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Recurrent Entity Networks

Pytorch implementation of REN as described in Tracking the World State with Recurrent Entity Networks. The code is adapted from the Tensorflow version.

Some implementation-specific points that weren't clear to me from the paper:

  1. PReLU shares parameters between memory and output model. Number of parameters is equal to the number of units.
  2. Distinct positional masks for query and story.
  3. Positional mask size equals to max sentence size and not the vocab size.
  4. CyclicLR: LR scheduling in the paper doens't seem to work for all tasks.
  5. Pre-processing: Some models don't train in absence of puncts.


Percent error for each BABI task, comparing those in the paper, the available TF version, and the Pytorch version in this repo.

Task EntNet (paper) EntNet (TF) EntNet (Pytorch)
1: 1 supporting fact 0 0 0
2: 2 supporting facts 0.1 3.0 -
3: 3 supporting facts 4.1 ? -
4: 2 argument relations 0 0 0
5: 3 argument relations 0.3 ? 1.5
6: yes/no questions 0.2 0 0
7: counting 0 0 11.0
8: lists/sets 0.5 0 3.0
9: simple negation 0.1 0 0
10: indefinite knowledge 0.6 0 0
11: basic coreference 0.3 0 13.0
12: conjunction 0 0 0.6
13: compound coreference 1.3 0 -
14: time reasoning 0 0 3
15: basic deduction 0 0 0
16: basic induction 0.2 0 -
17: positional reasoning 0.5 1.7 0.01
18: size reasoning 0.3 1.5 7
19: path finding 2.3 0 -
20: agents motivation 0 0 0

All tasks were run under the same settings. Not all tasks acheived optimal results under those settings. Similar behaviour was reflected in the reference TF repo as well. Any assistance in helping to resolve this is appreciated.