil",
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+ "recent_activity_description": "Afficher les activités récentes sur la page d’accueil",
+ "article_page_group_label": "Éléments de la page d’article",
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+ "articles_in_section_description": "Afficher la barre latérale des articles dans la section",
+ "article_author_label": "Auteur",
+ "article_author_description": "Afficher la photo et le nom de l’auteur",
+ "article_comments_label": "Commentaires",
+ "article_comments_description": "Afficher les commentaires sur les articles",
+ "follow_article_label": "S’abonner",
+ "follow_article_description": "Les utilisateurs peuvent s’abonner à un article spécifique",
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+ "recently_viewed_articles_description": "Afficher les articles consultés récemment",
+ "related_articles_label": "Articles connexes",
+ "related_articles_description": "Afficher les articles connexes",
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+ "article_sharing_description": "Afficher les partages de l’article sur les réseaux sociaux",
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+ "follow_section_label": "S’abonner",
+ "follow_section_description": "Les utilisateurs peuvent s’abonner à une section spécifique",
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+ "follow_post_label": "S’abonner",
+ "follow_post_description": "Les utilisateurs peuvent s’abonner à une publication spécifique",
+ "post_sharing_label": "Partage social",
+ "post_sharing_description": "Afficher les partages de la publication sur les réseaux sociaux",
+ "community_topic_group_label": "Éléments des sujets de la communauté",
+ "follow_topic_label": "S’abonner",
+ "follow_topic_description": "Les utilisateurs peuvent s’abonner à un sujet en particulier",
+ "show_brand_name_label": "Afficher le nom du Centre d’aide",
+ "show_brand_name_description": "Affichez le nom du Centre d’aide en regard du logo"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/theme/Algolia-search/translations/fr.json b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/fr.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c4a769
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/fr.json
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ "colors_group_label": "Couleurs",
+ "brand_color_description": "Couleur de la marque pour les principaux éléments de navigation",
+ "brand_color_label": "Couleur de la marque",
+ "brand_text_color_description": "Couleur de la marque pour les états Survol et Actif",
+ "brand_text_color_label": "Couleur du texte de la marque",
+ "text_color_description": "Couleur du texte pour les éléments du titre et du corps",
+ "text_color_label": "Couleur du texte",
+ "link_color_description": "Couleur du texte pour les liens",
+ "link_color_label": "Couleur des liens",
+ "visited_link_color_description": "Couleur du texte pour les éléments de liens consultés",
+ "visited_link_color_label": "Couleur des liens consultés",
+ "background_color_description": "Couleur d’arrière-plan de votre Centre d’aide",
+ "background_color_label": "Couleur d’arrière-plan",
+ "fonts_group_label": "Polices",
+ "heading_font_description": "Police pour les titres",
+ "heading_font_label": "Police des titres",
+ "text_font_description": "Police pour le texte du corps",
+ "text_font_label": "Police du texte",
+ "brand_group_label": "Marque",
+ "logo_description": "Logo de l’entreprise",
+ "logo_label": "Logo",
+ "favicon_description": "Icône affichée dans la barre d’adresse de votre navigateur",
+ "favicon_label": "Favicon",
+ "images_group_label": "Images",
+ "homepage_background_image_description": "Image de héros sur la page d’accueil",
+ "homepage_background_image_label": "Hero image de la page d’accueil",
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+ "community_background_image_label": "Hero image pour la communauté",
+ "community_image_description": "Image pour la section Communauté de la page d’accueil",
+ "community_image_label": "Bannière Communauté",
+ "search_group_label": "Paramètres de recherche",
+ "instant_search_label": "Recherche instantanée",
+ "instant_search_description": "Afficher les articles suggérés dans la recherche",
+ "scoped_knowledge_base_search_label": "Recherche limitée dans la base de connaissances",
+ "scoped_knowledge_base_search_description": "Les résultats de la recherche sont limités à la catégorie dans laquelle se trouve l’utilisateur",
+ "scoped_community_search_label": "Recherche limitée dans la communauté",
