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Edge Conductor / Tutorials / Sample Applications / Hello Cluster! Helm

Hello Cluster! Helm Version

This tutorial describes how to prepare an Edge Conductor Kit to deploy a Helm chart package. This tutorial uses Hello Cluster! application to demonstrate how to deploy the Hello Cluster! Helm package on Kind cluster



This tutorial provides a Helm Chart packaged with the Hello Cluster! application as a sample. Please find the sample Helm Chart package HERE. The following description, command, configuration, and output will be based on this sample Helm package. The reader can change the Helm chart package as their own just make sure the corresponding part uses the customized package name and configure files as well.

Follow HW Requirements for Edge Conductor Day-0 Host and OS and System Requirements for Edge Conductor Day-0 Host to prepare the Day-0 host hardware and software.

NOTE: For each KIND node, 2 CPU cores and 2 gigabytes (GB) of memory are needed at least.

Follow Download and Build Edge Conductor Code (Internal users only) to build and install the Edge Conductor tool. Enter _workspace folder to run the Edge Conductor tool.

edge-conductor$ cd _workspace

Follow the Installing Helm steps to install the Helm CLI.

Prepare an Edge Conductor Kit for a Helm Chart Package Deployment

This document guides the user to prepare an Edge Conductor Kit that deploys a Helm Chart Package on a KIND cluster.

This document uses three kinds of files:

  • Edge Conductor Kit configure file kit.yml: the file passed to the conductor tool directly
  • Component Manifest file manifest.yml: define the component's attribute
  • Helm Chart Package: hello-cluster-helm.tgz : The Helm Chart packaged with the Hello Cluster! application to be deployed. (*Note: This package will be generated after EC build).

The following sections explain how the 3 files co-work as an Edge Conductor Kit to install Helm Chart Package on the KIND cluster.

Edge Conductor Kit Config File

This file is the top-level file of Edge Conductor Kit which will be passed to the conductor tool as the configuration of the target cluster and software component. Refer to kit.yml for the detail.

  - kit/kind.yml

      password: "123456"

  - "config/manifests/component_manifest.yml"
  - "config/sample_hello_cluster_helm/manifest.yml"
  - name: hello-cluster-helm

In this example:

  • It imports kind.yml, which is the official Kit for KIND cluster.
  • It imports config/sample_hello_cluster_helm/manifest.yml as the supplemented manifest of the component manifest file to provide the configuration of the helm chart package. The below section Component Manifest gives the detailed information of this supplemented manifest YAML file.
  • It selects the hello-cluster-helm component (defined in the manifest.yml) to be deployed on the Kind cluster.

Component Manifest

EC has a default component manifest file, which contains all default components supported by EC. Customers can write a supplement component manifest file. This example provides the supplement manifest in manifest.yml. Detailed definition of components refer to EC Configuration components section.

  - name: hello-cluster-helm
    url: file://{{ .Workspace }}/config/sample_hello_cluster_helm/hello-cluster-helm-0.1.0.tgz
    type: helm
      - kind

In this sample:

  • It defines the component's name as "hello-cluster-helm", which will be used as the identifier to be selected by kit.yml selector section.
  • It uses the hello-cluster-helm-0.1.0.tgz package to install the helm chart.
  • It selects ‘helm’ type of the component. Refer to EC Component for supported component type.
  • It provides offline deployment capability with the list of image URLs under the "images" section.
  • It requests the service to be deployed based on KIND cluster.

Deploy Hello Cluster Application by Helm Chart on Edge Conductor

After all the above steps are accomplished, we can go to deploy the service based on the created hello-cluster-helm Edge Conductor Kit. Following steps, deploy the Hello Cluster Application by Helm Chart based on the Edge Conductor Kit created above.

Init Edge Conductor Environment

Run the "init" command with hello-cluster-helm Kit config file to initialize the Edge Conductor environment.

edge-conductor/_workspace$ ./conductor init -c ./config/sample_hello_cluster_helm/kit.yml

Build and Deploy KIND Cluster

Run the following commands to build and deploy KIND cluster.

edge-conductor/_workspace$ ./conductor cluster build
edge-conductor/_workspace$ ./conductor cluster deploy

Check the KIND Cluster

Install the kubectl tool (v1.20.0 or above) to interact with the target cluster.

kubectl get nodes

Build and Deploy hello-cluster Service

To build and deploy the services, enter the commands:

edge-conductor/_workspace$ ./conductor service build
edge-conductor/_workspace$ ./conductor service deploy

Run the following commands to list the pods that are running the Hello Cluster application:

edge-conductor/_workspace$ kubectl get pods --output=wide

You will see output similar to:

NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE    IP           NODE          NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
hello-cluster-helm-f86d6448f-2c98c   1/1     Running   0          114m   kind-worker   <none>           <none>
hello-cluster-helm-f86d6448f-r2dqc   1/1     Running   0          114m   kind-worker   <none>           <none>

Access the Service

Use port-forward to access the hello cluster application Run the following command:

kubectl port-forward -n default service/hello-cluster-helm 5999:8080

It should be output like below:

Forwarding from -> 8080
Forwarding from [::1]:5999 -> 8080

In a new terminal, run the following command to access the service:


The response to a successful request is a hello message:

Hello, world!
Version: 1.0.0
Hostname: hello-cluster-helm-f86d6448f-2c98c

Clean Up

To remove the whole KIND cluster and deinit EC by running the following commands:

edge-conductor/_workspace$ ./conductor cluster remove
edge-conductor/_workspace$ ./conductor deinit

What's Next

Congratulations! You have deployed an application using a Helm chart. Next, you can try to deploy a web indexing service on the Kubernetes cluster.

Previous Tutorial: Hello Cluster!
Next Tutorial: Web Indexing Application

Back to: Tutorials

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