synopsis | status | uacp |
Persistence Services are CQN-based database clients. This section describes which database types are supported, how datasources to these databases are created and how they are turned into Persistence Services.
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{{ $frontmatter.synopsis }}
CAP Java has built-in support for various databases. This section describes the different databases and any differences between them with respect to CAP features. There's out of the box support for SAP HANA with CAP currently as well as H2 and SQLite. However, it's important to note that H2 and SQLite aren't an enterprise grade database and are recommended for nonproductive use like local development or CI tests only. PostgreSQL is supported in addition, but has various limitations in comparison to SAP HANA, most notably in the area of schema evolution.
Write operations through views are supported by the CAP runtime as described in Resolvable Views. Operations on views that cannot be resolved by the CAP runtime are passed through to the database.
SAP HANA Cloud is the CAP standard database recommended for productive use with needs for schema evolution and multitenancy. Noteworthy:
Write operations through views that can't be resolved by the CAP runtime are passed through to SAP HANA Cloud. Limitations are described in the SAP HANA Cloud documentation.
Shared locks are supported on SAP HANA Cloud only.
When using
elements in locale-specific ordering relations (>
, ... ,between
), a statement-wide collation is added, which can have negative impact on the performance. If locale-specific ordering isn't required for specificString
elements, annotate the element with@cds.collate: false
entity Books : cuid {
title : localized String(111);
descr : localized String(1111);
@cds.collate : false // [!code focus]
isbn : String(40); // does not require locale-specific handling // [!code focus]
When disabling locale-specific handling for a String element, binary comparison is used, which is generally faster but results in case-sensitive order (A, B, a, b).
:::tip Disable Statement-Wide Collation
To disable statement-wide collation for all queries, set cds.sql.hana.ignoreLocale
to true
- The SAP HANA supports Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE) for regular expression matching. If you need to match a string against a regular expression and are not interested in the exact number of the occurrences, consider using lazy (ungreedy) quantifiers in the pattern or the option
CAP Java SDK is tested on PostgreSQL 15 and supports most of the CAP features. Known limitations are:
- No locale specific sorting. The sort order of queries behaves as configured on the database.
- Write operations through CDS views are only supported for views that can be resolved or are updatable in PostgreSQL.
- The CDS type
can't be used with PostgreSQL, as there's noTINYINT
. UseInt16
instead. - Multitenancy and extensibility aren't yet supported on PostgreSQL.
H2 is one of the recommended in-memory databases for local development. There's no production support for H2 from CAP and there are the following support limitations:
- H2 only supports database level collation. Lexicographical sorting on character-based columns isn't supported.
- Case-insensitive comparison isn't yet supported.
- By default, views aren't updatable on H2. However, the CAP Java SDK supports some views to be updatable as described here.
- Although referential and foreign key constraints are supported, H2 doesn't support deferred checking. As a consequence, schema SQL is never generated with referential constraints.
- In pessimistic locking, shared locks are not supported but an exclusive lock is used instead.
- The CDS type
can't be used with H2, as there is noTINYINT
. UseInt16
instead. - For regular expressions, H2's implementation is compatible with Java's: the matching behaviour is an equivalent of the
call for the given pattern.
::: warning Support for localized and temporal data via session context variables requires H2 v2.2.x or later. :::
CAP supports SQLite out of the box. When working with Java, it's recommended to use SQLite only for development and testing purposes.
CAP does support most of the major features on SQLite, although there are a few shortcomings that are listed here:
isn't supported.- There are some known issues with parentheses in
operator. The following statement is erroneous:SELECT * FROM A UNION ( SELECT * FROM B )
without parentheses. This can be achieved by removing the parentheses in your CDS Model. - SQLite has only limited support for concurrent database access. You're advised to limit the connection pool to 1 as shown above (parameter
maximum-pool-size: 1
), which effectively serializes all database transactions. - The predicate function
is supported. However, the search for characters in the word or phrase is case-insensitive in SQLite. In the future, we might provide an option to make the case-sensitivity locale dependent. - SQLite doesn't support pessimistic locking.