+ "scoped_community_search_description": "Les résultats de la recherche sont limités au sujet dans lequel se trouve l’utilisateur",
+ "home_page_group_label": "Éléments de la page d’accueil",
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+ "recent_activity_description": "Afficher les activités récentes sur la page d’accueil",
+ "article_page_group_label": "Éléments de la page d’article",
+ "articles_in_section_label": "Articles dans la section",
+ "articles_in_section_description": "Afficher la barre latérale des articles dans la section",
+ "article_author_label": "Auteur",
+ "article_author_description": "Afficher la photo et le nom de l’auteur",
+ "article_comments_label": "Commentaires",
+ "article_comments_description": "Afficher les commentaires sur les articles",
+ "follow_article_label": "S’abonner",
+ "follow_article_description": "Les utilisateurs peuvent s’abonner à un article spécifique",
+ "recently_viewed_articles_label": "Consultation récente",
+ "recently_viewed_articles_description": "Afficher les articles consultés récemment",
+ "related_articles_label": "Articles connexes",
+ "related_articles_description": "Afficher les articles connexes",
+ "article_sharing_label": "Partage social",
+ "article_sharing_description": "Afficher les partages de l’article sur les réseaux sociaux",
+ "section_page_group_label": "Éléments de la page de section",
+ "follow_section_label": "S’abonner",
+ "follow_section_description": "Les utilisateurs peuvent s’abonner à une section spécifique",
+ "community_post_group_label": "Éléments des publications dans la communauté",
+ "follow_post_label": "S’abonner",
+ "follow_post_description": "Les utilisateurs peuvent s’abonner à une publication spécifique",
+ "post_sharing_label": "Partage social",
+ "post_sharing_description": "Afficher les partages de la publication sur les réseaux sociaux",
+ "community_topic_group_label": "Éléments des sujets de la communauté",
+ "follow_topic_label": "S’abonner",
+ "follow_topic_description": "Les utilisateurs peuvent s’abonner à un sujet spécifique",
+ "show_brand_name_label": "Afficher le nom du Centre d’aide",
+ "show_brand_name_description": "Affichez le nom du Centre d’aide en regard du logo"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/theme/Algolia-search/translations/ga.json b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/ga.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..026d4b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/ga.json
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ "colors_group_label": "Colors",
+ "brand_color_description": "Brand color for major navigational elements",
+ "brand_color_label": "Brand color",
+ "brand_text_color_description": "Brand color for hover and active states",
+ "brand_text_color_label": "Brand text color",
+ "text_color_description": "Text color for body and heading elements",
+ "text_color_label": "Text color",
+ "link_color_description": "Text color for link elements",
+ "link_color_label": "Link color",
+ "background_color_description": "Background color of your Help Center",
+ "background_color_label": "Background color",
+ "fonts_group_label": "Fonts",
+ "heading_font_description": "Font for headings",
+ "heading_font_label": "Heading Font",
+ "text_font_description": "Font for body text",
+ "text_font_label": "Text Font",
+ "brand_group_label": "Brand",
+ "logo_description": "Company logo",
+ "logo_label": "Logo",
+ "favicon_description": "Icon displayed in the address bar of your browser",
+ "favicon_label": "Favicon",
+ "images_group_label": "Images",
+ "homepage_background_image_description": "Hero image on the home page",
+ "homepage_background_image_label": "Home hero image",
+ "community_background_image_description": "Hero image on the community topics page",
+ "community_background_image_label": "Community hero image",
+ "community_image_description": "Image for the community section on the home page",
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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+ "follow_topic_description": "Pengguna dapat mengikuti topik spesifik",
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+ "show_brand_name_description": "Tampilkan nama Pusat Bantuan di samping logo"
\ No newline at end of file
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+ "colors_group_label": "Colors",
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+ "text_color_label": "Text color",
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+ "community_background_image_label": "Community hero image",
+ "community_image_description": "Image for the community section on the home page",
+ "community_image_label": "Community banner"
\ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..c5bcdc1
--- /dev/null
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+ "follow_topic_description": "Gli utenti possono seguire un argomento specifico",
+ "show_brand_name_label": "Mostra nome del centro assistenza",
+ "show_brand_name_description": "Visualizza il nome del centro assistenza accanto al logo"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/theme/Algolia-search/translations/ja.json b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/ja.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf9c66c
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+ "follow_post_description": "ユーザーは特定の投稿のフォローができます",
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+ "post_sharing_description": "ソーシャルメディアへの共有を投稿に表示します",
+ "community_topic_group_label": "コミュニティトピックの要素",
+ "follow_topic_label": "フォローする",
+ "follow_topic_description": "ユーザーは特定のトピックのフォローができます",
+ "show_brand_name_label": "ヘルプセンターの名前を表示する",
+ "show_brand_name_description": "ロゴの横にヘルプセンターの名前を表示します"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/theme/Algolia-search/translations/ka.json b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/ka.json
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index 0000000..026d4b0
--- /dev/null
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+ "brand_color_label": "Brand color",
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+ "brand_text_color_label": "Brand text color",
+ "text_color_description": "Text color for body and heading elements",
+ "text_color_label": "Text color",
+ "link_color_description": "Text color for link elements",
+ "link_color_label": "Link color",
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+ "background_color_label": "Background color",
+ "fonts_group_label": "Fonts",
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+ "text_font_description": "Font for body text",
+ "text_font_label": "Text Font",
+ "brand_group_label": "Brand",
+ "logo_description": "Company logo",
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+ "community_background_image_label": "Community hero image",
+ "community_image_description": "Image for the community section on the home page",
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\ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..b59c45f
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+ "brand_color_label": "브랜드 색",
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+ "logo_description": "회사 로고",
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+ "article_author_description": "작성자 이미지 및 이름 표시",
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+ "follow_post_description": "사용자가 특정 게시물을 팔로우할 수 있음",
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+ "post_sharing_description": "게시물에 소셜 미디어 공유 표시",
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+ "follow_topic_label": "팔로우",
+ "follow_topic_description": "사용자가 특정 주제를 팔로우할 수 있음",
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+ "show_brand_name_description": "로고 옆에 헬프 센터 이름 표시"
\ No newline at end of file
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+ "colors_group_label": "Colors",
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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+ "article_author_description": "Mostrar nome e foto do autor",
+ "article_comments_label": "Comentários",
+ "article_comments_description": "Mostrar comentários nos artigos",
+ "follow_article_label": "Seguir",
+ "follow_article_description": "Os usuários podem seguir um artigo específico",
+ "recently_viewed_articles_label": "Visualizados recentemente",
+ "recently_viewed_articles_description": "Mostrar artigos visualizados recentemente",
+ "related_articles_label": "Artigos relacionados",
+ "related_articles_description": "Mostrar artigos relacionados",
+ "article_sharing_label": "Compartilhamento em redes sociais",
+ "article_sharing_description": "Mostrar opções de compartilhamento em redes sociais no artigo",
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+ "follow_section_label": "Seguir",
+ "follow_section_description": "Os usuários podem seguir uma seção específica",
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+ "follow_post_label": "Seguir",
+ "follow_post_description": "Os usuários podem seguir uma publicação específica",
+ "post_sharing_label": "Compartilhamento em redes sociais",
+ "post_sharing_description": "Mostrar opções de compartilhamento em redes sociais na publicação",
+ "community_topic_group_label": "Elementos do tópico da comunidade",
+ "follow_topic_label": "Seguir",
