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This section describes how data is represented and used in the CAP Java SDK.
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The predefined CDS types are mapped to Java types and as follows:
CDS Type | Java Type | Remark |
cds.UUID |
java.lang.String |
cds.Boolean |
java.lang.Boolean |
cds.UInt8 |
java.lang.Short |
cds.Int16 |
java.lang.Short |
cds.Int32 |
java.lang.Integer |
cds.Integer |
java.lang.Integer |
cds.Int64 |
java.lang.Long |
cds.Integer64 |
java.lang.Long |
cds.Decimal |
java.math.BigDecimal |
cds.DecimalFloat |
java.math.BigDecimal |
deprecated |
cds.Double |
java.lang.Double |
cds.Date |
java.time.LocalDate |
date without a time-zone (year-month-day) |
cds.Time |
java.time.LocalTime |
time without a time-zone (hour-minute-second) |
cds.DateTime |
java.time.Instant |
instant on the time-line with sec precision |
cds.Timestamp |
java.time.Instant |
instant on the time-line with µs precision |
cds.String |
java.lang.String |
cds.LargeString |
java.lang.String | (1) if annotated with @Core.MediaType |
cds.Binary |
byte[] |
cds.LargeBinary |
byte[] | (1) if annotated with @Core.MediaType |
To facilitate using legacy CDS models, the following SAP HANA-specific data types are supported:
CDS Type | Java Type | Remark |
hana.TINYINT |
java.lang.Short |
java.lang.Short |
java.math.BigDecimal |
hana.REAL |
java.lang.Float |
hana.CHAR |
java.lang.String |
hana.NCHAR |
java.lang.String |
hana.VARCHAR |
java.lang.String |
hana.CLOB |
java.lang.String | (1) if annotated with @Core.MediaType |
hana.BINARY |
byte[] |
(1) Although the API to handle large objects is the same for every database, the streaming feature, however, is supported (and tested) in SAP HANA, PostgreSQL, and H2. See section Database Support in Java for more details on database support and limitations.
::: warning The framework isn't responsible for closing the stream when writing to the database. You decide when the stream is to be closed. If you forget to close the stream, the open stream can lead to a memory leak. :::
These types are used for the values of CDS elements with primitive type. In the Model Reflection API, they're represented by the enum CdsBaseType.
In CDS, structured data is used as payload of Insert, Update, and Upsert statements. Also the query result of Select may be structured.
CAP Java represents data of entities and structured types as Map<String, Object>
and provides the CdsData
interface as an extension of Map
with additional convenience methods.
In the following we use this CDS model:
entity Books {
key ID : Integer;
title : String;
author : Association to one Authors;
entity Authors {
key ID : Integer;
name : String;
books : Association to many Books on = $self;
entity Orders {
key ID : Integer;
header : Composition of one OrderHeaders;
items : Composition of many OrderItems;
entity OrderHeaders {
key ID : Integer;
status : String;
aspect OrderItems {
key ID : Integer;
book : Association to one Books;
Find this source also in cap/samples.{ .learn-more}
In this model, there is a bidirectional many-to-one association between Books
and Authors
, which is managed by the
association. The Orders
entity owns the composition header
, which relates it to the OrderHeaders
entity, and the composition items
, which relates the order to the OrderItems
. The items are modeled using a managed composition of aspects:
::: tip Use Managed Compositions of Aspects to model unidirectional one-to-many compositions. :::
Relationships to other entities are modeled as associations or compositions. While associations capture relationships between entities, compositions constitute document structures through 'contained-in' relationships.
Entities and structured types are represented in Java as a Map<String, Object>
that maps the element names to the element values.
The following example shows JSON data and how it can be constructed in Java:
"ID" : 97,
"title" : "Dracula"
Map<String, Object> book = new HashMap<>();
book.put("ID", 97);
book.put("title", "Dracula");
Data of structured types and entities can be sparsely populated.
Nested structures and single-valued associations, are represented by elements where the value is structured. In Java, the value type for such a representation is a map.