- Streaming of large object data isn't supported by SQLite. Hence, when reading or writing data of type
as a stream the framework temporarily materializes the content. Thus, storing large objects on SQLite can impact the performance. - Sorting of character-based columns is never locale-specific but if any locale is specified in the context of a query then case insensitive sorting is performed.
- Views in SQLite are read-only. However, the CAP Java SDK supports some views to be updatable as described here.
- Foreign key constraints are supported, but disabled by default. To activate the feature using JDBC URL, append the
parameter to the connection URL, for example,url=jdbc:sqlite:file:testDb?mode=memory&foreign_keys=on
. For more information, visit the SQLite Foreign Key Support in the official documentation. - CAP enables regular expressions on SQLite via a Java implementation. The matching behaviour is an equivalent of the
call for the given pattern.
Java Applications usually connect to SQL databases through datasources (java.sql.DataSource
The CAP Java SDK can auto-configure datasources from service bindings and pick up datasources configured by Spring Boot.
These datasources are used to create Persistence Services, which are CQN-based database clients.
Datasources are usually backed by a connection pool to ensure efficient access to the database.
If datasources are created from a service binding the connection pool can be configured through the properties cds.dataSource.<service-instance>.<pool-type>.*
An example configuration could look like this:
maximum-pool-size: 20
Supported pool types for single tenant scenarios are hikari
, tomcat
, and dbcp2
. For a multitenant scenario hikari
, tomcat
, and atomikos
are supported. The corresponding pool dependencies need to be available on the classpath. You can find an overview of the available pool properties in the respective documentation of the pool. For example, properties supported by Hikari can be found here.
It is also possible to configure the database connection itself. For Hikari this can be achieved by using the data-source-properties
section. Properties defined here are passed to the respective JDBC driver, which is responsible to establish the actual database connection. The following example sets such a SAP HANA-specific configuration:
packetSize: 300000
SAP HANA can be configured when running locally as well as when running productively in the cloud. The datasource is auto-configured based on available service bindings in the VCAP_SERVICES
environment variable or locally the default-env.json. This only works if an application profile is used, that doesn't explicitly configure a datasource using spring.datasource.url
. Such an explicit configuration always takes precedence over service bindings from the environment.
Service bindings of type service-manager and, in a Spring-based application, hana are used to auto-configure datasources. If multiple datasources are used by the application, you can select one auto-configured datasource to be used by the default Persistence Service through the property cds.dataSource.binding
By default, the SAP HANA adapter in CAP Java generates SQL that is compatible with SAP HANA 2.x (HANA Service) and SAP HANA Cloud. To generate SQL that is optimized for the new HEX engine in SAP HANA Cloud, set the CDS property:
cds.sql.hana.optimizationMode: hex
Use the hints hdb.USE_HEX_PLAN
to overrule the configured optimization mode per statement.
PostgreSQL can be configured when running locally as well as when running productively in the cloud. Similar to HANA, the datasource is auto-configured based on available service bindings, if the feature cds-feature-postgresql
is added.
To generate a schema.sql
for PostgreSQL, use the dialect postgres
with the cds deploy
command: cds deploy --to postgres --dry
. The following snippet from srv/pom.xml configures the cds-maven-plugin accordingly:
<command>deploy --to postgres --dry > srv/src/main/resources/schema.sql</command>
Advise the CDS Compiler to not generate localized views that CAP Java doesn't need:
::: code-group
{ "cdsc": { "fewerLocalizedViews": true } }
The generated schema.sql
can be automatically deployed by Spring if you configure the sql.init.mode to always
::: warning Automatic schema deployment isn't suitable for productive use. Consider using production-ready tools like Flyway or Liquibase. See more on that in the Database guide for PostgreSQL :::
If you don't have a compatible PostgreSQL service binding in your application environment, you can also explicitly configure the connection data of your PostgreSQL database in the application.yaml:
config.activate.on-profile: postgres
url: <url>
username: <user>
password: <password>
driver-class-name: org.postgresql.Driver
For local development, H2 can be configured to run in-memory or in the file-based mode.