+ "follow_topic_description": "Os usuários podem seguir um tópico específico",
+ "show_brand_name_label": "Exibir nome da Central de Ajuda",
+ "show_brand_name_description": "Exibir o nome da Central de Ajuda ao lado do logotipo"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/theme/Algolia-search/translations/pt.json b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/pt.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5074d24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/pt.json
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ "colors_group_label": "Cores",
+ "brand_color_description": "Cor da marca para os principais elementos da navegação",
+ "brand_color_label": "Cor da marca",
+ "brand_text_color_description": "Cor da marca para passagem do mouse e outros estados ativos",
+ "brand_text_color_label": "Cor do texto da marca",
+ "text_color_description": "Cor do texto para elementos do cabeçalho e corpo",
+ "text_color_label": "Cor do texto",
+ "link_color_description": "Cor do texto para elementos de link",
+ "link_color_label": "Cor do link",
+ "visited_link_color_description": "Cor do texto para elementos de links visitados",
+ "visited_link_color_label": "Cor de links visitados",
+ "background_color_description": "Cor do plano de fundo da sua Central de Ajuda",
+ "background_color_label": "Cor do plano de fundo",
+ "fonts_group_label": "Fontes",
+ "heading_font_description": "Fonte para os cabeçalhos",
+ "heading_font_label": "Fonte do cabeçalho",
+ "text_font_description": "Fonte do texto do corpo",
+ "text_font_label": "Fonte do texto",
+ "brand_group_label": "Marca",
+ "logo_description": "Logotipo da empresa",
+ "logo_label": "Logotipo",
+ "favicon_description": "Ícone exibido na barra de endereços do seu navegador",
+ "favicon_label": "Favicon",
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+ "homepage_background_image_description": "Imagem principal na página inicial",
+ "homepage_background_image_label": "Imagem principal inicial",
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+ "community_background_image_label": "Imagem principal da comunidade",
+ "community_image_description": "Imagem da seção da comunidade na página inicial",
+ "community_image_label": "Banner da comunidade",
+ "search_group_label": "Configurações de pesquisa",
+ "instant_search_label": "Pesquisa instantânea",
+ "instant_search_description": "Mostrar artigos sugeridos na pesquisa",
+ "scoped_knowledge_base_search_label": "Pesquisa dentro do escopo na base de conhecimento",
+ "scoped_knowledge_base_search_description": "Os resultados da pesquisa estão restritos à categoria que o usuário está visitando",
+ "scoped_community_search_label": "Pesquisa dentro do escopo na Comunidade",
+ "scoped_community_search_description": "Os resultados da pesquisa estão restritos ao tópico que o usuário está visitando",
+ "home_page_group_label": "Elementos da página inicial",
+ "recent_activity_label": "Atividade recente",
+ "recent_activity_description": "Mostrar atividade recente na página inicial",
+ "article_page_group_label": "Elementos da página do artigo",
+ "articles_in_section_label": "Artigos nessa seção",
+ "articles_in_section_description": "Mostrar barra lateral de artigos na seção",
+ "article_author_label": "Autor",
+ "article_author_description": "Mostrar nome e foto do autor",
+ "article_comments_label": "Comentários",
+ "article_comments_description": "Mostrar comentários nos artigos",
+ "follow_article_label": "Seguir",
+ "follow_article_description": "Os usuários podem seguir um artigo específico",
+ "recently_viewed_articles_label": "Visualizados recentemente",
+ "recently_viewed_articles_description": "Mostrar artigos visualizados recentemente",
+ "related_articles_label": "Artigos relacionados",
+ "related_articles_description": "Mostrar artigos relacionados",
+ "article_sharing_label": "Compartilhamento em redes sociais",
+ "article_sharing_description": "Mostrar opções de compartilhamento em redes sociais no artigo",
+ "section_page_group_label": "Elementos da página da seção",
+ "follow_section_label": "Seguir",
+ "follow_section_description": "Os usuários podem seguir uma seção específica",
+ "community_post_group_label": "Elementos da publicação da comunidade",
+ "follow_post_label": "Seguir",
+ "follow_post_description": "Os usuários podem seguir uma publicação específica",
+ "post_sharing_label": "Compartilhamento em redes sociais",
+ "post_sharing_description": "Mostrar opções de compartilhamento em redes sociais na publicação",
+ "community_topic_group_label": "Elementos do tópico da comunidade",
+ "follow_topic_label": "Seguir",
