- 1.0.1 - Initial testing and functionality. Integration of flickity JS and shortcode.
- 1.0.2 - Added autoupdate functionality, reorganisation of folder structure.
- 1.0.3 - Reassign flickity file location
- 1.0.4 - Update display styles and default options
- 1.0.5 - Remove private key for updates (push to public repo)
- 1.0.6 - Responsive CSS update, enable draggable
- 1.0.7 - shortcode url link correction, link to slug instead of brand name.
- 1.0.8 - Bug Fix - class WooCommerce_Product_Brand does not have a method "save_product_brand_meta_data"
- 1.0.9 - Updated CSS rules to isolate styling to product brands only.
- 1.0.10 - Added shortcode attributes for limit and scroll. Scroll=0 disables flickity functionality & scripts. Limit=12 sets the number of brands to display (default 12).
- 1.0.11 - Introduce 'width' atts, default 200px. Accepts any valid CSS width value.
- 1.0.12 - Introduce 'image_class' atts, default 'brand-image'. Accepts any valid CSS class name.
- 1.0.13 - Added CSS classes for proper alignment and spacing.
- 1.0.14 - Added 'flickity-enabled' class to container when flickity is enabled. This should allow themes to style the container differently when flickity is enabled.