diff --git a/app/models/html_attachment.rb b/app/models/html_attachment.rb
index 0ac27312562..0194b94080b 100644
--- a/app/models/html_attachment.rb
+++ b/app/models/html_attachment.rb
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ class HtmlAttachment < Attachment
autosave: true,
inverse_of: :html_attachment
- before_validation :clear_slug_if_non_english_locale
+ before_create :ensure_slug_is_valid
+ before_save :ensure_slug_is_valid
validates :govspeak_content, presence: true
@@ -61,9 +62,7 @@ def url(options = {})
def should_generate_new_friendly_id?
- return false unless sluggable_locale?
- slug.nil? || attachable.nil? || safely_resluggable?
+ slug.nil? || slug.blank? || attachable.nil? || safely_resluggable?
def deep_clone
@@ -121,17 +120,11 @@ def public_url(options = {})
root + public_path(options)
- def sluggable_locale?
- locale.blank? || (locale == "en")
- end
+ # Sense-check that the title converted to ASCII contains more than just hyphens!
+ def ensure_slug_is_valid
+ return unless slug.present? && slug.count("A-Za-z") < 4
- def sluggable_string
- sluggable_locale? ? title : nil
- end
- def clear_slug_if_non_english_locale
- if locale_changed? && !sluggable_locale?
- self.slug = nil
- end
+ # Force FriendlyId to regenerate the slug, but only if attachment isn't live already
+ self.slug = nil if safely_resluggable?
diff --git a/test/unit/app/models/html_attachment_test.rb b/test/unit/app/models/html_attachment_test.rb
index 8b49a2c9227..26ffbb53e80 100644
--- a/test/unit/app/models/html_attachment_test.rb
+++ b/test/unit/app/models/html_attachment_test.rb
@@ -46,18 +46,6 @@ class HtmlAttachmentTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
assert_equal expected, actual
- test "#url returns absolute path to the draft stack when previewing for non-english locale" do
- edition = create(:draft_publication, :with_html_attachment)
- attachment = edition.attachments.first
- attachment.update!(locale: "fi")
- expected = "https://draft-origin.test.gov.uk/government/publications/"
- expected += "#{edition.slug}/#{attachment.content_id}?preview=#{attachment.id}"
- actual = attachment.url(preview: true, full_url: true)
- assert_equal expected, actual
- end
test "#url returns absolute path to the live site when not previewing" do
edition = create(:published_publication, :with_html_attachment)
attachment = edition.attachments.first
@@ -69,31 +57,12 @@ class HtmlAttachmentTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
assert_equal expected, actual
- test "#url returns absolute path to the live site when not previewing for non-english locale" do
- edition = create(:published_publication, :with_html_attachment)
- attachment = edition.attachments.first
- attachment.update!(locale: "fi")
- expected = "https://www.test.gov.uk/government/publications/"
- expected += "#{edition.slug}/#{attachment.content_id}"
- actual = attachment.url(full_url: true)
- assert_equal expected, actual
- end
test "#url returns relative path by default" do
edition = create(:published_publication, :with_html_attachment)
attachment = edition.attachments.first
assert_equal "/government/publications/#{edition.slug}/#{attachment.slug}", attachment.url
- test "#url returns relative path by default for non-english locale" do
- edition = create(:published_publication, :with_html_attachment)
- attachment = edition.attachments.first
- attachment.update!(locale: "fi")
- assert_equal "/government/publications/#{edition.slug}/#{attachment.content_id}", attachment.url
- end
test "#url works when an attachment with english locale has special characters in title" do
edition = create(:published_publication, :with_html_attachment)
attachment = edition.attachments.first
@@ -111,7 +80,7 @@ class HtmlAttachmentTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
statistics = create(:published_national_statistics)
attachment = statistics.attachments.last
attachment.update!(locale: "fi")
- assert_equal "/government/statistics/#{statistics.slug}/#{attachment.content_id}", attachment.url
+ assert_equal "/government/statistics/#{statistics.slug}/#{attachment.slug}", attachment.url
