diff --git a/New Folder (2)/COMPUTER_PROJECT.docx b/New Folder (2)/COMPUTER_PROJECT.docx
deleted file mode 100644
index c9252f1..0000000
Binary files a/New Folder (2)/COMPUTER_PROJECT.docx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/New Folder (2)/LICENSE b/New Folder (2)/LICENSE
deleted file mode 100644
index a52ad75..0000000
--- a/New Folder (2)/LICENSE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-MIT License
-Copyright (c) 2020 Sohel Ahmed
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
-copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/New Folder (2)/README.md b/New Folder (2)/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d61196..0000000
--- a/New Folder (2)/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# Steno :loop:
-## Ultimate Stenography software:superhero:
-The do all stenography application.:grin:
-**Formats Supported-**
-- Images
-- Audio
-- Text
-- ~~Video~~ _To be supported in future version_
->This is an important application especially in today's world.
-> We need hide the messages rather than only encrypting them.
-### Stenography is not Cryptography ! :confused:
-If you are getting confused between _Stenography_ & _Cryptography_. Then see this -
-#### Cryptography
-**If** `you = wms` **then** `Qcaapgrw gq gknmprylr` **= ?**
-_Can you guess the answer?_
-Here we have `key = -2` i.e. if we go 2 alphabets behind `y` you get
-`w` and similarly if you go 2 alphabets behind `o` we get `m` and similarly 2 alphabets behind `u` gives us `s`. Therefore `you = wms`.
-So now you may have got the answer which is `Security is important`.
-> Note: The cryptography algorithms are much advanced now.
-#### Stenography
-So now that you know what is cryptography so lets know what is _Stenography_.
-**If** `____=____` **then** `______=______` **?**
-_Confused ?_
-Here you won't be able to even sense the presence of data. Leave alone knowing what
-is the data. That's why it is called hiding data in plain sight. There are some applications which
-may detect the presence of hidden data. CIA obviously has it
-Generally at professional level the data hidden is encrypted first. So _stenography_ and _cryptography_ are not
-mutually exclusive to each other.
->Knowledge fact: Jeff Bezos's mobile was hacked by hiding malicious code in a media
->file which on getting downloaded sent the host device's control to the hacker.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/New Folder (2)/SNOW.EXE b/New Folder (2)/SNOW.EXE
deleted file mode 100644
index 332e8a9..0000000
Binary files a/New Folder (2)/SNOW.EXE and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/New Folder (2)/data.db b/New Folder (2)/data.db
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a34f0e..0000000
Binary files a/New Folder (2)/data.db and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/New Folder (2)/images/noshow.png b/New Folder (2)/images/noshow.png
deleted file mode 100644
index d8dddb9..0000000
Binary files a/New Folder (2)/images/noshow.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/New Folder (2)/images/show.png b/New Folder (2)/images/show.png
deleted file mode 100644
index c8931ae..0000000
Binary files a/New Folder (2)/images/show.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/New Folder (2)/main.txt b/New Folder (2)/main.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d1b9a0a..0000000
--- a/New Folder (2)/main.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,570 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import tkinter.scrolledtext as st
-from tkinter import *
-from tkinter import messagebox as m
-from tkinter import ttk
-from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename, asksaveasfilename
-import sten.hover as ho
-import sten.text as txt
-import sten.audio as aud
-import sten.image as img
-import sten.databse as db
-# TODO add database management systems[important]
-root = Tk()
-# centering the main window
-root_h, root_w = 300, 400
-s_w = root.winfo_screenwidth()
-s_h = root.winfo_screenheight()
-x_coor = int((s_w / 2) - (root_w / 2))
-y_coor = int((s_h / 2) - (root_h / 2))
-root.geometry("{}x{}+{}+{}".format(root_w, root_h, x_coor, y_coor))
-root.resizable(False, False)
-# defining the fonts used and images
-cas = ('Cascadia Code', 10)
-cas_big = ('Cascadia Code', 20)
-img = PhotoImage(file="images/noshow.png").subsample(4, 4)
-img2 = PhotoImage(file="images/show.png").subsample(4, 4)
-# TODO add documentation
-def text_steno():
- """The text stenography function this includes both encoding and decoding"""
- win = Toplevel(master=root, bg='#c0ed98')
- win.title('Text Steno')
- win.geometry('480x410')
- win_label = Label(win, text='Text -Stenography', font=cas_big, bg='#c0ed98', fg='#1046b3')
- win_label.place(x=5, y=4)
- def encode():
- """encoding function for text files"""
- global choice_button, infile_loc
- outfile_loc, m_or_f = '', ''
- size_label = Label(win, text='Select File:', font=cas, bg='#c0ed98', fg='#f20713')
- size_label.place(x=5, y=45)
- es = Entry(win, width=50, font=cas)
- es.place(x=7, y=65)
- def browse():
- """Opens a prompt for selecting files"""
- global infile_loc
