3 necessary scripts
- Setup WiFi: ./config-wifi
- Setup Jetty: ./install-jetty
- Deploy Web app: ./install-app
- Initialize WiFi interface
- Ask users to input WiFi credential (SSID and password)
- Connect WiFi
- Check whether it is successful of not
- Allow users to restart WiFi
- Initialize WiFi interface
$sudo ./config-wifi init
- Setup WiFi
$sudo ./config-wifi setup
- Restart WiFi
$sudo ./config-wifi restart
- Check Java 8 availability and download it if it is not installed yet
- Download and install Jetty server
- Put it as a service
- Set the service automatically runs every time Raspberry Pi is powered on
$sudo ./install-jetty
- Download the latest AromaController app (.war file)
- Put it inside Jetty's folder where it is defined by Jetty itself
- Restart Jetty to make new .war file loaded
- Check if it runs correctly
- Show message
$sudo ./install-app