We are a part of small company called Arcoiris Labs owned by Amey Kshirsagar. Indraneel Potnis is a friend and works privately for a firm in India and he is happy to help us in this competition. We know each other from our school days. We are very creative about our ideas and know how to achieve a soft spot in innovation and creativity.
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Why are we participating? We simply love to be challenged. Our team is a mixture of creativity and freedom of thinking in technical world. We are open to all kinds of technology and we have some impressive research going on these days in the field of mobile security and scaling. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication is what we have always beleived and we will try to make you believe from our work.
We would love to win this competition to fund our research and release our vision to general public for free of cost.
- CSS3
- JS
- Java
- MongoDB
- Python
- Socket Programming
- NodeJS
- Intel Appframework
- JQuery
======= Project
We will be writing a real-time translator using SPA architechture and it is going to implement a new way of showing notifications which has been never implemented till now.