- infile_loc = askopenfilename(parent=win, initialdir=os.getcwd(), title='Select File to ENCODE',
- filetypes=[('Text files', '.txt')], defaultextension='.txt')
- es.delete(0, END)
- es.insert(0, infile_loc)
- size_label.config(text='Selected File:')
- se_bu = Button(win, text='Browse', bg='#8ed925', font=cas, command=browse, relief='ridge')
- se_bu.place(x=411, y=61)
- ho.CreateToolTip(se_bu, 'Browse thorough &\nselect the file')
- # TODO add a widget where user will be able to see contents of their chosen file
- ch_lb = Label(win, text='Select what you want to hide', bg='#c0ed98', fg='#1046b3', font=cas)
- ch_lb.place(x=5, y=85)
- select = StringVar(win)
- style = ttk.Style(master=win)
- style.configure('C.TRadiobutton', font=cas, background='#c0ed98', foreground='#1046b3')
- message_ch = ttk.Radiobutton(win, text='Hide a Message', value="1", variable=select, style='C.TRadiobutton')
- message_ch.place(x=5, y=105)
- choice_file = ttk.Radiobutton(win, text='Hide a File', value="2", variable=select, style='C.TRadiobutton')
- choice_file.place(x=5, y=130)
- password = Entry(win, width=20, show='*', font=cas, state=DISABLED)
- password.place(x=10, y=185)
- def choice():
- """Here the user's choice is evaluated & accordingly work is done"""
- global choice_button
- if select.get() == "1":
- """If the user chooses to enter a message a text prompt is opened"""
- message = Toplevel(master=win)
- message.title('Enter Message')
- message.resizable(False, False)
- lm = Label(message, text='Enter your message that you want to hide:', bg='yellow', font=cas)
- lm.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH)
- ho.CreateToolTip(lm, 'The message that you\nenter here will be encoded\nin your chosen file.')
- t = st.ScrolledText(message)
- t.config(font=cas)
- t.pack()
- def click(event=None):
- """Here we collect whatever message the user entered"""
- global m_or_f
- message.withdraw()
- m_or_f = t.get("1.0", "end-1c")
- # after getting message we allow the user to enter password
- password.config(state=NORMAL)
- password.focus()
- bm = Button(message, text='Done(Ctrl+b)', command=click, relief='flat', bg='yellow', font=cas)
- bm.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=BOTH)
- ho.CreateToolTip(bm, 'This accepts the\nmessage you entered\nand encodes it.')
- message.bind('', click)
- choice_button.config(state=DISABLED)
- refresh.config(state=NORMAL)
- elif select.get() == "2":
- """If user chooses to encode a file then select file prompt opens up"""
- global m_or_f
- m.showinfo('Procedure', 'Select the file which contains\nthe data you want to encode.')
- m_or_f = askopenfilename(parent=win, initialdir=os.getcwd(), title='Select File',
- filetypes=[('Text files', '.txt')], defaultextension='.txt')
- choice_button.config(state=DISABLED)
- refresh.config(state=NORMAL)
- password.config(state=NORMAL)
- password.focus()
- choice_button = Button(win, text='Select', command=choice, bg='#08d0fc', font=cas, relief='ridge')
- choice_button.place(x=152, y=122)
- ho.CreateToolTip(choice_button, 'Opens a prompt according\nto your chosen option.')
- def process():
- """Here the password's eyes show & hide functions are carried out"""
- if password["state"] == ACTIVE or password['state'] == NORMAL:
- if password["show"] == '*':
- password.config(show="")
- pass_button.config(image=img2)
- elif password["show"] == "":
- password.config(show='*')
- pass_button.config(image=img)
- pass_label = Label(win, text='Set password:', font=cas, bg='#c0ed98', fg='#1046b3')
- pass_label.place(x=10, y=155)
- pass_button = Button(win, image=img, relief='ridge', bg='#36f5eb', command=process)
- pass_button.place(x=195, y=180)
- ho.CreateToolTip(pass_button, 'Show/ Hide password')
- success = Label(win, bg='#c0ed98', font=cas, fg='red')
- success.place(x=20, y=280)
- def execute():
- """Main function which checks the requirements and encodes data accordingly"""
- global outfile_loc, m_or_f
- m.showinfo('Procedure', 'Where would you like the encoded file to be saved?\n'
- 'Select the path in the next window.')
- outfile_loc = asksaveasfilename(title='Save your encoded file as', filetypes=[('Text File', '.txt')],
- defaultextension='.txt', initialdir=os.getcwd(), parent=win)
- if password.get() != '' and infile_loc != '' and outfile_loc != '' and m_or_f != '' and es.get() != '':
- if select.get() == '1':
- try:
- txt.encode(passwd=password.get(), infile=es.get(), outfile=outfile_loc, message=m_or_f)
- success.config(text='Successfully encoded message in\n{}'.format(outfile_loc))
- except FileNotFoundError:
- txt.encode(passwd=password.get(), infile=infile_loc, outfile=outfile_loc, message=m_or_f)
- success.config(text='Successfully encoded message in\n{}'.format(outfile_loc))
- elif select.get() == '2':
- try:
- txt.encode(passwd=password.get(), infile=es.get(), outfile=outfile_loc, file=m_or_f)
- success.config(text='Successfully encoded file\n{} in\n{}'.format(m_or_f, outfile_loc))
- except FileNotFoundError:
- txt.encode(passwd=password.get(), infile=infile_loc, outfile=outfile_loc, file=m_or_f)
- success.config(text='Successfully encoded file\n{} in\n{}'.format(m_or_f, outfile_loc))
- else:
- m.showerror('ERROR', 'Something went wrong\ntry again.')