The following example shows JSON data and how it can be constructed in Java:
"ID" : 97,
"author" : { "ID": 23, "name": "Bram Stoker" }
Using plain maps:
Map<String, Object> author = new HashMap<>();
author.put("ID", 23);
author.put("name", "Bram Stoker");
Map<String, Object> book = new HashMap<>();
book.put("ID", 97);
book.put("author", author);
Using the putPath
method of CdsData
CdsData book = Struct.create(CdsData.class);
book.put("ID", 97);
book.putPath("author.ID", 23);
book.putPath("", "Bram Stoker");
Using the generated accessor interfaces:
Authors author = Authors.create();
author.setName("Bram Stoker");
Books book = Books.create();
A to-many association is represented by a List<Map<String, Object>>
The following example shows JSON data and how it can be constructed in Java:
"ID" : 23,
"name" : "Bram Stoker",
"books" : [
{ "ID" : 97, "title" : "Dracula" },
{ "ID" : 98, "title" : "Miss Betty" }
// java
Map<String, Object> book1 = new HashMap<>();
book1.put("ID", 97);
book1.put("title", "Dracula");
Map<String, Object> book2 = new HashMap<>();
book2.put("ID", 98);
book2.put("title", "Miss Betty");
Map<String, Object> author = new HashMap<>();
author.put("ID", 23);
author.put("name", "Bram Stoker");
author.put("books", Arrays.asList(book1, book2));
In CAP Java data is represented in maps. To simplify data access in custom code, CAP Java additionally provides generated accessor interfaces which extend CdsData, enhancing the Map
interface with path access to nested data and build-in serialization to JSON.
The Row
s of a query result as well as the generated accessor interfaces already extend CdsData
. Using the helper class Struct you can extend any Map<String, Object>
with the CdsData interface
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
CdsData data = Struct.access(map).as(CdsData.class);
Or create an empty CdsData
map using Struct.create
CdsData data = Struct.create(CdsData.class);
Manipulate deeply nested data using CdsData.putPath
data.putPath("", "Bram Stoker");
This results in a nested data structure: { "author" : { "name" : "Bram Stoker" } }
The path access in putPath
is null-safe, nested maps are created on the fly if required.
Read nested data using CdsData.getPath
String authorName = data.getPath("");
To check if the data contains a value in a nested map with a specific path use containsPath
boolean b = data.containsPath("");
To do a deep remove use removePath
String authorName = data.removePath("");
Empty nested maps are automatically removed by removePath
::: tip
Use path access methods of CdsData
to conveniently manipulate nested data structures.
CDS Data has built-in serialization to JSON, which is helpful for debugging:
CdsData person = Struct.create(CdsData.class);
person.put("salutation", "Mr.");
person.put("name.first", "Frank"); // path access
person.toJson(); // { "salutation" : "Mr.", name : { "first" : "Frank" } }
::: warning Avoid cyclic relationships between CdsData objects when using toJson. :::
This section shows examples using structured data in CQL statements.
Deep Inserts create new target entities along compositions and associations that cascade the insert operation.
In this example an order with a header in status 'open' is created via a deep insert along the header
OrderHeaders header = OrderHeaders.create();
Orders order = Orders.create();
Insert insert = Insert.into(ORDERS).entry(order);
If you're using associations that don't cascade the insert and update operations, those associations can only be set to existing target entities. The data is structured in the same way as in deep inserts, but the insert operation is flat, only the target values that are required to set the association are considered, all other target values are ignored:
Authors author = Authors.create();
Books book = Books.create();
Insert insert = Insert.into(BOOKS).entry(book);
::: tip Set managed associations using the association element and avoid using generated foreign key elements. :::
To insert via compositions, use paths in into
. In the following example we add an order item to the set of items of the order 100:
OrderItems orderItem = OrderItems.create();
orderItem.putPath("book.ID", 201); // set association to book 201
Insert.into(ORDERS, o -> o.filter(o.Id().eq(100)).items())
::: tip Access child entities of a composition using a path expression from the parent entity instead of accessing the child entities directly. :::
To select the mapping elements of a managed association, simply add the association to the select list:
CqnSelect select = Select.from(BOOKS).byId(123)
.columns(b ->;
Row row =;
Integer authorId = row.getPath("author.ID");
::: tip Don't select from and rely on compiler generated foreign key elements of managed associations. :::
Paths are also supported in matching, for example, to select all orders that are in status canceled:
Map<String, Object> order = new HashMap<>();
order.put("header.status", "canceled");
CqnSelect select = Select.from("bookshop.Orders").matching(order);
Result canceledOrders =;
Representing data given as Map<String, Object>
is flexible and interoperable with other frameworks. But it also has some disadvantages:
- Names of elements are checked only at runtime
- No code completion in the IDE
- No type safety
To simplify the handling of data, CAP Java additionally provides typed access to data through accessor interfaces:
Let's assume following data for a book:
Map<String, Object> book = new HashMap<>();
book.put("ID", 97);
book.put("title", "Dracula");
You can now either define an accessor interface or use a generated accessor interface. The accessor interface then looks like in the following example:
interface Book extends Map<String, Object> {
@CdsName("ID") // name of the CDS element
Integer getID();
String getTitle();
void setTitle(String title);
At runtime, the Struct.access
method is used to create a proxy that gives typed access to the data through the accessor interface:
import static;
Book book = access(data).as(Book.class);
String title = book.getTitle(); // read the value of the element 'title' from the underlying map
book.setTitle("Miss Betty"); // update the element 'title' in the underlying map
title = data.get("title"); // direct access to the underlying map
title = book.get("title"); // hybrid access to the underlying map through the accessor interface
To support hybrid access, like simultaneous typed and generic access, the accessor interface just needs to extend Map<String, Object>
::: tip
The name of the CDS element referred to by a getter or setter, is defined through @CdsName
annotation. If the annotation is missing, it's determined by removing the get/set from the method name and lowercasing the first character.
