- SecuredEnvelope: an envelope around RESTful JSON POST/PUT requests which provides a secure and authenticated channel for parties while allowing IC to route messages appropriately.
- Wallet: a wallet controls/manages private keys, and can use them to sign messages or transactions. This could be self-custodial, full-custodial, or any combination therein. Wallets are specific to a device: i.e linking a Petra extension wallet on two different machines is two different wallets.
- Account: an account refers to a specific address on-chain with a corresponding key pair. Wallets contain one or more accounts. If an account does not have an on-chain presence yet, the address derived from a keypair’s public key is the account address. IC abstracts around wallets, so a signing notification for an account will be delivered to all devices on which the account exists. Multi-sig accounts are not currently supported.
- Pairing: a secured channel between a dApp and an account (contained within a wallet). Creating one of these requires user interaction/approval.
- Ephemeral Keys: this system has two types of keys: account keys, which are used to sign transactions and ephemeral keys. Account keys control access to a user's account on-chain, so losing them means losing access to all assets. This key is kept secure within a user’s wallet. Ephemeral keys are named such because recovering from their loss involves a mild UX flow, and there is no other impact on the user. The easiest way to think of these is like a session in the web2 sense- they are ephemeral in the same way a cookie is: whether the cookie lasts for a day, a month, or is refreshed on a rolling basis, ultimately “losing” a cookie only requires “logging in” again.
Several key pairs participate in message passing, transaction signing, account connecting, etc. Here we will enumerate them, and their acronyms.
Account Keys
$(pk_A, sk_A)$ : these are held in the wallet, and are used to sign transactions that are submitted on chain, or messages to prove a wallet possesses a given secret key. These are not expected to be ephemeral. -
dApp Keys
$(pk_D, sk_D)$ : generated by the dApp per pairing, and stored locally within the application. These are ephemeral keys. These must not be reused between pairings, and IC will enforce their uniqueness. -
Wallet Keys
$(pk_W, sk_W)$ : generated by the wallet when it establishes a connection to IC (anonymous or otherwise), unique per wallet connection, never re-used. This allows IC to verify commands from a given wallet to disconnect pairings, add accounts, etc. -
IC Keys
$(pk_{IC}, sk_{IC})$ : generated by IC when a wallet establishes a connection, unique per wallet connection, never re-used. This allows IC to verify commands from a given wallet to disconnect pairings, add accounts, etc.
To disambiguate Ed25519 from X25519 keys, we will prefix any X25519 keys with an x
like so: xPke/xSke
. Ed25519 keys are used for signing, whereas X25519 keys are used for encryption.
Despite having so many key pairs, they are only used in three ways.
Wallet ←→ Identity Connect (IC)
- Identity connect creates a keypair
$(pk_{IC}, sk_{IC})$ when aWallet
entry is created. - The wallet generates a keypair
$(pk_W, sk_W)$ and submits the public key$pk_W$ to IC when confirming the connection.
- Identity connect creates a keypair
Account ←→ dApp
- The dApp creates a keypair
$(pk_D, sk_D)$ : for each pairing. Messages between an account$(pk_A, sk_A)$ and a dApp use these keys for encryption (via X25519) and authorization. -
Account private keys
$sk_A$ ****(and their counterpart X25519 keys) are only used to decrypt and sign: they are never used to encrypt.
- The dApp creates a keypair
Wallet ←→ dApp (anonymous pairing only)
- The dApp creates a keypair
$(pk_D, sk_D)$ for each pairing - The wallet generates a keypair
$(pk_W, sk_W)$ and submits the public key$pk_W$ to IC when confirming the connection - This message contains a signed
, which proves the wallet controls the$sk_A$ associated with this pairing
- The dApp creates a keypair
To allow for an Oauth flow, User
s can log in with an Oauth Provider, with the linkage stored in the OAuthAuthorization
A user may register a dApp, if they are a developer, which creates a new RegisteredDapp
row. The backend will enforce the hostname for any dApp that sends SigningRequests
to match the one registered. During dApp registration Identity-Connect (IC) verifies the user registering the dApp controls the domain.
There are two ways that a wallet may be added:
- Anonymous Flow: this creates a pairing with an
. The anonymous flow requires creating aWallet
so that notifications may be sent for anonymous wallets, and the wallet has a way to delete this pairing, resulting in a better UX. Deleting these if they haven’t been used in 30 days is recommended. Anonymous wallet connections are 1:1 with the pairings they are part of. The user approves an anonymous pairing in their wallet. - Oauth Flow: This is a stateful wallet connection in which a user can log into Identity Connect (IC) and see all wallets they have connected, which account addresses they’ve chosen to connect, and all the pairings for those accounts. Connecting a wallet creates a secured and authenticated channel between the wallet and IC over which the wallet may freely add or remove accounts from IC. A connected wallet can have one or more pairings. A user approves a connected pairing from an IC modal/dashboard.
