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Building the TeamTalk server and DLL binaries requires that the user is familiar with CMake. CMake is a build system that is able to build TeamTalk binaries and generate project files for various IDEs.

The following secions explain how to build TeamTalk binaries using CMake:

Install TeamTalk Toolchain Dependencies

TeamTalk depends on many external libraries, e.g. OpenSSL and OPUS, and these libraries require a certain set of tools to be installed on the build host in order to compile.

The following sections explain what tools to install on the build host depending on the platform.

Install TeamTalk Dependencies on Windows

Tools for building TeamTalk dependencies on Windows must be installed manually.

  • Install ActivePerl or Strawberry Perl on Windows
    • Place perl.exe in environment variable %PATH%.
      • OpenSSL and ACE Framework uses Perl
  • Install Cygwin in C:/cygwin64
    • LibVPX requires cygwin
  • Download yasm
    • Place yasm.exe for x64 in C:/tt5dist/yasm/x64
    • Place yasm.exe for Win32 in C:/tt5dist/yasm/win32
    • LibVPX requires yasm

Install TeamTalk Dependencies on Ubuntu 22

A Makefile is available for Ubuntu 22 to install all the dependencies required to build TeamTalk binaries.

  • To install build dependencies for Ubuntu 22 run the following in TEAMTALK_ROOT:
    • sudo make -C Build depend-ubuntu22
      • sudo is required because apt install is called.

Install TeamTalk Dependencies for Android on Ubuntu 22

Building for Android platform is supported on Ubuntu 22.

  • To install build dependencies for Android on Ubuntu 22 run the following in TEAMTALK_ROOT:
    • sudo make -C Build depend-ubuntu22
      • sudo is required because apt install is called.
  • Download Android NDK r27c and unzip it. Make environment variable ANDROID_NDK_HOME point to the unzipped location.

Install TeamTalk Dependencies on macOS

Build for macOS platform is supported by using Homebrew.

  • To install build dependencies for macOS run the following in TEAMTALK_ROOT:
    • make -C Build depend-mac

Install TeamTalk Dependencies for iOS on macOS

Build for iOS platform is supported by using Homebrew on macOS.

  • To install build dependencies for iOS on macOS run the following in TEAMTALK_ROOT:
    • make -C Build depend-mac

Build TeamTalk Binaries

Now that all required tool dependencies have been installed it is possible to build the TeamTalk binaries. Again depending on the platform there's different ways of doing this.

Build TeamTalk Binaries for Windows

Building TeamTalk for Windows is supported by Visual Studio 2022.

To build TeamTalk for Windows first start x86 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022. Use Git to clone TeamTalk5 repository into C:\TeamTalk5.

Use CMake to generate a valid build configuration in C:\builddir that will install binaries into C:\installdir:

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=C:/installdir -S C:/TeamTalk5 -B C:/builddir -A Win32

Given that CMake managed to create a valid build configuration now start the build process:

cmake --build C:/builddir --config Release --target install

To get a Visual Studio solution file for building TeamTalk from Visual Studio 2022 run CMake like this:

cmake -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -S C:/TeamTalk5 -B C:/builddir -A Win32

Note that WebRTC dependency will create a folder in C:\webrtc where it downloads its repository.

Build TeamTalk Binaries for Ubuntu 22

Run the following command in TEAMTALK_ROOT:

make -C Build ubuntu22

This will cause make to call CMake to generate a valid build configuration and afterwards build the binaries.

Build TeamTalk Binaries for Android on Ubuntu 22

Run the following command in TEAMTALK_ROOT:

make -C Build android-all

This will build TeamTalk binaries for architectures armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86 and x64.

Build TeamTalk Binaries for macOS

Run the following command in TEAMTALK_ROOT:

make -C Build mac

This will cause make to call CMake to generate a valid build configuration and afterwards build the binaries.

Build TeamTalk Binaries for iOS on macOS

Run the following command in TEAMTALK_ROOT:

make -C Build ios-all

This will build TeamTalk binaries for architectures armv7, arm64, i386 and x64.

Toolchain Toggles for TeamTalk Build Targets

CMake is able to build all TeamTalk's dependencies as so-called ExternalProjects. All dependencies in TeamTalk's toolchain can be activated using the CMake options prefixed TOOLCHAIN_.

To e.g. have TeamTalk avoid building OPUS and instead use OPUS already installed on the host machine, call CMake like this:

cmake -DTOOLCHAIN_OPUS=OFF -S TeamTalk5 -B builddir

The following toolchain toggles are available:

