Looks at the current host for listening network endpoints.
It uses the /proc
filesystem and requires the SYS_PTRACE
capabilities so that it can determine what processes own
the listening sockets.
It will look for all listening sockets on TCP and UDP over IPv4 and IPv6.
Observer Type: host
Config option | Required | Type | Description |
pollIntervalSeconds |
no | integer |
(default: 10 ) |
The following fields are available on endpoints generated by this observer and can be used in discovery rules.
Name | Type | Description |
command |
string |
The full command used to invoke this process, including the executable itself at the beginning. |
has_port |
string |
Set to true if the endpoint has a port assigned to it. This will be false for endpoints that represent a host/container as a whole. |
ip_address |
string |
The IP address of the endpoint if the host is in the from of an IPv4 address |
is_ipv6 |
string |
Will be true if the endpoint is IPv6. |
network_port |
string |
An alias for port |
discovered_by |
string |
The observer that discovered this endpoint |
host |
string |
The hostname/IP address of the endpoint. If this is an IPv6 address, it will be surrounded by [ and ] . |
id |
string |
name |
string |
A observer assigned name of the endpoint. For example, if using the k8s-api observer, name will be the port name in the pod spec, if any. |
port |
integer |
The TCP/UDP port number of the endpoint |
port_type |
string |
TCP or UDP |
target |
string |
The type of the thing that this endpoint directly refers to. If the endpoint has a host and port associated with it (most common), the value will be hostport . Other possible values are: pod , container , host . See the docs for the specific observer you are using for more details on what types that observer emits. |
These dimensions are added to all metrics that are emitted for this service endpoint. These variables are also available to use as variables in discovery rules.
Name | Description |
pid |
The PID of the process that owns the listening endpoint |