- main = Button(win, text='Hide Data', command=execute, bg='#eba823', relief='ridge', font=cas)
- main.place(x=20, y=250)
- ho.CreateToolTip(main, 'Checks everything\nthen encodes the data')
- # TODO show contents of file after encoding[optional]
- def refresh():
- """If the user wants to again choose the options"""
- if choice_button['state'] == DISABLED:
- choice_button.config(state=NORMAL)
- refresh = Button(win, text='Refresh', command=refresh, state=DISABLED, relief='ridge', font=cas, bg='#fca903')
- refresh.place(x=360, y=122)
- ho.CreateToolTip(refresh, 'Refreshes Page')
- def decode():
- """Decoding function for text files"""
- global file_loc
- dec = Toplevel(master=root, bg='#c0ed98')
- dec.title('Text Steno-DECODE')
- dec.geometry('480x250')
- dec_label = Label(dec, text='Text -Stenography[DECODE]', font=cas_big, bg='#c0ed98', fg='#1046b3')
- dec_label.place(x=5, y=4)
- info_label = Label(dec, text='Select File:', font=cas, bg='#c0ed98', fg='#f20713')
- info_label.place(x=5, y=60)
- file_ent = Entry(master=dec, width=50, font=cas)
- file_ent.place(x=7, y=85)
- def browse():
- """Opens a prompt for selecting files"""
- global file_loc
- file_loc = askopenfilename(parent=dec, initialdir=os.getcwd(), title='Select File to DECODE',
- filetypes=[('Text files', '.txt')], defaultextension='.txt')
- file_ent.delete(0, END)
- file_ent.insert(0, file_loc)
- info_label.config(text='Selected File:')
- se_bu = Button(dec, text='Browse', bg='#8ed925', font=cas, command=browse, relief='ridge')
- se_bu.place(x=410, y=82)
- ho.CreateToolTip(se_bu, 'Browse thorough &\nselect the file')
- pass_lb = Label(dec, text='Enter password:', bg='#c0ed98', fg='#1046b3', font=cas)
- pass_lb.place(x=5, y=110)
- pass_ent = Entry(dec, width=20, font=cas, show='*')
- pass_ent.place(x=7, y=135)
- pass_ent.focus()
- def show():
- """Here the password's eyes show & hide functions are carried out"""
- if pass_ent["state"] == ACTIVE or pass_ent['state'] == NORMAL:
- if pass_ent["show"] == '*':
- pass_ent.config(show="")
- pass_bu.config(image=img2)
- elif pass_ent["show"] == "":
- pass_ent.config(show='*')
- pass_bu.config(image=img)
- pass_bu = Button(dec, image=img, command=show, bg='#36f5eb', relief='ridge')
- pass_bu.place(x=190, y=130)
- ho.CreateToolTip(pass_bu, 'Show/ Hide password')
- def work(event=None):
- """Here after collecting the requirements decoding is carried out"""
- global data
- try:
- data = txt.decode(passwd=pass_ent.get(), file=file_ent.get())
- except FileNotFoundError:
- data = txt.decode(passwd=pass_ent.get(), file=file_loc)
- finally:
- text_win = Toplevel(dec)
- text_win.title('Decoded Message')
- text_win.resizable(False, False)
- show_lb = Label(text_win, text='The message hidden in the selected file:',
- bg='yellow', fg='red', font=cas)
- show_lb.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH)
- ho.CreateToolTip(show_lb, "Can't understand what's decoded\nthen your password is WRONG")
- show_text = st.ScrolledText(text_win)
- show_text.pack()
- show_text.tag_configure('beauty', font=cas)
- show_text.insert(INSERT, data, 'beauty')
- show_text.config(state=DISABLED)
- show_bu = Button(text_win, text='Exit', bg='yellow', fg='red',
- command=text_win.destroy, font=cas)
- show_bu.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=BOTH)
- ho.CreateToolTip(show_bu, 'Closes the window')
- decode_main = Button(dec, text='Decode', relief='ridge', bg='#00fc69', font=cas, command=work)
- decode_main.place(x=10, y=190)
- ho.CreateToolTip(decode_main, 'Checks the requirements then\nshows the decoded data.')
