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Archethic's golang library

Official Archethic golang library


go get


This library aims to provide an easy way to create Archethic transaction and to send them over the network.


Cryptographic functions

deriveKeyPair(seed, index, curve)

It creates a new keypair into hexadecimal format

  • seed is a slice of bytes representing the transaction chain seed to be able to derive and generate the keys
  • index is the number of transactions in the chain, to generate the actual and the next public key (see below the cryptography section)
  • curve is the elliptic curve to use for the key generation (can be "ED25519", "P256", "SECP256K1")
import (
	archethic ""

    publicKey, privateKey := archethic.DeriveKeypair([]byte("seed"), uint32(0), archethic.ED25519)
    publicKeyHex := hex.EncodeToString(publicKey)
    // publicKeyHex: 000161d6cd8da68207bd01198909c139c130a3df3a8bd20f4bacb123c46354ccd52c

deriveAddress(seed, index, curve, hashAlgo)

It creates a transaction address by extract the public key from the key derivation and hash it into a hexadecimal format

  • seed is a slice of bytes representing the transaction chain seed to be able to derive and generate the keys
  • index is the number of transactions in the chain, to generate the actual and the next public key (see below the cryptography section)
  • curve is the elliptic curve to use for the key generation (can be "ED25519", "P256", "SECP256K1")
  • hashAlgo is the hash algorithm to create the address (can be "SHA256", "SHA512", "SHA3_256", "SHA3_512", "BLAKE2B")
 archethic ""
address := archethic.DeriveAddress([]byte("mysuperseed"), uint32(0), archethic.ED25519, archethic.SHA256)
// Address: 0000b0c17f85ca19e3db670992e79adb94fb560bd750fda06d45bc0a42912c89d31e

ecEncrypt(data, publicKey)

Perform an ECIES encryption using a public key and a data

  • data Data to encrypt
  • publicKey Public key to derive a shared secret and for whom the content must be encrypted
import (
  archethic ""

	textToEncrypt := []byte("hello")
  publicKey, _ := archethic.DeriveKeypair([]byte("seed"), 0, archethic.P256)
  cipherText := archethic.EcEncrypt(textToEncrypt, publicKey)

aesEncrypt(data, publicKey)

Perform an AES encryption using a key and a data

  • data Data to encrypt
  • key Symmetric key
  import (
  archethic ""

  key := make([]byte, 32)
  dataToEncrypt := []byte("hello")
  encryptedData := archethic.AesEncrypt(dataToEncrypt, key)

Transaction building

tx := archethic.TransactionBuilder{} creates a new instance of the transaction

The transaction instance contains the following methods:


Sets the type of the transaction (could be TransferType, ContractType, DataType, TokenType, HostingType, CodeProposalType, CodeApprovalType)


Adds the code in the data.code section of the transaction code is a string defining the smart contract


Adds the content in the data.content section of the transaction content is a string defining the smart contract

AddOwnership(secret, authorizedKeys)

Adds an ownership in the data.ownerships section of the transaction with a secret and its related authorized public keys to be able to decrypt it. This aims to prove the ownership or the delegatation of some secret to a given list of public keys. secret is the slice of bytes representing the encrypted secret authorizedKeys is a list of object represented by

  • publicKey is the slice of bytes representing the public key
  • encryptedSecretKey is the slice of bytes representing the secret key encrypted with the public key (see ecEncrypt)

AddUCOTransfer(to, amount)

Adds a UCO transfer to the data.ledger.uco.transfers section of the transaction

  • to is the slice of bytes representing the transaction address (recipient) to receive the funds
  • amount is the number of uco to send, the ToUint64(number float64, decimals int) uint64 function can help build the proper amount, for example ToUint64(10.03, 8)

AddTokenTransfer(to, tokenAddress, amount, tokenId)

Adds a token transfer to the data.ledger.token.transfers section of the transaction

  • to is the slice of bytes representing the transaction address (recipient) to receive the funds
  • tokenAddress is the slice of bytes representing the token address to spend
  • amount is the number of uco to send, the ToUint64(number float64, decimals int) uint64 function can help build the proper amount, for example ToUint64(10.03, 8)
  • tokenId is the ID of the token to use


Adds a recipient to call the smart contract's "transaction" action.