For all structured types of the CDS model, accessor interfaces can be generated using the CDS Maven Plugin. The generated accessor interfaces allow for hybrid access and easy serialization to JSON.
By default, the accessor interfaces provide the setter and getter methods inspired by the JavaBeans specification.
Following example uses accessor interfaces that have been generated with the default (JavaBeans) style:
Authors author = Authors.create();
author.setName("Emily Brontë");
Books book = Books.create();
book.setTitle("Wuthering Heights");
Alternatively, you can generate accessor interfaces in fluent style. In this mode, the getter methods are named after the property names. To enable fluent chaining, the setter methods return the accessor interface itself.
Following is an example of the fluent style:
Authors author = Authors.create().name("Emily Brontë");
Books.create().author(author).title("Wuthering Heights");
The generation mode is configured by the property <methodStyle>
of the goal cds:generate
provided by the CDS Maven Plugin. The selected <methodStyle>
affects all entities and event contexts in your services. The default value is BEAN
, which represents JavaBeans-style interfaces.
Once, when starting a project, decide on the style of the interfaces that is best for your team and project. We recommend the default JavaBeans style.
The way the interfaces are generated determines only how data is accessed by custom code. It does not affect how the data is represented in memory and handled by the CAP Java runtime.
Moreover, it doesn't change the way how event contexts and entities, delivered by CAP, look like. Such interfaces from CAP are always modelled in the default JavaBeans style.
Element names used in the CDS model might conflict with reserved Java keywords (class
, private
, transient
, etc.). In this case, the
annotation must be used to specify an alternative property name that will be used for the generation of accessor interfaces and static model interfaces. The element name used as key in the underlying map for dynamic access isn't affected by this annotation.
See the following example:
entity Equity { : 'clazz'
class : String;
interface Equity {
String getClazz();
void setClazz(String clazz);
In CDS models it is allowed to extend a definition (for example, of an entity) with one or more named aspects. The aspect allows to define elements or annotations that are common to all extending definitions in one place.
This concept is similar to a template or include mechanism as the extending definitions can redefine the included elements, for example, to change their types or annotations. Therefore, Java inheritance cannot be used in all cases to mimic the include mechanism. Instead, to establish Java inheritance between the interfaces generated for an aspect and the interfaces generated for an extending definition, the
annotation must be used. This feature comes with many limitations and does not promise support in all scenarios.
annotation can contain an array of string values, each of which denoting the fully qualified name of a CDS definition (typically an aspect) that is extended. In the following example, the Java accessor interface generated for the AuthorManager
entity shall extend the accessor interface of the aspect temporal
for which the Java accessor interface my.model.Temporal
is generated.
using { temporal } from '@sap/cds/common'; ['temporal']
entity AuthorManager : temporal {
key Id : Integer;
name : String(30);
The accessor interface generated for the AuthorManager
entity is as shown in the following sample:
import java.lang.Integer;
import java.lang.String;
public interface AuthorManager extends CdsData, Temporal {
String ID = "Id";
String NAME = "name";
Integer getId();
void setId(Integer id);
String getName();
void setName(String name);
static AuthorManager create() {
return Struct.create(AuthorManager.class);
In CDS, annotations on an entity are propagated to views on that entity. If a view does a projection exposing different elements, the inheritance relationship defined on the underlying entity via
does not hold for the view. Therefore, the
annotation needs to be overwritten in the view definition.
In the following example, a view with projection is defined on the AuthorManager
entity and the inherited annotation overwritten via : null
to avoid the accessor interface of AuthorManagerService
to extend the interface generated for temporal
service Catalogue { : null
entity AuthorManagerService as projection on AuthorManager { Id, name, validFrom };
::: warning
annotation does not support extending another entity.