+ "follow_topic_description": "Os usuários podem seguir um tópico específico",
+ "show_brand_name_label": "Exibir nome da Central de Ajuda",
+ "show_brand_name_description": "Exibir o nome da Central de Ajuda ao lado do logotipo"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/theme/Algolia-search/translations/ro.json b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/ro.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08e994e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/ro.json
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ "colors_group_label": "Culori",
+ "brand_color_description": "Culoarea de marcă pentru principalele elemente de navigare",
+ "brand_color_label": "Culoare de marcă",
+ "brand_text_color_description": "Culoarea de marcă pentru starea de trecere cu mouse-ul și cea activă",
+ "brand_text_color_label": "Culoare de marcă text",
+ "text_color_description": "Culoarea textului pentru elementele tip corp și antet",
+ "text_color_label": "Culoare text",
+ "link_color_description": "Culoarea textului pentru elementele tip link",
+ "link_color_label": "Culoare link",
+ "visited_link_color_description": "Culoarea textului pentru elementele linkului vizitat",
+ "visited_link_color_label": "Culoarea linkului vizitat",
+ "background_color_description": "Culoarea de fundal a Centrului de asistență",
+ "background_color_label": "Culoare fundal",
+ "fonts_group_label": "Fonturi",
+ "heading_font_description": "Font pentru antete",
+ "heading_font_label": "Font antet",
+ "text_font_description": "Font pentru corpul textului",
+ "text_font_label": "Font text",
+ "brand_group_label": "Marcă",
+ "logo_description": "Siglă companie",
+ "logo_label": "Siglă",
+ "favicon_description": "Pictogramă afișată în bara de adresă a browserului",
+ "favicon_label": "Favicon",
+ "images_group_label": "Imagini",
+ "homepage_background_image_description": "Imagine centrală pe pagina de pornire",
+ "homepage_background_image_label": "Imagine centrală pornire",
+ "community_background_image_description": "Imagine centrală pe pagina de subiecte a comunității",
+ "community_background_image_label": "Imagine centrală comunitate",
+ "community_image_description": "Imagine pentru secțiunea comunitate de pe pagina de pornire",
+ "community_image_label": "Banner comunitate",
+ "search_group_label": "Setări căutare",
+ "instant_search_label": "Căutare instantanee",
+ "instant_search_description": "Afișare articole sugerate la căutare",
+ "scoped_knowledge_base_search_label": "Căutare filtrată în Baza de cunoștințe",
+ "scoped_knowledge_base_search_description": "Rezultatele căutării sunt limitate la categoria în care se află utilizatorul",
+ "scoped_community_search_label": "Căutare filtrată în Comunitate",
+ "scoped_community_search_description": "Rezultatele căutării sunt limitate la subiectul în care se află utilizatorul",
+ "home_page_group_label": "Elemente pagină de pornire",
+ "recent_activity_label": "Activitate recentă",
+ "recent_activity_description": "Afișare activitate recentă pe pagina de pornire",
+ "article_page_group_label": "Elemente pagină de articol",
+ "articles_in_section_label": "Articole în secțiune",
+ "articles_in_section_description": "Afișare bara laterală a articolelor în secțiune",
+ "article_author_label": "Autor",
+ "article_author_description": "Afișare fotografie și nume autor",
+ "article_comments_label": "Comentarii",
+ "article_comments_description": "Afișare comentarii la articole",
+ "follow_article_label": "Urmăriți",
+ "follow_article_description": "Utilizatorii pot urmări un anumit articol",
+ "recently_viewed_articles_label": "Vizualizate recent",
+ "recently_viewed_articles_description": "Afișare articole vizualizate recent",
+ "related_articles_label": "Articole conexe",
+ "related_articles_description": "Afișare articole conexe",
+ "article_sharing_label": "Partajare în mediile de socializare",
+ "article_sharing_description": "Afișare partajare în mediile de socializare la articol",
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+ "follow_section_label": "Urmăriți",
+ "follow_section_description": "Utilizatorii pot urmări o anumită secțiune",
+ "community_post_group_label": "Elemente postare în Comunitate",
+ "follow_post_label": "Urmăriți",
+ "follow_post_description": "Utilizatorii pot urmări o anumită postare",
+ "post_sharing_label": "Partajare în mediile de socializare",
+ "post_sharing_description": "Afișare partajare în mediile de socializare la postare",
+ "community_topic_group_label": "Elemente subiect în Comunitate",
+ "follow_topic_label": "Urmăriți",
+ "follow_topic_description": "Utilizatorii pot urmări un anumit subiect",