While the anonymous flow requires scanning a QR code each time, the OAuth flow only requires scanning a QR code once, when connecting the wallet to IC.
Once a pairing is created, the dApp can submit one or more signingRequest
s - these mirror the API/payloads of the wallet adapter for ease of implementation.
There are several endpoints that we expect wallets, dApps, or the IC frontend to call. They are enumerated below.
Oauth endpoints are purposely excluded from here, as they’re standard, and an internal implementation detail.
When sending messages back and forth, there are some things that Identity Connect must know to function and provide security for users, and dApps and wallets need to know that any messages sent to one another were sent (and received) by the expected parties.
To allow for secure communication between parties, we are introducing the SecuredEnvelope. This envelope provides a secure channel for parties to encrypt private messages, and authenticate one another, while allowing IC to route requests and block invalid messages.
The envelope can be thought of as a wrapper around the JSON payload of a POST/PUT request T
, and has two parts:
: this contains some of the parameters ofT
, which will be signed by the sender and encrypted with the recipient's public key.publicMessage
: This field is sent unencrypted, but signed so that the IC endpoint can do basic validation before processing. The parameters inpublicMessage
are DISJOINT fromprivateMessage
, and are invalid otherwise: there are no keys inprivateMessage
that also appear inpublicMessage
. It must contain a_metadata
field with security features like the timestamp, public keys, sequence number, etc.
We use Public
and Private
as generic types instead of privateMessage
and publicMessage
, so we get T = Public & Private
. We also have the following constraints:
Public extends Message & { [K in keyof Private]?: never }
Private extends Message & { [K in keyof Public]?: never }
A message- whether the Public
or Private
component- is a JSON object, and as such, we know that the keys are strings, and the values are any JSON-serializable type. In typescript, we represent this type as type Message = Record<string, unknown>
type SecuredEnvelope<Public extends Message> = {
encryptedPrivateMessage: SerializedEncryptionResult;
messageSignature: string;
publicMessage: Public & {_metadata: EnvelopeMetadata};
Both IC and dApps can verify, on chain, that the senders’ keys match their address and that they are speaking with who they expect. Encryption is done with an X25519 key derived from the ED25519 PublicKey of the wallet account that is connecting (this allows for seamless cross-device account access), and an ephemeral X25519 KeyPair, of which the SecretKey is thrown away after encryption. Decryption uses the X25519 key derived from the receiver ED25519 SecretKey.
The publicMessage._metadata
field looks like this:
type EnvelopeMetadata = {
// The receiver's public key, base64
receiverEd25519PublicKeyB64: string;
// The sender public key, base64
senderEd25519PublicKeyB64: string;
// The senders X25519 public key, base64
senderX25519PublicKeyB64: string;
// The sequence of the sender.
// This number only goes up, to prevent relay attacks
// This exists per pairing
// dApps, wallets, accounts, etc are expected to keep track of them
// IC will reject out-of-order sequence numbers
sequence: number;
// The timestamp this message was sent at
// IC will reject if it's in the future or older than 5 minutes
timestampMillis: number;
To send a SecuredEnvelope
over the wire, it must first be turned into a SecuredEnvelopeTransport
- this involves:
Encrypting and serializing the
field to anencryptedPrivateMessage
Generate ephemeral X25519 sender keypair
. ThexPkse
becomes thesenderX25519PublicKeyB64
in theEnvelopeMetadata
. -
Convert the
to areceiverX25519PublicKey
Generate a random
for the[nacl.box](http://nacl.box)
encryption -
Encrypt the
with thexSkse
Package this encrypted data, and the
, into aSerializedEncryptionResult
type SerializedEncryptionResult = { nonceB64: string; securedB64: string; }
JSON serializing the
field into aserializedPublicMessage
. We don’t care about canonical serialization/ordering as the sender signs over this serialized string. -
Now that we have the private
and publicserializedPublicMessage
we can generate themessageSignature
:- Hash the
to getpublicMessageHash
- Hash the
to getprivateMessageHash
- Hash
SHA3-256(publicMessageHash | privateMessageHash)
to getcombinedMessageHash
- Get the
by hashing thecombinedMessageHash
with a domain separator:SHA3-256(SHA3-256('APTOS::IDENTITY_CONNECT::') | combinedMessageHash)
- To obtain the final
, we sign thedomainSeparatedMessageHash
with the Ed25519 private key of the sender, and hex encode it.