To generate a schema.sql
for H2, use the dialect h2
with the cds deploy
command: cds deploy --to h2 --dry
. The following snippet from srv/pom.xml configures the cds-maven-plugin accordingly:
<command>deploy --to h2 --dry > srv/src/main/resources/schema.sql</command>
Advise the CDS Compiler to not generate localized views that CAP Java doesn't need:
::: code-group
{ "cdsc": { "fewerLocalizedViews": true } }
In Spring, H2 is automatically initialized in-memory when present on the classpath. See the official documentation for H2 for file-based database configuration.
The cds-maven-plugin
provides the goal add
that can be used to add H2 support to the CAP Java project:
mvn -Dfeature=H2 -Dprofile=default
To generate a schema.sql
for SQLite, use the dialect sqlite
with the cds deploy
command: cds deploy --to sqlite --dry
. The following snippet from srv/pom.xml configures the cds-maven-plugin accordingly:
<command>deploy --to sqlite --dry > srv/src/main/resources/schema.sql</command>
You have the following configuration options:
: enable support for session context variablesfewerLocalizedView
: don't generate localized views that CAP Java doesn't need
::: code-group
"cdsc": {
"betterSqliteSessionVariables": true,
"fewerLocalizedViews": true
The cds-maven-plugin
provides the goal add
that can be used to add Sqlite support to the CAP Java project:
mvn -Dfeature=SQLITE -Dprofile=default
The database content is stored in a file, sqlite.db
as in the following example. Since the schema is initialized using cds deploy
command, the initialization mode is set to never
config.activate.on-profile: sqlite
mode: never
url: "jdbc:sqlite:sqlite.db"
driver-class-name: org.sqlite.JDBC
maximum-pool-size: 1
The database content is stored in-memory only. The schema initialization done by Spring, executes the schema.sql
script. Hence, the initialization mode is set to always
. If Hikari closes the last connection from the pool, the in-memory database is automatically deleted. To prevent this situation, set max-lifetime
to 0:
config.activate.on-profile: default
mode: always
url: "jdbc:sqlite:file::memory:?cache=shared"
driver-class-name: org.sqlite.JDBC
maximum-pool-size: 1
max-lifetime: 0
Persistence Services are CQN-based database clients. You can think of them as a wrapper around a datasource, which translates CQN to SQL. In addition Persistence Services have built-in transaction management. They take care of lazily initializing and maintaining database transactions as part of the active changeset context.
Learn more about ChangeSet Contexts and Transactions.{.learn-more}
A Persistence Service isn't bound to a specific service definition in the CDS model. It's capable of accepting CQN statements targeting any entity or view that is stored in the corresponding database. All Persistence Service instances reflect on the same CDS model. It is the responsibility of the developer to decide which artifacts are deployed into which database at deploy time and to access these artifacts with the respective Persistence Service at runtime.
The default Persistence Service is used by the generic handlers of Application Services to offer out-of-the-box CRUD functionality.
The name of the default Persistence Service is stored in the global constant PersistenceService.DEFAULT_NAME
If only a single datasource exists in the application the CAP Java SDK creates the default Persistence Service from it.
This is usually the case when specifying a datasource through Spring Boot's configuration (spring.datasource.url
or auto-configured H2) or when having a single database service binding.
If multiple datasources exist in the application, the CAP Java SDK needs to know for which the default Persistence Service should be created, otherwise the application startup will fail.
By setting the property cds.dataSource.binding
the datasource created from the specified database service binding is marked as primary.
If the datasource to be used is directly created as a bean in Spring Boot you need to ensure to mark it as primary using Spring Boot's @Primary
For each non-primary database service binding a Persistence Service is automatically created. The name of the Persistence Service is the name of the service binding. It is possible to configure how Persistence Services are created.