- exit_dec = Button(dec, text='Exit', bg='#eb3131', font=cas, relief='ridge',
- command=dec.destroy)
- exit_dec.place(x=360, y=200)
- ho.CreateToolTip(exit_dec, 'Closes the window')
- dec.bind('', work)
- encoding = Button(win, text='Encode data', command=encode, relief='ridge', font=cas, bg='#f00c58')
- encoding.place(x=40, y=360)
- ho.CreateToolTip(encoding, 'Encoding data function')
- decoding = Button(win, text="Decode data", command=decode, relief='ridge', font=cas, bg='#6b0cf0')
- decoding.place(x=180, y=360)
- ho.CreateToolTip(decoding, "Decoding data function")
- exit_win = Button(win, text='Exit', bg='#eb3131', font=cas, relief='ridge', command=win.destroy)
- exit_win.place(x=360, y=360)
- ho.CreateToolTip(exit_win, 'Closes the window')
-def image_steno():
- """Image stenography function"""
- img_win=Toplevel(master=root,bg='#c3f0fa')
- img_win.title('Image steno')
- img_win.geometry('515x260')
- im_lb=Label(img_win,text='Image -stenography',bg='#c3f0fa',fg='#fa05bd', font=cas_big)
- im_lb.place(x=10,y=10)
- def em_img():
- """Image stenography functions"""
- global file,mess
- select_lb=Label(img_win,text='Select File:',font=cas,bg='#c3f0fa',fg='#fa05bd')
- select_lb.place(x=5,y=50)
- file_im=Entry(img_win,width=55,font=cas,relief='ridge')
- file_im.place(x=7,y=75)
- file_im.place(x=7,y=75)
- file_im.focus()
- def browse():
- """Opens a prompt for selecting files"""
- global file
- file = askopenfilename(parent=img_win, initialdir=os.getcwd(), title='Select File to EMBED',
- filetypes=[('Image files', '.png')], defaultextension='.png')
- file_im.delete(0, END)
- file_im.insert(0, file)
- select_lb.config(text='Selected File:')
- se_bu = Button(img_win, text='Browse', bg='#8ed925', font=cas, command=browse, relief='ridge')
- se_bu.place(x=450, y=70)
- ho.CreateToolTip(se_bu, 'Browse thorough &\nselect the file')
- def pan():
- """Opens message prompt to enter message"""
- global mess
- message = Toplevel(img_win)
- message.title('Enter Message')
- message.resizable(False, False)
- lm = Label(message, text='Enter your message that you want to hide:', bg='yellow', font=cas)
- lm.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH)
- ho.CreateToolTip(lm, 'The message that you\nenter here will be encoded\nin your chosen file.')
- t = st.ScrolledText(message)
- t.config(font=cas)
- t.pack()
- def click(event=None):
- """Collects the message entered by user"""
- global mess
- message.withdraw()
- mess = t.get("1.0", "end-1c")
- bm = Button(message, text='Done(Ctrl+b)', command=click, relief='flat', bg='yellow', font=cas)
- bm.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=BOTH)
- ho.CreateToolTip(bm, 'This accepts the\nmessage you entered\nand encodes it.')
- message.bind('', click)
- b = Button(img_win, command=pan, text='Enter Message', font=cas, bg='#94f748')
- b.place(x=10, y=100)
- ho.CreateToolTip(b, 'Opens a prompt where you can enter message')
- success = Label(img_win, bg='#c3f0fa', font=cas)
- success.place(x=10, y=170)
- def done():
- """Main function which asks for saving file location and then embeds the data in image file"""
- global file, mess
- m.showinfo('Procedure', 'Where would you like the embedded file to be saved?\n'
- 'Select the path in the next window.')
- out = asksaveasfilename(title='Save your embedded file as', filetypes=[('Image files', '.png')],
- defaultextension='.png', initialdir=os.getcwd(), parent=img_win)
- if mess != '' and file != '' and file_im.get() != '' and out != '':
- try:
- img.embed(infile=file, message=mess, outfile=out)
- success.config(text='Successfully embedded message in\n{}'.format(out))
- except FileNotFoundError:
- img.embed(infile=file_au.get(), message=mess, outfile=out)
- success.config(text='Successfully embedded message in\n{}'.format(out))
- else:
- m.showerror('ERROR', 'Something went wrong try again')
- main_bu = Button(img_win, text='Embed Message', bg='#f79205', font=cas, command=done)
- main_bu.place(x=10, y=130)
- ho.CreateToolTip(main_bu, 'Checks everything and embeds your data')
- def ex_img():
- """Data extracting function of audio steno"""
- global ex_file
- ex_win = Toplevel(root, bg='#c3f0fa')
- ex_win.title('Image Steno-EXTRACT')
- ex_win.geometry('515x310')
- ex_lb = Label(ex_win, text='Image -Stenography[EXTRACT]', bg='#c3f0fa', fg='#fa05bd', font=cas_big)
- ex_lb.place(x=10, y=10)
- file_lb = Label(ex_win, text='Select File:', font=cas, bg='#c3f0fa', fg='#fa0505')
