- Bug fixes:
- Making sure the task repository is set on the singleton task context
- Allowing _ in valid command names
- Bug fixes:
- Single task handler executor repository and task handler registry initialization in common-beans-context
- UI fixes for dashboard
- Initializing all listener servers at the end
- New features:
- Support for async execution of commands
- Support for thrift method level timeouts and thread pools in Thrift proxy
- New features:
- Task module that defines API interfaces for writing proxy handlers
- Runtime module that manages deployed proxy handlers and socket listeners
- Netty based socket listeners for TCP/IP and UDS(Unix domain sockets)
- Independent UDS transport for Netty (may be used outside of Phantom)
- Codecs for Http and Thrift (available as optional modules)
- Integrated Hystrix dashboard via embedded Jetty in Runtime module
- Configuration console for editing proxy handler properties
- Sample projects introducing Phantom capabilities
- **Docs changes:** - https://github.com/Flipkart/phantom/wiki/Maven-dependencies [Info on Maven settings for building/using Phantom] - https://github.com/Flipkart/phantom/wiki/Getting-started [Getting started with examples]