test "#url works with consultation outcomes" do
@@ -124,7 +93,7 @@ class HtmlAttachmentTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
consultation = create(:consultation_with_outcome_html_attachment)
attachment = consultation.outcome.attachments.first
attachment.update!(locale: "fi")
- assert_equal "/government/consultations/#{consultation.slug}/outcome/#{attachment.content_id}", attachment.url
+ assert_equal "/government/consultations/#{consultation.slug}/outcome/#{attachment.slug}", attachment.url
test "#url works with consultation public feedback" do
@@ -137,7 +106,7 @@ class HtmlAttachmentTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
consultation = create(:consultation_with_public_feedback_html_attachment)
attachment = consultation.public_feedback.attachments.first
attachment.update!(locale: "fi")
- assert_equal "/government/consultations/#{consultation.slug}/public-feedback/#{attachment.content_id}", attachment.url
+ assert_equal "/government/consultations/#{consultation.slug}/public-feedback/#{attachment.slug}", attachment.url
test "#url works with call for evidence outcomes" do
@@ -232,7 +201,7 @@ class HtmlAttachmentTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
assert_equal "an-html-attachment", second_draft_attachment.slug
- test "slug is not created for non-english attachments" do
+ test "slug is not created for non-english attachments if conversion to non-ASCII isn't possible" do
# Additional attachment to ensure the duplicate detection behaviour isn't triggered
create(:html_attachment, locale: "fr")
attachment = create(:html_attachment, locale: "ar", title: "المملكة المتحدة والمملكة العربية السعودية")
@@ -257,11 +226,66 @@ class HtmlAttachmentTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
assert_equal expected_slug, attachment.to_param
- test "slug is cleared when changing from english to non-english" do
- attachment = create(:html_attachment, locale: "en")
+ test "slug is created for non-english attachments where conversion to ASCII is possible" do
+ attachment = create(:html_attachment, locale: "cs", title: "toto je náhodný název")
- attachment.update!(locale: "fr")
- assert attachment.slug.blank?
+ expected_slug = "toto-je-nahodny-nazev"
+ assert_equal expected_slug, attachment.slug
+ assert_equal expected_slug, attachment.to_param
+ end
+ test "slug requires minimum 3 azAZ characters" do
+ attachment = create(:html_attachment, locale: "cs", title: "tot")
+ assert_equal nil, attachment.slug
+ end
+ test "slug reverts to nil, if document has never been published, if title is changed such that minimum 3 azAZ characters is not reached" do
+ attachment = build(:html_attachment, title: "an-html-attachment")
+ create(:draft_publication, attachments: [attachment])
+ attachment.title = "foo"
+ attachment.save!
+ attachment.reload
+ assert_equal nil, attachment.slug
+ end
+ test "even if slug is considered too short NOW, slug on legacy old attachment is not updated when the title is changed if document is published" do
+ edition = create(
+ :published_publication,
+ attachments: [
+ build(:html_attachment, title: "an-html-attachment"),
+ ],
+ )
+ # Bypass validations and callbacks to manually set slug
+ attachment = edition.attachments.first
+ attachment.update_column(:slug, "foo")
+ assert_equal "foo", attachment.slug
+ # now check slug not overridden
+ draft = edition.create_draft(create(:writer))
+ attachment = draft.attachments.first
+ attachment.title = "a-new-title"
+ attachment.save!
+ attachment.reload
+ assert_equal "foo", attachment.slug
+ end
+ # This behaviour is built into the friendly_id gem
+ test "slug is made unique if there is an existing clash" do
+ edition = create(
+ :published_publication,
+ attachments: [
+ build(:html_attachment, locale: "en", title: "food"),
+ build(:html_attachment, locale: "cs", title: "food"),
+ ],
+ )
+ attachment_1 = edition.attachments.first
+ attachment_2 = edition.attachments.last
+ assert_equal "food", attachment_1.slug
+ assert_equal "food--2", attachment_2.slug
test "#identifier falls back to content_id if no slug available" do