- Hash the
This creates the final
object, ready to be JSON serialized and sent in an HTTP request:
type SecuredEnvelopeTransport = {
encryptedPrivateMessage: SerializedEncryptionResult;
messageSignature: string;
serializedPublicMessage: string;
When a wallet wants to create a pairing, or add/remove an account from a wallet connection, it must prove that it has the secret key for a given account. To do so it uses an AccountConnectInfo
type AccountConnectInfo = {
// The account address
accountAddress: string;
// either 'add' or 'remove'
action: AccountConnectionAction;
// The account public key, base64
ed25519PublicKeyB64: string;
// A unique identifier for this connection: it is either the walletId or the pairingId
// Prevents replay attacks across wallets
intentId: string;
// Prevents replay attacks across time- these are only valid for 5 minutes
timestampMillis: number;
Once the AccountConnectInfo
is assembled, it’s JSON serialized to get a accountInfoSerialized
We then domain separate and hash the accountInfoSerialized
- SHA3-256(SHA3-256('APTOS::IDENTITY_CONNECT::') | SHA3-256(accountInfoSerialized))
, giving us the accountInfoHash
To obtain the signature
, we sign the accountInfoHash
with the Ed25519 private key of the sender, and hex encode it.
These are assembled into an AccountConnectInfoSerialized
, ready to be sent in an HTTP request.
type AccountConnectInfoSerialized = {
accountInfoSerialized: string;
signature: string;
Create Pairing
POST /v1/pairing
Requires SecuredEnvelope: no ❌
dappEd25519PublicKeyB64: string;
dappId: string;
Get Pairing
GET /v1/pairing/:pairingId
Requires SecuredEnvelope: no ❌
Finalize Anonymous Pairing
PATCH /v1/pairing/:pairingId/anonymous-wallet
Requires SecuredEnvelope: yes ✅ S/Pkw -> S/Pkd
SecuredEnvelope Public:
accounts: AccountConnectInfoSerialized[];
// Device identifier of wallet device
deviceIdentifier: string;
// Platform of wallet
platform: string;
// Operating system of wallet
platformOS: string;
// Optional alias for this wallet
userSubmittedAlias?: string;
// wallet public key (Pkw)
walletEd25519PublicKeyB64: string;
// Ex: 'petra', 'martian', etc
walletName: string;
Get Signing Requests for Pairing
GET /v1/pairing/:pairingId/signing-requests
Requires SecuredEnvelope: no ❌
Create Signing Request for Pairing
POST /v1/pairing/:pairingId/signing-request
Requires SecuredEnvelope: yes ✅ S/Pkd -> S/Pka
SecuredEnvelope Public:
requestType: SigningRequestTypes
Get Signing Request
GET /v1/signing-request/:signingRequestId
Requires SecuredEnvelope: no ❌
Respond to Signing Request
PATCH /v1/signing-request/:signingRequestId/:action
Requires SecuredEnvelope: yes ✅ S/Pka -> S/Pkd
is approve
, invalid
, or reject
SecuredEnvelope Public:
action: Action;
signingRequestId: string;
Cancel Signing Request
PATCH /v1/signing-request/:signingRequestId/cancel
Requires SecuredEnvelope: yes ✅ S/Pkd -> S/Pka
SecuredEnvelope Public:
action: Action;
signingRequestId: string;
Get Wallet
GET /v1/wallet/:walletId
Requires SecuredEnvelope: no ❌
Get Pending Signing Requests
POST /v1/wallet/:walletId/pending-signing-requests
Requires SecuredEnvelope: yes ✅ S/Pkw -> S/Pkic
SecuredEnvelope Public: {}
Update Wallet Account List
PATCH /v1/wallet/:walletId/accounts
Requires SecuredEnvelope: yes ✅ S/Pkw -> S/Pkic
SecuredEnvelope Public:
accounts: [AccountConnectInfoSerialized](https://www.notion.so/Identity-Connect-Design-Doc-a8d841e3eb9e4f7b8be4a8e3fe8c5516?pvs=21)[];
🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧 below is under construction 🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧
Create Dapp
POST /v1/dapp
Get Dapp
GET /v1/dapp/:dappId
Update Dapp
PATCH /dapp/:dappId
Verify Dapp
PATCH /dapp/:dappId/verify
Finalize Connected Pairing
PATCH /v1/pairing/:pairingId/finalize