To create an empty data container for an interface, use the Struct.create
import static;
Book book = create(Book.class);
String title = book.getTitle(); // title: "Dracula"
Generated accessor interfaces contain a static create
method that further facilitates the usage:
Book book = Books.create();
String title = book.getTitle(); // title: "Dracula"
If the entity has a single key, the generated interface has an additional static create
method that has the key as the argument. For example, given that the Book
entity has key ID
of type String
, you can create the entity and set a key like that:
Book book = Books.create("9780141439846");
String id = book.getId(); // id: 9780141439846
For entities that have more than one key, for example, for draft-enabled entities, the additional create
method isn't generated and only the default one is available.
Create a typed read-only view using access
. Calling a setter on the view throws an exception.
import static;
Book book = access(data).asReadOnly(Book.class);
String title = book.getTitle();
book.setTitle("CDS4j"); // throws Exception
Data given as Iterable<Map<String, Object>>
can also be streamed:
import static;
Stream<Book> books = stream(data).as(Book.class);
List<Book> bookList = books.collect(Collectors.toList());
Typed access through custom or generated accessor interfaces eases the processing of query result.
The CdsDataProcessor
allows to process deeply nested maps of CDS data, by executing a sequence of registered actions (validators, converters, and generators).
Using the create
method, a new instance of the CdsDataProcessor
can be created:
CdsDataProcessor processor = CdsDataProcessor.create();
Validators, converters, and generators can be added using the respective add
method, which takes a filter and an action as arguments and is executed when the filter
is matching.
processor.addValidator(filter, action);
When calling the process
method of the CdsDataProcessor
, the actions are executed sequentially in order of the registration.
List<Map<String, Object>> data; // data to be processed
CdsStructuredType rowType; // row type of the data
processor.process(data, rowType);
The process method can also be used on CDS.ql results that have a row type:
CqnSelect query; // some query
Result result =;
Filters can be defined as lambda expressions on path
, element
, and type
, for instance:
(path, element, type) -> element.isKey()
&& type.isSimpleType(CdsBaseType.STRING)
which matches key elements of type String.
describes the path from the structured root type of the data to the parent type ofelement
and provides access to the data values of each path segmentelement
is the CDS elementtype
- for primitive elements the element's CDS type
- for associations the association's target type
- for arrayed elements the array's item type
Validators validate the values of CDS elements matching the filter. New validators can be added using the addValidator
The following example adds a validator that logs a warning if the CDS element quantity
has a negative value. The warning message contains the path
to the element
(path, element, type) -> element.getName().equals("quantity"), // filter
(path, element, value) -> { // validator
if ((int) value < 0) {
log.warn("Negative quantity: " + path.toRef());
By default, validators are called if the data map contains a value for an element. This can be changed via the processing mode, which can be set to:
(default): The validator is called for declared elements for which the data map contains any value, includingnull
: The validator is called for declared elements for which the data map contains a non-null value.NULL
: The validator is called for declared elements for which the data map containsnull
or no value mapping, usingABSENT
as a placeholder value.DECLARED
: The validator is called for all declared elements, usingABSENT
as a placeholder value for elements with no value mapping.
(p, e, t) -> e.isNotNull(), // filter
(p, e, v) -> { // validator
throw new RuntimeException(e.getName() + " must not be null or absent");
}, Mode.NULL);
Converters convert or remove values of CDS elements matching the filter and are only called if the data map contains a value for the element matching the filter. New converters can be added using the addConverter
method. The following example adds a converter that formats elements with name price
(path, element, type) -> element.getName().equals("price"), // filter
(path, element, value) -> formatter.format(value)); // converter
To remove a value from the data, return Converter.REMOVE
The following example adds a converter that removes values of associations and compositions.
(path, element, type) -> element.getType().isAssociation(), // filter
(path, element, value) -> Converter.REMOVE); // remover
Generators generate the values for CDS elements matching the filter and are missing in the data or mapped to null.
New generators can be added using the addGenerator
The following example adds a UUID generator for elements of type UUID that are missing in the data.
(path, element, type) -> type.isSimpleType(UUID), // filter
(path, element, isNull) -> isNull ? null : randomUUID()); // generator
The data for media type entity properties (annotated with @Core.MediaType
) - as with any other CDS property with primitive type - can be retrieved by their CDS name from the entity data argument. See also Structured Data and Typed Access for more details. The Java data type for such byte-based properties is InputStream
, and for character-based properties it is Reader
(see also Predefined Types).