- file_lb.place(x=5, y=50)
- file_ex = Entry(ex_win, width=55, font=cas, relief='ridge')
- file_ex.place(x=7, y=75)
- file_ex.focus()
- def browse():
- """Opens a prompt for selecting files"""
- global ex_file
- ex_file = askopenfilename(parent=ex_win, initialdir=os.getcwd(), title='Select File to EMBED',
- filetypes=[('Image files', '.png')], defaultextension='.png')
- file_ex.delete(0, END)
- file_ex.insert(0, ex_file)
- file_lb.config(text='Selected File:')
- se_bu = Button(ex_win, text='Browse', bg='#8ed925', font=cas, command=browse, relief='ridge')
- se_bu.place(x=450, y=70)
- ho.CreateToolTip(se_bu, 'Browse thorough &\nselect the file')
- def extract_data(event=None):
- """Extracts data from the audio file and shows it in a text box"""
- dat = img.extract(ex_file)
- suc_lb = Label(ex_win, text='Hidden message is:', font=cas, fg='#f50c81', bg='#c3f0fa').place(x=6, y=130)
- sh = st.ScrolledText(ex_win, width=60, height=7, font=cas)
- sh.place(x=8, y=155)
- sh.insert(INSERT, dat)
- sh.config(state=DISABLED)
- ex_bu = Button(ex_win, text='Extract Message', bg='#f79205', font=cas, command=extract_data)
- ex_bu.place(x=10, y=100)
- ho.CreateToolTip(ex_bu, 'Extracts the hidden \ndata & displays it')
- ex_win.bind('', extract_data)
- qu_bu = Button(ex_win, text='Exit', font=cas, bg='#f23f3f', fg='#e1f719', command=ex_win.destroy)
- qu_bu.place(x=467, y=278)
- ho.CreateToolTip(qu_bu, 'Exits window')
- bu_en = Button(img_win, text='Embed', font=cas, bg='#05ff82', fg='#0569ff', command=em_img)
- bu_en.place(x=70, y=220)
- ho.CreateToolTip(bu_en, 'Embeds data in image file')
- bu_ex = Button(img_win, text='Extract', font=cas, bg='#acff05', fg='#fa029b', command=ex_img)
- bu_ex.place(x=260, y=220)
- ho.CreateToolTip(bu_ex, 'Extracts data from image file')
- qubu = Button(img_win, text='Exit', font=cas, bg='#f23f3f', fg='#e1f719', command=img_win.destroy)
- qubu.place(x=410, y=220)
- ho.CreateToolTip(qubu, 'Exits window')
-def audio_steno():
- """Audio stenography functions"""
- aud_win = Toplevel(master=root, bg='#c3f0fa')
- aud_win.title('Audio Steno')
- aud_win.geometry('515x260')
- au_lb = Label(aud_win, text='Audio -Stenography', bg='#c3f0fa', fg='#fa05bd', font=cas_big)
- au_lb.place(x=10, y=10)
- def em_aud():
- """Audio steno's embedding function"""
- global file, mess
- select_lb = Label(aud_win, text='Select File:', font=cas, bg='#c3f0fa', fg='#fa0505')
- select_lb.place(x=5, y=50)
- file_au = Entry(aud_win, width=55, font=cas, relief='ridge')
- file_au.place(x=7, y=75)
- file_au.focus()
- def browse():
- """Opens a prompt for selecting files"""
- global file
- file = askopenfilename(parent=aud_win, initialdir=os.getcwd(), title='Select File to EMBED',
- filetypes=[('Audio files', '.wav')], defaultextension='.wav')
- file_au.delete(0, END)
- file_au.insert(0, file)
- select_lb.config(text='Selected File:')
- se_bu = Button(aud_win, text='Browse', bg='#8ed925', font=cas, command=browse, relief='ridge')
- se_bu.place(x=450, y=70)
- ho.CreateToolTip(se_bu, 'Browse thorough &\nselect the file')
- def pan():
- """Opens message prompt to enter message"""
- global mess
- message = Toplevel(aud_win)
- message.title('Enter Message')
- message.resizable(False, False)
- lm = Label(message, text='Enter your message that you want to hide:', bg='yellow', font=cas)
- lm.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH)
- ho.CreateToolTip(lm, 'The message that you\nenter here will be encoded\nin your chosen file.')
- t = st.ScrolledText(message)
- t.config(font=cas)
- t.pack()
- def click(event=None):
- """Collects the message entered by user"""
- global mess
- message.withdraw()
- mess = t.get("1.0", "end-1c")
- bm = Button(message, text='Done(Ctrl+b)', command=click, relief='flat', bg='yellow', font=cas)
- bm.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=BOTH)
- ho.CreateToolTip(bm, 'This accepts the\nmessage you entered\nand encodes it.')
- message.bind('', click)
- b = Button(aud_win, command=pan, text='Enter Message', font=cas, bg='#94f748')
- b.place(x=10, y=100)
- ho.CreateToolTip(b, 'Opens a prompt where you can enter message')
- success = Label(aud_win, bg='#c3f0fa', font=cas)
- success.place(x=10, y=170)
- def done():
- """Main function which asks for saving file location and then embeds the data in audio file"""
- global file, mess
- m.showinfo('Procedure', 'Where would you like the embedded file to be saved?\n'
- 'Select the path in the next window.')