    • Build toolchain dependencies in the specified directory
    • Install dependencies in the specified directory
    • When ON builds all TeamTalk's dependencies and installs them into TOOLCHAIN_INSTALL_PREFIX
    • When OFF will make TeamTalk binaries build using the libraries installed in TOOLCHAIN_INSTALL_PREFIX. This is useful to avoid building the dependencies again after a new checkout or switching branch.
    • When ON builds OpenSSL
    • When OFF uses OpenSSL installed on host
      • OFF is only supported on Linux distributions and is recommended, since linking different versions of OpenSSL can cause problems.
    • When ON builds ACE Framework
    • When OFF uses ACE Framework installed on host
      • OFF is only supported on Linux distributions
    • Build ACE on Windows requires ActivePerl or Strawberry Perl
      • Place perl.exe in %PATH%.
    • When ON builds TinyXML
    • When OFF uses TinyXML installed on host
      • OFF is only supported on Linux distributions
    • When ON builds ZLib
    • When OFF uses ZLib installed on host
      • OFF is recommended on Linux, Android, iOS
      • OFF is only supported on Linux distributions
    • When ON enables Catch2 for unit tests
    • When OFF ignore Catch2 unit tests
    • When ON enables LibVPX
    • When OFF uses LibVPX installed on host
      • OFF is only supported on Linux distributions
    • Building LibVPX on Windows requires Cygwin,
      • Install Cygwin in C:/cygwin64
    • Building LibVPX on Windows requires yasm,
      • Place yasm.exe for x64 in C:/tt5dist/yasm/x64
      • Place yasm.exe for Win32 in C:/tt5dist/yasm/win32
    • When ON builds FFmpeg
    • When OFF uses FFmpeg installed on host.
      • OFF is only supported on Linux distributions
    • When ON builds OGG
    • When OFF uses OGG installed on host.
      • OFF is only supported on Linux distributions
    • When ON builds OPUS
    • When OFF uses OPUS installed on host.
      • OFF is only supported on Linux distributions
    • When ON builds PortAudio
    • When OFF uses PortAudio installed on host.
      • OFF is only supported on Linux distributions
    • When ON builds Speex
    • When OFF uses Speex installed on host.
      • OFF is only supported on Linux distributions
    • When ON builds SpeexDSP
    • When OFF uses SpeexDSP installed on host.
      • OFF is only supported on Linux distributions

Feature Toggles for TeamTalk Build Targets

What features to build into the TeamTalk binaries are controlled by CMake options prefixed by FEATURE_.

To e.g. have TeamTalk built without OPUS support invoke CMake like this: cmake -DFEATURE_OPUS=OFF -S TeamTalk5 -B builddir

The following feature toggles are available:

    • OPUS audio codec
    • Supported platforms: macOS, iOS, Android, Ubuntu/Linux, Raspbian, Windows
    • Toolchain mapping: TOOLCHAIN_OPUS
    • OPUS .ogg file support
    • Supported platforms: macOS, iOS, Android, Ubuntu/Linux, Raspbian, Windows
    • Speex audio codec
    • Supported platforms: macOS, iOS, Android, Ubuntu/Linux, Raspbian, Windows
    • Toolchain mapping: TOOLCHAIN_SPEEX
    • SpeexDSP for audio processing (resampler, denoiser, AGC)
    • Supported platforms: macOS, iOS, Android, Ubuntu/Linux, Raspbian, Windows
    • Toolchain mapping: TOOLCHAIN_SPEEXDSP
    • FFmpeg for streaming and audio resampling
    • Supported platforms: macOS, iOS, Android, Ubuntu/Linux, Raspbian
    • Toolchain mapping: TOOLCHAIN_FFMPEG
    • Video for Linux 2 for video capture support
    • Supported platforms: Ubuntu/Linux, Raspbian
    • Audio Video Foundation for video capture support
    • Supported platforms: macOS
    • WebRTC for audio processing
    • Supported platforms: macOS, iOS, Android, Ubuntu/Linux, Windows
    • Microsoft DirectX Media Object for audio resampling
    • Supported platforms: Windows
    • Microsoft Media Foundation for audio and video streaming
    • Supported platforms: Windows
    • libvpx (VP8) video codec
    • Supported platforms: macOS, iOS, Android, Ubuntu/Linux, Raspbian, Windows
    • Toolchain mapping: TOOLCHAIN_LIBVPX
    • OGG file format
    • Supported platforms: macOS, iOS, Android, Ubuntu/Linux, Raspbian, Windows
    • Toolchain mapping: TOOLCHAIN_OGG
    • PortAudio sound system
    • Supported platforms: macOS, Ubuntu/Linux, Raspbian, Windows
    • Toolchain mapping: TOOLCHAIN_PORTAUDIO
    • OpenSL ES sound system
    • Supported platforms: Android
    • AudioUnit sound system
    • Supported platforms: iOS

TeamTalk Build Targets

Which TeamTalk binaries to build are controlled by CMake options prefixed by BUILD_TEAMTALK_.

Most interesting are:

    • TeamTalk 5 shared library
    • Builds binary TEAMTALK_ROOT/Library/TeamTalk_DLL/TeamTalk5.dll or
    • TeamTalk 5 Pro shared library
    • Builds binary TEAMTALK_ROOT/Library/TeamTalk_DLL/TeamTalk5Pro.dll or
    • TeamTalk 5 static library used for iOS and Android
    • Builds binary TEAMTALK_ROOT/Library/TeamTalk_DLL/libTeamTalk5.a
    • TeamTalk 5 Pro static library used for iOS and Android
    • Builds binary TEAMTALK_ROOT/Library/TeamTalk_DLL/libTeamTalk5Pro.a
    • TeamTalk 5 console/daemon server
    • Builds binary TEAMTALK_ROOT/Server/tt5srv.exe or tt5srv
    • TeamTalk 5 Pro console/daemon server
    • Builds binary TEAMTALK_ROOT/Server/tt5prosrv.exe or tt5prosrv
    • TeamTalk 5 NT service server
    • Builds binary TEAMTALK_ROOT/Server/tt5svc.exe
    • TeamTalk 5 NT service server
    • Builds binary TEAMTALK_ROOT/Server/tt5prosvc.exe