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| <a name="input_network"></a> [network](#input\_network) | The network to use for the endpoints and optinal resolvers | <pre>object({<br> availability_zones = optional(number, 2)<br> # Whether to use ipam when creating the network<br> create = optional(bool, true)<br> # Indicates if we should create a new network or reuse an existing one<br> enable_default_route_table_association = optional(bool, true)<br> # Whether to associate the default route table <br> enable_default_route_table_propagation = optional(bool, true)<br> # Whether to propagate the default route table<br> ipam_pool_id = optional(string, null)<br> # The id of the ipam pool to use when creating the network<br> name = optional(string, "central-dns")<br> # The name of the network to create<br> private_netmask = optional(number, 24)<br> # The subnet mask for private subnets, when creating the network i.e subnet-id =><br> private_subnet_ids = optional(list(string), [])<br> # The ids of the private subnets to if we are reusing an existing network<br> transit_gateway_id = optional(string, "")<br> ## The transit gateway id to use for the network<br> vpc_cidr = optional(string, "")<br> # The cidrws range to use for the VPC, when creating the network<br> vpc_id = optional(string, "")<br> # The vpc id to use when reusing an existing network <br> vpc_netmask = optional(number, null)<br> # When using ipam this the netmask to use for the VPC<br> })</pre> | n/a | yes |
| <a name="input_network"></a> [network](#input\_network) | The network to use for the endpoints and optinal resolvers | <pre>object({<br/> availability_zones = optional(number, 2)<br/> # Whether to use ipam when creating the network<br/> create = optional(bool, true)<br/> # Indicates if we should create a new network or reuse an existing one<br/> enable_default_route_table_association = optional(bool, true)<br/> # Whether to associate the default route table <br/> enable_default_route_table_propagation = optional(bool, true)<br/> # Whether to propagate the default route table<br/> ipam_pool_id = optional(string, null)<br/> # The id of the ipam pool to use when creating the network<br/> name = optional(string, "central-dns")<br/> # The name of the network to create<br/> private_netmask = optional(number, 24)<br/> # The subnet mask for private subnets, when creating the network i.e subnet-id =><br/> private_subnet_ids = optional(list(string), [])<br/> # The ids of the private subnets to if we are reusing an existing network<br/> transit_gateway_id = optional(string, "")<br/> ## The transit gateway id to use for the network<br/> vpc_cidr = optional(string, "")<br/> # The cidrws range to use for the VPC, when creating the network<br/> vpc_id = optional(string, "")<br/> # The vpc id to use when reusing an existing network <br/> vpc_netmask = optional(number, null)<br/> # When using ipam this the netmask to use for the VPC<br/> })</pre> | n/a | yes |
| <aname="input_resolver_name"></a> [resolver\_name](#input\_resolver\_name)| Name of the Route53 resolver endpoint |`string`| n/a | yes |
| <aname="input_tags"></a> [tags](#input\_tags)| Map of tags to apply to resources created by this module |`map(string)`| n/a | yes |
| <aname="input_resolver_endpoint_type"></a> [resolver\_endpoint\_type](#input\_resolver\_endpoint\_type)| The Route 53 Resolver endpoint IP address type. Valid values: IPV4, IPV6, DUALSTACK. |`string`|`"IPV4"`| no |
| <aname="input_resolver_protocols"></a> [resolver\_protocols](#input\_resolver\_protocols)| List of protocols that the Route53 Outbound Resolver should support |`list(string)`| <pre>[<br> "Do53",<br> "DoH"<br>]</pre> | no |
| <aname="input_resolver_rule_groups"></a> [resolver\_rule\_groups](#input\_resolver\_rule\_groups)| Map of Route53 Resolver Rules by group. Every rule in each group can be shared with principals via AWS RAM. | <pre>list(object({<br> ram_share_name = string<br> # The share share name will be the ram_share_name '-' rule_name<br> ram_principals = optional(map(string), {})<br> ## A map of principals to share the rules with i.e. Infrastructure OU => ou-1234567890<br> rules = list(object({<br> name = string<br> ## The name of the rule, used when creating the ram share <br> domain = string<br> ## The domain to forward the query to <br> targets = optional(list(string), [])<br> ## The name of the resolver rule<br> rule_type = optional(string, "FORWARD")<br> ## The type of rule to create <br> }))<br> ## A list of rules to create in the group <br> }))</pre> |`[]`| no |
| <aname="input_resolver_protocols"></a> [resolver\_protocols](#input\_resolver\_protocols)| List of protocols that the Route53 Outbound Resolver should support |`list(string)`| <pre>[<br/> "Do53",<br/> "DoH"<br/>]</pre> | no |
| <aname="input_resolver_rule_groups"></a> [resolver\_rule\_groups](#input\_resolver\_rule\_groups)| Map of Route53 Resolver Rules by group. Every rule in each group can be shared with principals via AWS RAM. | <pre>list(object({<br/> ram_share_name = string<br/> # The share share name will be the ram_share_name '-' rule_name<br/> ram_principals = optional(map(string), {})<br/> ## A map of principals to share the rules with i.e. Infrastructure OU => ou-1234567890<br/> rules = list(object({<br/> name = string<br/> ## The name of the rule, used when creating the ram share <br/> domain = string<br/> ## The domain to forward the query to <br/> targets = optional(list(string), [])<br/> ## The name of the resolver rule<br/> rule_type = optional(string, "FORWARD")<br/> ## The type of rule to create <br/> }))<br/> ## A list of rules to create in the group <br/> }))</pre> |`[]`| no |
| <aname="input_route53_zone_ids"></a> [route53\_zone\_ids](#input\_route53\_zone\_ids)| List of Route53 Zone IDs to be associated with the resolver VPC. |`list(string)`|`[]`| no |
| <aname="input_tags"></a> [tags](#input\_tags)| Map of tags to apply to resources created by this module |`map(string)`| <pre>{<br> "Environment": "Testing",<br> "GitRepo": ""<br>}</pre> | no |
| <aname="input_tags"></a> [tags](#input\_tags)| Map of tags to apply to resources created by this module |`map(string)`| <pre>{<br/> "Environment": "Testing",<br/> "GitRepo": ""<br/>}</pre> | no |
| <aname="input_transit_gateway_id"></a> [transit\_gateway\_id](#input\_transit\_gateway\_id)| The id of the transit gateway to use for the network |`string`|`"tgw-04ad8f026be8b7eb6"`| no |
| <aname="input_ipam_pool_id"></a> [ipam\_pool\_id](#input\_ipam\_pool\_id)| The id of the ipam pool to use when creating the network |`string`|`"ipam-pool-054836edbcccd8983"`| no |
| <aname="input_tags"></a> [tags](#input\_tags)| Map of tags to apply to resources created by this module |`map(string)`| <pre>{<br> "Environment": "Testing",<br> "GitRepo": ""<br>}</pre> | no |
| <aname="input_tags"></a> [tags](#input\_tags)| Map of tags to apply to resources created by this module |`map(string)`| <pre>{<br/> "Environment": "Testing",<br/> "GitRepo": ""<br/>}</pre> | no |
| <aname="input_transit_gateway_id"></a> [transit\_gateway\_id](#input\_transit\_gateway\_id)| The id of the transit gateway to use for the network |`string`|`"tgw-04ad8f026be8b7eb6"`| no |
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