  • to is the contract's address in hexadecimal

AddRecipientWithNamedAction(to, action, args)

Adds a recipient to call a specific smart contract's action.

  • to is the contract's address in hexadecimal
  • action is the name of the action
  • args is the list of arguments of the action

Build(seed, index, curve, hashAlgo)

Generates address, timestamp, previousPublicKey, previousSignature of the transaction and serialize it using a custom binary protocol.

  • seed is the slice of bytes representing the transaction chain seed to be able to derive and generate the keys
  • index is the number of transactions in the chain, to generate the actual and the next public key (see below the cryptography section)
  • curve is the elliptic curve to use for the key generation (can be "ED25519", "P256", "SECP256K1")
  • hashAlgo is the hash algorithm to use to generate the address (can be "SHA256", "SHA512", "SHA3_256", "SHA3_512", "BLAKE2B")
  archethic ""
  tx := archethic.TransactionBuilder{}
  ucoAddress, _ := hex.DecodeString("0000b1d3750edb9381c96b1a975a55b5b4e4fb37bfab104c10b0b6c9a00433ec4646")

  	archethic.ToUint64(0.420, 8),
  tx.Build([]byte("mysuperpassphraseorseed"), 0, archethic.ED25519, archethic.SHA256)


Sign the transaction with an origin device private key

  • privateKey is the slice of bytes representing the private key to generate the origin signature to able to perform the ProofOfWork and authorize the transaction
  archethic ""

  originPublicKey, originPrivateKey := archethic.DeriveKeypair([]byte("origin_seed"), 0, archethic.P256)

  tx := archethic.TransactionBuilder{}

  tx.Build([]byte("seed"), 0, archethic.P256, archethic.SHA256)

  // test, err := archethic.Verify(tx.OriginSignature, tx.OriginSignaturePayload(), originPublicKey)


Export the transaction generated into JSON

 archethic ""

 tx := archethic.TransactionBuilder{}
 ucoAddress, _ := hex.DecodeString("0000b1d3750edb9381c96b1a975a55b5b4e4fb37bfab104c10b0b6c9a00433ec4646")

 	archethic.ToUint64(0.420, 8),
 tx.Build([]byte("mysuperpassphraseorseed"), 0, archethic.ED25519, archethic.SHA256)
 json, _ := tx.ToJSON()

Remote Endpoint calls


Return the hardcoded origin private key for software, this is used for signing transaction (see OriginSign).

AddOriginKey(originPublicKey, certificate, endpoint)

Query a node to add a new origin public to be authorized to sign transaction with the corresponding private key (see OriginSign).

  • originPublicKey is the public key to be added.
  • certificate is the certificate that prove the public key is allowed to be added.
  client := archethic.NewAPIClient("http://localhost:4000")

  client.AddOriginKey("01103109", "mycertificate")


Query a node to find the length of the chain to retrieve the transaction index

  • addresses Transaction address (in hexadecimal)
  client := archethic.NewAPIClient("http://localhost:4000")


Query a node to find the public key of the shared storage node key

 client := archethic.NewAPIClient("")
 // 00017877BCF4122095926A49489009649603AB129822A19EF9D573B8FD714911ED7F


Query a node to fetch the tx fee for a given transaction

  • tx Generated transaction
  client := archethic.NewAPIClient("http://localhost:4000")

  tx := archethic.TransactionBuilder{}
  ucoAddress, _ := hex.DecodeString("0000b1d3750edb9381c96b1a975a55b5b4e4fb37bfab104c10b0b6c9a00433ec4646")

  	archethic.ToUint64(0.420, 8),
  tx.Build([]byte("mysuperpassphraseorseed"), 0, archethic.ED25519, archethic.SHA256)


Query a node to find the ownerships (secrets and authorized keys) to given transactions addresses

  • addresses: Transaction address
  client := archethic.NewAPIClient("http://localhost:4000")

Keychain / Wallet management

NewKeychainTransaction(seed []byte, authorizedPublicKeys [][]byte) TransactionBuilder

Creates a new transaction to build a keychain by embedding the on-chain encrypted wallet.

