Releases: ansys/pydpf-core
Releases · ansys/pydpf-core
What's Changed
- Add manipulable DpfPlotter object that allows multiple mesh/field plotting
- Enhance documentation
Pull requests
- Plotter: multiple mesh enhancement #130
- Documentation: add troubleshooting section related to the model #139
- Plotter: return_cpos (kwargs) updates with a field display #141
Full Changelog: 0.3.3...0.3.4
What's Changed
- Enhance documentation and examples
- Enhance CommonResults and Model
Pull requests
- static CommonResults should be returned when the available results couldn't be loaded #135
- custom title for mesh.plot(field) #131
- local data updates only when modified #133
- Make model more permissive #132
- safe print dpf entity #125
- fix typo CommonResults #129
- Add linux doc build #122
- add docstrings to settings module #124
- Doc/add troubleshooting #109
- add new examples to expose fields containers capabilities #123
Thank you @cbellot000, @jleonatti, @TheGoldfish01 for contributing !
Full Changelog: 0.3.2...0.3.3
What's Changed
- Implement cache: add @class_handling_cache decorator to reduce the number of server requests #107
- Improve performances for data to server upload and as_local_field usage. Allow disabling property evalution by jedi #108
Pull requests
- Remove operator name in result info print #119
- add capability to disable dynamic result property creation #115
- update plotting getting started in the documentation #118
- Improve performances #108
- add description in pypi #112
- Add link to logo #110
- Temporary fix: vtk version #111
- add automatic completion for model's results #99
- implement cache #107
- fix pyansys logo #106
- deep copy of field definition #92
Thank you @germa89 and @cbellot000 for contributing!
Full Changelog: 0.3.1...0.3.2
What's Changed
- Enhance and format documentation
- Add ansys.dpf.core.Operator.eval() method
- Enable connection of Result instance to operator
Pull requests
- fix field creation documentation #100
- add Doctest in pipelines #103
- enable connection of Result instance to operator #102
- add compatibility info in doc #94
- update setup to show more info #93
- Mention link to doc in readme #80
- Fix line lengths for comments and docstrings #78
- Remove unused imports #77
- Format examples and misc files #76
- Format test files #75
- Format core files with black #74
- Doc/basic example edits #70
- Add flake8 checks #71
- Remove assert isinstance(cpos, CameraPosition) for plotting tests #73
- Doc/edits from result info to end #69
- Doc/edits starting with model py #68
- Doc/edits starting with field definition #67
- fix add, minus and multiplication operators when server are specified #64
- Doc/edits per cb review #66
- Doc/edits to py files from d to #61
- Doc/edits py files in root of core folder documentation#60
- Feature: element descriptor bug enhancement #51
- Fix: dimensionality misspelling #56
- Operator eval method #43
- Doc/edits dpf core intro and misc documentation#52
- Plotter issue occurs while a fields container contains several fields but that some are empty and ElementalNodal #47
Thank you @cbellot000, @jleonatti, @PipKat, @akaszynski, @rlagha for contributing !
Full Changelog: 0.3.0...0.3.1
v0.3.0 Release Notes
PyDPF-Core is now compatible with Ansys 2021 R2 with ansys-dpf-core v0.3.0 release.
What's Changed
- Add new operators
- Add CyclicSupport class
- Add MeshesContainer class
- Enhance documentation and examples
- Add Field, FieldsContainer, Mesh Scoping and TimeFreq Scoping factories
Pull requests
Full Changelog: 0.2.1...0.3.0