- out = asksaveasfilename(title='Save your embedded file as', filetypes=[('Audio File', '.wav')],
- defaultextension='.wav', initialdir=os.getcwd(), parent=aud_win)
- if mess != '' and file != '' and file_au.get() != '' and out != '':
- try:
- aud.embed(infile=file, message=mess, outfile=out)
- success.config(text='Successfully embedded message in\n{}'.format(out))
- except FileNotFoundError:
- aud.embed(infile=file_au.get(), message=mess, outfile=out)
- success.config(text='Successfully embedded message in\n{}'.format(out))
- else:
- m.showerror('ERROR', 'Something went wrong try again')
- main_bu = Button(aud_win, text='Embed Message', bg='#f79205', font=cas, command=done)
- main_bu.place(x=10, y=130)
- ho.CreateToolTip(main_bu, 'Checks everything and embeds your data')
- def ex_aud():
- """Data extracting function of audio steno"""
- global ex_file
- ex_win = Toplevel(root, bg='#c3f0fa')
- ex_win.title('Audio Steno-EXTRACT')
- ex_win.geometry('515x310')
- ex_lb = Label(ex_win, text='Audio -Stenography[EXTRACT]', bg='#c3f0fa', fg='#fa05bd', font=cas_big)
- ex_lb.place(x=10, y=10)
- file_lb = Label(ex_win, text='Select File:', font=cas, bg='#c3f0fa', fg='#fa0505')
- file_lb.place(x=5, y=50)
- file_ex = Entry(ex_win, width=55, font=cas, relief='ridge')
- file_ex.place(x=7, y=75)
- file_ex.focus()
- def browse():
- """Opens a prompt for selecting files"""
- global ex_file
- ex_file = askopenfilename(parent=ex_win, initialdir=os.getcwd(), title='Select File to EMBED',
- filetypes=[('Audio files', '.wav')], defaultextension='.wav')
- file_ex.delete(0, END)
- file_ex.insert(0, ex_file)
- file_lb.config(text='Selected File:')
- se_bu = Button(ex_win, text='Browse', bg='#8ed925', font=cas, command=browse, relief='ridge')
- se_bu.place(x=450, y=70)
- ho.CreateToolTip(se_bu, 'Browse thorough &\nselect the file')
- def extract_data(event=None):
- """Extracts data from the audio file and shows it in a text box"""
- dat = aud.extract(ex_file)
- suc_lb = Label(ex_win, text='Hidden message is:', font=cas, fg='#f50c81', bg='#c3f0fa').place(x=6, y=130)
- sh = st.ScrolledText(ex_win, width=60, height=7, font=cas)
- sh.place(x=8, y=155)
- sh.insert(INSERT, dat)
- sh.config(state=DISABLED)
- ex_bu = Button(ex_win, text='Extract Message', bg='#f79205', font=cas, command=extract_data)
- ex_bu.place(x=10, y=100)
- ho.CreateToolTip(ex_bu, 'Extracts the hidden \ndata & displays it')
- ex_win.bind('', extract_data)
- qu_bu = Button(ex_win, text='Exit', font=cas, bg='#f23f3f', fg='#e1f719', command=ex_win.destroy)
- qu_bu.place(x=467, y=278)
- ho.CreateToolTip(qu_bu, 'Exits window')
- bu_en = Button(aud_win, text='Embed', font=cas, bg='#05ff82', fg='#0569ff', command=em_aud)
- bu_en.place(x=70, y=220)
- ho.CreateToolTip(bu_en, 'Embeds data in audio file')
- bu_ex = Button(aud_win, text='Extract', font=cas, bg='#acff05', fg='#fa029b', command=ex_aud)
- bu_ex.place(x=260, y=220)
- ho.CreateToolTip(bu_ex, 'Extracts data from audio file')
- qubu = Button(aud_win, text='Exit', font=cas, bg='#f23f3f', fg='#e1f719', command=aud_win.destroy)
- qubu.place(x=410, y=220)
- ho.CreateToolTip(qubu, 'Exits window')
-lb = Label(root, text="Steno\n- Ultimate Stenography", font=('Showcard Gothic', 20), bg='#f5f59a', fg='#8507fa')
-lb.place(x=18, y=20)
-text = Button(root, text='Text\nStenography', relief='flat', bg='#A68064', command=text_steno, font=cas)
-text.place(x=56, y=250)
-ho.CreateToolTip(text, 'Click here\nto hide your\ndata in a text file')
-image = Button(root, text='Image\nStenography', relief='flat', bg='#A68064', command=image_steno, font=cas)
-image.place(x=156, y=250)
-ho.CreateToolTip(image, 'Click here\nto hide your\ndata in an image file')
-audio = Button(root, text='Audio\nStenography', relief='flat', bg='#A68064', command=audio_steno, font=cas)
-audio.place(x=256, y=250)
-ho.CreateToolTip(audio, 'Click here\nto hide data in\n an audio file.')
diff --git a/New Folder (2)/sten/audio.py b/New Folder (2)/sten/audio.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f119796..0000000
--- a/New Folder (2)/sten/audio.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# this module comes with standard python installation
-import wave
-*<[only supports wave files]>*
-This module helps us in performing audio stenography
-on wave files as they are lossless audio files.