To change the name of a Persistence Service you can specify it in your configuration and connect it explicitly with the corresponding database service binding. The following configuration creates a Persistence Service named "my-ps" for the service binding "my-hana-hdi":
binding: "my-hana-hdi"
You can also disable the creation of a Persistence Service for specific database service bindings. The following configuration disables the creation of a Persistence Service for the service binding "my-hana-hdi":
enabled: false
To create a non-default Persistence Service for a datasource explicitly created as Spring bean a configuration is required. The following examples shows a Java example to register such a datasource bean:
public class DataSourceConfig {
public DataSource customDataSource() {
return DataSourceBuilder.create()
In the configuration you need to refer to the name of the datasource:
dataSource: "customDataSource"
::: tip Any usage of non-default Persistence Services needs to happen in custom handlers. :::
A common scenario for multiple Persistence Services is in multitenant applications, which require an additional tenant-independent database. These applications usually use the Service Manager to maintain a dedicated SAP HANA HDI container for each tenant. However additional tenant-independent data needs to be stored in a separate HDI container, shared by all tenants.
When running such a scenario productively it is as easy as binding two database service bindings to your application: The Service Manager binding and the additional HDI container binding. The only configuration required in that scenario is to mark the Service Manager binding as the primary one, in order to create the default Persistence Service from it:
config.activate.on-profile: cloud
binding: "my-service-manager-binding"
At deploy time it is currently recommended to deploy all CDS entities into both the tenant-dependent as well as the tenant-independent databases. At runtime you need to ensure to access the tenant-dependent entities through the default Persistence Service and the tenant-independent entities through the additional Persistence Service.
In case you are testing your multitenant application locally with the setup described in Local Development and Testing, you need to perform additional steps to create an in-memory tenant-independent datasource.
To create an in-memory datasource, initialized with the SQL schema, add the following configuration to your Spring Boot application:
public class DataSourceConfig {
public DataSourceProperties tenantIndependentDataSourceProperties() {
return new DataSourceProperties();
public DataSource tenantIndependentDataSource() {
return tenantIndependentDataSourceProperties()
public DataSourceInitializer tenantIndependentInitializer() {
ResourceDatabasePopulator resourceDatabasePopulator = new ResourceDatabasePopulator();
resourceDatabasePopulator.addScript(new ClassPathResource("schema.sql"));
DataSourceInitializer dataSourceInitializer = new DataSourceInitializer();
return dataSourceInitializer;
You can then refer to that datasource in your Persistence Service configuration and mark the auto-configured MTX SQLite datasource as primary:
config.activate.on-profile: local-mtxs
dataSource: "tenantIndependentDataSource"
binding: "mtx-sqlite"
In case you're testing your application in single-tenant mode without MTX sidecar you need to configure two in-memory databases. The primary one is used for your tenant-dependant persistence and the secondary one for your tenant-independent persistence.
Due to the way the Spring Boot DataSource auto-configuration works, you can't use the configuration property spring.datasource.url
for one of your datasources.
Spring Boot doesn't pick up this configuration anymore, as soon as you explicitly define another datasource, which is required in this scenario.
You therefore need to define the configuration for two datasources. In addition, you need to define the transaction manager for the primary datasource.
public class DataSourceConfig {
* Configuration of tenant-dependant persistence
public DataSourceProperties tenantDependentDataSourceProperties() {
return new DataSourceProperties();
public DataSource tenantDependentDataSource() {
return tenantDependentDataSourceProperties()
public DataSourceTransactionManager tenantDependentTransactionManager() {
return new DataSourceTransactionManager(tenantDependentDataSource());
* Configuration of tenant-independent persistence
public DataSourceProperties tenantIndependentDataSourceProperties() {
return new DataSourceProperties();
public DataSource tenantIndependentDataSource() {
return tenantIndependentDataSourceProperties()
public DataSourceInitializer tenantIndependentInitializer() {
ResourceDatabasePopulator resourceDatabasePopulator = new ResourceDatabasePopulator();
resourceDatabasePopulator.addScript(new ClassPathResource("schema.sql"));
DataSourceInitializer dataSourceInitializer = new DataSourceInitializer();
return dataSourceInitializer;
The primary datasource is automatically picked up by the CAP Java SDK. The secondary datasource needs to be referred in your Persistence Service configuration:
config.activate.on-profile: local
dataSource: "tenantIndependentDataSource"