  • seed Keychain's seed
  • authorizedPublicKeys List of authorized public keys able to decrypt the wallet

NewAccessTransaction(seed []byte, keychainAddress []byte) TransactionBuilder

Creates a new keychain access transaction to allow a seed and its key to access a keychain

  • seed Keychain access's seed
  • keychainAddress Keychain's tx address

GetKeychain(seed []byte, client APIClient) *Keychain

Retrieve a keychain from the keychain access transaction and decrypt the wallet to retrieve the services associated

  • seed Keychain access's seed
  • client the API client
client := archethic.NewAPIClient("http://localhost:4000")
keychain := archethic.GetKeychain([]byte("seed"), *client)

Once retrieved the keychain provide the following methods:

(k Keychain) BuildTransaction(transaction TransactionBuilder, serviceName string, index uint8) TransactionBuilder

Generate address, previousPublicKey, previousSignature of the transaction and serialize it using a custom binary protocol, based on the derivation path, curve and hash algo of the service given in param.

  • transaction is an instance of TransactionBuilder
  • serviceName is the service name to use for getting the derivation path, the curve and the hash algo
  • index is the number of transactions in the chain, to generate the actual and the next public key (see the cryptography section)

Returns is the signed TransactionBuilder.

seed := []byte("seed")

keychain := archethic.Keychain{Seed: seed, Version: 1, Services: map[string]Service{
  "uco": {
    DerivationPath: "m/650'/0/0",
    Curve:          ED25519,
    HashAlgo:       SHA256,

tx := archethic.TransactionBuilder{TxType: TransferType}
ucoAddress, _ := hex.DecodeString("0000b1d3750edb9381c96b1a975a55b5b4e4fb37bfab104c10b0b6c9a00433ec4646")
  archethic.ToUint64(10.0, 8),

tx = keychain.BuildTransaction(tx, "uco", 0)

(k Keychain) DeriveAddress(serviceName string, index uint8) []byte

Derive an address for the given service at the index given

  • service: Service name to identify the derivation path to use
  • index: Chain index to derive
seed := []byte("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
  keychain := archethic.NewKeychain(seed)
  publicKey, _ := keychain.DeriveKeypair("uco", 0)
  address := archethic.DeriveAddress(seed, 0, keychain.Services["uco"].Curve, keychain.Services["uco"].HashAlgo)

(k Keychain) DeriveKeypair(serviceName string, index uint8) ([]byte, []byte)

Derive a keypair for the given service at the index given

  • service: Service name to identify the derivation path to use
  • index: Chain index to derive
seed := []byte("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
  keychain := archethic.NewKeychain(seed)
  publicKey, _ := keychain.DeriveKeypair("uco", 0)

(k Keychain) ToDID() DID

Return a Decentralized Identity document from the keychain. (This is used in the transaction's content of the keychain tx)

seed := []byte("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
  keychain := archethic.NewKeychain(seed)
  did := keychain.ToDID()

  "@context": [
  "id": "did:archethic:keychain_address",
  "authentification": servicesMaterials, //list of public keys of the services
  "verificationMethod": servicesMaterials //list of public keys of the services

(k *Keychain) AddService(name string, derivationPath string, curve Curve, hashAlgo HashAlgo)

Add a service into the keychain

  • name: Name of the service to add
  • derivationPath: Crypto derivation path
  • curve: Elliptic curve to use
  • hashAlgo: Hash algo
	keychain := archethic.NewKeychain([]byte("seed"))
  keychain.AddService("nft1", "m/650'/1/0", archethic.ED25519, archethic.SHA256)
//map[nft1:{m/650'/1/0 0 0} uco:{m/650'/0/0 1 0}]

Running the tests

go test