+ "show_brand_name_label": "Afișare nume Centru de asistență",
+ "show_brand_name_description": "Afișați numele Centrului de asistență lângă siglă"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/theme/Algolia-search/translations/ru.json b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/ru.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..572a840
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/ru.json
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ "colors_group_label": "Цвета",
+ "brand_color_description": "Цвет бренда для основных навигационных элементов",
+ "brand_color_label": "Цвет бренда",
+ "brand_text_color_description": "Цвет бренда при наведении и в активном состоянии",
+ "brand_text_color_label": "Цвет бренда для текста",
+ "text_color_description": "Цвет элементов основного текста и текста заголовков",
+ "text_color_label": "Цвет текста",
+ "link_color_description": "Цвет текста для элементов ссылок",
+ "link_color_label": "Цвет ссылки",
+ "visited_link_color_description": "Цвет текста для элементов посещенных ссылок",
+ "visited_link_color_label": "Цвет посещенной ссылки",
+ "background_color_description": "Цвет фона Справочного центра",
+ "background_color_label": "Цвет фона",
+ "fonts_group_label": "Шрифты",
+ "heading_font_description": "Шрифт для заголовков",
+ "heading_font_label": "Шрифт заголовка",
+ "text_font_description": "Шрифт основного текста",
+ "text_font_label": "Шрифт текста",
+ "brand_group_label": "Бренд",
+ "logo_description": "Логотип компании",
+ "logo_label": "Логотип",
+ "favicon_description": "Значок, который отображается в адресной строке браузера",
+ "favicon_label": "Значок",
+ "images_group_label": "Изображения",
+ "homepage_background_image_description": "Изображение героя на главной странице",
+ "homepage_background_image_label": "Изображение героя — главная",
+ "community_background_image_description": "Изображение героя на странице тем сообщества",
+ "community_background_image_label": "Изображение героя — сообщество",
+ "community_image_description": "Изображение для раздела сообщества на главной странице",
+ "community_image_label": "Баннер сообщества",
+ "search_group_label": "Настройки поиска",
+ "instant_search_label": "Мгновенный поиск",
+ "instant_search_description": "Показывать рекомендуемые статьи при поиске",
+ "scoped_knowledge_base_search_label": "Ограниченный поиск в базе знаний",
+ "scoped_knowledge_base_search_description": "Результаты поиска ограничены категорией, в которой находится пользователь",
+ "scoped_community_search_label": "Ограниченный поиск в сообществе",
+ "scoped_community_search_description": "Результаты поиска ограничены темой, в которой находится пользователь",
+ "home_page_group_label": "Элементы главной страницы",
+ "recent_activity_label": "Последние действия",
+ "recent_activity_description": "Показывать последние действия на главной странице",
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+ "article_author_label": "Автор",
+ "article_author_description": "Показывать изображение и имя автора",
+ "article_comments_label": "Комментарии",
+ "article_comments_description": "Показывать комментарии к статьям",
+ "follow_article_label": "Подписаться",
+ "follow_article_description": "Пользователи могут подписаться на определенную статью",
+ "recently_viewed_articles_label": "Недавно просмотренные",
+ "recently_viewed_articles_description": "Показывать недавно просмотренные статьи",
+ "related_articles_label": "Похожие статьи",
+ "related_articles_description": "Показывать похожие статьи",
+ "article_sharing_label": "Социальные сети",
+ "article_sharing_description": "Показывать, в каких социальных сетях опубликована статья",
+ "section_page_group_label": "Элементы страницы раздела",
+ "follow_section_label": "Подписаться",
+ "follow_section_description": "Пользователи могут подписаться на определенный раздел",
+ "community_post_group_label": "Элементы публикации в сообществе",
+ "follow_post_label": "Подписаться",
+ "follow_post_description": "Пользователи могут подписаться на определенную публикацию",
+ "post_sharing_label": "Социальные сети",
+ "post_sharing_description": "Показывать социальные сети, в которых опубликована публикация",
+ "community_topic_group_label": "Элементы темы в сообществе",
+ "follow_topic_label": "Подписаться",
+ "follow_topic_description": "Пользователи могут подписаться на определенную тему",
+ "show_brand_name_label": "Показывать название Справочного центра",
