Releases: apigee-127/swagger-converter
Releases · apigee-127/swagger-converter
Thanks to @IvanGoncharov for submitting #24 pull request.
- Simplify type conversion for Schema Object attributes (1fbc73a)
- Fix incorrect JSON Refs inside 'items' attribute (9cddd15)
- Fix default values inside test cases (df88820)
- Correctly implement response schema (cde47dd)
- Handle parameters for body type differently (390cfa5)
Added support for a spec without models #22
Use browser.js for bower main file d465364
Added support for tags and reference of non-primitive model properties #21
- It doesn't modify input objects anymore
- Multiple fixes in converting parameters
- parseInt filed.minimum/maximum only if type is integer
- Improved testing
- Improvements to browser version files (minified file)
- Improved build process
Included Browserified browser.js
- Fixed bug in authorization scope converstion
- Make apiDeclarations optional
- Add browser support and bower
- Fix problem where references were create for primitive types
- Do not fix references that have already been fixed
- Fix protocol colon issue Fixed #5
Sync API
* Converts Swagger 1.2 specs file to Swagger 2.0 specs.
* @param resourceListing {object} - root Swagger 1.2 document where it has a
* list of all paths
* @param apiDeclarations {array} - a list of all resources listed in
* resourceListing. Array of objects
* @returns {object} - Fully converted Swagger 2.0 document
module.exports = function convert(resourceListing, apiDeclarations) {