-link - https://tinyurl.com/yy3sx6ku
-def embed(infile: str, message: str, outfile: str):
- # TODO add password functionality preferably using encryption
- """This takes your message and hides it in infile and saves it in outfile"""
- song = wave.open(infile, mode='rb')
- # Read frames and convert to byte array
- frame_bytes = bytearray(list(song.readframes(song.getnframes())))
- # Append dummy data to fill out rest of the bytes. Receiver shall detect and remove these characters.
- message = message + int((len(frame_bytes) - (len(message) * 8 * 8)) / 8) * '#'
- # Convert text to bit array
- bits = list(map(int, ''.join([bin(ord(i)).lstrip('0b').rjust(8, '0') for i in message])))
- # Replace LSB of each byte of the audio data by one bit from the text bit array
- for i, bit in enumerate(bits):
- frame_bytes[i] = (frame_bytes[i] & 254) | bit
- frame_modified = bytes(frame_bytes)
- # Write bytes to a new wave audio file
- with wave.open(outfile, 'wb') as fd:
- fd.setparams(song.getparams())
- fd.writeframes(frame_modified)
- song.close()
-def extract(file: str):
- """This function takes the filepath and decodes the hidden data and returns it"""
- song = wave.open(file, mode='rb')
- # Convert audio to byte array
- frame_bytes = bytearray(list(song.readframes(song.getnframes())))
- # Extract the LSB of each byte
- extracted = [frame_bytes[i] & 1 for i in range(len(frame_bytes))]
- # Convert byte array back to string
- message = "".join(chr(int("".join(map(str, extracted[i:i+8])), 2)) for i in range(0, len(extracted), 8))
- # Cut off at the filler characters
- decoded = message.split("###")[0]
- song.close()
- return decoded
diff --git a/New Folder (2)/sten/database.py b/New Folder (2)/sten/database.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b651dd1..0000000
--- a/New Folder (2)/sten/database.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-import platform
-import psutil
-import sqlite3 as db
-from datetime import date
-connect = db.connect('data.db')
-cursor = connect.cursor()
-info = platform.system() + ' ' + str(round(psutil.virtual_memory().total / (1024.0 ** 3))) + "GB"
-def new(name: str, user: str, passwd: str):
- cursor.execute("insert into initial values (?, ?, ?, ?)", (name, user, passwd, date.today()))
- connect.commit()
-def format_txt(file: str, passwd: str):
- cursor.execute("insert into user values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", ('text', date.today(), file, passwd, info))
- connect.commit()
-def format_oth(types: str, file: str):
- st = "insert into user('FORMAT', 'TIME_STAMP', 'FILE_PATH', 'OS_RAM') VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)", (
- types, date.today(), file, info)
- cursor.execute(st)
- connect.commit()
-def main_work(username: str, passwd: str, file: str):
- data = cursor.execute("SELECT NAME,PASSWORD FROM initial WHERE USERNAME=?", (username,)).fetchall()
- if not data:
- return 'No Admin Account',
- else:
- for i in range(len(data)):
- if passwd == data[i][1]:
- data2 = cursor.execute("SELECT PASSWORD FROM user WHERE FILE_PATH=?", (file,)).fetchone()
- if not data2:
- return 'No such file',
- else:
- return data[i][0], data2
- else:
- return 'Wrong Password',
-def close():
- connect.close()
diff --git a/New Folder (2)/sten/hover.py b/New Folder (2)/sten/hover.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8740c2e..0000000
--- a/New Folder (2)/sten/hover.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-from tkinter import *
-This module helps us to have a hovering effect on any
-widget in tkinter. It helps in giving the user info about
-the widget. Especially used to hover over buttons and giving
-info about their usage.
-link - https://cutt.ly/fhzdiqy
-class ToolTip(object):
- def __init__(self, widget):
- self.widget = widget
- self.tipwindow = None
- self.id = None
- self.x = self.y = 0
- def showtip(self, text):
- """Display text in tooltip window"""
- self.text = text
- if self.tipwindow or not self.text:
- return
- x, y, cx, cy = self.widget.bbox("insert")
- x = x + self.widget.winfo_rootx() + 57
- y = y + cy + self.widget.winfo_rooty() + 27
- self.tipwindow = tw = Toplevel(self.widget)
- tw.wm_overrideredirect(1)
- tw.wm_geometry("+%d+%d" % (x, y))
- label = Label(tw, text=self.text, justify=LEFT,
- background="#ffffe0", relief=SOLID, borderwidth=1,
- font=("tahoma", "8", "normal"))
- label.pack(ipadx=1)
- def hidetip(self):
- tw = self.tipwindow
- self.tipwindow = None
- if tw:
- tw.destroy()
-def CreateToolTip(widget, text):
- """Main function which is called in programs"""
- toolTip = ToolTip(widget)
- def enter(event):
- toolTip.showtip(text)
- def leave(event):
- toolTip.hidetip()
- widget.bind('', enter)
- widget.bind('', leave)
diff --git a/New Folder (2)/sten/image.py b/New Folder (2)/sten/image.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7104925..0000000
--- a/New Folder (2)/sten/image.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-# Convert encoding data into 8-bit binary
-# form using ASCII value of characters
-def genData(data):
- # list of binary codes
- # of given data
- newd = []
- for i in data:
- newd.append(format(ord(i), '08b'))
- return newd
-# Pixels are modified according to the
-# 8-bit binary data and finally returned
-def modPix(pix, data):
- datalist = genData(data)
- lendata = len(datalist)
- imdata = iter(pix)
- for i in range(lendata):
- # Extracting 3 pixels at a time
- pix = [value for value in imdata.__next__()[:3] +
- imdata.__next__()[:3] +
- imdata.__next__()[:3]]
- # Pixel value should be made
- # odd for 1 and even for 0
- for j in range(0, 8):
- if (datalist[i][j] == '0' and pix[j]% 2 != 0):
- pix[j] -= 1
- elif (datalist[i][j] == '1' and pix[j] % 2 == 0):
- if(pix[j] != 0):
- pix[j] -= 1
- else:
- pix[j] += 1
- # pix[j] -= 1
- # Eighth pixel of every set tells
- # whether to stop ot read further.