+ "show_brand_name_description": "Показывать около логотипа название Справочного центра"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/theme/Algolia-search/translations/sk.json b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/sk.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..026d4b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/sk.json
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ "colors_group_label": "Colors",
+ "brand_color_description": "Brand color for major navigational elements",
+ "brand_color_label": "Brand color",
+ "brand_text_color_description": "Brand color for hover and active states",
+ "brand_text_color_label": "Brand text color",
+ "text_color_description": "Text color for body and heading elements",
+ "text_color_label": "Text color",
+ "link_color_description": "Text color for link elements",
+ "link_color_label": "Link color",
+ "background_color_description": "Background color of your Help Center",
+ "background_color_label": "Background color",
+ "fonts_group_label": "Fonts",
+ "heading_font_description": "Font for headings",
+ "heading_font_label": "Heading Font",
+ "text_font_description": "Font for body text",
+ "text_font_label": "Text Font",
+ "brand_group_label": "Brand",
+ "logo_description": "Company logo",
+ "logo_label": "Logo",
+ "favicon_description": "Icon displayed in the address bar of your browser",
+ "favicon_label": "Favicon",
+ "images_group_label": "Images",
+ "homepage_background_image_description": "Hero image on the home page",
+ "homepage_background_image_label": "Home hero image",
+ "community_background_image_description": "Hero image on the community topics page",
+ "community_background_image_label": "Community hero image",
+ "community_image_description": "Image for the community section on the home page",
+ "community_image_label": "Community banner"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/theme/Algolia-search/translations/sl.json b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/sl.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..026d4b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/sl.json
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ "colors_group_label": "Colors",
+ "brand_color_description": "Brand color for major navigational elements",
+ "brand_color_label": "Brand color",
+ "brand_text_color_description": "Brand color for hover and active states",
+ "brand_text_color_label": "Brand text color",
+ "text_color_description": "Text color for body and heading elements",
+ "text_color_label": "Text color",
+ "link_color_description": "Text color for link elements",
+ "link_color_label": "Link color",
+ "background_color_description": "Background color of your Help Center",
+ "background_color_label": "Background color",
+ "fonts_group_label": "Fonts",
+ "heading_font_description": "Font for headings",
+ "heading_font_label": "Heading Font",
+ "text_font_description": "Font for body text",
+ "text_font_label": "Text Font",
+ "brand_group_label": "Brand",
+ "logo_description": "Company logo",
+ "logo_label": "Logo",
+ "favicon_description": "Icon displayed in the address bar of your browser",
+ "favicon_label": "Favicon",
+ "images_group_label": "Images",
+ "homepage_background_image_description": "Hero image on the home page",
+ "homepage_background_image_label": "Home hero image",
+ "community_background_image_description": "Hero image on the community topics page",
+ "community_background_image_label": "Community hero image",
+ "community_image_description": "Image for the community section on the home page",
+ "community_image_label": "Community banner"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/theme/Algolia-search/translations/sr.json b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/sr.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..026d4b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/sr.json
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ "colors_group_label": "Colors",
+ "brand_color_description": "Brand color for major navigational elements",
+ "brand_color_label": "Brand color",
+ "brand_text_color_description": "Brand color for hover and active states",
+ "brand_text_color_label": "Brand text color",
+ "text_color_description": "Text color for body and heading elements",
+ "text_color_label": "Text color",
+ "link_color_description": "Text color for link elements",
+ "link_color_label": "Link color",
+ "background_color_description": "Background color of your Help Center",
+ "background_color_label": "Background color",
+ "fonts_group_label": "Fonts",
+ "heading_font_description": "Font for headings",
+ "heading_font_label": "Heading Font",
+ "text_font_description": "Font for body text",
+ "text_font_label": "Text Font",
+ "brand_group_label": "Brand",
