- break out storybook rules to be filtered by file extension (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- remove auth requirement to private org (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- test/fix script execution (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- parserOptions need to be set in the js main config, whereas we just add allowDefaultProject in the limit file (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- switch to a single allowDefaultProject limit file (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- Enable ts in scripts, add test cases (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- enforce/fix file extensions in imports to be nodenext compliant (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- ncu && yarn update, make available on npm repo #12 (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- default allow lint on .vscode json (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- setup expected json files for linting without further configuration (@rosskevin)
- ncu (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- allow one-off root files in each package to be auto included/linted without further config (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- allow one-off root project files to be linted (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- add allowances to stop triggering unused-expressions false positive, enable projectService instead of EXPERIMENTAL_useProjectService (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- bad limit reference (@rosskevin)
- make sure that it is easy for root mjs files etc to be linted in a ts project (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- updates, some removal of compat now that migrations were done for imp… #11 (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- explicit node 22 (@rosskevin)
- update ci action versions, use lts (@rosskevin)
- update and reset yarn (@rosskevin)
- ncu (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- fix files on react limits (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- Add ts react tweaks #10 (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- force eslint-plugin-react-hooks up to 5@rc (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- ignore storybook-static (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- do not check imports on md embedded (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- turn of import resolution enforment for md files (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- Enable project references #9 (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- Adjustments for full repo and ease of use #8 (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- allow comments in json (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- ci use latest node version (@rosskevin)
- increment setup node (@rosskevin)
- switch ci node-version to lts to avoid incrementing versions in the future (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- handle js/ts embedded in md (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- fix bad minimatch top level paths (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- update yarn, reuse prettier-config, run prettier (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- fix prettier errors in vscode (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- Ensure that js only rules are only applied to js files, not ts files (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- Separate limits for individual use, alter recommended to be the most common use #7 (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- Major update to eslint 9.x #6 (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- ncu (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- ncu (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- add auto plugins #5 (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- update yarn and all dependencies #4 (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- . (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- Final switch off git-flow branching to basic main branch. #3 (@alienfast-build @rosskevin)
- Switch to public with auto release #2 (@rosskevin)
- Eslint import resolver typescript #1 (@rosskevin)
- Merge branch 'release/4.0.3' (@alienfast-build)
- allow tsconfig* at the root (@rosskevin)
- Merge branch 'release/4.0.2' (@alienfast-build)
- oops, forgot to reset the parserOptions.project to tsconfig.json for config file linting (@rosskevin)
- Merge branch 'release/4.0.1' (@alienfast-build)
- switch yarn to node-modules resolution, fix prettier errors (@rosskevin)
- [breaking] Change to use tsconfig paths for import/module resolution, and root tsconfig file (not tsconfig.lint.json) should point to config files only (@rosskevin)
- Merge branch 'release/3.0.27' (@alienfast-build)
- Merge branch 'release/3.0.26' (@alienfast-build)
- ncu (@rosskevin)
- remove jest rules (@rosskevin)
- Merge branch 'release/3.0.25' (@alienfast-build)
- Merge branch 'release/3.0.24' (@alienfast-build)
- add no-unused-imports (@rosskevin)
- Merge branch 'release/3.0.23' (@alienfast-build)
- add storybook/recommended (@rosskevin)
- Merge branch 'release/3.0.22' (@alienfast-build)
- disable import/no-default-export, too much of a pain in the ass, just don’t use default exports unless you have to (@rosskevin)
- Merge branch 'release/3.0.21' (@alienfast-build)
- turn off restrict-template-expressions, it’s just too annoying (@rosskevin)
- Merge branch 'release/3.0.20' (@alienfast-build)
- add react-hooks linter and use latest @af/ci (@rosskevin)
- switch back to normal importsl (@rosskevin)
- add unicorn, node, more import rules to help with esm migration (@rosskevin)
- update some settings based on tutorial (@rosskevin)
- . (@rosskevin)
- add prettier to plugin list (@rosskevin)
- simplify prettier config (@rosskevin)
- dep update (@rosskevin)
- Merge branch 'feature/major-update' into develop (@rosskevin)
- yarn cache (@rosskevin)
- enable yarn zero install method (@rosskevin)
- bump (@rosskevin)
- verified no doubt worknig config (@rosskevin)
- push up manupally released code (@rosskevin)
- iniital change to yarn 3 (@rosskevin)
- Merge branch 'release/1.0.17' (@alienfast-build)
- ignore costly rule (@rosskevin)
- Merge branch 'release/1.0.16' (@alienfast-build)
- update dependencies and dump long running rule (@rosskevin)
- Merge branch 'release/1.0.15' (@alienfast-build)
- stop the no-var-requires - just creates clutter where we do need to use it (@rosskevin)
- Merge branch 'release/1.0.14' (@alienfast-build)
- tsc handles named type resolutions (@rosskevin)
- Merge branch 'release/1.0.13' (@alienfast-build)
- kill camelcase - apollo gen (@rosskevin)
- Merge branch 'release/1.0.12' (@alienfast-build)
- disable sort-keys - too painful in css files (@rosskevin)
- Merge branch 'release/1.0.11' (@alienfast-build)
- async stuff is odd (@rosskevin)
- Merge branch 'release/1.0.10' (@alienfast-build)
- turn off based on ts recommendation (@rosskevin)
- Merge branch 'release/1.0.9' (@alienfast-build)
- stick to what tsc validates (@rosskevin)
- Merge branch 'release/1.0.8' (@alienfast-build)
- remove error on eslint-disable whole file (@rosskevin)
- Merge branch 'release/1.0.7' (@alienfast-build)
- switch of named default, allow destructuring of non-camelcase (@rosskevin)
- Merge branch 'release/1.0.6' (@alienfast-build)
- update ci (@rosskevin)
- add import sort (@rosskevin)
- Merge branch 'release/1.0.5' (@alienfast-build)
- no test suite (@rosskevin)
- add in @alienfast/ci for release management (@rosskevin)
- fix arrays and es6 env errors (@rosskevin)
- limit package (@rosskevin)
- setup jest, node, browser vars (@rosskevin)
- bump version (@rosskevin)
- add jest plugin (@rosskevin)
- altering to suit the tools package (@rosskevin)
- initial publish completed manually. (@rosskevin)
- fix license expression (@rosskevin)
- fix job name (@rosskevin)
- setup to build/publish to the github package registry (@rosskevin)
- initial commit (@rosskevin)
- @alienfast-build
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)