- # 0 means keep reading; 1 means thec
- # message is over.
- if (i == lendata - 1):
- if (pix[-1] % 2 == 0):
- if(pix[-1] != 0):
- pix[-1] -= 1
- else:
- pix[-1] += 1
- else:
- if (pix[-1] % 2 != 0):
- pix[-1] -= 1
- pix = tuple(pix)
- yield pix[0:3]
- yield pix[3:6]
- yield pix[6:9]
-def encode_enc(newimg, data):
- w = newimg.size[0]
- (x, y) = (0, 0)
- for pixel in modPix(newimg.getdata(), data):
- # Putting modified pixels in the new image
- newimg.putpixel((x, y), pixel)
- if (x == w - 1):
- x = 0
- y += 1
- else:
- x += 1
-# Encode data into image
-def encode():
- img = input("Enter image name(with extension) : ")
- image = Image.open(img, 'r')
- data = input("Enter data to be encoded : ")
- if (len(data) == 0):
- raise ValueError('Data is empty')
- newimg = image.copy()
- encode_enc(newimg, data)
- new_img_name = input("Enter the name of new image(with extension) : ")
- newimg.save(new_img_name, str(new_img_name.split(".")[1].upper()))
-# Decode the data in the image
-def decode():
- img = input("Enter image name(with extension) : ")
- image = Image.open(img, 'r')
- data = ''
- imgdata = iter(image.getdata())
- while (True):
- pixels = [value for value in imgdata.__next__()[:3] +
- imgdata.__next__()[:3] +
- imgdata.__next__()[:3]]
- # string of binary data
- binstr = ''
- for i in pixels[:8]:
- if (i % 2 == 0):
- binstr += '0'
- else:
- binstr += '1'
- data += chr(int(binstr, 2))
- if (pixels[-1] % 2 != 0):
- return data
-# Main Function
-def main():
- a = int(input(":: Welcome to Steganography ::\n"
- "1. Encode\n2. Decode\n"))
- if (a == 1):
- encode()
- elif (a == 2):
- print("Decoded Word : " + decode())
- else:
- raise Exception("Enter correct input")
-# Driver Code
-if __name__ == '__main__' :
- # Calling main function
- main()
diff --git a/New Folder (2)/sten/text.py b/New Folder (2)/sten/text.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e5aa23..0000000
--- a/New Folder (2)/sten/text.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# these modules come with standard python installation
-import os
-import subprocess
-__author__ = "Sohel Ahmed"
-Module text.py for performing text stenography using SNOW
-link - http://darkside.com.au/snow/ -- here you will get to
-know about SNOW and also download it. This mainly hides your
- data inside spaces and tabs & also encrypts it.
-def size(file: str):
- """Used to know how much data can be hidden in the file returns it in bytes"""
- cmd = subprocess.Popen(['snow', '-S', file], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- stdout, stderr = cmd.communicate()
- return str(stdout, 'utf-8').split()[-2]
-def encode(passwd: str, infile: str, outfile: str, file: str = None, message: str = None):
- """This is used to encode data in the file with password. Returns nothing"""
- if message is not None:
- """If the data is a message it encodes it inside the contents of infile and saves it in outfile"""
- command = 'snow -C -Q -p "{}" -m "{}" {} {}'.format(passwd, message, infile, outfile)
- os.system('cmd /c' + command)
- elif file is not None:
- """If the data is a file it encodes it in infile and saves it as outfile"""
- command = 'snow -C -Q -p "{}" -f {} {} {}'.format(passwd, file, infile, outfile)
- os.system('cmd /c' + command)
-def decode(passwd: str, file: str):
- """Decodes the data hidden in the file. Returns the data in readable
- form if password is correct else in encrypted form."""
- cmd = subprocess.Popen(['snow', '-C', '-p', passwd, file], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- stdout, stderr = cmd.communicate()
- return str(stdout, 'utf-8')