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Dunelm Pairing Exercise

This repo contains the source for the Dunelm pairing exercise. Here's some useful information to get you started.


  1. This is a monorepo containing the following services:
  • api - a node service written using ExpressJS and responsible for retrieving and returning product data
  • aggregator - a GraphQL node service written using ExpressJS and Apollo responsible for aggregating services (the api service)
  • app - a web application written using React
  1. You can find these services within the packages folder.
  2. The architecture of these services is as follows.
+---------------+        +---------------+        +---------------+
|               |        |               |        |               |
|               |        |               |        |               |
|               |  http  |               |  http  |               |
|      app      +------->+  aggregator   +------->+      api      |
|    (React)    |        |   (GraphQL)   |        |   (Express)   |
|               |        |               |        |               |
|               |        |               |        |               |
+---------------+        +---------------+        +---------------+
  1. If you don't have any experience with GraphQL please feel free to bypass the aggregator and call the api directly. You can find instructions on how to achieve this in packages/app/src/App.jsx.

Pre Requisites

Getting Started

  • Run yarn to install all dependencies
  • Run yarn start to run all services
  • Run yarn test to execute tests
  • Navigate to a specific package (e.g. packages/app) and run yarn test:watch to execute tests which re-run after code changes.

Running the application will start all the services and open your browser at http://localhost:3000. All services are watched using webpack or nodemon respectively so whilst developing there should be no need to restart.


  • Please approach the exercise in the same way you would when writing software commercially.
  • Write tests if you feel they're required.
  • Use all your tools (git etc.) appropriately.
  • Feel free to google if you need additional information.
  • Feel free to install any npm dependencies you need (yarn add dependency-name).
  • If you're unsure about anything during the exercise then please ask for clarification.


As a Dunelm customer
I want to view all products
So that I can choose which ones to buy

Story #1

Given I have accessed the Dunelm website
When I visit the home page
Then I must be presented with a list of all products


  1. A list of products can be found in packages/api/products.json. This should be treated as the data source for the api.

  2. Display the following properties for all products

    • name
    • description
    • category
    • color
    • price
    • inStock

Story #2

Given I have accessed the Dunelm website
When I visit the home page
And I choose to view buyable products only
Then I must be presented with a list of products available to purchase

Notes: buyable products are those which have their inStock property set to true.


What are the top three things you could do to improve your solution?