+ "logo_description": "Company logo",
+ "logo_label": "Logo",
+ "favicon_description": "Icon displayed in the address bar of your browser",
+ "favicon_label": "Favicon",
+ "images_group_label": "Images",
+ "homepage_background_image_description": "Hero image on the home page",
+ "homepage_background_image_label": "Home hero image",
+ "community_background_image_description": "Hero image on the community topics page",
+ "community_background_image_label": "Community hero image",
+ "community_image_description": "Image for the community section on the home page",
+ "community_image_label": "Community banner"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/theme/Algolia-search/translations/sv.json b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/sv.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49fd236
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/sv.json
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ "colors_group_label": "Färger",
+ "brand_color_description": "Märkets färg för viktiga navigeringselement",
+ "brand_color_label": "Märkets färg",
+ "brand_text_color_description": "Märkets färg för hovring och aktiva tillstånd",
+ "brand_text_color_label": "Märkets textfärg",
+ "text_color_description": "Textfärg för brödtext- och rubrikelement",
+ "text_color_label": "Textfärg",
+ "link_color_description": "Textfärg för länkelement",
+ "link_color_label": "Länkfärg",
+ "visited_link_color_description": "Textfärg för besökta länkelement",
+ "visited_link_color_label": "Färg för besökt länk",
+ "background_color_description": "Bakgrundsfärg för ditt Helpcenter",
+ "background_color_label": "Bakgrundsfärg",
+ "fonts_group_label": "Typsnitt",
+ "heading_font_description": "Typsnitt för rubriker",
+ "heading_font_label": "Rubriktypsnitt",
+ "text_font_description": "Typsnitt för brödtext",
+ "text_font_label": "Texttypsnitt",
+ "brand_group_label": "Märke",
+ "logo_description": "Företagets logotyp",
+ "logo_label": "Logotyp",
+ "favicon_description": "Ikon som visas i webbläsarens adressfält",
+ "favicon_label": "Favikon",
+ "images_group_label": "Bilder",
+ "homepage_background_image_description": "Fokusbild på hemsidan",
+ "homepage_background_image_label": "Hemsidans fokusbild",
+ "community_background_image_description": "Fokusbild på sidan med communityämnen",
+ "community_background_image_label": "Communityfokusbild",
+ "community_image_description": "Bild för hemsidans communityavsnitt",
+ "community_image_label": "Communitybanér",
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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+ "post_sharing_description": "Hiển thị chức năng chia sẻ về bài đăng lên phương tiện truyền thông xã hội",
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\ No newline at end of file
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+ "colors_group_label": "颜色",
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+ "scoped_community_search_label": "社区中有范围限制的搜索",
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+ "follow_topic_label": "关注",
+ "follow_topic_description": "用户可关注特定的主题",
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/theme/Algolia-search/translations/zh-tw.json b/theme/Algolia-search/translations/zh-tw.json
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--- /dev/null
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+ "colors_group_label": "色彩",
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+ "brand_group_label": "品牌",
+ "logo_description": "公司標誌",
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+ "search_group_label": "搜尋設定值",
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\ No newline at end of file
+ {{t 'comments'}} +
+{{t 'comments_count' count=article.comment_count}}
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+ {{#if author.agent}}
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+ {{author.name}}
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+ {{name}}
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+ (
+ filter
+ (filter author.badges on="category_slug" equals="achievements")
+ on="icon_url"
+ starts_with="https"
+ )
+ 0
+ 4
+ )
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+ {{t 'request'}}{{id}}
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+ {{t 'pending_approval'}}
+ {{/if}}
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+ {{/vote}}
+ {{#actions}}
+ {{/actions}}
+ {{/each}}
+ + {{pagination}} + + {{#form 'comment' class='comment-form'}} ++ {{#if editor}} +- {{date edited_at timeago=true}}
+ - {{t 'edited'}}
+ {{else}}
+ - {{date created_at timeago=true}}
+ {{/if}}
+ +{{comment_callout}}