Processing such elements within a custom event handler requires some care though, as such an InputStream
or Reader
is non-resettable. That means, the data can only be read once. This has some implications you must be aware of, depending on what you want to do.
Let's assume we have the following CDS model:
entity Books : cuid, managed {
title : String(111);
descr : String(1111);
coverImage : LargeBinary @Core.MediaType: 'image/png';
When working with media types, we can differentiate upload and download scenarios. Both have their own specifics on how we can deal with the stream.
If you just want to pass the uploaded stream to the persistence layer of the CAP architecture to have the data written into the database, you don't have to implement any custom handler. This is the simplest scenario and our default On
handler already takes care of that for you.
For the download scenario, as well, you don't need to implement any custom handler logic. The default On
handler reads from the database and passes the stream to the client that requested the media type element.
If you want to override the default logic to process the uploaded stream with custom logic (for example, to parse a stream of CSV data), the best place to do that is in a custom On
handler, as the following examples shows:
@On(event = CdsService.EVENT_UPDATE)
public void processCoverImage(CdsUpdateEventContext context, List<Books> books) {
books.forEach(book -> {
InputStream is = book.getCoverImage();
// ... your custom code fully consuming the input stream
::: warning
After you have fully consumed the stream in your handler logic, passing the same InputStream
or Reader
instance for further consumption would result in no bytes returned, because a non-resettable stream can only be consumed once. In particular, make sure that the default On
handler is not called after your custom processing.
Using a custom On
handler and setting context.setResult(books)
prevents the execution of the default On
The previous described approach is only useful when uploading data. If you need custom processing for media downloads, have a look at the approach using a stream proxy described below.
The following sections describe how to pre-process an uploaded stream of data before it gets persisted or how to post-process a downloaded stream of data before it's handed over to the client. For example, this is useful if you want to send uploaded data to a virus scanner, before persisting it on the database.
This requires that the stream is consumed by several parties (for example, the virus scanner and the persistence layer). To achieve this, implement a proxy that wraps the original InputStream
or Reader
instance and executes the processing logic within the read()
methods on the data read directly. Such a proxy can be implemented by extending a FilterInputStream, a ProxyInputStream, a FilterReader or a ProxyReader.
The following example uses a FilterInputStream:
public class CoverImagePreProcessor extends FilterInputStream {
public CoverImagePreProcessor(InputStream wrapped) {
public int read() throws IOException {
int nextByte =;
// ... your custom processing code on nextByte
return nextByte
public int read(byte[] bts, int off, int len) throws IOException {
int bytesRead =, off, len);
// ... your custom processing code on bts array
return bytesRead;
This proxy is then used to wrap the original InputStream
. This works for both upload and download scenarios.
For uploads, you can either use a custom Before
or On
handler to wrap the proxy implementation around the original stream before passing it to its final destination.
Using a custom Before
handler makes sense if the stream's final destination is the persistence layer of the CAP Java SDK, which writes the content to the database. Note that the pre-processing logic in this example is implemented in the read()
methods of the FilterInputStream
and is only called when the data is streamed, during the On
phase of the request:
@Before(event = CdsService.EVENT_UPDATE)
public void preProcessCoverImage(CdsUpdateEventContext context, List<Books> books) {
books.forEach(book -> {
book.setCoverImage(new CoverImagePreProcessor(book.getCoverImage()));
The original InputStream
is replaced by the proxy implementation in the coverImage
element of the book
entity and passed along. Every further code trying to access the coverImage
element will use the proxy implementation instead.
Using a custom On
handler makes sense if you want to prevent that the default On
handler is executed and to control the final destination for the stream. You then have the option to pass the streamed data on to some other service for persistence:
@On(event = CdsService.EVENT_UPDATE)
public Result processCoverImage(CdsUpdateEventContext context, List<Books> books) {
books.forEach(book -> {
book.setCoverImage(new CoverImagePreProcessor(book.getCoverImage()));
// example for invoking some CQN-based service
For download scenarios, the stream to wrap is only available in After
handlers as shown in this example:
@After(event = CdsService.EVENT_READ)
public void preProcessCoverImage(CdsReadEventContext context, List<Books> books) {
books.forEach(book -> {
book.setCoverImage(new CoverImagePreProcessor(book.getCoverImage()));
::: tip Be aware
in which event phase you do the actual consumption of the InputStream
or Reader
instance that is passed around. Once fully consumed, it can no longer be read from in remaining event phases.